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Everything posted by sumuji

  1. No they're just adding a few miniscule reasons for leveling it like above 20 now. I personally wish they'd look into it more for legacy 50's. It's not easy to get there and it's a direct representation of how much you've played the game. Would make sense to award those that are actually dediated players. More than like a simple title that joins the other 736 titles you have.
  2. You have to finish the FP before you actually get them awarded to you. Other than that you should be getting points. There's no level cap on them that I'm aware of.
  3. Yeah you can do the same with PvE sets as well. Some you might lose the bonuses though
  4. The boards have always been nothing but people whining and complaining. I guess activity is going up which is good for BW. Bad for people that had any faith in the human race after they see people complain about every possible mundane thing.
  5. Most are coming from cartel packs. Some of those are sold on the GTN. There's some that drop in flashpoints and operations but are bound. There's some that come from quest rewards like running all of the tier 1 and 2 hardmode flashpoints. The one I have on all characters was a reward for referring someone to the game who became a subscriber. There's too many to mention and I'm not aware of any guides. The easiest method would be buying with credits off the GTN though.
  6. Black Hole/Campaign should get replaced rather quickly. People wearing Dread Guard will have it best with being pretty much rdy for lvl 55 stuff right out of the gate. If you got comms to blow it won't be anything lost though.
  7. Curly Bill Brocius says, Well, ...bye I'm sure someone with common sense could have found a way to avoid leveling too fast for double XP. Then one without common sense to turn around and try to blame it on others. Most people would just do the simple,fast class missions for the story since they're the main attraction and call it a day.
  8. There's nothing wrong with wearing blue or green gear and you should be able to do all you want to do while wearing them. It's how a lot of people level to 50 the first time around. Clkass quests can sometimes be a little harder than normal quests though so you might have to play smart. In a lot of ways trying to keep up with mods would be much harder and the people that get the most benefit out of them are ones that can get the mods with little fuss. It wasn't even until the addition of the cartel market that custom pieces became plentifull. Before that people were just taking whatever was dropped or rewarded to them and they made it just fine.
  9. Yeah it's like expansions in every other game. If you don't buy it you're locked out of it. What are we going to next start hearing from people how they entitled to it for free? Yeah, I realize that's a stupid question to ask on the boards here.
  10. Well, with the overflows you should be in pretty good shape. The whole idea is to start people over around the same playing field again. Obviously if you're going to be going into it with your comms maxed out you'll have a nice advantage over those who don't but it will kinda feel like hitting 50 for the first time when the game launched. Some will be starting over with Dread Guard quality stuff and will have a easier time getting going.
  11. I'm a male that's played female chars for the last decade. In this game I don't notice any snarky comments. Occasionally I'll get someone to compliment the way my avatar looks. The only downside I've seen is that sometimes one of your male companions might be flirty with you. For my inquisitor one of my male companions is always talking sexy to me when I send him on crew missions. "Sounds fun" in a seductive voice. "I got what you need" in an affirmative tone.
  12. When 2.0 comes they're doing away with daily commendations. Along with Tionese, Columi, Black Hole...etc. All of the commendations you have will be converted into Classic Commendations which can be used to get Campaign gear I think. Each current commendation has a conversion rate to Classic: Tionese 6:1 Columi/Daily 4:1 Black Hole 1-1 So yeah, for every 4 daily comms you have you'll get one classic comm. Things like Biochem schematics will be gone. Each Campaign piece will cost around 100 Classic Comms. But you should know that if you have Black Hole comms right now it is easier to already get the Campaign armoring(for set bonuses) off of the Camp/BH vendor.
  13. I wouldn't roll the same thing over and over but I like making fresh alts. I wish the WZ were tiered for every 10 levels or something. In other games I would enjoy twinking out a new character and taking them up until they outleveld the first tier and then starting all over again with something else. Was fun to min/max this powerfull lowbie you'd just end up throwing away in the end.
  14. lvl 50 Flashpoints so I can start working on gearing up all of my characters from their now laughable Black Hole. I'll start checking out waht dailies/weeklies are worth it and doing them. It will be a lot of work to keep me busy for a long time. Looking forward to it.
  15. You buy rocket boots in the legacy part. When you purchase something in your legacy it will give you the option of credits or cartel coins. The ones listed under "Other" will apply to all characters in your legacy. The ones under Perks are cheaper but only apply to the current character. They were saying that the legacy unlocks that increase XP stack with the XP boosts you can get through the cartel And I find the convinience unlocks to be good ones. For alts I unlock the speeder license ones to get faster speeders earlier. Some aren't really that usefull until you're higher level like priority transports. Just depends on the person and what they might want to unlock. I couldn't care less about mailbox on my ship or stuff like that.
  16. Use the coins for legacy unclocks(legacy tab). You can purchase everything with credits or cartel coins when you're ready to purchase something. Those kind of perks would be more usefull than the cosmetic stuff you get from the market. Except for maybe XP boosts but you can buy them with credits on the GTN.
  17. Please get in line behind the other people threatening to quit over trivial nonsense.
  18. I was having the opposite results. I was making my own artifact mods for an alt and selling the excess and undercutting everyone else. Most of them timed out on the GTN. I even saw the only other listings at like 40-50k for a mid-range purple mod and the stuff still did't sell. I would eventually just sell i for like 1/10th of the regular value just to get it out of my inventory. I think most people twinking alts were doing it themsleves. I was doing that but I was also spending a good amount of money on the rare material since I was leveling too fast to keep up depending on my own crew missions. Perhaps there's where the money lies.
  19. I'd say try it out first and then quit if you don't like it. I'm not sure why you would want to quit beforehand.
  20. Can try running a traceroute on this website maybe. I think they're in the same location.
  21. I play tanks and healers for the simple reason of getting into flashpoints faster...and because I enjoy playing the roles. I tried to stick with DPS but I prefer fhalshpoints and wz over running though a quest grind and I don't like long que times. I have the 3 tanks and a op healer @50 on the Emp side and I have a Scoundrel healer and a Shadow tank on the Pub side I'm focusing on for the double XP(lvl 30 and 42). I find I already have too much to do so I might stop there. I can't hope to run everything through even the daily hardmode every day as it is. I'm already goign to have to pick a few to focus on and leave the rest for maybe when the expansion has been out a while and I can share some mods.
  22. Tanks can't generally grab hate on everything. They should be getting as many as they can though. DPS should be killiong stuff from weakest to strongest. In a good setup the healer would not get hit that much. But on my healers I've had the tank that just attacks the strongest mob and ignores everything else. Most groups are pretty good though it's just the rare baddie.
  23. You don't. You can pull the mods out of the Tionese and put them in your custom legacy gear for some credits but you won't retain the set bonuses. Tionese was some of the first armor in the game and for those sets back then the bonuses are tied to the shells themsleves and not the mods that are in them. The next set up, Columi, is the same way and so it Rakata which is the next set after that. It's not until you get to Campaign gear that you can pull the mods out and put them in something else and keep the bonus. You don't HAVE to wear Tionese for anything if you already have better on. The bonsuses are nice to have but they aren't that significant or mandatory.
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