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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Bilirubin

  1. Loads more reading on Stark here.


    I'm also a casual player, but only got wiped once. My successful battle was won despite having issues with pulling actions off my quick bar, which had come unlocked for some reason or other. So there I was, LoSing Stark, trying to remember which actions went where in the heat of battle, and keeping Tharen alive. Was a bit of a gong show. But, I over leveled him a fair bit too, which really helps (beating him put me at 47).

  2. Just crashed to my desktop for only the second time this morning trying the patch out. Not sure if this is patch related; however, it was annoying because I had just started a fight with a gold, and got back in time to see my toon die...


    Other patches gave my system a significant FPS boost. Last patch fixed some issues with my class, and it is now running very well so I am mostly delighted with the patches. Will next see if I can turn in that bugged quest on Voss.

  3. Thanks for the vid LW, I will check it out later today.


    Level 48 - On Voss.


    Kinetic Combat

    Strength = 98

    Presence = 219

    Aim = 50

    Cunning = 48

    Endurance = 947

    Willpower = 800

    Expertise = 0


    Damage = 413-529

    Bonus damage = 179.8

    Accuracy = 91.360

    Critical chance = 16.88

    Critical multiplier = 54.77


    Defense :

    Health = 11804

    Armor rating = 4951

    Damage reduction = 34.25

    Defence chance = 19.58

    Shield chance = 24.52

    Shield absorption = 28.68


    Just got the +4 End datachron before taking these stats. I'm not intentionally stacking End, but its hard to avoid, as Kitru has been saying all along.

  4. You select "Print Screen" this takes a screen shot. It may not say it in game but it does.


    Go to "Start" ....then "All Programs"....Accesories, click on "paint"


    Should be an option to "Paste"...once done that screen shot is shown.



    Then save file and upload to tiny picture or some site, copy the url and post it.


    So the game doesn't autogenerate a *.jpg like in other games, but just copies a print screen to the clipboard? That's...huh. Interesting.

  5. Just one week ago,

    I responded to a post stating my recommendations, and lo and behold a troller and his/her guildmates joined in on bashing me. I felt like quiting ,so to make a long story short. I have had several days to review my feelings and thoughts.

    With respect, I was in that thread and this never happened, except in your perception. You posted your opinion, and someone else, Kitru (one of the most knowledgeable people in the Consular/Shadow subforum), pointed out that some of your suggestions weren't ideal given the game mechanics and the way the numbers work with our class. It wasn't an attack, and it wasn't a troll. Certainly isn't a plot by a guild to bring you down. Kitru is blunt in pointing out errors, granted, and you obviously took offence at that, but nobody is "bashing" you.


    I am very sorry you took it as personally as you did, to the point of thinking of quitting, but be assured that no one in that thread was out to get you.

  6. I had my run in with Stark the other night, and at the same time somehow my quick bar became unlocked and I lost lots of actions. So there is me trying to get an attack off and nothing happening--look down and there is no action assigned there anymore! So in the middle of the fight I ran out to the bulkhead door to duck behind and reconstruct my quick action bar/config. I expected to get wiped and have to start over, but for whatever reason Stark either just stood there or attacked Tharen and did no damage. Got it fixed, came out from hiding, and finished him off. So dramatic, but for the wrong reasons. Plus I over leveled him a fair bit.
  7. Stop trying to come in the thread and act like you are teaching us. Duh yes most of us know the game changes at 50. You know how we know this? Experience and playing the game.


    This thread is good to make sure Im wearing comparable gear to others at my level. Oh you know another place the game changes? Like level 33 when most gear at least mods start carrying 4 stats i.e. willpower,endurance,crit,surge or power.


    I am new to MMO also and this thread is a good help obvously if people are still looking at it and its 5 pages long its not a waste. Notice the 50's that posted in this thread also? Plz stop trying to troll idiot.


    I think (being charitable) he is trying to tell us to not make the same mistake as he and spend loads of cash on gear now since priorities will change later. I haven't been doing that because of this thread at all. I'm just trying to get a basic handle on how tweeks to certain stats affect other stats. I've been taking the best gear that I've found as I've leveled and done flashpoints. But if I WANTED to try to optimize my gear, well, I'm sitting on 400k in credits so it wouldn't be unreasonable. I think so far I have bought one item off the GTN, a nice purple resolve hilt.

  8. Anyway.


    When I ticked over to 47 I was at:

    Kinetic Combat (31/0/7)


    Strength = 102;

    Presence = 216;

    Aim = 51;

    Cunning = 49;

    Endurance = 950;

    Willpower = 821;

    Expertise = 0.


    Melee :

    Damage = 399-507;

    Bonus damage = 184.1;

    Accuracy = 91.38%;

    Critical chance = 12.29%;

    Critical multiplier = 50%.


    Force :

    Bonus damage = 281.5;

    Bonus healing = 101.0;

    Accuracy = 102.30%;

    Critical chance = 17.24%;

    Critical multiplier = 55.2%;


    Defense :

    Health = 11750;

    Armor rating = 4951;

    Damage reduction = 34.68%;

    Defence chance = 19.65%;

    Shield chance = 24.616%;

    Shield absorption = 22.77%.


    Since then I have (on Voss) started getting level appropriate resolve armouring (finally). I'm sure my stats are already very different from this.

  9. "Have I mentioned I'm a pacifist?" is said in a slightly snarky tone, such that I read it as a glib bit of snark to the opponent, not to you.


    Its usually said after a headshot to the enemy too.


    Tharen doesn't bother me in the slightest. But, since I'm a scientist, I've known a lot of IRL Tharens...

  10. Not everybody speeds through leveling. I started this thread to track stat progression towards 50, and it has been useful in that end, for me at least. I'm new to MMOs, and all of the things that need to be tracked, fiddled with, altered, and just plain considered to optimize stats for one's preferred play style makes for a bit of a steep learning curve (over FPSs, which come down to twitch reflexes and connection latency). Good for you for flying through gear and levels though, I guess.


    For post 50s, there are other stats that should be added to this tracking to make it in any way meaningful. I've already suggested tracking valor levels, but also what gear is being used.

  11. I think it's a beautiful build, with a fair mix of survivability, damage, and support utility that is now one of the best designed specs in the game. Powerful, but not overpowered (though probably one of the strongest dueling specs in the game).


    I'd love to hear about duelling with this spec in more detail, because as it is I'm only running around 50%, and have lost some duels that I have no excuse for (the time the enemy was near half health and 3 levels below me springs to mind). I had attributed it to the low DPS and L2P issues, although a guild mate suggested they might have a few pieces of epic gear.

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