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Everything posted by alement

  1. Pretty sure this is incorrect. Most BMs have a staggering 12-13%, and most full Champ has ~10.50-11%
  2. Quadruple? Close, my friend, but not quite. Then it would be just as easy to get BM gear as Champion gear at that point. 16 quests = 16 commendations. That's two pieces of armor per week. BM gear needs to be harder to get than Champion gear. I would be ok with a Quintuple.
  3. Are....are you serious? First, switch to Rage spec. Next, get the huttball. Lastly, Force leap across the whole battlefield to score. Repeat. Win 6-0 in 5 minutes. Turn in Daily in one hour. Have full gear in one week. Done. Seriously, I've seen Rage spec Juggs crit for 5k, do close to 300k damage, and still get 75k Protection. Jugg and Assassin are some of the most well rounded classes when it comes to PvP.
  4. BW, I want to applaud your usage of polls. Do this more often! People can anonymously, quickly, and easily give you feedback. In game surveys now that the game has been launched for 2 months couldn't hurt either. During beta, I hadn't played enough of the game to give you real feedback. Now that I can, I feel like my voice will be lost in the cluttered forums.
  5. I've opened 15 bags and gotten 2 commendations, so not AWFUL, but not incredible either. Here's my take - Battlemaster should be the toughest gear to get, granted. But why leave it up to RNG? They heard all the complaints about champion bags and fixed them. Why not normalize BM gear progression too. Fix is simple: Each bag gives 9 commendations. Each item costs 90 commendations. You can only open 16 BM bags a week if you complete every Daily/Weekly, so you average 1.5 items per week, making it the hardest to achieve. Why couldn't they just implement that?
  6. Bioware, you got the nail right on the head with this week's change to Champion bags. Now do the same for Battlemaster! Everyone's complaint has been that RNG does not reward effort. Well, there is a substantial grind to get to Battlemaster, only to be hit with more RNG bags. Here is my suggestion: Battlemaster should be the hardest set to achieve, there's no denying that. Let each bag grant 7 or 8 Battlemaster commendations, and increase the price per set item to something around 90 commendations. This will still promote normalized gearing, and less nerd rage over RNG bags.
  7. alement

    Loving Swtor PvP

    +1 to this. It's not the grind that's so bad - it's the grind and then you're still faced with RNG bags. I just don't think it would have been that hard to normalize all the PvP gear's progression, making BM bags give 7-10 commendations and each items cost around 90 or so. Doesn't that make sense? At least it's not up to RNG, and BM gear would still be the hardest to attain (as it should be)
  8. I had no issues with Ilum yesterday at all. I think it's broken on other servers.
  9. Ilum worked fine for me yesterday. Wonder if its server specific.
  10. Sith Meditation Sphere has some great Republic guilds that stomp us out.
  11. You're thinking of Electrocute, which has the same animation. The Consular mirror is Force Stun.
  12. What's a token? I have yet to see something called a token in this game. If you're referring to Commendations, then I agree. I don't know why they didn't normalize BM gear progression as well. Doesn't it just make sense to give 7-10 BM comms per bag and increase the cost of gear to something like 90 comms per item?
  13. I agree with the champion bags but am baffled that they didn't normalize the Battlemaster progression, and left it up to RNG. Would it have been so hard to, say , give 7-10 BM commendations per bag and made the cost of each item 90ish comms?
  14. It, unfortunately, is still on RNG with a 25% (yeah, right) drop rate. However, pretty much everyone I've talked to has said the 25% is a lie.
  15. Caps means he's serious about this. As an aside - i think it was in the last patch where anyone who has been killed within the last 5 minutes will no grant valor. Have to wait 5 minutes to kill them again.
  16. See, for me, I stun someone in the fire, and after the fire is done, they're magically moved past the fire. Seems to be just lag.
  17. alement

    RNG - easy fix

    They're going to be giving 15 Centurion comms per bag soon enough. Refresh my memory but isn't a piece of Cent armor something like 36 comms or so? So 20 bags per week = 300 Cent comms per week?
  18. RNG is just that - RNG. Every time you open a bag, it's just a chance. Ever heard the theory about how when you flip a coin, you have a 50% chance to get it right each time? And if you get it wrong the first time, you're not guaranteed to get it right the second time? Same theory applies here, except with a 25% chance - not 50. I am 1 for 11 on BM as of right now.
  19. They're right next to the Daily PvP quest terminal, or an NPC standing at the spawn location in every warzone
  20. alement

    RNG - easy fix

    I haven't seen anything in this game labeled a token, so I'm not sure what you're referring to. I will say that I don't know why they attempted to normalize Centurion and Champion gear progression, but left BM up to RNG still. All they had to do was grant 7 BM comms per BM bag, and make the price of the gear 90 comms or so. Thus making it harder to get BM gear than anything else (as it should be), but not leaving it up to chance.
  21. I can really only speak for the Imp side, but yes, General chat on the Fleet is 70-80% comprised of LFG HM FPs/Ops. My Republic toon just got to the Republic Fleet late last night, and I didnt even pay attention to chat, honestly.
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