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Everything posted by JetAten

  1. TOR is not hurting EA's bottom line. Lack of next-gen gaming consoles is. All the gaming developers have been in a funk because the economy is terrible and sony and microsoft has been dragging their feet in getting updated consoles out there to get people into the stores buying new games. EA is such a massive company this game is just a line on their spreadsheet. The only ones this game is hurting is Bioware's reputation.
  2. I didn't pay all that money to get a game where i have to wait in line to click a glowy or sit around and wait for quest mobs to spawn because they are so over-hunted. Its like this game has reverted back to Everquest 1. I get they had too many servers but this is just stupid. And ya know what...its not my fault they over-reacted and added too many servers. As a paying customer I shouldn't have to be the one to capitulate to them. If they wanna pay me to play this game then I'll happily be their lab rat, but until then LEAVE MY CHARACTERS ALONE.
  3. People had a lot of high expectations for this game, especially fans of the KOTOR games. That and there have been so many BAD star wars games released in the past. I think gamers have become a bit jaded. They demand perfection and its impossible to find but they still expect it. I think the game itself is fine. Its not ground-breaking, but its fun. If it was a single-player game it would be amazing. As an MMO though, I dunno. MMO gamers are a different breed. They look at these games like they are a job or an addiction. And you'll never, EVER please them. I think this game should have been single-player KOTOR 3 and maybe throw in some multi-player maps. It would have been epic.
  4. Actually pre-ordering was more expensive then waiting till after release. And one of the advertised selling points to pre-ordering was reserving your name.
  5. I agree with you, OP. Being an MMO doesnt mean you have to put up with power gamers tearing zones apart and waiting in line to click a glowy. Thats just bad design, something that has plagued this game for a while. It ruins the feel of the game and kills the emersion factor. Bioware & EA's lack of experience with MMOs shining thru unfortunately. You're what the MMO world calls a casual gamer. Most people like you don't frequent forums, don't scream and yell and throw tantrums to get your way. They just quietly play the game. And there's A LOT more people that think the same way you do then those that don't. Don't be fooled by this forum. You're looking at a very, VERY small group of people that sadly usually wind up driving these games into the ground because they scream so loud the devs can't hear anyone else. What they don't want to admit is that you, the casual gamer, is what makes these games thrive. Not them. So let Bioware know how you feel. They will listen. They know who's signing their pay-checks and its not a group of 20 people who like to find exploits and pretend that playing a game is some kind of job. Its the hundreds of people like you that just want to enjoy the game and they know that.
  6. Load times are how long it takes the textures to load into your card. Depends on the size of the texture files and the speed of your drive as well as the capacity of your graphics card. The more ram your gfx card has, the more textures it can hold so the more it has to load from the disk. If your disk drive is slow, your load times will be longer. High Res textures take longer to load then low res textures because the file size is bigger so thats a factor also.
  7. Honestly, I would shut down forums and just do whatever you plan to do. The bulk of people who enjoy playing the game aren't on forums. Those that left the game legitamately aren't going to hang around the forums and complain about it. They'll move on. You would probably do better sending out a feedback email to people who unsubscribed asking them these questions. On the forums I doubt you'll be getting an honest response.
  8. Why are you here then? If you dislike the game so much and want it to fail then leave and go play another game. Oh and btw, you're right if the game has 1.3 million subs as EA said, then its 5x, not 3x. Thanks for noticing that.
  9. History of Subscriber World of Warcraft subscriber growth. According to Blizzard: 11.5 million Dec 23 2008 11.0 million Oct 28 2008 10.0 million Jan 22 2008 9.0 million July 24 2007 8.0 million Jan 24, 2007 7. 0 million Sept 6, 2006 6.0 million March 2006 According to MMOGData: 5.5 million Dec 2005 0.75 million Jan 2005 0.25 million Jan 2004 WoW started with 250,000 subscribers when it launched and it took over a year to cross the 1m threshhold. Star Wars even at its current level is 3x that. No I don't think this is a failure at all.
  10. Stay on your old server until they do it. Until it happens its all just speculation.
  11. Bad, unoptimized drivers. This is why I don't like SLI/Crossfire. The performance is very software dependant. In all likely hood, the game isn't recognizing his config and so is only using the primary card. That is what happens by default if the game doesn't detect a dual-card set-up in the driver.
  12. I decided to do some googling around to check out the validity of some of the OPs claims. I found an article with the CEO of EA to their shareholders about their stock price decline and he very pointedly put the blame on Sony and Microsoft for their lack of next-gen consoles. He mentioned nothing about SWTOR at all. This was 3 days ago, btw. Then I found another article from Feb where EA indicated that they only needed to maintain a subscription base of 500k to keep SWTOR profitable. As of a few weeks ago an EA press release but their active subs at 1.3 million. So if both of those items are true then the people being fired from Bioware Austin had little to do with SWTOR are more to do with the over-all health of EA which is poor right now because of a lack of next-gen gaming consoles. As a comparison, Vivendi one of EA's biggest competitors and the owner of World of Warcraft, is also experiencing historically low stock prices. So low that they are trying to off-load Blizzard/Activision. In fact the stocks of most of the major gaming publishers have been in the tank as well. And I don't think you can blame all that on SWTOR.
  13. I'm sure that the 28 people that have read this thread are just heart-broken over your leaving us.
  14. I'm not a fan of SLI. It depends on Nvidia/AMD keeping the driver profiles updated and they are both really poor at that.
  15. Bioware has been slapped around a lot the last few years. Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3 now SWTOR. They sell a lot of copies and make lots of money but there's so much negativity pouring out there towards Bioware. The games are fun. They aren't ground-breaking or game-changing like they used to be, Mass Effect 1, Dragon Age Origins, Neverwinter NIghts, Knights of the Old Republic: those games were epic. But they started to dumb things down in the sequels. Not sure if that was a Bioware shift or an EA shift but when they left Neverwinter Nights to dust and tried to jam everything into a dumbed down console shooter they kinda lost their sparkle quite a bit.
  16. Why would anyone want this to be a "lone-wolf" game? Who would pay a monthly subscription to a single-player game? The only way that would make sense is if they did it like Blizzard did Diablo 3. But even Bliz isn't charing a monthly sub for it. I've been playing this game for a while and enjoying the story-lines and game-play. Honestly I think this game would have been more successful as a single-player game. It would have been one of the most epic single-player games out there. It would have even rivaled Skyrim.
  17. No one is going to lose their character so I don't think this is as big a deal as its being made out to be. At the worst you'll lose your name. It would be worse if they said Transfer by so and so date otherwise your chars will be deleted.
  18. Either turn UAC off or just right-click on your game short-cu,t go to properties and click Run As Administrator.
  19. So far the Imperial Agent has been the most interesting.
  20. Gaming performance really boils down to 2 things, your gfx card and your hard drive. Any modern processor will be able to handle what the game throws at it. And 4gbs of ram is practically the standard these days and thats more than enough for this game. Games like this are alll about the gfx card and loading textures off the hard drive. I'm not a fan of SLI, it depends on a lot on developer support and drivers don't update fast enough. A nice mid to high range card is all you need. And I'd avoid the top of the line cards as well, you're throwing money out the window since most games don't even support the technology thats in them and by the time they do, Nvidia or ATI will have came out with a revision to that card thats faster and eats less power. Something the mid-to-high like a GTX 500 series or an AMD Radeon 6000 series gives you the most bang for your buck.
  21. He worked on Star Wars Galaxies? Gawd that game was aweful.
  22. I honestly don't see what all the gloom and doom is about. Is it a perfect game? No. Is it a fun game? Absolutely. There's lots of room for improvement but its not as bad as its being made out to be. No more so then most other MMOs. I've played some BAD MMOs before, and even worse Star Wars based games, SW:G comes to mind with its total lack of story and completely empty worlds, Bioware actually came up with a good one (read that Lucas Arts, please get out of gaming biz). Its got fun gameplay, interesting stories, nice varied terrain, good graphics. I really don't see why there's so much hate towards it.
  23. JetAten


    Cause snipers have longer range.
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