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Everything posted by sumuji

  1. If you're lving under a rock and are unaware or the coming xfers or if you plan on sleeping through the free one I hate to be harsh but you deserve the anguish. It's like this for anything you do half-arse in life. With that said bigger pops doesn't mean you're going to quickly do anything you want to do the moment you want to do it. Even on The Fatman you can spend significant time looking for a tank or healer because there's not a infinite number of willing or able people to fill the roles. Maybe the LFG tool in conjunction with xfers will help widen the pool but you'll always run into an issue sometimes where there's not a long line of tanks or healers waiting to run FP or OP X.
  2. Played a lot of MMO's and I'm liking it. As a game it's got the basic mechanics of pretty much all of them to keep you busy plus it does a good job of immersing you in the SW universe. don't get some of the hate nor do I really care as every game has a exodus of typical WoW players looking for something new and innovative and not wanting to start over again doing the same kind of treadmill that's a basic fundamental of these games.
  3. Apprently in this game you should be playing alts rather than spending all of your time on one. Well that the same for most games as it's not really realistic to keep adding new endgame content at a fast pace. Even in Rift where they probably lead the industry with adding new stuff you have people waiting for new content just the same.
  4. They need to merge but that won't happen for 1.3 that's around the corner. There's no point in having a large list of empty servers even if transfers are an option. Plus it makes things look bad. Client optimization, yes. TOR is probably one of the worse running client that I can recall on a mid-range gaming computer that exceeds recommended by a good amount. Too many issues with HDD activity and load times. Like my game can only run for a while before it gets real choppy Ranked Warzones. Couldn't really care less. PvP seems to be an afterthought in this game but apparently it will make it in 1.3 for those like like to live in warzones.
  5. Powertech alt here and I decided Armor would be the better way to go. It would be easier to keep you and your companion up to date without having to worry about grinding out commendations to buy item mods for custom armor. Use those to upgrade your custom weapons. Plus you could spend time leveling up with PvP/ Flashpoints and just working on class quests without feeling like you need to do sidequests for commendations. Not to mention the PvP gear for lvl 20 and 40 which would save you some sweat. At least that's my thinking.
  6. As a new player with my highest charcter being 38 I'm enjoying the game. Like the OP I look forward to playing everyday.
  7. The game is suffering for a lot of people burned out on WoW and looking for something not WoW. The only problem is that pretty much every game before and after WoW is like WoW because that's the basic formula for the whole MMORPG genre. That's like buying a new first-person shooter and getting all disatisfied because it's like all of the others, running around a map and blowing stuff up. It's really silly from a outsiders perspective as someone who hasn't played WoW since like 2005, to see the same thing happen in every...........single.........new..........game. Not to mention they come from a game that's had 8 years worth of content updates and fixes. Oh yeah, the same game that didn't get any LFG capability until it was at the same point TOR is in post-dev. And the about the same time they got battlegrounds whereas before PvP was nothing other than mindless world ganking with 0 objectives or meaningfull content to go with it. Want to modify your UI? Blizzard didn't do a single thing, you had to rely on malware ridden 3rd party addons. Or do you honestly believe that no developer over the last 7-8 years has been unable to make a game that can retain a lot of players? Tired of beating around the bush and not mentioning the pink elephant. As far as I'm concerned you got two types of people. MMORPG players and WoW players. WoW players leave in mass shortly after launch in every single game. Too bad for us they represent a good chunk of people that buy and attempt to play new MMORPG titles. At least I hope developers go into it expecting to lose 1/3 of their playerbase in the first 6 months.There's not a single thing in TOR right now or that's it's lacking that would cause a impartial person to ragequit........with the exception of low pop servers which is indeed serious because dead servers even a normal person leave.
  8. I don't recall any game that launched with the ability to transfer, LFG tools, deep UI customizations unless it allowed 3rd party addons, two-man dungeons........etc. Some things are quite odd like why games don't launch with a LFG tool, but SW:TOR has got pretty much everything every other MMORPG had in it it's first 6 or so months. Perhaps you're spoiled by matured games with years of updates Perhaps you're tired of the basic MMORPG formula that's been used for over a decade I don't know as a new player the only thing popping out at me as being a major issue right now are the low pop servers. Other than that this 12 year MMO vet isn't seeing the same giant red flags other people seem to be.
  9. I don't think you're fully considering what it would be like if everyone could easily max out every profession. I don't really recall a game where you didn't hve to make choices.
  10. It's all rather cheap for the amount of entertainment you get out of it. I don't understand why it has to be a choice. Either you enjoy playing or you don't. Paying a small amount to have a bigger playerbase shouldn't be a concern if you do enjoy it.
  11. Liking the game as well, and not because of the Star Wars, just based on how it is as an MMORPG and playing most of them over the last decade. Got some areas that are a little bland and some missing features you'd expect these days but for a newish game it's pretty strong.
  12. Assuming you'll be able to transfer to any server. They may end up doing it like other games where you're only allowed a select group to transfer to. People certainly have problems about PvE > PvP tranfers.
  13. The only reason to buy CE these days is if it comes with an exlusive head start, but most new games are just tacking that on to any pre-order/pre-purchase. Anything you actually get in game will be total fluff or something you'll outlevel really quick. There are some that like phsyical copies of CE though that come with extra things like artwork or maps.
  14. I don't have any problems with other loading. It's just Tatooine specific. And probably Alderaan too by the sound of it once I get there. Something is messed up somewhere.
  15. Yeah they need to consolodate. What would be the point in having a bunch of empty servers? That got about 2x's to many
  16. 1- Every game since the one that shall not be mentioned loses like 1/3 of it's subs in the first 6 months. Chalk it up to whatever reasons you like. I'd like to think the main one is addicts going back to the previously alluded to game when they see the new game is the same old stuff. They don't want to start over doing something they feel like they've already done before. 2- You have MMORPG players and you have people that play MMORPG's, and first-person shooters, and RTS, and hack 'n slash...etc. The aforementioned will be playing Diablo 3.......and Bioshock, Metal Gear, Borderlands, HL 2 EP 3, the next Starcraft...etc, when they come out as well. Don't underestimate how many MMORPG players play them exclusively. Most people don't nonchalantly hop around games and genres.
  17. Tatooine. Haven't been to Alderran yet. But first couple times I loaded Tatooine I thought something was wrong with my install or HDD. Takes like 2 mins
  18. Yeah, some games do it better than others. Some without taking the servers down. This game does seem a bit excessive to take it down for 4 hours once or twice a week for a small patch. Then again I'm sure that's not all they're doing when the servers go down. Maybe if/when they start consolidating servers down to like half it would be less intrusive. I know they do it during non-peak times but it does suck because I'm on a work nights kind of clock and it's primetime for me. Not to mention Mondays and Tuesdays are my "weekend" and they seem to want to do this stuff every Tuesday. My o9nly hope is less patches I guess or them getting faster at doing maintenence.
  19. As someone who skipped launch after open beta but just recently bought the game I'm enjoying it a lot more now. The only problem is server pops. It's hard to get stuff done when there's <10 in a zone and most are just twinked alts speeding through uninterested in grouping. And a bare auction house missing tons of things other players should be providing and a lack of buyers for my own crafts that makes my only economy vendoring stuff or quests. If it wasn't for way too many servers spread thin I'd be pretty much be totally happy with the game so far minus a bug or 2 and lots and lots and lots of running. I understand they're working on a xfer but they have given no real ETA and I can' imagine people who have been playing it for months already would be on their last strand of patience.
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