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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Bilirubin

  1. Please elaborate, because to me it seems like a load of "we don't actually care what you guys think, we are right, we are always right, and go suck a d!ck." Not hope inspiring at all.


    I thought there was a lot of good explanation for why particular things were done the way they were, the give and take that is necessary to consider for various changes, a few acknowledgements of issues and realistic projections for when fixes might come down the pipeline. One outright "uh, dunno, that does seem kinda dumb" admission.


    I am comfortable with the idea that things take time to implement fixes given their long list of fixes and new content to get all working together. I like hearing that considerations are complex, and that they are open to making them. I'm also fine with some answers being no, just as I am fine with people suffering from real or perceived issues preventing them from full enjoyment of the game to unsub until things are working as they want.

  2. Eh Leafy I can't blame you. I just read the Marauder/Sniper answers from the dev's and my heart sank. Their reply is basically "yep, it sucks, and don't expect a change any time soon".


    Doesn't give one a lot of hope when it comes to our class. I wonder if I should just unsub right now rather than wait for disappointment in 2.4.


    I didn't actually read it like that myself.

  3. I would replace your PvE gear as the Partisan becomes available, I'm not sure what thread "that thread" is that you are referring to, but bolster was changed. There is more expertise loss on bolstered pieces than there used to be(except for Matrix Cubes.)


    Nuts, forgot to link to it in my first post. In this the OP argues to not mix and match bolstered and non bolstered armour, as well as PvE and PvP modifications within single items.

  4. In other words... it is corner cases up in the edges of the large window that is the total player base. And the corners believe they are the center of the window.


    Besides.... real cutting edge progression raid groups bring the right tools to do the job. If a class is not the right tool.... it's not in the tool box until such time as it is actually the right tool. There are always sub-par classes in MMOs that are the redheaded stepchildren of the min/max crowd.


    It will get fixed I'm sure. But It's the tail wagging the dog though.. so it will not get the attention the tail wants.


    Weeeeell, yes and no. I would argue that when the game is played at its highest level players are limited by design flaws, you'd better fix the problems. The game shouldn't impose these sorts of limitations.


    ETA: That high end progression teams get around these flaws by leaving out players that probably helped get them there because their toons are limited by design flaws it doesn't speak to those ACs being red haired step children. It speaks to wanting to down the content so they will do what is necessary to get there.


    ETA2: Yes I play a Shadow tank. No I do not raid NiM. I do not argue this from self interest, other than wanting my community to get a little information about this issue.

  5. The forums are in no way indicative of the player base as a whole. Posters are an incredibly tiny, vocal minority. And of course that includes me.


    Or we are a self selected representative sample :D


    Ultimately the shadow spike issue is one that really manifests among cutting edge progression raiders, and occasionally in HM ops. I expect that there is a reasonably high representative sample of progression raiders on the forums when compared with the general playing population.

  6. When the response is "we've just started talking about it; investigating it; no timeline" when it's a topic that's been discussed into oblivion with all of the investigation that they could ever need spread across multiple mega-threads over the course of 3 months, saying that little is a slap in the face. The only way they could *possibly* have missed the discussion is if they were simply ignoring it.


    Or simply missed it because they don't provide comprehensive monitoring of the site (which is its own issue of course). Or whatever reason. Its this sort of speculation that I personally don't find helpful.


    Regarding the Shadow tank spike issue, they stated a month ago they were getting into their discussions. Having acknowledged the issue at that point, I believe there is now a responsibility to provide ongoing updates to us so we can be assured this hasn't fallen through cracks. What they don't owe is is a diary or diagnostic list of what they have done so far, although some more detailed information would no doubt go a very long way to restoring good will, just as their community rep announcement did several weeks ago.

  7. Any amount of built up "ill will" exists only in the minds of those inclined to see it.

    The increasingly heated rhetoric expressed on the forums suggests that ill will is building as a result of a lack of communication.

    The "dev team" does not read the forums. The community relations folks read the forums.


    Fair. I was rolling the community relations team into my "dev team" comment to make a distinction with the community itself, and since the devs proper and community relations folks are all working at the same place presumably as a team.


    In another life I did this community relations job for a gaming platform. Even a "still working on it, no ETA" can help. Ideally however a little more information after this amount of time would be better.

  8. I think speculating into the motives of the devs/community groups is unproductive, as much as it might be reassuring (or fun or whatever) to do.


    But the fact remains that it takes precious little effort to communicate to the community and avoid the build up of this ill will. This is what I really don't understand: why do things get to this point?

  9. :sul_frown:


    I have a few new pieces I have gotten already, do I simply replace my PvE gear with these Partisan or higher bits as I accumulate them or do I wait until I get a full set (as that thread suggests)?


    Also, and this betrays my not having yet read through all of this thread, but is it still common as a Shadow tank to wear the Stalker set or should I actually get the Survivor now?


    Thanks, appreciated. I guess this explains why the two 2300 ranked individuals focus targeted me all the time lol. I melted.

  10. I have a Q8200 and a 430 and am happy with its performance with visuals set fairly low. Its not nearly as pretty as the system I am on right now (a laptop workstation with an i7 3610QM and 660M vid card) but the same rendering lag when entering new areas is present on both system. I really wonder about this engine sometimes.
  11. Just PvPd for the first time this weekend, and it was like coming home. To Alderaan, and getting stuck there the entire time :rolleyes:


    Anyway, will be going over your tutorial here but had a quick question stemming from this thread on level 55 bolster. Am I really disadvantaging myself using all my old War Hero/ Battle Master gear? Because that would be unfortunate after how long I had to grind to get it in the first place :(

  12. Buy isotopes with your basic comms. The purple 66 gear you could otherwise get with them can be crafted, and it sells cheaply, so if you want it, it's a better deal to buy isotopes with the comms, sell the isotopes, and buy crafted 66 hilt/barrel/mod/enh/etc.


    To wit: For 35 comms, you get an isotope that sells for 150-200k. Crafted 66 mods are maybe 40-60k. So you can get an entire piece modded for 35 comms, as opposed to 80-120 comms. In addition, you get to choose the good types of mods and enhancements. Of course, check your server's GTN for prices before going through this.


    If you have enough comms and/or enough credits, go ahead and get some 72 gear crafted as well. Hilt/barrel and offhand first, assuming you're not a tank.


    Summary: Buy isotopes and then do some combination of selling them to buy 66 gear or trading them for 72 gear.

    Thanks. I am a tank as my main spec and balance dps off so how would that change your advice?


    Seems I went shopping last night before some of this excellent advice came in, so oops but the dailies and warzones (and beer) were all good :rak_03:

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