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Posts posted by AdrianDmitruk

  1. I don't know if this would help your situation as your post (understandably) doesn't give a lot of information, but if you can reasonably use a mouse with sidebuttons you may wish to look into a gaming mouse.


    I have different limitations (like a cramped laptop keyboard and subpar reflexes) but I have a Razer Naga, with mouse turning bound to the scroll wheel. I hold the scroll wheel down and turn by moving the mouse. Turn speed could therefore be (theoretically) changed by changing your mouse's sensitivity settings.


    I then bound many of my keybinds to the 12-key on the side of such Naga.


    Even if you don't believe a gaming mouse would fit your particular situation, you could still try binding turning to the scroll wheel on a regular 3-button mouse and see how it works out. Note that you probably will have to get accustomed to mouse turning especially if you're used to WASD, so I recommend making a new character to "train" with and unbinding A and D (default turning keys) on the new character so you can grow accustomed to it. Level the toon with only mouse turning. That way you can get used to it at low levels where the consequences of errors are relatively minor.


    Note that mouse turning will generally turn much faster than keyboard turning, which is why PVPers prefer it so much, so if you're looking to turn slower (you didn't really say) that might not be helpful. I actually had to tone down my mouse's sensitivity slightly so I could get more precision from the turns rather than getting whiplash and everything turning into 180s.


    Once again I apologize if you find this suggestion not helpful for your situation but it is the only workaround for the lack of a direct turn speed setting that I can think of.

  2. Eh, part of the problem is that since 2.0 there's been a DPS buff arms race.


    Class X is way underpowered and its most skilled players can only put out 90% of the DPS of an average skilled Class Y player. Ergo Class X is not desired for and excluded from high-grade ops and ranked PVP. So Bioware ups Class X's dps.


    But that buff now leaves Class Z underperforming by 10% and that class becomes the new red-headed stepchild of high-end content. So in the next class balance patch Class Z gets DPS buffs. And so on.


    Meanwhile, during all these times, HP pools barely budge at all (maybe a couple percent per new tier of PVP gear), and healers, which are better balanced than DPS for PVE (but not PVP) get little attention so heal output remains relatively static even as the DPS meta inflates.


    Meanwhile, stun duration and resolve remains constant through all of this, even as TTK grows shorter. It's now possible for a single player to burst a squishy from nearly full to dead during a single hardstun, where that wasn't possible before. Once upon a time, that required focus fire; now a single good DPS can do it. Certain classes have multiple hardstuns (and near on-demand crits) so even if you save your break for the second stun you are still guaranteed to die, as you will be dead the next GCD anyway even if you do break to "use your whitebar."


    Not so much a resolve issue as it is a TTK issue.

  3. Yes, please announce these things more than a month in advance to allow for things like time off requests and such.


    I attended the Seattle Community Cantina last year. I live in the area and was looking forward to it again this year, but with Pax coming up the chances of me getting the time off to attend are closing fast.


    Pax is easily predictable, it should not have been difficult for Bioware to confirm/deny whether there would be a related Cantina event in Seattle this year.

  4. Bioware stopped caring about supporting PVP, I stopped caring about playing SWTOR.


    I haven't even been bothered to log into the game in the last week, no class changes at all with 2.9, no announcement of season rewards other than "soon" , no reason for me to play the game...


    I've been on EVE Online while waiting for Star Wars Barbie to come out, finally something to do with the guild for a week or two, even as my guildies are probably wondering where the hell I've been. Certainly not engaged with SWTOR as it is very apparent that anything class balance or PVP related is being postponed until the next level cap increase expansion (and yes, enduring h2f while maining a heal sorc means class balance is quite important to me, class balance no, h2f yes, cross server no, season rewards announcement no, reinstating 8v8 ranked no, you should get the idea by now...) :rolleyes:

  5. It's a lot more tolerable for warzones (8v8) than for arenas (4v4). If you leave an arena, even the second you zone in, there is a HIGH probability that your backfilled replacement will not be able to play the first round, as loading in even a second or so after the round starts is automatically counted as a death.


    However there is a certain statistically significant and vocal population who refuses to play any arenas whatsoever (and their reasons are at least somewhat valid), and Bioware's utter refusal to give arenas their own queue means those of us who backfill for the auto-arena-quitters are stuck with their autodeaths. GG EAware. :rolleyes:

  6. Egress does provide leap immunity. I'm guessing you never PvP on a Sage/Sorc or leaper or never get leapt to while using Egress or never leap to any Sage/Sorc while they are using Egress. As someone who has a Sage/Sorc/Jugg/Mara/PT/VG, I can tell you with 100% certainty that Egress does provide... actually, maybe I didn't understand what you were saying correctly. Did you mean leap immunity or immunity to roots? Because it already has immunity to roots and leaping just makes you leap to where they were when you leapt, but they won't be there anymore since they used Force Speed, so you just effectively wasted a gap closer and didn't close the gap.


    I'm guessing you want Egress to make using Force Speed make it so that you can't leap at all during the duration? Kind of like Cover or Electro Net? Eh, that can be good and bad. It would be good if you got far enough away or ran behind a pillar so that they can't leap to you, but any less and they just leap to you immediately after which is far worse than the way it works now where they may still leap to you, but only get halfway there and it didn't close the gap. Now I do agree with you that shutting down Egress is very easy with CC's/stuns. Happens 90% of the time on my Sage/Sorc against decent players. CC/stun immunity every 20 seconds on top of root/snare immunity might be OP'd, though.


    As long as the health cost is attached to Noble Sacrifice/Unnatural Preservation it will never be good in PvP. Making the 4-piece remove the health cost may work, but I fear that PvE Sages/Sorcs will just get the 4-piece set bonus from PvP and use it in PvE.


    Egress doesn't like leaps very much. The reason why is a little complicated, and the OP doesn't really identify the correct problem with it that needs to be fixed.


    Say we hit Force Speed (with Egress ofc) to run away from you. You leap to us. In theory, we should be immune to the root on the leap, and you might get one attack in before we're out of range again.


    In practice, the root (that we are immune to) gets applied when you start the leap, but when you land, we get rubberbanded back to your leap, even though we should be immune to the root. So you could leap to me when I have Egress active, I could have run 10m away from you during the leap, and your leap will literally pull me back the 10m when you land. This basically neuters egress as much of the duration of that buff was spent running away that 10m, only to be rubberbanded back to you. For this reason, good sages/sorcs will wait until the instant you land to hit Force Speed, to adapt to the rubberbanding (that should not be there in the first place). Yes, we need a sixth sense to predict your leaps for that to work.

  7. I never considered looking for a nemesis. I just heal all the peoples. Since this post blew up I did notice one person. Isamari has been chasing me in the last few WZ trying to shut down my free casting. I always get a /salute, /bow, or /hug though, so not sure if trolling or showing respect. Regardless his/her efforts have cut my HPS in half. And that's no bueno. So Isamari if you're out there, congrats, you are now officially one of my nemesi'** what is the plural for nemesis?





    Yes, I find Isamari annoying too when I'm playing on Andreus--but running the old bubblestun spec makes it easier to manage him and keep him at bay a little. I do understand your annoyance though, as full corruption has almost no tools to Make Them Pay for trying to kill you. :D

  8. There is a gulf between how the developers intend the game to be played and how the players have discovered to play their game optimally.


    Damage-oriented Sages and Sorcerers shouldn't be using their Advanced Class healing abilities unless it's PVP, when they need to heal to full.


    It's a bad joke.


    And don't forget that seer sages somehow must play defensively and Make Them Pay for trying to kill you (while not having sufficient non-interruptable CC to actually punish a melee stunbreaking before whitebar).


    No wonder skank hybrids are so popular--we need the hybrids to have any chance at all to Make Them Pay as commanded by the devs.

  9. If you want to make seer sages more competitive in arenas but without affecting pve then it needs to be a defensive cool to last longer. Making kinetic collapse a skill that healers can obtain too would make it a more even game for us. With this ability it would give us more of a chance to cast healing trance which in turn allows us to get resplendence to regain force and instant cast salvation. A lot of healers who do arenas spec up to kinetic collapse already at the sacrifice of obtaining salvation as it gives us a much better chance to stay alive and be competitive in pvp. It really is the answer to allow sages to compete with the other 2 healing classes


    I think Bioware is (reasonably) afraid of making madness OP by lowering it to where full 36 point heals, and by extension full 36 point madness, could get it--but Bioware could introduce a similar CC talent (perhaps a Force version of carbonize?) high up in the healing tree.

  10. The other issue with changing flashbang from aoe to single target is that it made snipers less desirable in 4v4 ranked arenas. Before the nerf, snipers could be part of a hardswitch comp and could use their flashbang as the group cc. Now they can't...


    In terms of TTK the issue (imo at least) is that it's ok in some scenarios and too short in others. In ranked 4v4 arenas I think the TTK is fine. I've never had the pleasure of playing them myself but from watching high level teams stream it seems to be in a reasonably good place. Some arenas go to the acid but most don't. Where as if you look at solo ranked arenas TTK is more of an issue.


    In solo queue the majority of matches in my experience are with 4 dps on each team. Some classes struggle to survive one hard stun when the whole of the other team is focusing them and there is very little that can be done about that. I'm not suggesting that 1 person should be able to survive 4 people focusing them but they should at least be able to survive long enough that they can react and try to counter what is happening. In my opinion TTK is too short in 4 dps arenas.


    Obviously it would be ridiculous to balance around solo queue and even more ridiculous to balance around 4 dps solo queue matches. But unless TTK can be adjusted separately for different scenarios then we are just going to have to accept the TTK in solo queue as group queue is more important.


    One possible way of addressing this would be to go through DCDs class by class and make a great deal of them usable while stunned.


    That way CC still has use for hard swtiches (the CCed person can't aid a teammate) but it would allow a wider variety of Bioware's newly vaunted "counterplay" to the mess of unholy CCs in this game. At one point resolve was at least somewhat functional because TTK was a bit higher and it was therefore possible to survive a single stun, get a chance to get in an attack or two, and use your break on the second stun, and get a whitebar out of it. The conventional wisdom of "don't pop your break until you're whitebarred" will now get you killed in a lot of situations because burst has steadily crept up since 2.0 while our HP pools have barely increased at all.


    As a sorc healer, I have two breaks, one of which is a semi-DCD. I'll tend to use Force Barrier before my actual break, especially if I'm not yet whitebarred, as the Barrier provides direct mitigation while the break does not. However if Barrier is on cooldown I simply can no longer rely on resolve to judge when I can use my break, as if I wait, I'll be dead. Even from full health, if I'm stunned by a random person and then a sin decides to open up on me, I just won't survive the stun. I have to use my break and force speed away hopefully before they can react/stun again to have any chance to survive whatsoever (having them bound to Z and X helps a lot with that, thankfully).


    Now sorc heals might be a rather drastic example of problems with resolve/TTK as most everyone admits that spec needs help badly, at least for arena with yolo scoreboard targeting rendering positioning almost irrelevant, but hell half the reason why ED was/is compared to other DCDs is precisely because it can be used while stunned. It's not just a h2f, it's a h2f during a stun-and-gun. The vast, vast majority of DCDs can't be used like that, and if DCDs could be used for mitigation while stunned, ED would lose a bit of its (relative) luster. With burst so high relative to HP pools and so much CC in the game, perhaps its time to revisit the accessibility of our DCDs.

  11. ^^Welcome to the BC. I haven't been on the last couple days as I've had to scratch an EVE Online itch (GSF=a joke) but I'm on sometimes during the hours you asked about. Feel free to toss me a shout if I'm not with guildies myself; I can h2f so you can make them pay (toons in sig).
  12. Actually I play a lot of Hutt Ball on all classes.

    The stealth at the line allows your team to run the end zone pit instead of having to negotiate the fire traps on the ramps. So NO, stealth guys arent leeches. If he or she knows what they are doing they will also distract their respawns and keep some cc'd

    This is called strategy!

    If I see a stealth who is not a healer, not owning the ball respawn or guarding our line, but just running around in Hutt Ball farming medal dps, then I would consider this guy a leech.

    Hutt Ball is a team effort, each class has a roll. A stealth is a specialty player who can give you the winning advantage by camping their line.

    Of course if they stay there all match and your team never has the ball, they aren't good stealth players. They should have gone back to mid to get ball ownership.


    And if your team cannot control or maintain possession long enough to reach passing range of the endzone, the stealther is useless--actually worse than useless because he occupies a spot that could otherwise be backfilled. It's one thing to wait a minute or two in the endzone stealthed when you have a reasonable expectation for your team to have possession long enough to actually pass it to you, but staying there when it becomes evident your team can't even get the ball is nothing more than afk leachery.

  13. I actually moved my assassin back to BC from pot5 and I have liked it so far. During the day, it seems like there has been a much more balanced pvp environment than on pot5, where the pubs are terrible. Also, bc has a much larger population on pot5, so there are more queues as well. Before I moved back, I returned to pot5 after playing on harby for a while. I found that the impside isn't nearly as good as it used to be over there as it was before, so I decided to move. Although I do miss the days of wrecking bads on pot5, the server has gotten worse in pvp as a whole and the grass on bc is greener for me. For the time being.


    Yes pvp is slightly better during the day/primetime evening when the decent, objective-focused players are on. But the OP specifically asked about PVP between about 2 am and sunrise server time, when PVP is significantly worse because as I've said, the vast majority of the decent players have gone to bed, leaving only the bads Impside (or perhaps 1 good player to try to carry 7). The republic usually isn't much better unless Infamous is queuing at that hour specifically to farm the bads (which sometimes happens).

  14. It's horrid bad on POT5 too and that is why I am transferring. I don't mind a 15min wait between ques. I don't mind playing with the same 8-12 folks over and over all night. I have made a few cool friends from that. What I do mind is idiots who just want to fight all game and do not understand to win you have to rotate. You have to hit the opponents weak areas. You just can't go slam your head at the same objective an entire match. If it doesn't work rotate. If it's protected rotate. Leave folks to guard objectives. Use chat to call out incoming. Respond when there is a message for inc.


    My friends are very casual PVP so I just can't 4 man que 5-6 hours a night and carry the tards :( Thus the whole reason i want to move.


    The grass is not greener on this side of the fence. Sorry. :(

  15. It's already done. Check the crafting material vendor on fleet. They cost 20 Exotic Element Equalizers and 350 Elite comms.


    Yeah, the problem is that the cost of 20 EEEs is equal to or greater than the value of the MMG (on GTN). So you're not gaining anything by using the elite comms to barter for MMG; you're just throwing them away. At present market prices for EEEs/MMGs, elite comms have no value whatsoever.

  16. No, Eric, it's your responsibility to inform the designers of this issue when you're so misinformed or mistaken. You should be as embarrassed by your claim above as "heal to full". Yes, this influences healers' priorities. Sages rank higher in triage priority than any other DPS class in the fights below for which your claim is incorrect.




    1. Our cleanse is the least useful for preventing damage. This is a material disadvantage at higher Elo.
    2. Generating Resplendence is tied to a channel with a cooldown. A quick interrupt of this channel prevents us from using Healing Trance for its 9-second cooldown rather than for the shorter duration of the interrupt's lockout (e.g., 4 seconds). I suggest that Healing Trance's ability cooldown be waived whenever it is interrupted. For example, if a melee's gap closer with no ability lockout were to interrupt Healing Trance, it could be activated again immediately. If an interrupt with a 4-second lockout were to interrupt Healing Trance, it could be activated again in 4 seconds. A knockback or CC that breaks a Healing Trance probably shouldn't affect its cooldown, though it is as hilarious as it is sad to be shut down as a Seer in an Arena by merely being knocked around (a push or pull can be added into the mix, as well) until a teammate is dead.


    Sage healing needs to be buffed for PVE, too. Presently, Sage is the least desirable healing class for PVE. This would be true even if Commando healers hadn't received a colossal buff for PVE via their buff for Arenas (i.e., allowing an unlimited number of players to have a Trauma Probe). A Sage is least desirable for tank healing. A Sage is least desirable for raid healing, as well, because Salvation is useless in far too many circumstances in both DF and DP.


    Salvation must be redesigned for PVE and PVP.


    [*]The range of AOE heals in SWTOR is backwards. A Scoundrel's AOE, which moves with each recipient wherever he may wander, has a 10-meter radius. A Commando's or Sage's AOE, the location of which is fixed, has an 8-meter radius. This is careless design that affects PVE and PVP, and a reason, albeit a minor one among the many, that Scoundrel healers dominate PVP.




    You've been forced to recognize (more than one year later than your players), that a Sage's design is terrible for healing Arenas. In light of this failure's enormity and longevity, reluctance to consider instants is stubborn and foolish.


    Among the healing classes, a Sage has the lowest HPS from instants. The more that a healing class relies on casts or channels, the less competitive it is in Arenas. This is true even if Salvation is counted as an instant, which it shouldn't be for PVP, because interrupting Healing Trance every 9 seconds prevents a Sage from gaining Resplendence. There will be no solution until a Sage's HPS from instants can equal a Scoundrel's or Commando's.


    In addition, any temporary buff to allow a cast to be instant must be distinct from Resplendence and unrelated to Healing Trance. Otherwise it'll remain too easy to cripple a Sage healer merely by interrupting Healing Trance.


    The Mystic's 4-piece set bonus for PVE and for PVP should both be changed.




    Regarding Mystic's PVE set bonuses, the 2-piece is crucial, and the 4-piece is worthless for easy content and lackluster at best for challenging content. The PVE 2-piece is so important that most Seers use it (together with the PVP 2-piece) for PVP, sacrificing a few points of Expertise for the shorter cooldown on Healing Trance.


    I've snipped out the PVE stuff as I don't really PVE much, and certainly not NiM.


    Regarding your point about sages having the lowest HPS from instants in PVP, however, I would like to point out an alternative solution (although one that Bioware is probably equally unlikely to consider). Our problem isn't simply that we cannot effectively heal on the move (though the statement "We cannot effectively heal on the move" is most certainly true)--there is a second component to our arena problem. We cannot heal a teammate while hiding. We, as the "squishy healer," are expected to run away and h2f, avoiding enemies as much as possible, but we are useless to our team once we have evaded our enemies.


    Consider the heal toolkit we have available to us once we do find ourselves able to stop and cast. Small hot to proc buffs. Relatively powerful channeled heal, with a crit buff accessible. Long nuke heal that takes forever to cast. Weaker heal, quicker to cast, but burns way too much Force.


    All of it requires LOS on the teammate to be healed, and all of it is limited to 30m range. Meaning almost any melee attacking our teammates has an instant leap or pull to us. This combination renders positioning in arena irrelevant as no matter how well we hide ourselves, we can be targeted from scoreboard and yolocharged/pulled as long as we are actually trying to get a heal off on our teammate. For if we have positioned ourselves such that we can't be easily yolocharged/pulled, we inherently have no use for our team.


    Even ranged can get into the act with scoreboard targeting, mark us with yoloflame, and see the mark from anywhere, no matter the LOS we hide behind. Yoloscoreboard-target, look for yoloflame, outflank. It is impossible for us to position for mitigation in arena, and if we somehow do pull it off, we are useless to our team.


    What's the difference between 4v4, where we are utterly not even remotely viable, and 8v8, where we are viable? In 4v4, yolo scoreboard targeting. In 8v8, the enemy must actually be able to see us to target us (or acquire us through target-of-target of a teammate who has found us).


    So alternate solutions?


    1) Remove the ability to target enemies directly from scoreboard in arena, while also making target markers respect LOS, and/or

    2) Give us one or more healing abilities that may be used on teammates from a hidden position (i.e. out of LOS) and/or 35m range, such that the positioning game around which our class is balanced can actually be played in arena.


    Right now using Camo after GbtF essentially removes a needed DCD, since we have to use 2 for 1. What class has to use 2 DCDs back to back for one of them to be effiective? Fix this.


    To answer this question, sorcs had to use grenades when leaving Force Barrier to cover an escape between 2.0 and 2.7. Otherwise our only real DCD was only a tasty snack for smashers and other assorted hyenas who just waited for us to end the channel and finish off with a smash. The only reason why Enduring Bastion was added was to give sorcs a chance to escape or h2f afterwards instead of Barrier (by itself) preceding an automatic free kill as before.


    Now given how little CC full sorc healers have, yes being forced to use our only AOE CC just to make our sole DCD work was kind of bad.


    We still need to burn polarity shift just to get WW to work (speaking as healer, without DPS cast time reduction talents)--otherwise WW is a guaranteed interrupt and/or we're dead by the time it lands because of atrocious pushback.


    And as others have mentioned, stealth classes must purge for their stealth to work...


    So yeah, sents aren't the only ones who need to stack cooldowns to make them remotely effective. Welcome to the world of everyone else.

  18. To be more specific, the Heroic Moment no longer receives bonuses from Legacy companion unlocks to cooldown and duration. It should be 15 minutes cooldown/2 minutes duration with all five companion bonuses unlocked but it seems this bonus was disabled with 2.8.
  19. GF16man would be far more widely useful if we could see present numbers/roles queued. For example, queue GF SnV (1 tank, 2 healers, 8 dps currently in queue)


    That would make it easier to organize the remaining 5 spots through fleet advertisements and such, especially if you were willing to fill a non-dps role yourself.


    But as it is, its opacity limits its usefulness for trying to "finish off" a group to generate a pop. GF has long needed this but 16m amplifies the need by an order of magnitude.

  20. Hey man! I didn't know you had a twitch account. I'll gladly follow it. I dig BC streamers and also host The Cowboy Funk Show on this server. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours!


    The Funk Show Live on Twitch



    Monk the Funk


    Hi! Streaming has been a long time ambition of mine, but only yesterday did I attain an internet connection fast enough to do it. Which is why you know that I was into it. :)


    I've updated the OP accordingly and will continue to do so with new BC streams/youtube channels as they are posted here, so keep them coming!

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