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Everything posted by alement

  1. Hang in there. 1.2 draws near...
  2. They're getting rid of the bag system and allowing you to purchase gear through Warzone and Ranked WZ commendations in 1.2. It's in the Q&A from last Friday.
  3. I think he's asking what a ranked warzone is. My guess would be they choose your team based on your valor level?
  4. People, read the posts. The change is coming 1.2 (March)
  5. http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-17th-2012 Gladoss, titdiscus, Leoran: What do you plan to against Warzones’ AFK, more particularly about players who leave Warzones ? Will there be sanctions for this type of behavior? Gabe Amatangelo: It is not sanctioned behavior. In Game Update 1.2 we will be making changes to the Warzone rewards system, which will de-incentivize this type of behavior. This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards . Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes.
  6. I think with ranked warzones, mostly everyone will be on the same playing level. Not really much of a reason to kick them unless you have a personal vendetta against someone.
  7. "Gladoss, titdiscus, Leoran: What do you plan to against Warzones’ AFK, more particularly about players who leave Warzones ? Will there be sanctions for this type of behavior? Gabe Amatangelo: It is not sanctioned behavior. In Game Update 1.2 we will be making changes to the Warzone rewards system, which will de-incentivize this type of behavior. This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards. Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes." http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-17th-2012
  8. Hey, at least they're ditching the bag system in 1.2
  9. Togruta needs to happen. They can be both Jedi or Sith and fit in with the lore. If they wanted to be cheap they could use Twi'lek voice acting
  10. alement

    The Reroll Plunge

    Sith Meditation Sphere! My PvP queues are short and I've gotten a group easily for every FP so far.
  11. C'mon folks. Read the Q&A on Fridays. Fixes are on the way http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-17th-2012 "Gladoss, titdiscus, Leoran: What do you plan to against Warzones’ AFK, more particularly about players who leave Warzones ? Will there be sanctions for this type of behavior? Gabe Amatangelo: It is not sanctioned behavior. In Game Update 1.2 we will be making changes to the Warzone rewards system, which will de-incentivize this type of behavior. This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards. Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes."
  12. But with ranked warzones, won't EVERYONE in that op be a new level 50? Also, keep in mind that with scrapping the bag/quest system, and adding medals, Winning won't matter as much (yes they do give bonus valor and commendations, but by just completing the WZ you get rewarded)
  13. I would be willing to bet it takes a minimum of 5 votes (majority of op).
  14. Ranked Warzones are being implemented.
  15. I did think about that, but unless the person is a troll, the ranked Warzones will probably help with that. Battlemasters shouldnt be queued up with Valor 10s, so they wont kick the Valor 10 out. It COULD happen, but I think it will be rare.
  16. Hello new commendation system! "Gladoss, titdiscus, Leoran: What do you plan to against Warzones’ AFK, more particularly about players who leave Warzones ? Will there be sanctions for this type of behavior? Gabe Amatangelo: It is not sanctioned behavior. In Game Update 1.2 we will be making changes to the Warzone rewards system, which will de-incentivize this type of behavior. This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards. Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes." http://www.swtor.com/node/313694 I, personally, am really excited about these changes. I HOPE it works out as intended. That is all.
  17. alement

    Bag 80+ BM

    You're exactly right, but success rate is different. For instance, I'm 2 for 27. That's a 7.40% success rate, which after two weeks of grinding just to get to V60, and another week and a half of opening bags, is enough to be frustrated over.
  18. I have both toons, and like them equally. My spec for my Assassin is 24/4/13, and have no problems with survivability or DPS. I'm sure when my Guardian is 50 and I come up with a good spec/rotation, it will put up similar numbers
  19. I play 4 hours a day-ish. It took me roughly 2 weeks to get from 50 to 60.
  20. What class are you that gets 13-20 medals per round?
  21. A few hundred hours of huttball later, you get kind of burnt out on warzones and need something to keep you going. One Battlemaster item per week with normalized progression isn't asking too much.
  22. Buddy, I said the idea was good but the numbers were whack. He defended them. I pointed out how.
  23. I've never played WoW. I played games that required the grind you're mentioning. Take your mentality back to Korea. http://na.aiononline.com/myaion-character-detail?charId=709271&serverId=4 http://na.aiononline.com/myaion-character-detail?charId=536196&serverId=4 http://na.aiononline.com/myaion-character-detail?charId=709272&serverId=4
  24. Ok, 400 it is. Let's say you're lucky enough to even win half of those matches. You're looking at 267 hours. I'll spell that out. two hundred sixty-sever HOURS.
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