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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Bilirubin

  1. About midpoint level 40 (I hit 41 last night) I was at:


    Shadow, Kinetic tree

    Strength - 90

    Presence - 191

    Aim - 46

    Cunning - 44

    Endurance - 732

    Willpower - 658

    Exp - 0


    Damage - 336-430

    Bonus Damage - 146.8

    Accuracy - 91%

    Chance crit - 17.61%

    Crit mult - 52.76%


    Health - 9033

    Armour rating - 4220

    Damage deduct - 32.41%

    Defense - 18.69%

    Shield - 21.78%

    Shield abs - 24.42%


    Have all datachrons from Tython, most from Taris, and one or two from Coruscant. Should go on a hunt again soon.

  2. Thanks, and I know, configs are critical in FPS (my background), but I've been waiting until I get a better mouse than the two button + wheel I have now. Perhaps I'll get a Naga on the way home from work.


    Where is your movement located?

  3. Maturity. "Matureness" isn't a word :p


    I am also really getting a lot out of this thread. I've only just started PvP in WZs, and at level 39 kinetic I'm finding I don't survive terribly long. One area I could immediately improve numbers is with a good config (I'm still clicking a lot of actions--yeah yeah I know, but PvE doesn't demand more from me and I'm a MMO n00b). And eventually respeccing to a kinetic balance hybrid is something I will be trying.


    However, a guild mate has suggested I'm doing alright. I'm not at the top of the damage charts, but I am typically near the top in defense and healing, and am pulling between 3-6 medals per zone (more as the chaos of the game is starting to make sense). Is it realistic for a kinetic tank to do more damage, or am I still doing ir wrong?

  4. Fair enough, just trying to give people an idea of what to expect for end game raiding.


    I know personally that we output a TON of DPS. So I just wan't people to have a more specific idea of what to look for.


    Not everyone is going to want to read the wall of texts in this thread and a lot of them are just useless theory. Just making sure people have some hard info.


    Thanks, I appreciate this point.

  5. I forgot about that one. I can't seem to find a use for that one in solo play, is there any?


    Its not meant for CC, its a DoT with a 5% debuff on a single target so useful in more drawn out battles (and for tagging assassins in PvP--the DoT keeps them from stealthing away).

  6. It hasnt been brought up yet and its a valid point, it can be easily off-set by making the "area" where these battles occur separate from main PvE areas, other options could include instancing off the PvE areas, making it so that only space combat will occur around those planets thus not interrupting new players and I'm sure there are some very smart people out there who could come up with some other interesting ideas :)


    How about this: clone the entire galaxy, but the opvp can only be accessed via the guild capital ships. That way the battle can rage *anywhere* yet not interfere with PvE. Plus it would minimize time spent coding these new battlegrounds.


    Another future expansion could elevate the war into already known areas of space and lead to huge battles taking part on Dromund Kaas or Corucscant with variable objectives on either planet


    Excellent post, and a well thought out system with the epic scale that I attribute to Star Wars. Well done.


    This last bit however seems a bit myopic in that it is purely from the PvP point of view. What about new players starting to level up, and who have to play through these home worlds. We cannot simply shut down the experience for new players to give older, more advanced players something to keep their attention. Would you suggest a separate instance of the home world for the PvP war? How would that work?


    Apologies if this has already been brought up; I have not read all pages yet.

  8. Updated


    Currently, at level 39, I'm at:

    Shadow, Kinetic tree

    Strength - 88

    Presence - 187

    Aim - 45

    Cunning - 43

    Endurance - 738

    Willpower - 629

    Exp - 0


    Damage - 306-385

    Bonus Damage - 146.6

    Accuracy - 90.19%

    Chance crit - 15.39%

    Crit mult - 56.07%


    Health - 9024

    Armour rating - 4045

    Damage deduct - 31.99%

    Defense - 19.23%

    Shield - 20%

    Shield abs - 24.43%


    Into the Balmorra bonus series. Biggest equipment changes is swapping to a level 31 purple hat (from a lower level purple), and changing a +9 Crit crystal for a +14 End, so that huge jump in HP/End was somewhat expected, but not that degree. I am wearing a mix of purple, orange, blue, and greens

  9. 42, professor. Been gaming as long as I have had access to computers. Kept myself sane while writing my thesis with Quake deathmatch, and helped pay the bills as a postdoc working as an admin for a game site/community/game delivery service (so I can really feel for the gold texters on this site!).


    Back to page 4 now to read the rest of the posts; fascinating look into some of my fellows on the servers.

  10. Where were you stationed? I was in paradise, aka devils a**hole, aka 29 Palms for my 4 years.


    I never served, but have been through 29 Palms. You have my sympathies!


    I've had a wee glimpse at life in. Spent 1.5 months on a Canadian Coast Guard ice breaker in the high arctic, and downed some beers at the Top of the World Club (Thule AFB, Greenland). Didn't seem to be much more for the kids stationed there to do but drink (ditto the local Danes TBH). Flew out of there on September 10th, 2001. The guys who were there for crew change on our ship got stuck in port for 2-3 weeks the next day.

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