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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Bilirubin

  1. Timely thread.


    I'm a kinetic shadow, and was approaching my first 1000 WZ commendations and a guild mate suggested I invest in the 40 pvp set. I got some items, including a very nice chest. However, after doing so I noticed I started losing some pretty easy world PvP fights. When I lost to a standard gold in PvE I went ripped out all of the modifications for PvP and swapped in the mods I had in the orange piece I had before, which stack defense heavily. Problem went away after that. The PvP piece looks much better and has a better base armor level so it is an improvement over what I had, but I don't really need alaricity do I?


    Is there a link or earlier thread that outlines what modifications I should be looking for, what stats to stack, and to what level? Getting the balance right seems pretty important.

  2. Gear is huge. I swapped ear pieces last night to buff a bunch of other stats with a drop of a few willpower, and that dropped my overall will by 400! I was really wondering *** was going on. Gave me huge presence, and the mod didn't even show that as an option. Wonder if I got a bugged item?


    Level 44, Kinetic Shadow


    Strength - 90

    Presence - 203

    Aim - 45

    Cunning - 45

    Endurance - 857

    Willpower - 718

    Exp - 0


    Damage - 385-493

    Bonus Damage - 171.4

    Accuracy – 91.52%

    Chance crit - 15.99%

    Crit mult – 52.46%


    Health - 10580

    Armour Rating - 4642

    Damage Reduction – 34.59%

    Defense – 19.48%

    Shield - 24.26%

    Shield abs – 28.15%

  3. Instead of whispering try gchat. I've never had a problem finding a group when I've wanted, but it can sometimes take up to 30 minutes (and as soon as you get your group then you will see 3 other LFGs for the same quest! D'oh!


    (Aside: ShiningRiver, could you please bump your font up a point or two? Its a little hard to read being so small and in that color my eyes kind of blur it all together. Thanks!)

  4. Because yellow sabers have existed since... like... the creation of the EU.


    Before then even.


    My little plastic Luke Skywalker action figure from 77 or 78 had a yellow plastic light saber blade that would slide in and out of the hilt (and up his arm). I recall being pretty annoyed because it was clearly blue in the movie.


    Just got a new double light saber last night in a flash point with an orange blade. I'm light side 4 and look Impy. :cool:

  5. When is there ever lots of force in PvP? ;)


    Thanks, appreciate it. Got a really nice focus during a flashpoint last night and my guild mates were all much more excited than I (my shield is already pretty decent). I was under the impression that shield plus KW trumped focus, but thought I'd ask in case I missed something

  6. I was questing last night and socializing on mumble with some guild mates, two of whom were attempting to do this instance and quickly realized they were way over their heads. I and another joined them, so we were three DPS and one shadow tank (me), 39, 42, and two 50s. It was perhaps the most fun I've had yet in SW:TOR! We wiped once, and some of us were killed at various points during the run (really could have used a healer, especially myself when I kept instinctively drawing the aggro off the 50s), but working out the puzzles under fire was excellent fun! And the final battles in the Arena--really nice nod to Attack of the Clones.


    And I got a really spiffy new double bladed light saber!


    TL;DR: play this instance for an excellent time!

  7. My first MMO and I am enjoying the heck out of it. Play between 2-4 hours most days, and am only at 43--there is just too much to see and do. Just played a flashpoint last night (War Games) that was an absolute scream.


    However, orbital platforms and shuttles and airlocks have to go. And I remember on Taris my wife commenting to me "do you do anything other than run around?" So, there is that. (And no, now I can ride my speeder all around)

  8. Give it time.


    People are still getting used to their classes in pvp, and mostly no clue yet how to beat other classes.


    This for me, plus I'm trying to figure out how to quickly communicate to the team during pug WZs. Message macro binds (like in FPS) would really help.

  9. It is not for your pants and chests (or any other orange you already have) but it gives you orange gear for your head, hand and boots. That and level 40 blue gear for the rest (and I mean every slot).


    Thanks, probably not worth it for me then, since I'm already orange on hands and feet, and purple on head and wrap, with mostly oranges or blues filling in the rest (a few greens remain for the implants, and I still have a open relic slot).

  10. That said, you can get a really big boost at level 40 from the PvP gear (which does not cost much and a kinetic shadow can easily PvP from the mid 30s).


    Have over 600 WZ tokens already, surprise surprise since I am not PvPing all of the time. Is the level 40 really that much a step up from my updated modded oranges and purples? Hmm.

  11. Because blue Twi'lek chicks rule.


    Seriously, I've never given it much thought. In Jedi Academy and now in TOR I play petite blue female Twi'leks, partially because, similar to anime, its great to see how much hurt the wee, inoffensive female can deliver. Hopefully some in PvP will underestimate that subconsciously too. In KotOR I played a female human for similar reasons (would not allow me a Twi'lek! *shakes fist*).


    I can't wait to take my toon out to tank HMs. Hopefully next week!

  12. If you've been soloing Heroic 2+ quests, Attiss is kind of like that, except you use interrupts more.




    I got to it yesterday at level 40, and then had a *** moment because apparently I got wiped there the day before after coming home from the pub. :o Explains why the rest of the room was empty when I went through it--really have no recollection of the boss so must not have really registered as anything other than normal. I mind mazed the sorcerer, burned down the two melee but stupidly broke my own cc with a reflexive force breach. So I force waved them off the platform, called off Tharen, stunned the sorcerer as she was running up the platform, finished off the other two with some help from Holiday, then took out the last. I had hit one of the consoles right before but didn't recall it buffing me or whatever, and I didn't drop so many HP that I needed another hit on a console.


    ETA: well, I arrived at Quesh at 40 so that is why I was there. Do more quests/WZ/space combat!

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