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Everything posted by PalawaJoko

  1. I don't have anything against clickers, but I will never understand why they insist on that since it's waaaaaaay easier to use keyboard for abilities.
  2. You forgot one important which is situational awareness. For example in Civil War WZ, you need to know when to go for which turret so that you have high chances of capturing or defending one when needed. If you go randomly around, you minimize the possibility to help your team. Situational awareness includes much more than just that though and it's the basic skill indicator. It is not something you will gain by only PvPing a few times a week and you can see it easily in pug matches. Lots of players lacks this and it is mostly why they are bad. Even if they know what their abilities does, it is far from enough.
  3. I know it's annoying because I also had bad luck with the bags but at the end the upgrade from champ to bm is not so high. Best tip I can give you is that don't stress about the bags. Just finish your dailies and weekly when you can and play some warzones once in a while. You'll get there But yeah. The system is bad but as I said they made it easier because on top of the daily and weekly bags, you can now also profit from the warzones. When I was hunting for my BM gear I only had the RNG bag system. Now you peopel at least have a quaranteed BM com once you get 1k/1k.
  4. Yep. Everyone who likes to PvP in the guild I'm in, is ready for the the ranked warzones and we are actually waiting for them to come! Had some talk about premades already. Going to be fun
  5. Not dead in Frostclaw server. In fact, reps first time tried something different and actually pushed a little bit more than usually. At the end though they still had to retreat
  6. Grow a pair. We all went through this. BW even made it EASIER for you because now you can also buy BM commendations straight with WZ/Merc coms. As someone said earlier, less QQ more pew pew. Go play some warzones.
  7. And? Of course there can be lots of Inquisitors since they have all roles available. Asassins can tank and dps while sorcs can be healers and dps. I don't see the point in this thread. Random QQ because the rep team didn't know what they were doing? /facepalm
  8. I hope OP understands that lots of bug fixes and other positive changes are due to these complaints. For example character responsiveness. It did get better. Complaints and suggestions are totally different than random QQ whine. If you think game is perfect, you're only fooling yourself because there ARE still bugs and other issues that needs addressing and players are the best way to make BW aware of them.
  9. OP you're basically showing that you haven't mastered your class. Not by a long shot.
  10. PalawaJoko

    Give me my...

  11. Only read the title. Told me enough info about how bad the OP must be. But keep practising because once you learn how to play a Marauder, it kicks ***.
  12. +10 for effort writing all that but Ilum is going to be dead once 1.1.5 comes so you're kinda late.
  13. What I find weird is that they touch the dots before fixing resolve o.O And still no any words regarding that...
  14. Ilum. RNG bags. Retarded CC mechanic in PvP encounters. Need more hints?
  15. Well the guy has a point there guys. If they are going to give better gear for premades, they should let pugs que for those ranked warzones as well. Not that I care because I will move to GW2 but those who will stay in SWTOR might find this quite ****tard choice to only let premades get their hands on that gear. Even if pugs PvP, they are still PvPing and deserve the possibility to get the same gear as premades if they are just patient enough to face those premades. But then again PvP in this game never made any sense and was desinged horribly.
  16. PalawaJoko

    Hero class?

    Making Sorc threads is so last week.
  17. The sun will never rise on these forums.
  18. Give them a teleportation device o/
  19. Even some F2P MMOs has better PvP lol
  20. There are lots of War Heroes alrdy so it's nothing new anymore but congratulations anyways Oh and it is a big slap on the face indeed putting all those items buyable. For example I have soem guildmates who grinded social 10 and got the mount. Now BW is putting that mount in the same vendor like the other ''rare'' mounts. Sad kinda.
  21. No but seriously. Sorcs are very easy to play perfectly unlike Marauder for example that requires good CD management and situational awareness. Once you are good with those, sorcs are very easy targets. Just saying Mara as an example. Any class can beat those Sorcs if you just know what you're doing. Basically the problem is that people are playing too hard classes for their skill levels and thus comes to cry on the forums after they get their asses kicked.
  22. There was one lvl 50 guy (omg yeah...) in a huttball match who didn't know what the heck to do with the ball. So first he ran towards our team's line while teammates were spamming the chat telling him that he should go to other way but he didn't want to believe. Suddenly God probably talked to him because he made this strange turn and started to finally run towards the right direction. Poor guy didn't realize how dangerous the flames are so he died and ball got reset. I laughed.
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