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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Bilirubin

  1. 66 modifications can be crafted, and the mats for them are really cheap, so the modifications themselves can be found quite cheaply on GTN. A 66 hilt/barrel shouldn't cost more than 40k credits. Buying 66 weapons requires Makeb reputation, so in addition to it being a waste of Basic Comms, you might even not be able to buy them yet. Just buy the hilt/barrel from GTN, much easier. Basic comms gear is horribly optimized anway, I had 63 mods and enhancements even when otherwise in full 69 because of the bad optimization. So don't blindly buy 66 gear "because it's better", it might not be very good outside the Armorings.


    If you have any warzone commendations left, you might also fill the void with a few Partisan pieces (or even Conqueror).


    Thanks for this, its very helpful (as are all the posts). I just picked up a few Conqueror/Partisan pieces (ear implant bracers IIRC) so I will also see how they compare. Going to go get a hilt now.

  2. Hi all,


    Back after about a year away, and just dinged 55. I am wondering what my strategy should be to gear up. I am in fully augmented Rakata (4 piece bonus), with some MK-1 and MK-3 BH and a Campaign shield. There are mixed opinions on whether I am sufficiently geared to move into HM 55s yet, and whether I should burn the comms on basic gear or use it all to get vials of stable isotope-5 and craft a level 72 hilt/armor. As I am currently guildless I would appreciate your thoughts?

  3. Thanks again Kitru.


    Trying this time to get my head around the whys of the numbers, so that first in particular is interesting. Thought it might be a bit dated itself given its 2.0.


    Why don't we have a PvE guide for tanking stickied? eta: doh the tanking forum of course

  4. Starting to gear my toon and am wondering whether there were any threads with current information on primary and secondary stat points of diminishing returns I could consult to be sure I don't needlessly stack any one stat. Speaking specifically for tanking but I would be interested in all specs to be honest.
  5. I just wish the Balance-Tank hybrid was still viable :(


    Your existing gear is fine for getting you to 55 and, quite probably, for you to start doing 55 HM's, although I'd recommend respecing as DPS for a couple of days to get a feel for the mechanics of the new 55 HMs. Save up the Basic commendations you'll get getting through Makeb and doing Section X, and buy "Vial of Stabilized Isotope-5". You should have enough of them when you hit 55 and complete story mode TfB and Scum and Villainy, which will give you the materials to get at least one 72 hilt and 72 armoring crafted.

    If you could walk me though this process a little that would be swell. Buy the isotope-5, somehow convert it into a hilt (presumably through crafting since I am Artiface?) and armor?


    Also what should I spend all these planetary comms on? All of my companions are in at least Tionese quality gear, and the often used ones in Columi/Rakata, so the Makeb comms are mostly useless AFAICT


    The classic comms have gotten me a new shield, but the gear is otherwise pretty close to comparable to what I am already wearing (non augmented, but still, that Rakata set bonus is hard to give up).


    Finally, on the topic of augmentation, where are my diminishing returns points on the primary and secondary stats? Is there a thread somewhere?

  6. SWTOR is the best mmo when it comes to leveling.


    the CRZ kicked in the last 10 or so levelsin my first time through and it became a gankfest with no way to get even (since gankers are from other realms more often than not). I would rather put knitting needles through my eyes than deal with that again.

  7. Most of my former guild came from WoW and went back to it last year. I followed along and played through it for the first time (I am an old school FPS gamer, TOR is my first MMO other than Planetarion), power leveling a character up to MOP (getting there 2 weeks after release), then questing along with the rest. Glad I did it actually, a chance to see a phenomenon. Some of it was inspired story telling (but delivered no where nearly as interestingly as the voice acting here). Played some vintage end game, did the first three raids in raid finder and normal mode, finished the first in HM, and left after 4 months. Just could not take the community. The expectation that everyone performed at peak progression raiding mode (or their imaginations of what that looked like) made learning the various roles soul sucking for me. I had never tanked before TOR and folks were by and large quite supportive since everyone was learning the mechanics at the same time. But there, folks expect everyone has been playing since at least Battle Chest (although everyone claimed Vanilla nobody apparently liked that grind).


    Anyway. Back for the new stories and for my light sabers. All of my fond memories of MMOs are here, so why should they be distant memories?

  8. Also looking for laid back, mature guild, Republic side, for casual raiding/PvP/flashpoints. Been away for 10 months, main is tank w/fully augmented Rakata/BH, Unyeilding title, 57 valour with BM/Champion sets. Not hardcore but still get through the content eventually.
  9. Was in the 11/11/11 beta and thought things were awesome. Launch and leveling were fine, Ilum PvP zerg valor farm nonsense notwithstanding. Odd bug but meh. Endgame, especially Soa, was buggy, and eventually that and the lack of other things to do after a certain point lead to a disillusionment with the game in my guild so they quit TOR. Back now for a few days on my own (WoW only lasted for me for 4 months or so) and am very pleased to see a lot of the performance issues seem settled. Have no idea about Soa bug fixes (only our core got their Infernal title and they pledged "never again" ) but I plan to just SP and alt for stories for now. I am pleased with how Legacy and even the Cartel Market seem to be working.


    For the future I hope for more story content.

  10. I bought 1 for myself (then collection unlock, note bug clears if you close client then relauch. It'll then allow you on alts to unlock title to legacy for 5CC).


    I'm going to buy like 3 more and stash them for...well ever. I dont see this item gaining much value in less than year at the shortest time. Far FAR to many people buying tons of these for them to sell for much more than...20k at best.

    3 because...well I didn't know about the collection thing because I am just back from nearly a year away. I guess this is one of the things I missed. But now I know so thanks!

  11. Yeah flame me for this but how hard would it be to have the sets on different outfits and you equip an ou fit with all your PvP dps, PvP tank, PVE dps, or PVE tank gear with one click... yeah one click.


    Think some other game *might* have a feature like that ;).


    Why would you get flamed for that it would be awesome

  12. Oh man am I rusty. Made it through the first story quest chain and weekly staged quest on Makeb only to discover my slow time bind was actually triggering force slow :o I was thinking I wasn't getting enough procs for tkt. Thing is that I can just let a gold wail on me while I fiddle with config settings and Nadia will deal with it promptly and I will still make it to 50% health.


    Kids, don't try this at home. Year long hiatuses are bad for your play.

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