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Everything posted by skyvortex

  1. The amount of dumb in this thread is unreal. Ok.....i have an idea. Go download furmark, install it, and leave it running while you go to work. Tell me in a couple days how your hardware is running.
  2. This is a beginner MMO made to cater to casuals, disney kids, and soccer moms. No thank you. Too slow, clunky, boring story, poorly written story, really bad PvP, its actually offensive. I'll go back to League of Legends until D3, heart of the swarm, and GW2 comes out.
  3. ROFL....nice website. How long did it take to find that? Hold on, i have some magic beans for sale.
  4. So when i press a button and nothing happens....its ....minor? ROFL. Allllllllllll aboard!
  5. A few of my friends got into beta and wont leave wow (about 5) and about 9 bought the game and out of that 4 are staying with one on the fence. 2 are pissed i talked them into the game. Truth is, its just not that good of a game let alone a MMO. If this didn't have the Star Wars name on it, it would have already failed. Instead it will bleed to death until even the Disney kids quit. This is a beginner MMO plain and simple.
  6. This pretty much sums up the answer. http://auditorydepredation.wordpress.com/2012/01/12/star-wars-the-old-republic-a-hate-crime-against-humanity/
  7. Well, they got their hands on this... http://auditorydepredation.wordpress.com/2012/01/12/star-wars-the-old-republic-a-hate-crime-against-humanity/ And then they quit
  8. This is a game for beginning MMO players. Not for people that know the difference.
  9. Whiners? As in like a baby? Like...waaaaaaaaaa! I want a game that works. Boo hoo the combat is sluggish and ability delay makes it almost unplayable. Or /sob the combat is boring and traveling to every corner of the map to fight the same boring mobs isn't worth a subscription. You mean like that kind of whining? This game was ment for soccer moms and disney kids. A very good beginner MMO, not so much for the serious crowd. If you dont like "whining" then stay off the forums.
  10. But see thats the thing.....IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE. There is nothing, not one thing wrong with buying a product and expecting it work just fine. Think of it like this; chances are this wont be the last time you play an MMO at launch. Bringing the fact that you as a consumer are not happy with the unfinished product they presented to you is the exactly what everyone in the game should be happy to do. It only helps this MMO and every one after it. Sometime today there was a corporation somewhere brainstorming over how they can charge some consumer more while giving less. Corporate loyalty is a sin on a massive level. I bet if Bioware thought they would lose 90% of their subscriber base next tuesday if the bugs werent fixed, there would be a patch tomorrow.
  11. Responsive combat, pvp balance, WZ FPS, and....actually....there isn't enough room without adding a wall o' text.
  12. They closed my other thread so i guess we should watch this here. A great example of the ......well.
  13. ...but alas i cannot. My warrior sits at 44 and for the life of me....boredom is just too great. If only.....my abilities went off when i pressed the key......against the same mobs planet after planet..... Gentlemen. Its been a pleasure.
  14. I would bet money you've never read a classic novel, played more than two MMOs, and watched a lot of Disney movies.
  15. Because the combat is slow, clunky, sluggish, with delays.......oh and it takes forever to get to it and to go back.
  16. No actually it wasnt. It started with EAlouse and counter confirmed with EA Spouse. Then a Bioware talking head comes out and said no. Unbiased or biased?
  17. Oh....well um....i already played it. It was called "Resident Evil".
  18. @OP. Its called "fluid combat" and its been missing since beta.
  19. My bad. You caught me. It IS 2004. Non working products are acceptable.
  20. How many albums did vanilla ice sell? I bet you watched the Twilight movies at midnight didn't ya?
  21. Give it time? For it to be "on par"? Sorry i've played A LOT of MMOs and its not 2004 any longer. Its just like anything else, when i buy a product, i expect it to work.
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