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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Bilirubin

  1. Thanks for this KBN. The defensive cool downs make a lot more sense to me but the clarification on the offensive ones are greatly appreciated. What about Battle Readiness? I know its partially defensive, but it also seems to have a good offensive upside.


    I forget but are we talented so we don't need to use shadow strike from the side or rear as tanks?


    (Man my config is a mess right now...)

  2. When raiding in WoW it proved crucial to eek out every last ounce of DPS to beat the various enrage timers in a way I don't recall necessary running the first three OPs in TOR. The proper timing of offensive cooldowns was a critical bit of the math to down a boss. In my readings to get back into things in TOR I have been going over the reasoning behind our priority queue but have seen little in the way of discussing when to blow which cool down. They were a bit of a black box to me before, now I'd like to understand them better.
  3. Excellent suggestions, greatly appreciated! Especially that for going DPS until getting a handle on the HM mechanics. Nothing worse than a tank not knowing encounter mechanics. I'd probably even deserve a little of the abuse players would heap on each other in WoW
  4. The two priorities he compared were without and with Shadow Strike. In their basic form, they're largely identical to the existing priorities; the only reason they're different is because Shadow tanks will finally have the Force to actually use DS (without crippling their ability to use everything else).


    The math he did compared the difference between the self healing and damage and found that there isn't really an appreciable difference between them (the pure DS string managed *slightly* better average speed on the TkT cycle but it was something like .1 seconds faster) whereas the damage when using Shadow Strike was noticeably better (something like 5% total, iirc).


    The optimal priority is...


    1. Force Breach (for debuff)

    2. TkT (w/ 3 stacks of HS)

    3. Slow Time (on CD)

    4. Project (on CD)

    5. Shadow Strike (w/ Shadow Wrap)

    6. Double Strike (Force > 30)

    7. Saber Strike


    Late to the party, but a question. You say project on cd, but when I last played it was project on proc. Has this changed in 2.x?

  5. And people wonder why we Shadows think the world revolves around us.

    Having all those rocks revolving around is probably a contributing factor as well. :D


    Been hunting through the forums and browsing the new vendors. The basic 146 gear is still not quite a match for my fully modded Rakata/BH, although in some secondary stats its surprisingly strong. I assume the KC rotation is pretty much the same as it ever way? I also see to avoid listening to anything Noxxic says--what are reliable sites?


    Since my guild left TOR and went to WoW (returned for them, me for the first time) I power leveled up a character, raided a bit, but ultimately the community just wore me down and I quit after only about 4 months. Have been playing nothing ever since. Lurking about here again made me realize it needn't be that way.


    Thanks again all!

  6. I'm sure. I have only made it through the first few pages of that thread. And I don't mean to say you did it all by yourself; I'm sure it was a huge group effort (I saw reference to one person who sacrificed their posting ability to the cause) and I do not wish to seem to exclude anybody by what I just said!


    (And I am chuffed to be remembered by anyone. Thanks; appreciated! )

  7. Thanks a bunch Xinika! So, basically, our DPS is still in the same spot. I used to love the balance-hybrid tank for PvP but expected changes like this might have happened. Probably best to go back to a pure tank to level to 55 then.


    Man with all of the new gear and talents I feel like such a n00b again.


    EDIT: also thanks for the tip about bolster

  8. Just resubbed after nearly a year away. Nice to see a few familiar faces still around. Expect nobody remembers me though, and that is ok!


    So, what did I miss? I see we can't tank NiM but Kitru has the devs working on this. Anything really important? How terrible is my Rakata/BH gear? :rak_03:

  9. I would like to introduce a new category, that I myself fall under:


    Naked Championship = Casual but borderline Die Hard, Want good Gear and to compete in End Game but will wait longer to get it, still a frequent player, Like good gear. Min Max eventually. Serious but want fun as well, Love group content. Oh, and I play naked.


    As a matter of fact, I am naked right now. :o


    you, sir, described me to a t

  10. Thanks for this. I guess I don't get battering assault until level 20 right?


    I see what you mean about frantic though--just so many options for attack already at level 13! I'm fine with this though, as its nice change of pace from the boring repetition of my Shadow tank.


    Are there particular go to abilities or some that I should just remove from my bar now?

  11. New to the Mara, and have not been on it for a while while playing on my main so it was like coming back to the class brand new last night.


    Are there recommended rotations I should be using to build rage to maximal levels? I'm only just now level 13 and really feel like I am button mashing as they light up. I would prefer to be more efficient at this.

  12. There's a gap, but it isn't as bad as the whines claim or believe. Take a look at my signature and see all of my characters. They've all been in recruit gear at some point, with 2 having worked up to nearly full WH, one to 1/3rdish WH, another to full BM with some WH, and the other one is still in recruit.


    I am certainly more effective on each character once I get some gear than I am before I do, but I have also been able to be perfectly effective without the gear, though in different ways than I can with the good stuff, of course. I've topped DPS charts, been the uber defender or scoring player in Huttball, and even healed and tanked (with guard) effectively enough.


    The biggest difference that does exist is that I have certainly found myself far easier to kill in the recruit gear than once I gear up. Oddly enough, it doesn't usually seem to be a real spectrum, either. There's typically a single piece of gear I get after which I suddenly feel tremendously better about my survivability.


    The utility and even DPS, though, has never really been an issue.


    This, but especially the bolded. Once I got the chest things took a 180 degree turn in survivability. It may have been cumulative with all of the other bits I had gotten first (ear one implant main offhand boots gloves) of course, but that was the sweet spot for me.


    I also augment all the BM as I get it.

  13. My target priority is generally bringing multiple foes down at once and allowing my team mates to finish them off. In that specific video I was fulfilling my role as being a disruptor. We aren't a direct damage class, so it's better to play how we were made to be.


    Meaning interrupting casts, distracting their targeting, ccing, taunting, drawing direct attacks, etc.?

  14. Holy crap...apparently I have been too tentative in my PvP--since I am new to MMOs I have been holding back, guarding nodes, trying not to be a detriment to my team. Last night I had a guild mate healing and, inspired by the vid in the OP we launched into the middle of the fights. He was aces not letting me drop, my guard covered him well, and consistently I wound up at the top of the table, averaging 200k damage 50k protects top two objective. Was mad. Nice finally being over 1100 EXP too but *** DPS letting a tank outscore you?
  15. I just released a new video with heavy emphasis on how to play 23/1/17




    2:27 - 4:35

    7:57 - 9:16


    As for gearing, please see the armoury link in my signature.

    Good stuff! Really love the LOS work in the final Alderaan clip. Give me a lot to think about in my own play.


    In one of the VS I saw you switching targets a bit--between two sorcs IIRC--one was really low and I thought you might finish them off but you hopped targets. What are your target priority criteria? Also do you use target center or next enemy?

  16. No. Just no.


    Thats the thing about PvP... I don't want to fight guys with the EXACT same gear as me. Where is the fun in that? That would take the pride out of earning your complete WH set... It wouldn't be special anymore.


    "Oh you have your WH? So does everyone else on this server."


    I realize fighting someone in WH gear is challenging... but to me its worth the challenge.


    This. Heck, I'm still finishing off my BM set. But I'm contributing, and am pleased when my efforts get me the odd MVP vote. Later tonight when I get my BM top I'll also get the satisfaction I earned it.

  17. After much denial and avoiding of the spec, came to the realization that it's hands down the best spec for our class. Period. Let me be completely clear with you. The damage output on 23/1/17 surpasses Balance and Infiltration by... ALOT. My guess is that the changes with 1.3 has really meshed well with the hybrid spec and the consistent burst damage paired with the proper itemization is near perfect. The spec really has it all. Utility, damage, survivability and CC. Again with damage... I'm averaging around 400-800k. 400s being my lows.


    I had this happen earlier today:


    Project: 4287

    FiB: 3566

    Combat Tech Proc: 1981


    This all happened around 1.5-2 globals. This is also quite consistent and the filler is high. The spec is without a doubt our best but that's just sad. It outperforms all three trees in pretty much every aspect. I don't like that hybrid specs are outperforming pures. Nerfing is not the key because the spec isn't overpowered, it's where we should be.


    I've ran Balance a ton since ranked and it's been very helpful to my team. KC (full) also has it's place, but in all seriousness, neither of these two specs come even near what this hybrid can truly pull off.


    Thoughts on 23/1/17, oi?


    Guild mate of mine put me onto this spec. I had leveled and still tank PvE as 31/x/x and was using either it or Balance in PvP (tried Balance in PvE too but DPS doesn't yet sit well with me as a play style). It is literally the best of all worlds. I sometimes fuss over the loss of slow time in voidstar or huttball but then drop a FiB from range and forget about that. I still respec full kinetic for OPs but this spec has it all for me.


    How are you kitting out your stats exactly? Pure DPS stats?

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