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Everything posted by JetAten

  1. There is nothing for sale on the Cartel Market that is game changing. Its all convenience and cosmetic items.
  2. Bioware was never known for its technical precision. Bioware's strength has always been in the content, the roleplaying and storytelling.
  3. This was the first Star Wars game that has come out in a LONG time. So people who don't even like MMOs but liked Star Wars came to try it out. A lot of people don't like MMOs. So they came, they tried it and they left. I think everyone knew that this game was going to have a lot more bystanders then most other MMOs simply because of the name Star Wars. So I'm not surprised that they lost a lot of people. The one thing that I think that caused them to hemorrhage the most people was that they added too many servers. When the first month ended and people used up their free time and started leaving, there were so many servers live that the population became so spread out. The high end content demanded people, for flashpoints and things. But there weren't enough people to do them, so more people left. That's what I think went wrong. It wasn't class balancing, or anything like that. Most people don't care about that stuff. They don't care about pvp balance and things like that. Because most people don't dedicate their lives around a game and those are the people that pay the bills. The thousands of casual players who pop on the weekends or when they have a day off work. Those people don't care about the minutia, they just want to play. And if they can't because there's no one around to play with, then they'll leave and go somewhere else.
  4. Why are you all talking about this game as if it is shutting down? They still have hundreds of thousands of subscribers, and maybe a million or more F2P accounts. This game hasn't failed even if it didn't live up to forum trolls' lofty expectations.
  5. Mac is a growing market. Its not nearly as large as Windows is but when you cut out all the corporate Windows users and focus on home use, that divide narrows considerably. Most software companies recognize that and its why the mac software market has been expanding. This isn't a windows vs mac post, I don't know which is better and frankly I don't really care. This is just reality.
  6. I started the game and was so blown away by the story development and roleplaying aspects that it took a while before I started to realize that this game is just WoW with a Star Wars UI on it. I think they borrowed way too heavily from other MMOs and didn't put in enough that was unique. So it feels like you are playing an older MMO but with less content. I still enjoy the story and environment aspect enough to make up for it but I can see why many people left. It feels like we've been here before.
  7. Makes you wonder why so many developers are supporting the Mac then even Bethesda which said in the past they would not develop for the Mac are now developing a native mac client for Elder Scrolls Online. Just about every single game developer is now supporting the Mac platform in one way or another. I guess they are all bad companies.
  8. I don't like all the opposite gender stuff forced on me all over this game but I'm an adult and opened minded enough to deal with it.
  9. I doubt that all of the content that was voice acted when the game was in development is in the game now. I'm sure Bioware has a lot of content tucked away for expansions.
  10. Actually most other MMOs have an additional charge for character customization, subscription or not. At least in this one you are only charged based on the extent of the changes instead of a flat fee.
  11. Your targets should be GPU, CPU and RAM. This game is a resource pig.
  12. It is a little strange, I don't think subscribers should be getting charged for a lot of the things they have on the cartel market.
  13. I think they should at the early levels. Maybe like 1-20. Because that's where its the most over-crowded.
  14. I think F2P should have their own instance.
  15. They could add all the quest NPCs there. It works like a speed bump. Instead of having traditional zones filling up with new quest NPCs they could start them in the stations so you don't have lots of people all packed into 1 quest hub.
  16. It gives them more options to add content without having to patch large zones with new NPCs.
  17. When the game was first advertised one of the selling points was it's solo play. It was the main selling point for me. I don't like MMOs but I loved Knights of the Old Republic and that's the only reason why I bought this one. A lot of people bought this game because it was advertised as the sequel to Kotor with its "unique story driven gameplay". Turn your chat window off and this game does play like a single-player roleplaying game.
  18. Well you've got 16 classes to play. 8 Republic, 8 Empire. And each class story can be played Light Side or Dark Side. So that's 32 play-thrus. That's a lot of time.
  19. They just allow everyone to assign a legacy at character creation but the bonuses don't activate until you hit the requirements. You just get the name to start with.
  20. I don't see why it would be a big issue. The game is already coded for last names, they just call it legacy. If you want to see how it works just take a look at Eve Online. They've been using First and Last names for many years. The combination of the 2 names is what needs to be unique. It works really well since Eve only has 1 server. You get to keep the character you want while still making it unique.
  21. Good luck. Virtually every name is taken. I came back after leaving the game when the forced server merges happened and every one of my characters needed new names. At one point I just started randomly typing characters on the keyboard and even some of those were taken. Bioware really needs a solution to this. Jedi Knight Thbsltie just doesn't have much of a ring too it.
  22. What would be easier is if they just let First & Last Names part of your character name. So people could use multiple first names as long as the last names were unique. Your Legacy name doesn't seem to have any special requirements at all so I don't think this would change anyone's current character.
  23. This is the only MMO that combines a traditional roleplaying game. So I compare it to those.
  24. They probably can't set a limit because each credit card has differing levels of theft protection. Some cards notice "unusual activity" and start blocking transactions to the merchants after that activity was detected which causes a lot of headaches for the merchants, especially online merchants who depend on credit cards for virtually all their sales. Bioware/EA might be trying to prevent that.
  25. I really hope this happens soon. Its one of the reasons I got this game. There are so few options out there for gay gamers who like roleplaying games. Its hard when you play games like this and your only option Is to go down a specific path. Think how you'd feel if you were straight and every game forced you to be gay or not experience a lot of content. It gets frustrating after a while. I have a lot of gripes about EA but one thing I can applaud them on is they have always supported gay players. The Sims was ground-breaking for its time. They allowed fully realized same sex relationship way ahead of anyone else. And they didn't buckle under pressure when all the family rights groups went after them for putting same sex relationships in Mass Effect and Dragon Age.
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