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Posts posted by AdrianDmitruk

  1. Clipping is really bad for any outfit with a cape mounting up. I can't count how many armor sets I've had a look at that I decide against buying because the cape clips through the vehicle. One of my toons uses only tauntauns for the same reason, but even that clips (it's just not as obvious).


    What really gets me is that you can preview armor/mounts and it won't clip in the preview but it will clip once you actually use the armor/mount combination in question.

  2. Hey there!


    If you (or anyone you know) put in a ticket regarding the Personal Conquest Rewards not granting that was closed without resolution, please submit (or tell them to submit) a new ticket.




    Thank you. I'll have to update my ticket tomorrow when I actually don't have to be to work until 6 PM. Yesterday would have been a good day, but my server was down :p

  3. Hey folks,


    We are working on getting this fixed, but there is a preventative measure you can take to avoid missing out on your rewards:


    There is a Mission in your Mission Log regarding the Personal Conquest. Drop this Mission PRIOR to reaching the cap and you will get your rewards. The same goes for the Guild version of the Mission, and it must be dropped prior to the end of the Conquest Event.


    I will be adding this to the Known Issues, and will let you know when I get more information regarding a fix.




    So what about those of us who already have a character stuck with this mission from last week (or the week before) that can't be deleted? Will we be able to ticket a GM t remove it for us? Do you need the stuck mission to "stay there" as evidence to credit us the rewards later? What about missing out on the chance to do it this week because it's still there from last week?


    I appreciate the follow-up (much better than leaving us in the dark) but there are still enough unanswered questions for me to withhold further participation on certain affected characters.

  4. Hey all,


    We're still working through these issues, as we want to make sure we are happy with the state the servers are in before we bring them back up. I'll let you know of any further updates!


    Thank you for your continued patience!




    Well I was hoping to play SWTOR today before working at 4 PM, and I have to work the opening shift tomorrow (actually a double), so extended late night play is not an option, and because I can't get on today I won't really be able to play until the weekend...


    /sadface :(

  5. I still dont see how it is an issue for smaller guilds to get into the top ten. We have at best 12-15 ppl on at peak hours and we are in 5th place onblamorra and as high as 3rdat 1 point.its about how active your guild is and finding which planet best fits your guild


    Of course you make such comments with no idea of what guild I'm in or its character, though you would know my server if you read my sig. There are guilds out there with a highly active, tight knit core of people that number in the single digits. Their alts might bring up the roster to 50 or so. Your "12-15 people online at once" guild pretty much matches the entire regularly active unique player population of my guild, with the proportion of people who can be on for hardcore lengths of time even a fraction of that.


    Let's just say that I slaved away to deliver about 240k, a little more than 25% of my guild's score, this last week (over six of my characters). We'd like to be able to have a reason to participate in/run conquests too, without having to become utter slaves to it to compete against guilds fifteen times and more our size just to get anything at all. Some type of per capita metric would allow smaller guilds to gain some guild rewards based upon a per-capita calculation (meaning that a small handful of players pumping out 50k across their alts would yield a higher per capita score than a larger guild with zergable numbers, but lower per capita participation), while still leaving the actual taking of planets to the larger guilds who do have the raw numbers to zerg for control. Add my 2 RL jobs to that and I think that the lead designer's jaw just about dropped when I told him later in the event. He understood my point quickly.


    Yeah, we need to literally be more than an order of magnitude more active than the larger guilds to be competitive in obtaining any kind of guild reward at all, without outright being absorbed into them and/or mass recruiting. Either way would utterly dilute and sacrifice our guild culture and identity.


    When I asked this question I got a round of applause and the person next to me said "I'm from a small guild too" and we exchanged ingame contact information.

  6. I have one of the Q&A's that your earlier source missed (I was there, I asked the question, and if you don't believe me, Musco remembered me as the Heal to Full guy from last year! Hahaha!) :D


    This is gonna be a bit of a paraphrase, as it's 4 hours later.


    Q: As a small, tight knit guild, we feel like we are slaves to nothing more than the conquest objectives just to claw our way into the top ten against megaguilds with hundreds of members who can just zerg. Are there any plans in the works to maybe introduce an alternate, per-capita type metrics so smaller, tighter guilds can be competitive without having to slave away (or--forgot to add this--dilute themselves into nothingness by merging or mass recruitment)?


    A: We are definitely aware that this is a major issue with the current conquest system as it definitely lends itself to very, very large guilds being able to field a lot of members doing a lot of objectives all at once. We are working on various methods to allow smaller guilds a better shot at the competition. However conquests is still very new and a little experimental so it will probably take a couple to few months to develop some alternative options for the smaller guilds out there (while still leaving the larger guilds free to pursue their goals as well).

  7. Does it have anything to do with the quests "Personal Rewards" or "Guild Rewards" staying in your quest log after claiming the rewards? They're on a few of my characters and I'm afraid to abandon them.


    This seems to be the case. That quest stayed as an empty (other than rewards) entry in my mission log on one of my toons last week, and this week he can't claim the reward after reaching around 40k points.


    My other toons (so far) are unaffected. However I submitted a ticket in the wee hours of Friday morning (allowing a full business day before the weekend), the ticket did not receive so much as a droid response, and now I'm worried that I won't be able to claim the reward for this week at all since the points are locked on Monday.


    With most quests the weekly reset wouldn't be an issue, but with weeklies being unable to turn in one week has the potential to lock out subsequent participation in future weeks if the problem is not promptly dealt with by GMs and the like.


    Ticket number 13992663 if anyone from Bioware cares to look it up come Monday, or hell maybe I'll get really lucky and someone at the Seattle Community Cantina tomorrow will be able to help us. :D

  8. Storyline and playstyle of the Vengeance Juggernaut for me. I main an Inquisitor because I'm a healer but Vengeance is incredibly fun to play as many of the game's excessive stuns/knockbacks from trash mobs occur right after pulls, when you will be immune to them. (And if played right, you can Force Push to reset leap CD or intercede to your companion and leap back for even more immunity) :D


    IMO Vengeance is the best spec in the game for overall "feeling heroic" while playing solo.

  9. Great. You were supposed to nail this down by Monday. It's now Saturday. No word yet. How in Heaven's name can we show up to something if you donlt tell us where and when it is???


    I know you'll be there. I just got a notice from BW that a Big Even will be held for Shadow Realms on August 29th fro 7PM to 11PM. Hello? Shadow Realms? Did you guys forget about, you know, Star Wars?


    They posted the update you requested in a new stickied thread...


    Would it have been a good idea for them to cross-link that in here? Sure, and they did take until Tuesday, but they did post an update.

  10. I hope it is not at the Garage again. It was bad that we were separated into 3 different groups and once inside you couldn't hardly hear anything. I hope this year is in a bigger area with better acoustics.


    Yeah, the Garage was definitely too small of a venue, especially considering this particular Cantina Tour is scheduled around a major gaming convention.


    No gripes about the service there, the Garage just didn't have enough capacity to handle what Bioware was throwing at it.

  11. I'm pretty sure it used to say [Group 2+] on the mission, back when the Kingpins could be done daily. But when they changed the Kingpins to weekly missions, it was changed to [Weekly] instead.



    But regardless of whether they're supposed to be done in a group or not, the amount of CC on some of these bosses is just stupid. One person in your group still ends up unable to do anything for half the fight because they get knocked down, then stunned, then knocked back, then stunned again. That's just not fun - it's tedious and annoying, even if you've got a group to help take it down. And yet it's showing up all over - Bounty Contracts, the Oricon heroic area, the Rakghoul event (seriously, making every fight start off with a 4 second stun was just stupid)...


    They *really* need to come up with mechanics that make these bosses interesting, not mind-numbingly tedious.


    What's even worse is that the Rakghoul knockdown did not respect Unremitting/Unstoppable stun immunity (from the middle JG/SJ tree). So the NPCs stungunned even those specs that are designed specifically for stun immunity, i.e those specs that would help make these kinds of fights fun by being able to counterplay the stunguns. :rolleyes:

  12. As a sorc healer main, the QQ about the sorc healer changes not being enough amuses me. I find them at least worth testing, and potentially hilarious (in a "make them pay" kind of way).


    As a corruption (technically bubblestun hybrid--though I have more points in corruption so I won't display as 'skank' for arena matchmaking purposes) sorc, I spend a lot of time stunned and whitebarred. Polarity shift is quite helpful with whitebar as then the only counterplay is burst--and I usually run with a tank for that. Even if I'm electronetted in such a situation I pop my adrenal, call it out for the tank, and electronet, while still sometimes effective, is actually less than an automatic death.


    The issue with polarity shift not being enough for viability was strictly a matter of its cooldown. Now if I return to pure heal spec I can reset its cooldown to effectively be a minute or even slightly less on average. With as much time as I spend whitebarred (and remember we get 2 stunbreaks), I see some very good potential for that to be a game-changer.


    The change to corrupted speed is also potentially interesting. I'm curious to know what the exact magnitude of the "Hindered" effect will be. A self-centerd AOE slow on 20 second cooldown might actually give us some ability to "make them pay for trying to kill us" and increase the effectiveness of repositioning to a tolerable level.


    True that Force management isn't getting buffed, but I spend enough time evading and playing cat and mouse with 3 enemy dps (thereby diverting their attention) in warzones that I can regenerate some while "on the run." While not ideal, I have acclimated myself to Force management as is.


    I for one will at least reserve the QQ until the practical effects of these class changes can be known. Of course those of us who are not good at cooldown management and/or expect to turret heal without worrying about resource will find these changes "not enough." But I do see potential in these buffs for those of us who have endured sorc healing through the most painful of times; we're so used to being at the bottom of the heap that we can take any buff and run with it.

  13. They have confirmed that there will be one, but it only says between August 30th and September 2nd.

    Here is the link to that:



    Unfortunately "between August 30th and September 2nd" does not provide enough specificity for workers without vacation time (yes American employers are horrible about that) to request time off. And I shouldn't have to request a whole block of vacation time to attend a one-night local event anyway.


    About 3 weeks to go and we still don't have a firm date, let alone location. GG EAware.

  14. By the way, grats on yet again making an unpopular post on Friday afternoon so that you can leave for the weekend and not have to comment on the majority of people's posts.


    Oh yeah, I guess they did say they had learned from posting the H2F fiasco on a Friday (or was it really late Thursday?) and then leaving the anger and hatred to fester and stew for the weekend...


    Fallen to the dark side, EAware has.


    (Probably about the most constructive thing I can say. I'm relieved I didn't really bother with ranked PVP this season--premonitions of more EAware fail, I had?)

  15. Well now I don't have to feel so bad about ranked being so dead I didn't even get my 10 games in this season--the dismal season "rewards" simply aren't worth the herculean efforts required to organize enough for queue pops (let alone for functional ELO) on my server.


    I had considered transferring a toon to one of the PVP servers for Season 3 to paste a legacy over there and really do ranked...now? hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  16. Given the recent rewards announcements for season 2, it is about time this thread was necro'd for all those poor souls who still had some hope left, read this thread and feel it all wash away.




    too technically challenging

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