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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Bilirubin

  1. Yeah just last night one of our guild's lowbies was being camped on Tatooine by a couple of 50s so 4 of us rolled in and went hunting. Wound up occupying the imp base in the dune sea for a bit, until they finally got up 8 or so (and their companions lol) and killed us off. They then came to our base, which drew out greater numbers of repubs, who then moved to their base after we killed them at ours. We then kept them pinned in for the rest of the night. Was at least 16 v 16 at one point. Had them hiding *inside* their base pressed against an inside wall! Grand fun for a couple of hours.
  2. with all the gear grind that's needed before you can start actually having fun in WZs as a fresh 50 I actually understand these guys. Noone wants to spend 15 mins of his time getting devastated in his recruit gear over and over again.

    Pitty for the rest of the team ofc..


    I didn't think its that bad in all recruit, nor are you in recruit for all that long. That said, getting geared definitely adds to the fun factor :cool:

  3. Bookmarking.


    I'm doing more PvE tanking than DPS right now, and am in fully augmented Rakata/BH (also placing BH mods in the Rakata to maintain the set bonuses). Our guild's main tank is a trooper and he's telling me that my augments should all be heavy end (the heaviest I can find are +18 end/+12 power)), but I am rocking a mix of those, the Will/End augments, and a couple power/abs. Pretty sure I am pushing up against some diminishing return/soft caps on some stats and am hoping to tweak my stats.



    Str 118

    Pre 269

    Aim 67

    Cun 63

    End 2257

    Wil 1533


    Accuracy 98.25% (melee) 108.25% (force)

    Crit 22.34% (melee) 21.4% (force)

    Crit mult 51%

    Health 25323 (raid buffed, no stim)

    Armour 5995

    Dam red 39.69%

    Def 24.68%

    Shield 34.31%

    Absorb 48.96%


    Going to read the links in this thread next.

  4. Dump Pommel Strike from your attack bar. It takes valuable time for the animation to wind up, and will only fire if you nail a normal or weak mob w/ Force Scream/Smash(unless you decide to use Disable Droid on a strong droid). Savage Kick can still be used against strong, standard, or weak mobs if you slap them w/ Crippling Slash, or immediately after Force Charge, but it's another ability that's still meh.


    Thanks! Appreciated.


    Vette pretty much rocks.

  5. Can hold it for a bit, but it trails off slowly to the 1100 level. Kept it around 1250 for a couple of minutes but the decline was relentless. Not using project I fell to around 1050, and was able to recover points to 1080 or so after 10 minutes by reintroducing it to my rotation, which speaks volumes for its +DPS gains.


    Will keep at it. Those EC enrage timers are tight and I need to be better.

  6. Back on the OPs training dummy again last night for about 20 minutes. Project and the +10% melee damage proc are definite DPS increases. But using it makes it critical to monitor force levels, and moved Mind Crush up the priority scale for me because of its low force cost, enabling me to regenerate enough in one GCD to get back into the Double Strikes or a Project as needed.


    Still only holding 1100 DPS over a long fight. Whereas I start off at around 1400, it falls off. Part of that is I'm sure experience in anticipating force levels so that I don't delay getting an action off when I am low, but I am wondering if there are other issues at play, and min-maxing stats again comes to mind.

  7. Took about a 15 minute parse on the ops dummy last night, came up just shy of 1100 DPS really watching priorities closely. I suppose this could still be L2P related, but now I am also wondering if I should be min-maxing stats better. Well, at all. Right now I am using unmodified Rakata, with the power saber. I assume its time to start adding in more power surge etc?
  8. D'oh! Forgot Sever Force, that usually goes up after Force Breach. Been playing in tank spec for the past two weeks or so so apologies for that.


    Thanks for your considered thoughts. Going to go hit the training dummy a bit tonight and see what comes of it.

  9. Hi all,


    Got my DPS spec (7/3/31) to full rakata, but I am really disappointed in my overall DPS during raids. I would appreciate your thoughts on what I can do priority wise/min-max/ideal relics, whatever, to get the numbers up. for example, last night, KP HM, I only managed 970 odd DPS, whereas many others pull nearly 500 DPS higher than that.


    First thing that could be useful I guess is an explanation of adrenals. Just *** are they?

  10. I'd like to point out that those ability lists in the compendium are not suggested rotations. They're just lists of abilities to prioritize based on the situation.


    For the maximum sustained DPS rotation, look a little further down the page (to here).


    SS – AS – TS ––– X – X – CB – TS ––– X – X – CB – TS


    Where X indicates a filler ability, such as XS Freighter Flyby, Sabotage Charge, Vital Shot, Flourish Shot, etc.


    If you're looking for maximum burst DPS, you should prioritize abilities more-or-less based on their DPCT, while keeping in mind that several of the high-DPCT abilities are DoTs, which are only as time-efficient as listed if the burst window is long enough to contain all or most of their ticks.


    I had done a translation of this piece into Republic terms for my guild--its quite useful. I usually open with flourish shot to get the armor debuff before entering into the above rotation. Really quite effective.

  11. Actually, Sever Force hits very, very hard. The average damage over the duration of the DoT is 2700 or so, but it only costs a global cooldown to cast it. At that rate its effective damage per cast time is nearly 1800, far better than double strike or project, and even better than Shadow Strike, which on Karagga averaged 1568 damage per cast time. It's also slightly more efficient in terms of damage per force. The reason it looks like Shadow Strike is such a better ability is that I'm only casting Sever Force every 18-20 seconds while I'm hitting with a shadow strike every 8 or so. Having a quite potent and cheap to use DoT going while hitting Shadow Strike between refreshing it is contributing to much higher overall DPS.


    What does your build look like?

  12. I would like to see a comparison between this and this. the difference between the two is the use of Project to proc a melee bonus plus the proc to shadow strike in the latter, vs. dropping both from your bar in the former. Rotation would go Force Potency>Project>Force in Balance>Sever Force>Force Breach>Double Strike>Mind Crush/Shadow Strike on proc>Saber Strike to build force vs. Force in Balance>Sever Force>Force Breach>Double Strike>Mind Crush on proc>Saber Strike (both using Spinning Strike when available).
  13. Yeah, Shadow Strike definitely gives you a little more overall DPS. But for whatever reason, it throws off my rotation in a bad way. So for me personally, it lowers my DPS. I have no idea why this it throws me off, that's just the way it is.


    I will agree that it is a bit of a kink in the rotation, and that double strikes are nearly the same DPS at lower force cost anyway. Your spec's rotation is quite fast, clean, and straight forward, and I'm never force starved. I think I am hitting slightly harder (of course my specs have improved with new gear) too, but I haven't really noticed a huge jump in survivability--squishy class is squishy. I'm leaning towards returning to my previous spec for the melee bonus and the Shadow Strike proc. I'm going to stick with this a little longer and read more about the parses folks are running.

  14. 1.2 has liberated my talent tree points, and so I'm going to try your 8/2/31 build. Now having played balance for a few weeks I find I rarely use project, except as a closer for mind traps or stun droids when FiB is on cooldown. OTOH I have been hella squishy so some extra defense would be appreciated. Will LYK how it works out.


    OK, ran the new flashpoint last night with this new spec. Put out reasonable DPS I think; numbers seemed higher per strike than with my former build. But I can't help but think that I'm missing out on some DPS without the Find Weakness proc on Shadow Strike. Where is this training dummy so that I can run some parses?

  15. 1.2 has liberated my talent tree points, and so I'm going to try your 8/2/31 build. Now having played balance for a few weeks I find I rarely use project, except as a closer for mind traps or stun droids when FiB is on cooldown. OTOH I have been hella squishy so some extra defense would be appreciated. Will LYK how it works out.
  16. Melee DPS has a distinct disadvantage in that they can only fight in 1 range, and that range often makes them more susceptible to AoE damage. Ranged DPS can spread out to avoid that without a loss in DPS.


    I just switched from tank to DPS specced Shadow, and as a Balance Shadow I am equally comfortable in melee and at range. Melee is preferable for some of the procs, but I can also step in and tank a bit should our main get mind trapped, etc.

  17. i didn't see any difficulty increase, but the ship with jango . . . er i mean jindo tends to bug most common bug i found was the ship not retreating after you fire a laser in its face.

    That fight was quite bugged out for us last night as well. Never had a problem with it before, but last night we wiped on it 4 times IIRC. Ship was jumping wildly side to side, his immunity would never drop, interruptable abilities would not show cast bars to interrupt, etc.

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