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Everything posted by AllisonBerryman

  1. Hey everyone - we are looking into this right now and will get you more information as soon as it's available.
  2. You can see the most recent PTS notes (which we've been updating throughout testing process) right here - they are close to the final notes. The final final notes will be available in the launcher and on the website at the end of our maintenance period!
  3. Thanks for posting your questions! We'll start selecting questions now - look for our blog with answers on Friday! Make sure to check out the Community Blog for our previous Q&As and other informative posts.
  4. The affected servers are being brought back up right now! They will all be available shortly. Thanks for your patience!
  5. Hey folks - we're aware that a few servers are currently unavailable. We're investigating and will update you with any further information!
  6. 1.2 will not be released in the upcoming maintenance, but you can hop onto the Public Test Server to check it out! We'll be releasing updates to PTS as we prepare to move 1.2 to live servers, and we'll let you know when 1.2 will be live as soon as we can.
  7. It's great to see people talking about helping out others in the game! I don't know if I have an awesome "nicest thing," but I always take the time to help people find things or get to places, and I love to help out when people have trouble with a class mission, like many in this thread.
  8. Thank you for posting your questions! We'll gather some up and post the answers on Friday. Watch the blog for the update!
  9. Please do note that in our messages on the forums, we indicated that this downtime was necessary to ensure a good experience for all players on the game servers during this weekend. We do not bring the servers down unless it is necessary, and but we did need to in this instance. We're sorry for any inconvenience, and did bring the servers back up as quickly as possible.
  10. We didn't do a Q&A last week on account of the Guild Summit. However, we did open a new thread for questions last Friday, and you'll see a new round of answers tomorrow!
  11. Everyone - we apologize for the inconvenience. We do everything we can to avoid taking the servers down for maintenance outside of our regular weekly maintenance, but in some cases (like this one, unfortunately) we can't avoid it. This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend. We never take interrupting your playtime lightly, and this is no exception. Emergencies do happen occasionally, and we are working as quickly as we can to bring the servers back up so you can continue enjoying the game. In the meantime, we'll keep you updated with any new information that becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure everything goes smoothly this weekend.
  12. Hey everyone! We're closing this thread and will be selecting questions - look for the answers on Friday!
  13. It will be up in the next few minutes - they've arrived back at the Summit and will get rolling very soon
  14. We have made sure that is is VERY well-hidden, so you won't miss out on that, either!
  15. Everyone, Stephen's "secret stuff" comment was just a joke. The welcome and 1.2 preview were completed a little early, and the Guild Leaders are now headed to the studio to take a tour and have lunch. Once they're back at the Summit (2:00PM CST), the panels will resume. We aren't able to bring video equipment along during the studio tour, but you won't miss any panel discussions.
  16. They will be streaming all of the panels - right now, they're taking a break after the welcome to come tour the office and have lunch, and then the panels will resume
  17. Though the "State of the Game" panel doesn't begin until 10:30AM CST, the welcome will begin shortly (scheduled for 10:00AM CST)! Enjoy!
  18. Hey everyone, the Guild Summit Forum is now open! We've created threads there for discussion of each panel, and a thread for general discussion of the event. The panel threads in the forum will be closed until just before the panel begins, and then we'll open them for discussion. We hope you'll enjoy watching the event and are excited to see what you think!
  19. Thanks for posting all your questions! We're going to close the thread now, gather up questions, and get answers - look for our blog post this Friday! Please make sure to check out our previous Q&As: Q&A Feb. 24 Q&A Feb. 17 Q&A Feb. 10
  20. Hi everyone! Sorry to see there's some confusion about the maintenance. Make sure you check out the community blog frequently - we always announce maintenance times there early, and we post a reminder the day before the maintenance. In our reminder yesterday, we posted "This week there will be no new patch, but we will be performing regular maintenance on our servers and SWTOR.com." We'll continue to update the blog regularly with maintenance info (and we'll work to make sure you know what to expect during that maintenance), so please make sure to check it out!
  21. Make sure to check out the Dev Tracker - we've had some new posts from Georg today regarding some changes in 1.1.5 (as well as the preliminary patch notes for 1.1.5). The best way to see the newest dev posts is to check there!
  22. Don't worry! The Q&A is definitely coming; we'll post it as soon as we're able. We appreciate your patience and are glad to see that you're looking forward to it! When we post the new answers, we'll also post the new thread for you to ask questions in for next week, so keep your eyes open.
  23. Hey everyone - thanks for the reports. We have a fix for the Portable Holodancer coming soon!
  24. Thanks for posting your questions! We're closing the thread now and will be selecting questions - look for the answers in our community blog post this Friday, February 24th. We'll also open up a new Q&A thread on Friday to gather questions for next week's Q&A. Edit: While reviewing the thread, we did notice that a handful of folks asked questions that have been previously addressed. We hope you'll take the time to read our previous Q&A blogs to see if your question has been answered (and to see answers to several other questions)! Check out previous Q&As here: Q&A: Feb. 17th Q&A: Feb. 10th
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