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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AdrianDmitruk

  1. I copied and pasted this from VeSev topic.


    *snip for brevity*


    Seething Hatred / Preparation: When you exit combat, the active cooldown of Force Charge / Force Leap, Enrage/ Combat Focus, and Saber Throw are reduced by 100%


    Rarely happens and useless. How about for every kill you get 100% cooldown on Force Charge/Leap, Enrage/Combat Focus, and Saber Throw because in PvP I'm rarely out of combat. In PvE, my cooldowns are done by the time we get to the next group during raids and flashpoints.



    I know I'm going to get a lot of naysay for these idea and they are going to be considered stupid by some, but these are just ideas. What do you guys think?


    I'm just going to point out that Seething Hatred actually does have a use, and a good one at that. It's a huge QoL utility for running dailies. Saber Throw, Force Charge, optional dot for spread, Vengeful Slam. Mob dead, or maybe there's one silver that's one hit away from dead. You're back out of combat within 4 GCDs of initiating it, maybe 5 if you're unlucky.


    Seething Hatred resets your cooldowns right quick, allowing you to chain pull the next mob for efficient killing. Is it situational? Yes. But the utility is very good when you want to kill as much standard trash as possible, as quickly as possible (i.e. dailies).


    If you don't do content where that is useful to you, you do have other choices...

  2. I'll put it like this.


    I have a PVE DPS jugg and a PVP sorc healer. The PVP toon has all gear itemized exactly as I want it (all low endurance mods), full set bonus which is absolutely essential for sorc healing, full augged, stimmed, and I do have a 186 mainhand and 186 offhand that I could switch to if I ever wanted to heal PVE for some reason.


    Even though "technically" my healer would be in nearly all 174s (PVE MH/OH excepted), I would still much rather be inspected and found to have at least properly itemized gear with full set bonus (again, essential for sorc heal, I will not give it up for comm gear that is *****) than autokicked because "lol, he only has 42k hp."


    And yes, that is a binary choice for puggers. Either submit to inspection or be kicked when the repair bills start coming in and the weak link is identified (or refuses to be identified because "la la la, you can't inspect my gear").


    The only people who have EVER complained about my healing have done so when I am healing and tanking at the same time. In PVP that means I have four enemies on me and mouth breathers can't break 200 dps (not a typo) in the warzone on my team so I have no way to make them pay for trying to kill me when I'm stuck carrying 7 derps. In PVE that means the above DPS' utter inability to kill anything whatsoever AND a tank that cannot hold aggro to save his own (or my) life.


    But that's why I have a PVE specialized DPS toon; if I have to carry mouth breathers in PVE I'd at least not want to catch the blame for when the millstone is simply too heavy for 1 person out of a group of 4 to bear.


    I can just imagine it now. After a wipe on droid boss in Korriban: "Why no heals! You undergeared!"


    Me: "The boss was in extermination mode for a full five minutes before we all simultaneously died." :rolleyes:


    At least as a DPS I don't have to worry about THAT. :cool:

  3. I've noticed that the game tends to be far, far stingier with attacker points than with defender points. In some situations it doesn't seem to award attacker points at all, unless you can either kill enemy players near the objective (nearly impossible if the dps on your team is overmatched in skill by the opposing healers), or actually cap the objective (even less likely if your team is overmatched in skill).


    As a healer in solo queue, I can do surprisingly little to force DPS to do its job. Sure I can keep them up forever (if they even know what a DCD is), I can even try to find the opposing healers and mark them, but ultimately I can't force the mouth breathers to focus target or even press buttons. If the DPS on my team can't perform, no one on the opposing team dies, I suffer more pressure because I'm trying to kite around 4 enemy DPS (none of whom are dying, obviously), and ironically enough I probably do more for the team luring the enemy DPS away from the objective, in the hopes that the pugs see an opening to backcap it, than I do "fighting on the objective."


    And in such a situation I will have 0 objective points. Even if I successfully pull 4 enemies off the objective and stay alive long enough, giving the pugs a 3 man advantage for long enough, to pull off a cap. Granted that kind of tactic is kind of a last ditch effort after I've determined that my team is too mismatched in skill against the enemy team to win conventionally, and hence guerrilla tactics are needed. (I'm also gambling that the pugs have too little situational awareness to notice I've left, and therefore don't follow me like lemmings, yet just enough to notice the objective is suddenly very sparsely defended, hahaha. ALWAYS a desperate gamble.) But I'd rather have maybe a 1 in 4 chance of winning unconventionally than slog through an otherwise unwinnable match.


    If you want to penalize people who get 0 objective points, ultimately that just gives players that much more reason to farm defense medals if the other team caps mid. Defense points are much, much more reliably awarded than attacker points.

  4. Literally the only thing Bioware needs to do with names is allow spaces within them, and a second capital letter after the space. Not required, but allowed. Surnames could be unique and display legacy would remain entirely optional.


    I never had a problem naming alts in EVE Online once I realized that spaces were allowed. I could use any name I wanted, and simply make the surname unique. It's much easier to make a unique but still-realistic surname than to find a good, realistic, but unique first name, to the point where I went and bought one of those baby-names books and typically have to try six alternate spellings of a name I've actually never heard IRL whenever I make an alt.


    It'd also pretty much obliterate any reason to have to do name purges, ever. Also saves Bioware from the privacy/liability issues around going to STO's name@unique system.

  5. As an avid PVP ground pounder I support cross server for very similar reasons. (Only instead of carrying GSF I get to carry 7 derps in ground, 6 of whom don't even know what a defensive cooldown is, sigh...and I a say that as a healer, teammates' (dis)use of DCDs is very much my business.)


    I won't muck up your GSF matches as it didn't take me long to figure out that the GSF UI is missing some very basic standby instruments that I've relied on to fly effectively in other games, to say nothing of joystick support.


    However since cross-server is "too technically challenging," I might settle for a hidden MMR for every match played (regs or not).

  6. I'm pretty sure that offering compensation for reporting credit spammers would lead to immediate conflict with minimum wage laws. As a player I report the spammers (when feasible) because I want the scum of the game scraped off, but if I were to get paid for it, it would introduce a whole new set of demands that are better reserved for my RL job.


    I do, however, agree that the report spam function can and should be far more efficient.

  7. No it was intended like that so you have to queue and actually win, not just queue up and throw a match and collect ranked comms. I thought that was pretty obvious.


    There should be ***0**** comms given in RANKED play, if you ask me. People should get gear other ways. No one should be queuing up just to do a daily and just o get comms. That's part of the problem with ranked at the moment.


    I thought it was pretty obvious that that set up creates an obvious incentive to...wait for it...win trade. There's no point in playing ranked unless you can guarantee yourself a win at some point, which win trading does. :rolleyes:


    If you lose in ranked, especially as a healer (often first focused), you're hard pressed to get more than 3 medals unless the match was actually really close (pretty rare on my server as it's basically just 2 ranked teams on the entire server scheduling matches with each other). Throwing a match results in so few ranked comms that you'd actually be better off throwing a node in regs.


    Upon seeing your revised comment about ELO rating: I'd gladly queue to improve a valid ELO rating if I had any confidence whatsoever the system worked, but ranked in this game is so fatally flawed that the sample size is way too small for it to be remotely valid, at least on my server. (Further edit: Namely, the sample size is too small to even keep trolls out of the matches that contain people who actually do play to win.)

  8. Now fix the damn daily so losses count, wins count double.


    The daily for regs used to work the same way. Remember what happened? People quit and threw matches as soon as things looked bad. It was better to quit a losing match and fish for a better match than to stay in the match you were in. PVP went to a very, very bad place and it was a contributing factor to a lot of servers dying (along with other mismanaged content). Not saying that stuff like that doesn't happen now, because it does, but it used to be a lot worse.


    You expect me to queue for a pop that might well be indefinite on my server, and be locked out of queuing for regs at the same time, then I expect any match I play to be credited to my daily/weekly. I'm already punished in rating if I get a team of conquest derps that I can't carry, I don't need to be punished again with having the match not count for daily credit when I'm the only one trying. A friend from Bastion recently came over to my server and tried to get me interested in ranked again, I sync queued a couple yolo matches with him but we couldn't carry half a team consisting of a derp and a troll,* I was like "**** that, find me 2 good dps and maybe I'll do team ranked but I have no interest in this *****."


    *Though we almost made it to the acid--about 30 seconds thereto--when I let the troll die early in round 2 and healed the rest of the match 3v4. Unfortunately that was round 2 and not round 1 so we still lost.


    Now I do agree with expertise requirements and no bolster in ranked to keep the PVE/conquest derps out. But fix the damn daily/weekly as there's hardly any point in staying in a match where, due to the wonders of EAware elo matchmaking, it's a herculean effort to even get 3 medals.

  9. No, it should *not* automatically /ignore or else our /ignore lists will be at maximum capacity very quickly.


    There should be a separate /ignore category for spammers that bypasses the standard /ignore list for something that is limitless and basically acts as a black hole... call it /spammer or something. I'd rather /ignore people that bother me personally and /spammer the actual spammers so I never have to see them again.


    So, I can either manually right-click and "send to spammer void" command or I can right-click and "report spammer" which sends in a report but also puts them into the /spammer list and you never see them again.


    It's worth mentioning that EVE Online (the game that I base my report spam functionality requests from--it sets the standard IMO) does not have an ignore list cap of which I am aware so the "send to bottomless pit" may as well actually apply.


    Then again EVE Online also has a dev team that actually puts effort into improving the quality of life of the game, including patching in the system it has now to report spammers. It wasn't always that easy or effective but RMT gold spam dropped about 90% overnight and 99% within a week when its current system was implemented. Imagine the pipe dream of only seeing a gold spammer in SWTOR once every 5 months (without the downside of SWTOR being dead). EVE's report spam tool was that effective.

  10. Yes.


    It should also be up front and immediately accessible from the first right click menu. Always. Sometimes it's buried under a submenu. When I have to dig it out of the submenu, I skip the report spam and go straight to ignore.


    The popup saying that your report has been sent that has to be clicked away should be removed. It serves no useful purpose, as we already know the report has been sent or we would not have sent it, but it does throw up another annoying barrier to resuming desired gameplay. If you must convey that message, do it as a system message in our chat window, like the "You are now ignoring..." message appears.


    One last dream of mine is that report spam should automatically delete all messages received by the reported spammer from your client's chat box. I don't like it when I'm looking to pug something on fleet and gold spammers scroll the legit chat off, which makes it harder for me to see what's going on, so the ability to remove the spam from my client would be much appreciated. (Server side, the spammer's still spamming, and the previous spam is still there, I've just retroactively ignored it so I can see everything else that the spammer scrolled off.) "Report ISK spam" in EVE Online does this (as well as auto ignore), and it just makes dealing with spam so much more efficient and less intrusive. In EVE I could go months without ever seeing a RMT gold spammer--the only thing that might be considered "spam" that I had to endure there would fit right in the "trade" channel here.


    I remember when Eric Musco made the post about "we know about gold spammers, we have methods of stamping them out, please use report spam because it does help us." However, if you want us to help you, help us help ourselves and make the report spam function the most streamlined report spam function it can be. If it is an annoyance to use, people won't bother to use it, and will just ignore instead. As it is, the function could be a lot better and less intrusive to our gameplay.

  11. I could not care less about the 'economy' of the game. I pay my subscription, I enjoy the game, but giving a moocher more because they can't afford to play the game? Sorry, I have no sympathy for them. Pay $5 and become preferred. If you can't do that, you're QQing to the wrong people.


    Yeah, sell the F2P a full credit unlock like, say, LOTRO (which was F2P a hell of a lot longer than this game was), suddenly the F2P is preferred, and able to effectively participate in the game economy, thus making the game that much more enjoyable for that player.


    Someone who enjoys the game is that much more likely to spend money on it. Oh, and when I'm checking out a F2P game, the credit cap is the first thing I'll pay to unlock, typically, while I'm dabbling in getting my feet wet.


    Or SWTOR could continue with its uber restrictions, continue refusing to sell a straight up unlock, continue to nickle and dime for escrow releases, and drive new people who think as I do away. As mentioned earlier, it's a damn happy coincidence for Bioware that I was a CE sub long before the F2P re-launch, because if I was coming to this game as a new F2P now I'd look at the lack of credit cap unlock (along with some other restrictions, but not being able to buy a full unlock without committing fully to sub is the big one) and say **** it.


    Oh, I speak of someone who additionally spent around $300 on hypercrates to decorate my strongholds in addition to that longtime sub, too. Again, had I come to this game later than the F2P release, that's more business Bioware would have lost.

  12. What gets me is the other F2P game I've played (LOTRO) had a full credit cap unlock you could purchase without subbing.


    Pay the $19.95 (IIRC), get the gold cap unlocked forever, full stop. None of this escrow here and there BS.


    IMO allowing F2P to purchase a full credit unlock would be much better for retention and make it much more likely for F2P to sub. I didn't sub to LOTRO until after I'd bought that unlock (and some others) as F2P, and I probably eventually spent $200-300 on that game before I left over its...legendary item RNG issues.


    If I had to join this game all over again as F2P with none of the benefits I've received from being a CE sub since pre-launch beta, I honestly doubt I'd ever drop that much money on this game. The F2P experience just isn't inviting enough--most people who try F2P games have to get hooked into enjoying the game enough to justify spending any substantial amount of money on it.

  13. If you have 2 strongholds (e.g. capital planet and Nar Shaddaa), here is the best way:


    1. Send comps out on every single mission in your list.

    2. Switch to the other stronghold (loads pretty quickly).

    3. You'll get a full list of missions again, which is likely to have the missing missions.

    4. Press "x" to cancel out a single mission (one of the missions you don't want).

    5. Pick one of the missions you do want.

    6. Press "x" to cancel out another single mission.

    7. Repeat.


    You have to cancel out the missions one at a time for this to be effective. It works well on most of the professions, except for Diplomacy, mainly because there are twice as many missions (one for light, one for dark).


    Archaeology is another crew skill where this is less effective, because you have three times as many missions (one for power crystals, one for artifact fragments, and one for color crystals, the latter of which is ofc always useless). But it's still better than not stronghold rezoning at all.


    Also why crew skill missions need a reshuffle button. We're going to do it anyways; just submit to the quality of life consideration and take out the completely unnecessary loading screens please.

  14. Because Legacy options were introduced during Game Update 1.2 and I believe improved up through Game Update 1.4. Originally the Legacy system was the only way to unlock improved quick travel options (including a quick travel directly to your ship).


    IIIRC Strongholds came out with Game Update 2.7 (I might be slightly off). As you point out, strongholds made some of the earlier Legacy-based travel options obsolete. But the Legacy options remain because they were there first and it would require development resources to remove them--resources that could otherwise be used to add content to the game, not remove it. The legacy travel options are not really hurting anything by staying there, so there's no point in expending the effort to remove them.


    Also technically the Legacy travel to starship ability (as well as Legacy fleet pass) does have one advantage over the stronghold travel options: the Legacy travel options bypass the intermediary Stronghold loading screen. To some players, the time saved by traveling directly via Legacy instead of going through a stronghold is worth the Legacy perk. If they already paid for it before the introduction of Strongholds, all the more so.


    (Also you can get the legacy fleet pass to no cooldown at all if you fully unlock it--as a new player with a cheap capital world stronghold option it might not be worth it to you but as mentioned above if you already paid the legacy unlock cost before Strongholds there's no harm in continuing to use it.)

  15. 143 pages... :) nope...


    I imagine they are hoping the issue just "goes away"...


    I suspect it'll fade away...along with future Cartel Market revenues.


    I read a really good analogy in one of the slot machine threads, though hell if I can remember which one because there were so many of them. So know it's a paraphrase of a source I don't remember, but:


    In the airline business, you have economy class and premium classes (business and first). Even though a flight might have 220 economy passengers to 36 business and 12 first, the majority of the airline's revenue and profit comes from the 48 passengers up front, not the 220 in the back. This is why flying is a miserable experience for most of us; most passengers simply aren't worth the investment. The first/business class customers (and especially the frequent ones) receive much, much more attention and much better service; they are the ones the airlines really want to keep instead of seeing them take their business elsewhere.


    SWTOR's business model, since the introduction of the Cartel Market, is almost identical. Those of us who just pay our subs are economy class (with f2p/premium being shoved in the cargo hold); we receive a bare minimum level of service required to provide sufficient enjoyment to get us to resub. But Bioware isn't really going to invest heavily in retaining subs alone since it now gets most of its revenue from the Cartel Market--those players who buy a hypercrate (or five) every time a new pack comes out. THOSE--the Cartel Market "whales"--are the customers Bioware really wants to keep, as a single Cartel Market customer (equivalent to business or first class, the difference probably delineated between purchasing one or multiple crates per month) can provide Bioware with more profit than 20 regular subs, for a lot less investment. It's a lot easier to design a new cartel pack than a new raid or warzone, after all.


    But since the slot machine misfire, I've noticed quite a few posts from (people who claim to be--only Bioware can know for sure) big Cartel Market customers threatening to withhold their business until Bioware resolves the slot controversy to their satisfaction. This should absolutely alarm Bioware, as (subject to verification of forum accounts to CM purchases) their best customers, their first class customers, are about to dry up. Far from the usual breathless cries of "unsub!" someone buying $300 in hypercrates per month not buying hypercrates anymore is a big Force-choking deal. Worse that disgruntled boycotter is probably letting his/her friends know about his boycott in the hopes of spreading it. By remaining silent and hoping the issue blows over, Bioware angers its best and most loyal customers, and does so at SWTOR's peril.


    Could you imagine an airline remaining silent about losing a one-million-mile frequent flyer's luggage? Let alone such a 1KK flyer who makes two first-class roundtrips between North America and Europe (we're talkin' five-figure fares here) per week? Other airlines would just LOVE to snap up that unhappy customer, and trust me the airline who lost that 1KK passenger's luggage would be tripping over itself to make that customer whole--if the luggage could not be found the customer would see it and its contents replaced or reimbursed post haste.


    (Doesn't work that way for the hoi polloi--i.e. regular subs--though. We're expendable.)


    Bioware can probably wait out the forum flame wars over slotgate from the masses--but I suspect they will come to regret that as the first-class Cartel Market customers withdraw from the CM and Bioware's main profit center starts to dry up.

  16. In madness tree you don't need to cast you know... Unless you need to drain someone


    Then that is an issue with the madness discipline, not the sorc class as a whole, and there is no justification to nerf corruption/lightning because madness is OP and was continuously buffed until the point of absurdity during the 2.0 patch cycle.


    Personally I believe that making the dots uncleansable is what made it a bridge too far--it should have received lethality's old dot protection (cleanse=application of a weaker dot that still gives procs) instead. Absolute dot protection ensured that the only real way to counter madness was to play a class with a purge on a short cooldown (sorcs technically have a purge, but its cooldown is too long to justify using it only as such). Madness dot protection was also a significant stealth nerf to sorc healers, as only we could cleanse the Force dots and that utility was taken away from us. Only with 3.0 did we receive buffs (mobile casting, access to defensive talents) to offset that loss.


    Also a significant contributing factor as to why hatred sins are so OP now, at least with a madness sorc you can see him to focus him to the point he's more concerned about h2f than making them pay.


    Adding dot spread to madness in addition to the cleanse nerf was just LOL. Let's look at limiting dot spread to deal with the OP spec before we go gutting the whole class because one of its specs is OP please.

  17. Bubbleheal, force storm, insane combinations of utilities (egress, pushback root, bubblestun) seem pretty enough. Btw I can take down 80% of sorcs, but just because the majority of them are baddies. Or maybe because I play a nice counter sorc discipline. Carnage marauders or concealment ops won't be so happy.


    You do realize that all three of those "insane combinations of utilities" are on the same tier, right? If we take all three of those, then we can take only one heroic utility, and the channel-while-moving one is essentially a skill tax for both corruption and lightning (don't know so much about madness, as it was always the "mobile" sorc spec and I don't play it).


    The 30% DR while stunned is also in the heroic tier, as is corrupted bubble...I know a lot of sorcs take corrupted bubble to h2f. I personally take the DR while stunned due to the frequency with which people attempt to stunlock kill me. Therefore I can only take fadeout and bubblestun (though I believe bubblestun should have remained within lightning discipline, in which case I would have been happy to take KB root instead, as I feel either or is enough).


    If a sorc takes all egress, pushback root, bubblestun, then takes "bubbleheal..." then they're not casting while moving. Yours is the post 3.0 version of the infamous 36/36/36 spec people would pull out to QQ about allegedly OP classes.

  18. EVE taught me all I needed to know about players having power.


    Ironically, EVE also taught me all I needed to know to solve SWTOR's gold spammer issues. :)


    I played EVE at the time CCP changed the report spam functionality to the "report ISK spammer" they have now (or at least, had at the time I last played the game). For a modest few code changes, SWTOR could almost wipe out credit spammers.


    Let's compare the Report Spam functionality of SWTOR and EVE Online:




    X______X__ Sends an automated ticket to report the spam

    _______X__ Automatically places the reported spammer on ignore

    _______X__ Automatically removes the reported spammer's previous messages from your chat window(s)

    _______X__ Always accessible from a single right-click menu (SWTOR's report, and ignore, is sometimes buried in a submenu)

    X_________ Leaves an annoying "Your report has been sent" popup that you must close before continuing gameplay


    Gee, I wonder which game's report mechanism is more efficient and effective? I watched gold spam in EVE fall faster than the contraband casino's payout after the nerf LOL. The day EVE patched in the improved and current report functionality was pretty much the day the community launched a holy war against the spammers and they fell silent within a week. The gameplay barrier to reporting spam was lowered so far that community participation in outing the spammers soared overnight. Contrast to the clunky spam reporting UI we have, and the low efficacy of its results.


    I could play EVE for months on end without ever having to see a gold spammer in local. (Note: In EVE various forms of ingame market scams are explicitly permitted--so stuff like GTN scams was simply not reportable--but the actual real-market-trading credit seller spam fell off a cliff and I practically never had to deal with it again after that patch, and if I did, it was all gone in less than a second.)


    Note how powerful EVE's report ISK spam function is. It literally gives the player the power to forcibly remove spam from the client long before a CSR or gamemaster ever has to lay eyes upon the ticket. Thus credit spammers can't scroll off LFG, trade, or other legit forms of fleet chat that might interest you. But neither does the function lend itself to abuse, as the instantaneous, automatic actions initiated by the report happen client side, before the offender is actually processed.


    I.E. were I to file a frivolous spam report there, your chat messages would be removed from my client's chat window, but you would not be silenced by my report (afaik); rather a GM would get to my ticket, and either determine no action was necessary, or take action against me.


    I just shake my head at people who say "lol just report and ignore," for they don't realize just exactly how helpless we are against spammers here compared to other MMOs that take the problem more seriously. Also, if SWTOR adopted an EVE-like reporting tool, the idea of Wardens would be redundant (everyone would essentially become their own Warden as it would be easy to keep your personal chat clean), and we wouldn't have to worry about players misusing the report function beyond what already exists. It'd be win-win.

  19. Sorcs are not broken.


    The only broken OP class is hatred sin.


    Buff mercs/marauders etc. up to the same level as sorcs/pt/jugg


    Nerf hatred sins.


    You'll have a pretty good game if you do that.


    Only if you trust Bioware to not nerf hatred sins like they nerfed the slot machines. :D


    Hatred needs a nerf but when I compare my definition of "nerf" to Bioware's I'm not entirely sure we should give them those ideas. Or hatred will end up losing death field, losing all access to utilities, losing crushing darkness (or whatever spec specific ability replaced it)...


    ...but hey they get to keep the creeping terror root!


    (Full disclosure: I main a healer sorc and have since 1.1, though I also operative healed between 1.2 and 1.7. I do not have a hatred sin, but I do have a midbie deception sin whose only purpose is crafting.)

  20. That's basically what the 12x xp event that occurred before 3.0 did. You could level 1-50 (even a bit over 50) just by doing the class quest. As Makeb also counted as "class quest," you could hit 55 easily with no side grinding at all.


    Numerous suggestions have been made to either hold 12x xp events more regularly or make it unlockable through the Cartel Market. Either is probably far less dev-intensive than downscaling story content.

  21. I'm going to repost what I said elsewhere, in a thread that is more likely to be seen by Bioware employees:


    Yes, the slot machine supplanted crew skill missions. However now the odds are so bad that there is no point to playing the slots at all, other than that buying a slot off GTN is much cheaper than buying hypercrates of contraband resale packs off GTN for the rep--which I accomplished last week. It's a shame to lose the QOL improvements to crafting that the slots brought us--as a crafter I went from logging 16 toons for crew skills, to logging in 2 toons to play the game--a difference of about 45 minutes per login for me to actually play the game. The reasonable thing to do would have been to nerf such that the cost of mats through slots/jawa barter was comparable to crew skills costs, perhaps slightly more expensive as a "convenience tax" somewhere between 10-30% (think somewhere between a sales tax and a VAT). That way both methods of getting mats are viable, with players having a choice of which method to use. Now the costs via slots are so astronomical that we have no choice but to multiply the alts and waste an hour of our playtime Troll Crafting upon login and again before logoff.


    As it is, I already got my legend rep from playing slots last week. I have seen the new odds published off-site, I have seen people post their sample sizes with many thousands of chips here, and all I can say is that there is no point in continuing to use the slot machine whatsoever. The scrap materials from the machine need to be calculated based upon the cost to acquire the mats from crew skill missions plus some percentage for convenience, not blindly nerfed by moving the decimal point two places to the right. And there was no reason to change cartel market certificate drops whatsoever. None. At least if the certs had been left alone, the machine would still have a viable (but much narrower) use.

  22. What i find ironic about the deletion of data mined info on the odds, is the fact they have time to go through threads and delete stuff, yet cannot take 30 seconds to post stating whether the nuclear nerf was intended or a bug to be fixed.


    I know they have the keep it quiet till fixed to stop people exploiting bugs policy. But i seriously doubt people are going to say :


    'hey the slot machine is bugged and pays out naff all, quick abuse it before it is fixed'


    I bought my slot machine just for the cartel rep (which is now legend, so I don't have reason to play it anymore) and was afraid to use it until Musco made his (now de facto overwritten) "100% not an exploit" post.

  23. I find it interesting how Bioware sure as heck didn't delete the old posts that had the old drop rates published. Even with all the complaints about the market being flooded with Jawa Junk they allowed posts that had statistically sampled the entire loot table to remain on the forums for anyone to see, thus making the economic "damage" even worse.


    Publish the nerf, suddenly it's hush hush. It's a double standard. Nevertheless, I found it via google and dulfy. I won't publish it, but suffice it to say I won't be playing my slot machine either anymore.


    Yes, the slot machine supplanted crew skill missions. However now the odds are so bad that there is no point to playing the slots at all, other than that buying a slot off GTN is much cheaper than buying hypercrates of contraband resale packs off GTN for the rep--which I accomplished last week. It's a shame to lose the QOL improvements to crafting that the slots brought us--as a crafter I went from logging 16 toons for crew skills, to logging in 2 toons to play the game--a difference of about 45 minutes per login for me to actually play the game. The reasonable thing to do would have been to nerf such that the cost of mats through slots/jawa barter was comparable to crew skills costs, perhaps slightly more expensive as a "convenience tax" somewhere between 10-30% (think somewhere between a sales tax and a VAT). That way both methods of getting mats are viable, with players having a choice of which method to use. Now the costs via slots are so astronomical that we have no choice but to multiply the alts and waste an hour of our playtime Troll Crafting upon login and again before logoff.


    But once again Bioware lives up to its track record of nerfing things into utter oblivion. I'm not terribly surprised.

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