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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AdrianDmitruk

  1. Sounds like your battery is running out, I have not tried to open mine yet but I don't see an problems in doing so. There's a small screw under the sticker and I think once that's out it should just pop apart allowing you to replace the battery.


    Ah didn't realize the screw was under the sticker. Here I was thinking it was permanently sealed with a planned obsolescence all this time. :rolleyes:

  2. I'm the proud owner of a CE physical key, but it seems to be getting long in the tooth and it's not always responsive when I push the button. Sometimes it takes 2-3 tries to display the authentication code and I'm worried it's reaching the end of its life.


    I still have a "dumb" phone so the authentication app is out of the question. I'd love the ability to order a replacement before my authenticator gives out.

  3. Not sure how things are over in the US but a manager title usually carries a fair amount of responsibility with it and thus from the situation created within the community it is on him to do his best to remedy it. Thus talk to whoever is needed to, post that the current changes are intended and staying as is and apologise for his previous post.


    I find it HIGHLY unlikely someone is telling him don't do the above and just do nothing at all because that is probably the worst possible action to take ( as illustrated by this thread and some actions players are taking ).


    I'm just going to reply to this real quick--in the US the title "manager" implies little, if anything. All that can realistically be inferred from the title "community manager," based upon US employment law, is that Eric has some scintilla of authority over the community and/or other members of the community team (such as forum moderators). Other than that, the word "manager" has very little meaning in US employment law, other than as a way for employers to get around paying overtime by calling everyone above a janitor, who makes at least approximately $26000/year, a "manager."


    US employers would even call janitors managers if they could get away with it, but there is a little tidbit of employment law here that says that anyone classed as a manager must be paid a certain amount (I think it's about $26K/year, so not very much) or that employee cannot be classified a manager for purposes of exempting them from certain employment law protections.


    TL;DR: The word "manager" within Musco's "community manager" title doesn't necessarily mean much because in America, almost everyone can be called a manager!

  4. I reserve the right to leave when:


    1) I backfill. (I must weigh the severity of the backfill situation against the desire for quick progress on the daily.)

    2) I've received the same warzone too many consecutive times in a row (before the match starts).

    3) A guildie or friend comes on right after a pop, and I want to group up. (As a healer, knowing I'll have at least someone to peel for me is far better than the mercy of pugs).

    4) I need to get out of the rotation of terribads (before the match starts), i.e. when I have the same 6-7 bads on my team for three or more warzones in a row.

    5) If unable to queue dodge the terribads from 4...I may suddenly reach the point when I just have to call it for the night when the three people who dropped the other side of voidstar get globaled and capped, with most of the enemy team on my side, inside of a minute. Yes, as a healer I CAN TELL HOW SQUISHY YOU ARE and that you got globaled because you're bad. Even from the other side of the map (it's called an ops frame). Note that this is a special case of terribad far more severe than the usual "didn't call inc" variety. It's pretty rare that I reach that point though, despite the fact that I'm on a server that is well known for its high terribad population.

  5. This is why, as an officer of the guild I'm in, I don't *touch* recruitment. I don't mess with ranks, even though I have the permissions to do so. I might occasionally promote a new alt to the rank just above probationary when I'm on voice with the person who made it, so they can use things like XP boosts and stims from the bank while they wait to catch the GM online, but anything above that, yep talk to the GM.


    I mean hell, the GM told us a while back to pick one main toon on each faction to have our permissions. It was a PITA back then as that was before legacy storage (legacy storage made it much easier though). But I'm pretty sure this was why. If someone made a new alt and tried this stunt, we'd be like, "Erm, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?"

  6. Well, since we are necroing.


    Probably obvious but I'll ask anyway. Say I bought Revan's mask from that contraband vender. I wouldn't get any duplicates of the mask available for any other characters right? I would have to repurchase it again for 10 Cartel Certificates and the credit cost per toon?


    You can unlock the one you bought with the certs through collections; then your other toons will be able to claim it from collections. I did that with the meditation chair and command throne.

  7. It's literally nigh impossible to find the ability to RE unlettered 36 mods. I've looked, and it seems you have to have access to the old NiM DP and RE from the exotic drops there. 2 full months after the expansion, and there still aren't unlettered 36 mods available on GTN on my server. They're all 36As and 36Bs. There are a few unlettered 37s but I haven't seen any for the class I want to main PVE in quite a while.


    Sadly 3.0 killed pugging ops on my server, and it was only in the last week or so that I was able to wrest a consistent day off. Before that, my ability to commit to any kind of raid schedule was nil.


    EDIT TO ADD: It's not like asking for the ability to craft properly itemized 36s is asking for BiS to instantly jump into HM ops. 186 is basic tier for Force's sake. In fact I find the thought that I see unlettered 37s on GTN before unlettered 36s quite disturbing. The 36s should be substantially easier to get than 37s, not harder because there's no way to RE them.

  8. Never mind I thought I you linked to the there'd saying bioware should appoint people from the player base to ban chat offenders and spam bots. I agree its asinine that ignoring someone doesn't remove there existing message from chat and that its only per toon not per account.


    Yeah it took me a moment to realize that my description sounded kind of like that thread.


    Yes, I want spammers exterminated with extreme prejudice.


    But I want Bioware to do the exterminating server side. I just want the proper tools to disinfect my client from the spam while I wait for the exterminator. :D

  9. First rule of running an asylum never give the patients the keys and for the love of all that is good don't give some of them guns to police the place. And before you say comparing an mmo community to a asylum is stretching it I just have to say from the forums and player in game asylums have nothing on this level of crazy.


    Second rule of running the asylum is never, ever leave the aslyum unguarded (and if Bioware wasn't leaving the asylum unguarded we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place, now would we?). I have the feeling you didn't actually read what was posted there, and based your reply only off my link description.


    Seriously though, when I report spam, why the hell should the report not actually remove the spam from MY CLIENT so I can see the rest of chat? All of the improved functionality I suggested in that thread is on the client side, not the server side; it just gives us more and better ways to remove ourselves from the spammers, and makes it easier for us to report them for Bioware's banhammer. If Bioware won't police the spammers, the least they could do is give us the tools to fully and completely remove them from our playing experience (to be differentiated from removing them from the game--which BW *should* be doing but isn't.) It's still up to Bioware to actually ban them. Literally the only downside to what is suggested and posted in that thread is the risk of ignore lists becoming full, which would not be a problem if Bioware actually acted upon the spam reports they do receive in a timely manner.


    Making it easier for the playerbase to shun spammers would also increase their costs of doing business and hopefully decrease their market penetration. Which is a good thing.

  10. The situation in which I have seeing them do this is not mid boss fight, or when the group is fighting a group of mobs together.


    But when most of the team is fighting group A and he/she uses her Double Saber Throw and aggros group B or just leaps to said group B, they are literally the only ones who aggro those mobs and cloak away while running back to the healer.


    Sound like it's a rare occurrence? Sadly no...


    Agreed that is a misuse of force cloak. Intimidating roar is a much better cooldown to pop in such a mishap as (assuming that at least some of the mobs are humanoid) it will give the healer time to react to the mis-pull, and the marauder can hopefully thin the mob a bit with single target attacks before it wears off. But like I said, too many DPS don't know of its uses.


    As a vengeance jugg in PVE I don't have force camo for when I mistarget something. I have saber reflect, intimidating roar, and heal to full (enraged defense). If I break it, I clean it up. :D

  11. I heal in PUGs sometimes and tank with friends only, there are just too many horrible DPs who don't know anything other then their rotations.


    The average dps has:

    - No idea about aggro dump

    - Dumps mobs on healer, looking at you Marauders/Sentinels force cloaking :mad:


    The reason few play anything but dps in a PUG, when they can play all roles, is that too many dps out there think "team work" is a word that applies to healers and tanks only...


    To be fair to Maras/Sents (and no I don't play one), force cloak IS their threat dump. So it's literally impossible for a mara/sent to be above average in your worldview; they must either NOT threat dump, or if they threat dump they risk the threat dumping on you instead of the tank.


    If a marauder force cloaks to drop his threat, and the adds go to you the healer, that means the tank is #3 or below on the aggro table for those adds. Just sayin'

  12. I refuse to tank/heal until I feel I have had an adequate opportunity to learn the content (as a DPS). Once I've DPSed something enough, I will feel comfortable healing it (my main is a PVP healer), then tanking it.


    I have confidence in my skill healing and DPSing. Less so for tanking because I don't do it so often. As a PVPer who PVEs on the side, I don't want to catch the **** for wiping groups because I'm relatively new to that particular content and there's some mechanic I don't know about it. The rewards for running FPs just aren't worth the stress of the increased responsibility. Maybe if tank gear from comms was actually better itemized than DPS comm gear (hint: tank gear has always been worse for some reason, far back as I can remember), it would be an incentive, albeit a small one to take on the responsibility. As it is, I'm after a stress free run, which I'm more likely to get as a DPS than a tank. I can do other stuff while I'm waiting for a pop. Some days I don't get a pop at all, and that's OK as long as I manage to get three in a week. If it's Monday I'll ask a guildie to finish off my weekly LOL.


    There have been a few cases where a tank has accepted a queue pop, only to drop immediately or shortly after zoning in, before the group has pulled anything. In those cases I offer to try tanking in tank stance, with what tank gear I have (it's not a full set) to at least get some of the FP done while we're waiting for a replacement tank. I am very upfront that I'm offering myself as a stopgap only until we can get a replacement. That keeps the expectations down to a reasonable level and most groups I've been in are fine with it. I actually managed to successfully tank a Manaan HM all the way through with only one wipe by doing that--take that, ******e who left. :D


    I find that tanking in half DPS gear makes holding threat really easy, even easier than tanking in proper tank gear, though I'm well aware that wouldn't fly in serious ops content. I'm usually pretty good at rotating my cooldowns and don't really receive complaints about squishiness often. Then again the healer's probably surprised I can use my cooldowns (including intimidating roar, which a lot of tanks/dps don't think about but I learned how useful it is from my PVP activities) to help him out when the "real" tank drops.

  13. Hey some of us played sorcs before they were FOTM (1.2 gutting every healer except scouperatives, anyone?). Just 18 months ago the community was in an uproar because when asked by the duly elected sorc Class Representative (who was really respected and big into ranked, I might add), Bioware replied with "You must play defensively and make them pay for trying to kill you" and "sorcerers, unlike marauders and snipers, can heal to full." :rolleyes:


    Only at the time we really didn't have the toolkit to do that (now we do, and those of us who endured the h2f era and got good before FOTM buffs do well for ourselves now, I'll admit, but that's because we played/mained the class at its weakest point and we were forced to l2p and get better).


    Yes we need a rebalance (madness sorcs got way too many consecutive buffs between h2f and 3.0 while bioware ignored corruption and lightning during that time so madness has a head start over our other specs, then when bioware finally looked at the other two specs with 3.0 they realized they were so broken for arena before that I'd hardly fault them for overshooting a little) but complete removal is overkill. How long were we sorcs forced to endure three smashtards leapin' and smashin' at the same time back when smash was flavor of two years?

  14. Just give the GTN search proper boolean search capabilities.


    If GTN search was like google, I'd have no problem searching "minor experience boost" and only getting the 25% for all xp boosts, because the quotes indicate I'm looking for exact phrase. It filters out extraneous stuff in the middle that, in the case of our XP boosts, leads to a bunch of extraneous stuff that we can't filter out (without giving up the ability to see any underpriced items we'd otherwise want to snap up).


    The same situation happens with black and black dye modules (or any dye with the same primary/secondary color). There's no way to tell the GTN search that we want the word "black" to appear TWICE in the item we're searching for. As a result, it pulls up every dye module that has some black in it, even though we want a pure dye that is the same color for both primary and secondary. Proper search functionality would fix this too.

  15. Shien Form and Unstoppable both need to be given early, around level 25, IMO. Unstoppable was available around level 22 before 3.0 but moved an entire 20+ levels later.


    I leveled both a vigilance guardian and a vengeance jugg pre 3.0 and for me a huge part of the fun came in having CC immunity to all the mobs and class story bosses who would blow their CC wad as soon as you leapt to them, when you were immune. My characters already had unstoppable come 3.0, because they had been level capped or close to it before, but in wanting to make the spec more "fun" to level by giving Plasma Brand/Shatter early, Bioware removed the feature of the class that literally defines fun until much later.


    Nothing says "feeling epic and powerful" like a boss trying to nutkick you and you just laugh it off and impale him because of your CC immunity. Nothing. There are some talents in the early range that could easily get switched to get Unstoppable back; hell I'd even switch Shatter back up there to where it was to get unstoppable early if I leveled another Jugg.

  16. /signed


    I sign this as someone who HAS soloed the Czerka FPs for weekly (tactical, I couldn't pull off the HM sandstorm boss when I tried it a month ago, maybe now that my companion is augged but I'm not sure if it would make enough difference).


    I'd love to go back to Section X too, but there's no reason to do it unless maybe the guild is LF credit run to fund guild activities, because I sure as hell won't be able to find a group for it otherwise.

  17. In said scenario, Vigilance/Vengeance spec character would not be in the wrong if he killed people that fast because this either means the team needs to update their gear, use protection measurements like shields, or have a stealth character take him out. Because if you have a character like this in pvp, then having a immediate cooldown after death is the least of that team's problems. I can see it being unfair to non-seasoned PUGs or under geared players who join wearing green, blues, and outdated modifications, but it would have no bearing on a team well geared and prepared.


    I also played a Sith Assassin so I know a lot about cloth too, but I also know how to sneak up on people. BTW, in the various video, most fight last at 10 seconds and the character is often too heavily wounded to fight the next person. So he may kill a Sith Assassin, but maybe not be in shape to beat the Sith Sorcerer dps afterwards.


    Yeah, it's specifically the "non-seasoned PUGs" you mentioned that I'm worried about LOL.


    It's not often that I stick up for PUGs because let's face it, I hate carrying them, but consider also the state of dotspread atm. The dotspread available to juggs themselves is NOT OP in any way, they don't really have a dedicated dot spec. However there ARE FOTM classes out there that DO have OP dotspread (hatred, I'm looking at you), and let's just say that I very, very frequently triage multiple pugs all around 20-30% health as a healer in PVP. Yes, I see this a lot. Yes I brave the solo queues.


    On my server, a 2 hatred, 1 vengeance, 1 healer comp is common for premades. It's usually manageable now, even with hatred in its...current state. In that comp Vengeance isn't there to burst someone down 100-0; that's simply not what the spec is for. It's to mop up the AOE-dotted (lol) pugs with CC immunity; the pugs have already been dotted down to execute or near execute, the Vengeance just leapt to them, is ravaging with CC immunity and the root, and has a vicious throw at the ready. There's not a whole lot the pugs can do at this point, and bear in mind my only two options to help them out now are 1) to triage heals according to skill of the recipient, or 2) to attempt to AOE heal through the dots since they haven't been cleansable for a long time..


    As it is now, I can manage the situation by triaging at least somewhat based on the skill of the recipient of my heals. You propose to turn every hapless pug from someone whom I can let die in favor of healing a more-skilled player, into a direct liability for me. I don't care if the mouth breather who can't deal 200 dps over the course of the warzone dies, because he's not really contributing, UNLESS it resets your leap and gives you more CC immunity that you clearly won't be needing. (Or unless it's hypergates and the derp's death just gave your team free points.)


    Given some of the premades I regularly play against, given your proposed change, you may as well just remove the cooldown on leap entirely. I have no love for pugs but sadly my schedule working 2 jobs often separates me from guildies and friends, and I see this often when I can come on.

  18. I'm not calling you a liar, but I haven't seen a single Vengeance/Vigilance video where a guy killed someone less than 6 seconds unless that person was extremely under-geared. Also as a Tank Spec, taking a Vengeance/Vigilance one on one isn't too much of a problem even though I don't use CCs much. The only way, I can see a Jedi/Sith flying around like this is if the whole team in pvp is under-geared or he gets lucky chain killing enemies who are already 2/10th of their health.


    I did stipulate that the initial leap was to someone who was low health, did I not?


    Also I am not evaluating Vengeance/Vigilance spec as it is now. I am evaluating where it would be if Seething Hatred allowed a kill to reset leap without the exit combat requirement. Of course you don't have issues with it now, and of course there aren't videos of 20 second Unstoppable chains now, because now the utility is balanced. It might not be very useful for what content you play, but it's balanced and it has a viable purpose.


    You are proposing a change to the utility that can, and probably will, alter that balance considerably. I also suspect you underestimate the population of mouth breathers in PVP who 1) don't know what a DCD is, 2) barely know what CC is, let alone when to use and when not to use it against Vengeance, and 3) would be more than happy to provide even average, let alone skilled, Vengeance players with free kills and therefore free leap resets.


    (As my main is a PVP healer, I have some familiarity with the squishiness and prevalence of these mouth breathers.)

  19. Wouldn't "per kill" do the do same "exiting combat" in this example you provided considering you're using the utility to kill trash mobs?


    No, "per kill" would be drastically OP, and not just for doing dailies. Per kill would break PVP as well--Guardians already have a leap reset.


    I could just imagine this:


    Guardian kills ballcarrier in huttball, somewhere around mid

    Guardian leaps to someone at low health, crossing a firepit in the process (with unremitting!), vengeful slams them and one hit kills them

    Guardian leaps to someone coming out of the respawn with his kill reset on leap, more unremitting, then Force pushes the respawner past the goal line

    Guardian leaps to the push victim, past the goal line, scores all while still CC immune


    Basically allowing kills to reset leap cooldown opens the door to absolutely crazy chains of CC immunity with unremitting/unstoppable--now the leap reset option has its own cooldown, and the exit combat restriction generally prevents chaining Unstoppable more than twice in a row (and again, that has a cooldown). Removing exit combat restriction will result in 3-4 chains of unremitting/unstoppable becoming fairly common, and I could see skilled players able to chain upwards of 20 seconds of full CC immunity. That's just too much.


    Like I said, the utility does have use, and it is currently decently balanced; if you don't run content that makes good use of the utility, nothing is forcing you to pick a utility that you won't use!

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