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Everything posted by rsomazzi

  1. Did you say the droid has a +crit to Armstech? Is that the Legacy system unlock droid? Dang, I need to get it.
  2. You're comparing a knockback on 20s CD with multiple tank interrupts that are chained? lol. It's not that the Trooper is without interrupts, the problem is that other classes interrupts are far superior to what we have. Why? Because Commandos are forced to become turrets to do any real dps and what is a turret? It's a thing that STANDS STILL. I don't know which Mara or Juggs have so many interrupts that it makes it impossible to win against an equally geared/decent player who chains interrupts which wholly prevents me from dps enough to burn anything but a gnat down. Take their ridiculous dps and damage mitigation, and the class is more OP imo than Sorcs were pre 1.2. BW seriously screwed the pooch on this last patch. So many class balancing sweeping changes in one patch = dumb. Classes that got hit didn't need it, ones that were buffed seriously didn't need strength increases. I am ok with talent tree updates to make them more appealing, but there's a difference between this and giving an already strong class even more abilities.
  3. Yes and No. The PvE is really nice. I love the story driven nature and the companion system, although it is still basic. I've listened to every quest dialog from 1-50 and the story actually got really cool towards the mid and end. I like the crafting system, but do not like the fact that Biochem and Cybertechs are the crafts where people have stuff to use every day whereas I sit with Armstech twiddling my thumbs because there isn't a single piece of hardware I can make that is better than from a vendor. PvP - hell no, it's terrible. Having a mundane zone where all people do is speeder around looking for smaller groups to fight was done back in the early 90's. It took the likes of Mythic, Sony, and a couple others to transform PvP into something that had more bite to it; vehicles, aircraft, stations/keeps, relics, and a reason to go out and invade and conquer. We don't have this on Ilum because Ilum is nothing more than a speeder track with fake walkers and no objectives. The only reason people go to Ilum is to get their stupid dailies done. Sorry, but I expected more on launch. The game was hyped up to the stratosphere on the blogs and site with the full knowledge people were going to hit 50 in very short order and then be faced with a pittance for an endgame. I will agree, SWTOR is a game to stop and smell the roses with, take your time to 50, as you put it, and that it can't be everything to everyone. But I do expect an evolution of yesterday's MMORPG if they are going to copy other games, they should copy correctly. Transform Ilum into something that calls out to PvPers for more than weak dailies, fix the exploiting and cheating, enhance the crafting system to make them all at least somewhat useful, and balance the pops. Then we'll talk.
  4. I just had a vision where you walk in on Aric Jorgan is doin' the old lady KITTY STYLE. GET IT? KITTY STYLE... oh forget it.
  5. The Commando did a /stuck after death which gets you back to where you died once respawning (at full health). The overpopulated Empire on my server (Naad's Sarcophagus) do that constantly to bolster their already inflated numbers once they die, and yes, it is unintended and really stupid. Players with the integrity needed to keep the pvp clean and fair don't do this, but then again, Ilum is such a tragedy of a PvP environment assuming there were no stupid techniques like this to use it doesn't really matter to many folks. My Commando killed a Bounty Hunter and he did that to me, I had 1/3 health left and he appears at the same spot where he died with full health and attacks me. He was just pissed a Commando owned him and so he exploits like a *****.
  6. rsomazzi

    Loving Swtor PvP

    Isn't it already known an MMO is going to be a "net loss" until enough time and subscription fees have been collected? Where else are they supposed to profit and thus make releasing a new MMO a "net gain"? I don't get your point, but I agree with the problems you listed, they're why I don't have an active sub any longer.
  7. You're not thinking much outside the box. A lot of players, myself included, have played MMOs for many years and have a sense for what works and what doesn't. Example: Pre-xpac DAOC. This was a game that focused on end game PvP, open realm, between 3 factions. Everyone had a backyard with keeps that protected territory and relics. Factions invaded one another's "backyards" to steal their relics, and to steal ownership of lower level keeps and objectives. The people who leveled did work, on average, for months to level. They also grinded crafting because THAT WAS THE ONLY WAY TO GET THE BEST GEAR. If you knew an armorcrafter and weaponcrafter, you had the best gear. So the grind was shifted onto other areas, but what made this example better than SWTOR is the gear was not the endgame itself, but the wars, fighting, and objectives that came after. IT WAS THE ACTIVITIES POST LEVELING that was the defining factor. Mythic made open realm combat the focus, not GEAR. This kept fighting (on a gear level) more or less equal on all 3 factions, and allowed people to focus on the PvP objectives and what they were doing in enemy territory or defense of their own, NOT GRINDING WARZONES. See the difference here? DAOC is over 12 Years old and had a BETTER PvP system, FAR better than SWTOR today. Then, of course, they ruined it by implementing gear grinding in the form of artifacts. But that is another story...
  8. rsomazzi

    Loving Swtor PvP

    I am going to post here JUST BECAUSE you wrote this trash. PvP in this game sucks, and you know why? Because everything about SWTOR PvP, both open world and Warzones has been done, years ago, and has not been built upon or evolved in any way. It's the same model, (and up until 1.1.2, a WORSE grind) than MMOs before it. And YES, it is OK to expect more from Bioware and LA since they've had over a DECADE of examples to learn from and thus the opportunity to make SWTOR better. But when they spend this much money and have this large an army of designers, developers, managers, testers, etc working on it, I expect more than a great PvE system, I expect stellar PvP as well. Why? Because they chose to release it and started charging me for it. I had more fun in pre-xpac DAOC PvP than any day I've PvP'd in this joke of a system. Stationary "Walkers" on Ilum. Kill Trading. Exploiting. A TERRIBLE model for open PVP where all you have is riding on your speeder, no objectives, no incentive, and a TERRIBLE experience all around. Copying WoW is NOT what this game was marketed to be, yet we got something less. Yea, it's new, and I am willing to give a chance, but not when so much makes this game so poor. The only real decent component of SWTOR is the PvE, which is clear to me was the primary focus. The End game in its entirety is a work in progress that we're being billed for. You make a happy thread, that's funny. Reality makes me come here to pee in your Cheerios. Eat up!
  9. Your post, ironically, whines to a greater extent than the people you are actually whining ABOUT. People aren't expecting BANG 50 "WHERE MAH BM GEAR?", they are genuinely not having fun in the face of gross imbalances, in all their forms. They have an expectation that a game be polished enough, yes, both during and post leveling, that is justifies PAYING for it. You spend so much of your post whining like a kid about the whiners, that you come off as the biggest whiner of all.
  10. rsomazzi

    Lets Duel

    I should elaborate a little. As I geared in more Champ stuff, I noticed I was lasting a little longer and it was a little easier taking down Imps in WZs. The best change of all is that Republic on my server is better geared now so we win far more matches than before. But before that, I couldn't find much fun at all in this game because it was so heavily skewed in favor of the Empire, both in terms of numbers and gear, and that made a very poor environment to play in. Add in the cheating scum (like "Lol") on my server that are in BM gear and still decide to cheat in every Voidstar wz match I see them in, and it took the floor out from an already poor experience. I don't expect perfection in a new MMO, but this game was being marketed and sold as "polished" and "ready" for release. Wrong on both accounts. Sorcs are far from balanced and there is still a 4:1 ration in open PvP on my server, making Ilum a poor bet at best. Not to mention the design alone makes Ilum the worst PvP implementation I've EVER run across.
  11. rsomazzi

    Lets Duel

    hehehehheeh hahahahahahahaahaAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! ahahahha!!!!! oh.... AAAAAAAHAHAH AHA AH AHA HAH AHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA hahAHEHEH EH EEH EHEHHHHHHHheeh-h-hehheh-heheh-eh-eh-eh-e~~~~!!!! OH OH.... HEHEHa haha aHAHHAHA!!!!!!!1
  12. rsomazzi

    Lets Duel

    PvP, (player vs player) in a game so broken as this one, is pretty hollow, so I don't see the value of vids showing it. I think a lot of people are still waiting for the game that Bioware and LA marketing promised us. Let me check. Nope, still not here.
  13. This is merely a product of copying and pasting WoW's or many other MMO's model for end game PvP. It's no different. It's the result of a gear-centric design. When I played DAOC from the beginning, all the best gear in the game was crafted, not bought, but the grind was in someone in weapon and armor smithing, not PvP'ing. The result was each faction in the field had comparable weapons; ways to do and mitigate damage with. SO -- the focus became holding keeps, invading the other faction's backyards, retaking your objectives using siege weapons or defending on battlements. The focus was WHAT WE WERE DOING and not WHAT WE WERE WEARING. It wasn't perfect, mind you, but it was heads and shoulders above the current bastardization known as Ilum. Bioware had it on a silver platter, created many years ago, but they chose to copy and paste a dying system instead of reinvent or innovate in the pvp business. This is why you and so many others are PO'd. If it doesn't change, and change dramatically, this game will be relegated to mediocrity at best and a slow death at worst. The focus in PvP should be what we do, not what everyone is wearing.
  14. If those guys want to go by what the announcer says at the beginning of the match, then they should also respect that the ball being taken over the goal line counts for a goal, which is also what the announcer says. So sure, the ball handler dies, but the one doing the pulling just scored one for the other team. THAT seems in line, doesn't it?
  15. Yea, there's currently LOADS of "disillusioned" Sorcs in Warzones that are just clamoring for the exit door. That's why there's 6+ in a given match. Look at all those unhappy players! Thanks for the laugh, there, I needed one!
  16. It's because he's dark, isn't it? ISN'T IT!?!
  17. You get more convos with them, as I did with Elara (that English accent is really nice ). So I used Investigation missions to bring back lots of companion gifts and used the ones that work on her (luxury, memorabilia, military gear) and now she's @ 10k affection and talking about having kids. Of all the complaints about this game, I do say the companions and the choices you can have with them are nice. Now, if only there was a raunchy steamy shower scene unlock... jk (no I'm not!) Just caught your last paragraph. Maybe you are doomed since you chose not to pursue the romance option, not sure. Hopefully someone has something useful to post (sorry)
  18. Yea, I didn't think so. QQ more?
  19. Again, you make no point, just some random dribble. I won't ask why because you apparently lack the ability to back up... anything. Stop sucking, please?
  20. Yea, but you can't stand when you don't have legs. Thanks for playing, though. I like a discussion, but you have *try*.
  21. I can't disagree with you more. Name one MMO that died because they tuned a class back to a reasonable level. I've been in quite a few and although there were always complaints, there were also many, many, changes to classes to bring them to comparable levels of output (whether it be cc or dps, healing, etc). Ensuring players' enjoyment of their classes comes with BALANCE. I could care less about the Sorcs pee'ing their pants about any potential incoming nerfs. I want a balanced, fun PvP experience and that begins with balance. Period.
  22. I routinely note 5+ sometimes the ENTIRE opposing group is Sorcs, and yes, it gets old. A guildie on vent said even Sorcs post on the forums laughing in Bioware's face about how ridiculous the class is (utility, dps, cc, etc etc) and yet nothing is done to bring them to down to a reasonable level. Class imbalance is a decent way to kill off your MMO. So is a hollow PvP experience. I hope they're busy making improvements because this game is not on a sustainable path.
  23. It would be really nice to know if I should drop Armstech for Biochem or if any changes on the horizon would warrant me to hold onto it for now. I like the changes to Biochem, but it is still ridiculously useful compared to Armstech and the other professions.
  24. Any indication that they will being some changes? It sucks not knowing, otherwise, I would know whether to drop Arms and pick up Biochem, something I can actually use.
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