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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Bilirubin

  1. Agree on the conditions before the the deal is done.


    The conditions were I provide the mats.


    I thanked him and attached 100k creds to the message. I hope that wasn't insulting in either direction.

  2. Found someone (server first) to craft an endgame item for me; I am providing all mats. AFAIK they are still the server exclusive crafting source for this item, which lists for 1.7 million on our GTN. What sort of tip would be fair? If I had bought all of the mats on the GTN it would run me around 1.15-1.25 (iirc, can't check the current prices) unless I took my time to bargain hunt.
  3. Yeah did the Voss boss today solo with my healer, and it was never a serious problem. I did use defensive cooldowns but didn't touch the "oh sh!*" buttons (Unity or Heroic Moment). Plus the next guy in the queue DPSed the ads down when they popped to speed things up (because as a tank fights can take a bit), so I tanked her for him next fight. More interesting mechanics than some normal champions but doable with 66/69 gear no question.


    I think I have my healer in at least basic gear--certainly makeb planetary mods with 28 barrel/armours at least. Should probably check that.

  4. What bugs me the most is that these threads are creating the perception that Shadow tanks are all around useless when the problem is mostly restricted to NiM. On my first raid with my new guild someone asked me what class I was and when I replied "Shadow" went "ewwww". Yet despite being lower geared I stayed up just fine, and brought some utility that folks really appreciated. Turns out I got that reception partially because they had heard Shadow tanks were not in a good place, but also one of them has one but "sucks on it".


    Perception isn't reality

  5. Don't taunt first.


    Many tanks open with a taunt. Taunt builds a % of threat above the highest threat on the list. Taunting at the start is a waste. Go through a full ration and then taunt (or before hand if target switches)


    A corollary of this is to go back through your abilities and know which ones generate high aggro and open with some of these.

  6. On level 50:


    63 (Char)

    61 (Companion)


    works fine.


    If you know that you have an interrupt skill.


    I have several.


    Was just wondering given the number of people saying "they are so hard" and thought I would ask before trying tonight. I helped a guild mate with one (on Coruscant) and don't recall my health dropping very far with his companion healing (mine was busy pulling lowby trash lol) Eh, have to do something to pass the time at work.

  7. Ran my first op since coming back last night, Terror from Beyond. Went surprisingly well in my 66 level modded gear. Got a couple of drops too! Was pleased that I might have changed an opinion of two about what a Shadow can bring.
  8. No, just quested and WZ. TBH it didn't take very long to hit 55 in fully min-maxed Rakata/BH gear. Also never seemed to pick up the FPs while sub 55. Was guildless at the time.


    When I first came back someone suggested I run the HMs first as a DPS to get the mechanics. Perhaps I am taking this too seriously but after seeing some of the abuse heaped on tanks in WoW...mind, this community isn't the same which is one reason I am back here, but still.


    Feh, being too sensitive. Will run some tonight and report back.

    Reporting back. Didn't do a HM. Got dragged in to off tank TfB. Went as well as might be expected for a first time through an instance like that. My 66 gear was just fine for that, a few big spikes and some DPS with more HP than I notwithstanding.

  9. I actually see a tank say this every week, and have never seen a tank get kicked. I'm happier to see someone admit they're new and ask for help than someone act like they know what they're doing when they clearly don't.

    That is good to know that I am not the only one then. I'll see if any guildies are interested in an instance then hit random queue and see what we get.

  10. Did you do any instances levelling up? That's all the 55 hardmodes are, rehashes of content you've likely already seen (with a new mechanic or two thrown in, and bonus bosses).


    It really isn't anything special.


    No, just quested and WZ. TBH it didn't take very long to hit 55 in fully min-maxed Rakata/BH gear. Also never seemed to pick up the FPs while sub 55. Was guildless at the time.


    When I first came back someone suggested I run the HMs first as a DPS to get the mechanics. Perhaps I am taking this too seriously but after seeing some of the abuse heaped on tanks in WoW...mind, this community isn't the same which is one reason I am back here, but still.


    Feh, being too sensitive. Will run some tonight and report back.

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