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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. I disagree, there are many of respectable and honourable Imperials of the Empire, who do there duty to protect their citizens. Example from the Imperial Agent class story; Watcher two: "sorry sir, but there were 3000 people on that ship, half of them civilians"


    Watcher two is by no means the only Imperial who cares about the civilians, that is just an example to the fact that Imperials care about things like that.


    In Fatal Alliance, an Imperial spy risks his life (from the Sith and the Hutts) to get hold of a nav-computer so that he can give it to the Minister of Logistics rather than let the Sith have it.


    There hasn't been any attempt to paint the Empire and Republic as black and white, and I think that BioWare has made a nice balance.


    Doesnt really matter in the grand scheme of things when the Sith rule with an iron fist.

  2. You're missing my point entirely. I'm trying to say that it's not justifiable or contributing to the story in any way to have that option.


    Sure, you can go light side--but the Empire's general persuasion, and the way of the Sith as it is presented in The Old Republic certainly points you in the direction of, at the very least, verbal abuse of a female companion character.


    I digress--the issue at hand here is primarily a marketing one. The fact that EA, Bioware and ESRB let something come through with a Teen rating, marketed at a younger audience that contains intense sexual violence.


    Mass Effect 2 is more sophisticated in this manner and yet for some reason bears the M for Mature 17+ rating.




    I must have played my SW wrong because i missed the "intense sexual violence".


    Off to roll another one i guess!

  3. Ultimately SWG was doomed to fail not because of SOE’s greed or its bugged gameplay but because it was a Starwars game that wasn’t very “starwarsy”


    I have to totally disagree with this statement. The moment you log into SWG it is walking into the Star Wars world. What isn't anything like Star Wars is SWTOR. Its a linear generic soldier shoot em up game. Doesn't feel like Stars Wars at all.


    You had the characters from Star Wars, ships, vehicles, huge cities wasn't alot in SWG that wasn't Star Warsy.


    I'll give you that...untill you met the community. Names like 'Idid Yourmom', rebel jedi in hotpants dueling in front of 50 stormtrooper NPC's who couldnt touch them because they were "offduty" spaming "pwnt nooobz!!!!!!!! i rapedurface!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lawlalwlawl" 100 times a muinite or having 50 ppl stand in the Lok desert calling 500 blown speeders all at once with macros so they could intentionally crash a server or....well the list goes on and on.


    Nope, didnt feel like SW to me after say spring 2004.

  4. The darkside is not a toy to be wound up and released when you decide it time, it's a cancer in the force itself (Lucas canon). You do not simply wave your hand and make it do as ou wish Sith, for all your cunning, treachery, manipulation, and subterfuge....you've blinded yourselves to the fact that of the darkside are such things, and it will always be the master of such and the master of you.
  5. Kira is cool. Different from other Jedi which is refreshing.


    Corso is ok. Nothing bad about him but not that great either.


    Qyzen is ok. I think hes cool and he is pretty tame for a Trandoshan.


    Khem Val is cool. I like his over all personality and he meshes well with the SI.


    Mako is ok. My only complaint about her is she is a bit soft which has rubbed off on my BH. And she seems depressed alot, but its kinda undertandable with all the deaths.


    Vette is ok. I find her a bit funny and not much really bothers me about her.


    So im not the only one that lets Mako affect quest choices!

  6. How is switching advanced classes much more radical than a druid that could have a boomkin or bear spec? Or a paladin that could be dual specced heals/tank? Just because it's 'plate/heavy' or 'leather/light' armour doesn't mean it needs to be itemized the same way, and may as well just be different. We don't actually gain anything by agents and marauders both using medium armour for example. The whole system is built as it is for the sake of being built as it is, there's no real reason to bind yourself to it.


    They could have just made every class have 6 specs, and accomplished the same thing they have now, without some of the bizarre effects of advanced classes (like having this super epic moment where you get your first lightsabre, and then 10 minutes later you're on the fleet, you click a button and get a bag with a double bladed lightsabre in it).


    They made a conscious deliberate choice to copy blizzard's 3 specs 1 talent point per level after 10. None of which were particularly necessary choices on blizzards part, copying them didn't really add anything from BioWare, and if they want to differentiate themselves they really should stop thinking inside the 'copying WOTLK box'.


    Having tri-spec (or n-spec), with AC respecing would be different, it would give you more versatility. There's nothing deeply wrong with that. It's not *necessary* but that doesn't mean it couldn't add fun. It might add tedium too, if people are expected to gear and spec the optimum spec for each fight, so there's a balance designing around it.


    WoW is (correctly) doing away with talent trees entirely, so you don't have to have a 'pvp or pve' spec, and you can now fill two different roles, or the same role two different ways with dual spec. There are less complicated ways to accomplish the same thing, and BioWare would be well served to start thinking for themselves and not trying to follow blizzard.


    The funny part is you think Blizzard invented that.

  7. Name one Sandbox mmorpg that has been released since 2005?

    Actually i can only think of one that got released 2003 (Lineage 2)


    And lineage 2 had over 3 million subs in it's prime.


    But if a sandbox mmorpg hasn't been released since 2003 how can you say they all fail miserably?


    Isnt the fact that no one even attempts them the answer to your question?

  8. I'm in this camp as well. I completely ignore Mako's moral reasoning - whether she agrees with me or not, her opinions come from a very naive place. I don't think it is possible to be Mako's ideal bounty hunter without either a) being inconsistent, a fraud, a hypocrite, or all of the above, or b) straying so far from what a bounty hunter actually is that it doesn't fit the motivations/activities of the bounty hunter storyline. Such a theoretical person who conformed to Mako's naivete would be a policeman or a soldier or a traveling knight errant... not a credit-clutching paramilitary thug who works for gangsters, crime bosses, or anyone with a purse and bad intentions in a desperate quest for riches and self-aggrandizement. The bounty hunter class quests will force you to do things that contradict these hyper-idealized notion of bounty hunting - whether Mako comments or not - so I kind of figure the narrative makes more sense if you knowingly go against her naivete.


    Spoiler filled example of what I'm getting at;



    Unless I misremember, Mako disapproves of you killing the ugnauts on Nar Shadaa... despite that being one of high and mighty mandalorian rules of the competition that Mando-fan Mako so idealizes. And, pretty much across the board, she approves of mercy and indiscriminate kindness despite her love of professionalism. Yet, the bounty hunter story has the player causing a lot of unavoidable collateral damage that Mako doesn't even talk about. What, all those poor Eidolon security guards, who were just doing their jobs and making Nar Shadaa a better place to live... it is ok to slaughter them in large numbers just to provoke their boss out of hiding like some kind of terrorist (without Mako going "oh noes, these poor security guards!"), but when you kill a padawan jedi to avoid lose ends and retribution for a completed contract... then that's what causes Mako moral distress? Please. A dark side bounty hunter is a pitiless jerk and deeply twisted individual, but as a protagonist at least the dark side version is consistent. I don't think I could play LS BH without feeling like a complete hypocrite.



    So far on my BH i've tried to plz Mako but also i always ask myself "What would Fett do?" for a choice....so far Fett is Lightside. He never killed unless he had to, never harmed innocents, never kicked puppies. So far by using the WWFD method Boba's 80/20 light/dark.

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