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Everything posted by sumuji

  1. I play the 3 Emp tanks @ lvl 50. I made my first real Pub with intentions on playing it to the cap a few weeks ago. I made it a healer simply because I had never done any of the Republic exclusive FP's except for the first one. Even though I'm certainly capable in a tank spot I realize it wouldn't be a good idea to be a tank and run some FP for the first time even if I could twink them. So yeah, tanks have responsabilites that aren't newbie friendly. It's important they know how to fully play the class and not only that they really need to be on top of their gear unlike healers and DPS that can let things slide a little. Tack on the fact that they're kind of boring to play and like a 5th wheel sometimes in Warzones and you don't have to really think hard as to why they're the least played role. I've said it in other threads but they really need to offer an incentive to playing a tank because they are so depserately needed and I don't see it naturally fixing itself.
  2. Yeah, The same old arguement that's against it. The people that occasionally have to leave involuntary are .002% of the people leaving warzones. Should the whole playerbase have to put up with sore losers abusing the open ended exiting they have in this game because of that small sliver or people that forget to take their insulin? That would be the more common sense question.
  3. Strange. It's like 9/10 that I get a new one. Not trying to argue but that's just my experience. I'd personally rather punish the sore babies that quit a WZ. A few mins where they're unable to que muich like FP quitters get. Have it increase if they continue doing it over a certain period. Problems solved. Yes yes, I know I know. Some people crash or get d/c'd.....I'm a paying subscriber I can do what I want blah blah blah. Most games have some mechanic in place to address this so it's not going to hurt for this game to follow suit. Kind of silly there's nothing in place already.
  4. It varies for classes. Some don't get it till their 30's but others get it earlier. I think BH gets it in the mid twenties but some classes can be closer to 30. Never played Trooper.
  5. The tank can't really tank before Frenzy. They get knocked down and punted a half mile away, It's obviously part of the encounter that when the boss is normal there is no tanking being done because it wouldn't hold aggro past the duration of the taunt effect and the tank is getting CC'd when they get close. As lo0ng as it's enraged though it will stick on the tank the whole time until it becomes normal again
  6. Common sense says ROTHC and 2.0 are at the same time. It's just that people that didn't purchase the expansion will just get the 2.0 update minus everything pertaining to the expansion. Those that did/do buy the expansion will get the full 2.0 which will include ROTHC and 50+ content.
  7. Theme park is dead. As anyone who's seen countless games lose customers rather quickly after launch. There was a good industry article about this but I'm too lazy to dig it up. Went anlong the lines of how the future of MMO's will need to be more like Eve where a player can create their own content in a open world. Content is getting too expensive to develope and devs can't keep up with the rate people consume it in a theme park game. It's a model that will become too impracticle when it comes to costs and profits and keeping customers around.
  8. They're not doing it wrong. It's because he's enraged during that time and hits really really hard even on a tank. The way the encounter goes is during it's normal mode he doesn't hit that hard and he attacks people randomly. The tank can use a taunt to pull it off of someone for a short time but it's usually not neccessary. The tank gets thrown around anyway. The boss becomes enraged. That's when the tank taunts and brings it to a barrel to explode. Afterwards the boss will stick on the tank usually until it drops back into it's normal mode and starts thorwing stuff and tossing the tank around again. Until that time a tank normally is'nt going to stand tow to toe with it unless they're really geared and the healer is good. I do sometimes if I'm on my Jug tank or something with cooldowns rdy but most of the time I'm kiting him while trying to stay out of range.
  9. 2.0 isn't the excuse. It's been on the downgrade for many months prior to us even knowing anything about 2.0. People simply don't play tanks. They never really have. They're boring in both PvP and PvE. In PvE groups they have a very hands on role and can't daydream while facerolling the keyboard. Healers following closely in 2nd place while DPS takes everything for granted. Once again mentioning the fact BW needs to offer a carrot on a stick so people play them. It's not going to fix itself and I don' like the idea of having to offer incentives to get people to play a neccessary role but the alternative is groups running less and less and that's not good for anyone.
  10. Yeah I can't get Dread Guard unless it's crafted. I work evenings and don't run ops as a result. And I don't care for the Campaign set bonus on most of my characters. Looks like my companions will be getting some BH. And I don't mind having to start from scratch really like being a new player hitting 50 for the first time currently. It will keep me busy on all my 50's. Thanks for clearing it up everyone
  11. It's not very new player friendly though. Being expensive as hell. But it is a loophole nonetheless.
  12. Yeah, you're waiting on tanks. There's not enough people playing them. When I que on my tanks it's almost always instant. On my healer I can easily wait 15-20 on Pot5. I've sat in it for so long I've gave up for other things. Going back to the idea that BW needs to offer some kind of incentive for tanks and healers over DPS. When you got 75% of the server playing DPS, 15% healers, 10% tanks...you've got some serious problems when FP and Ops are a major part of the game with all but like the low level FP requiring a tank. That or they need to get dual spec out ASAP, although that doesn't mean people will choose a tank then either. Regardless, the lack of Tanks is really hurting the game atm.
  13. You can't think of a single good reason why items are BoE/BoP?
  14. Class quests are usually harder than normal ones. Being lower level isn't helping either. You might be missing a interrupt there. I know some story bosses have specials that can really hurt and need to be interrupted. I've leveld a BH to 50 and I don't recall ever needing help for a class quest but if all else fails other players can enter your instance and help out regardless of class.
  15. That's good to know. I guess Dread will carry you until the new lvl 55 stuff. Still no real reason for me to save comms now though
  16. Yeah, playing both tanks and healers I'd have to say the tank role gets the short end of the stick. They have to know encounters., how to set up mobs, appropriate time to taunt, keep up with gear, when to use cooldowns, keep up with interrupts...etc. Not to mention they're kind of like a 5th wheel in PvP. It's also a thanksless role and people do sometimes expect the tank to somehow magical keep aggro on every single mob even though they're usually spred out. Both tnaks and heals need some recognition. On servers where I'd guess 3/4 play DPS they're the people that bite the bullet and play a less glamourous but needed roles.
  17. Yeah, maybe they're not done messing with it but sounds like there's no need for me to save BH comms unless there's new schematics or something. I suppose a couple of Dread relics. Thanks
  18. Yeah, one of the things I don't really understand yet and can't see for myself. You can already buy Campaign armoring with BH comms and get the set bonuses. That's why I'd like some clarification. If I'm stuck with BH stats once 2.0 comes out I might as well be gearing up companions or something. Seems like that's supposed to last you until around lvl 55 when you can start earning Basic comms. Just wondering if I'm missing something with Dread Guard. Where does that come in? Still operations only? Are people that don't runs ops stuck with BH/Campaign until they can start getting Basic? Aside from whatever people will be able to craft.
  19. I play a healer but I also play tanks and I feel the day should be pointed towards them. It's the least played and less exciting role
  20. I asked on the test boards (apparently can't ask questions there about test stuff) what can be bought with Classic comms if you're in BH already and not interested in Campaign bonuses and someone said you can buy Dread Guard with them. The only thing I see on Dulfy http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/swtor-classic-vendor.jpg are relics with everything else needed a unassembled piece. Is that the way it is currently? I can't test because I don't have enough space to install the game again on my SSD. Just want to know if there's a reason for me to hoard my comms for Classic comms as far as gear goes, if I'm not interested in Campaign set bonuses. As far as stats go I'm already wearing it.
  21. From the tank's perspecitive. DPS that doesn't burn down mobs from least to greatest Healers that try to DPS and only heal when someone is close to death People that ignore simply boss mechanics that can kill them even when they don't pipe up when I ask if there's anyone who doesn't know the fights People that can't seemingly jump or walk in a straight line and fail at shortcuts or end up face pulling packs And the pinnacle, PEOPLE THAT DON'T SPACEBAR THROUGH CONVERSATIONS WHEN IT'S NOT NEW TO THEM. I run the dailies on 3 tanks and a healer right now. For the most part groups are fine. I enjoy running HM's still even though I've probably ran each one 50 times at least. Well, I still don't care for Kaon Under Seige.
  22. In this game though it's not a much smaller reward. It's like 10-20% les than the winners and that's hardly of any significance. So ever WZ becomes a tab targetting deathmatch and it's understandable that annoys people that actually want to win. I agree though you couldn't just give the losers zip because people would loeave in droves. Maybe if it were a decade ago but players wouldn't stick around for that today. Maybe there's a compromise somewhere but I seriously doubt BW would have it on their list of things to do. Just be thankfull they managed to work in contribution and x out afkers.
  23. As someone that tanks and heals HM FP all the time there are a lot of actual new players coming to the game. It seriously feels like the first months of the game with having to put up with poor playing and explaining every boss encounter to a player decked in greens and blues. It's like this in almost every FP now and totally different than it was back in the Fall. I can only imagine that it effects PvP i nthe same way. On my server Empire has probably 30% more players on at a time so it may very well be that Republic would be running into a bigger ratio of noob players rather than the other way around. /I play both sides too
  24. You're not seriously punished for losing. That's the problem. If losers got no currency, valor, or experience you'd see some much different warzones.
  25. Sounds more like a graphics glitch on your end where you stop rendering the player.
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