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Everything posted by JetAten

  1. WOW's engine is over 10 years old. They have had a long time to optimize it. That said even wow still occasionally runs into performance issues when ati and nvidia update their drivers and new hardware is introduced. Load times are caused by system lag when new texture files are loaded into your graphics card's memory off the hard drive. SWTOR's texture files are huge. The bigger your GPU's Ram is, the more textures it can hold but that also means it takes longer for those textures to be read off your hard drive and loaded into the card's memory. So if you have a GPU with big RAM but have a slow Hard Drive that will cause major load delay. If you have a mid to top tier GPU and you see excessively long load times, check the speed of your hard drive. That is probably what is causing it.
  2. One good quality of Blizzard is they have an awesome sense of humor.
  3. Its not about centering the game around it, its about getting our hopes up. Gay people may be getting more accepted but we're still very marginalized and gaming is notoriously hetero-centric. Not just hetero but tween male centric. So you've got all this skimpy clad bimbo barbies running around with huge breasts. 2 minorities of gamers (women and gays) get consistently kicked to the curb in favor of their target audience. So when that developer comes around promising to throw a bone to you that is so rare you get excited. If you are a straight male gamer, would you want to spend 90% of your gaming time being surrounded by gay characters in video games? I think after a while it would get frustrating for you. Just like it does for gay people right now. I think most gay people understand that the majority of folks out there are straight and that's who will be a developer's primary target. We've learned to deal with it. But like I said, when that rare game comes around promising to include something for you that so few companies do, it is exciting and a disappointment when they don't follow thru.
  4. I left when they added pandas. I'm waiting for the next WoW expansion: Fury of the My Little Ponies.
  5. Read it again carefully, I think we all just got pwned. If so, well played Mr Moderator.
  6. Oh come on man, you took out all the good parts.
  7. They should thank me by sending a Bioware employee to my house to make me dinner, clean the kitchen, take out the garbage and vacuum my carpets.
  8. Its obvious to everyone, 10 is less than 42 hence that is the reason.
  9. I close the chat window and turn off player name plates and everyone in the game becomes my NPCs.
  10. You can close the chat window. I do most of the time.
  11. Why is there no slave boy outfit? I want a slave boy outfit. Bioware, I demand I have my slave boy outfit and 300,000 cartel coins for my trouble along with a unicorn mount that gallops on a rainbow. If I do not get these things I will unsubscribe and then spend all day posting threads to your forums complaining about how much your game sucks. PS. Make Jawas a playable race and allow them to be sith juggernauts while wearing aforementioned slave boy outfit. PPS. Instead of lightsabers, Jawa sith juggernauts in slave boy outfits must also wield giant salamis. PPSS Don't forget my unicorn.
  12. Playing a star wars MMO is that vital? Its a game. Would you pay someone to come over and punch you in the face once a month? If so I'll do it. I'm beginning to wonder if masochism is a shared trait amongst obsessive gamers.
  13. You get legacy levels just by playing the game. So unless your entire purpose for logging in is to raise your legacy then I don't think you've invested anything into the legacy system.
  14. WHa! My mommy said I'd get a pony and I want my pony! WHAAAAA!!!
  15. I thought it was nice. I don't complain about getting something for nothing. Spoiled brats.
  16. Bioware has always been pro-gay. So has EA (the sims being a major example). So I doubt there is any issue over "appropriateness" since both companies have weathered the far right "family values" gestapo and emerged unscathed. From a lore standpoint...dumb argument. lore is anything the creators of star wars want to put in it. Hell they even skirted incest in the original star wars movies with that whole Luke/Leia thing. No one much cared about that. It is odd to me that people are ok with a brother flirting sexually with his sister but if 2 men do it the world comes to an end.
  17. I don't see the big deal about Legacy. The rewards are relatively minor.
  18. Considering how large World of Warcraft is, their customer service is surprisingly good. EA, unfortunately, is consistently ranked at the bottom of the customer service rankings. Luckily I've never had a need to contact their customer service yet, but I've heard nothing but horror stories from people who have.
  19. I think they will add them. They just have more important issues on their plate first.
  20. I dunno about no sexual content. I'm playing the Imperial Agent storyline light side and I've already jumped into the sack with several different women. Well they don't show it, the screen fades to black, but its certainly implied.
  21. Get The Sims if you feel like playing house. I want more quests.
  22. I think they were a little naive. They thought the story and character aspects would pull them thru. I don't think they realized how much content dedicated MMO players can tear thru very quickly.
  23. Game changing meaning things you must have in order to play. There is nothing like that for sale on the CM.
  24. Its not an excuse. They focused on what they do best which is story telling.
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