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Posts posted by AdrianDmitruk

  1. I know there used to be a compilation of BC streams/youtube channels by players on the server but I can't find it anymore :/ I just changed ISPs so I finally have a connection fast enough to actually enjoy them (and participate in the streaming myself, which I've wanted to do for a while but only just now got internet better than 3 Mbps haha). So if you have a stream or youtube channel of your deeds on the BC, please share it! :)


    Since I intend for this to be a compilation, may as well throw my hat into the ring:


    Andreus (twitch)

    Juniormonk (twitch) | (youtube)

  2. I still use W S..S is my troll reverse though..:D But to turn I use my mouse. Get those keybinds set up OP..Once you get use to it you will be seeing much better numbers in no time.


    Yeah backpedaling does have situational use as a force-PVP-aggro taunt:D

  3. 2nd-ed


    We've lost a huge portion of the active and experienced sage community since launch. Most of them because of the 1.2 nerfs and the h2f answer sorc's received. Nala stepped up to the plate, and ought to be respected for it.


    I begged the Dev/Community team (including in person at the Seattle Community Cantina event) to retract the h2f answers and re-issue a response to the sorc questions that a reasonable player of the class could actually take seriously. I urged them to do so to staunch the immediate bleeding--no hemorrhaging is probably a better word--of the sorc/sage community but sadly those pleas were long ignored, and the silence induced more and more of our community to throw in the towel.


    I do sincerely believe the devs were afraid of sparking a second h2f backlash but I honestly believe to this day that even a retraction followed by an answer like "We have heard your concerns and are aware that sorcs are designed around being able to position behind other supporting teammates. We are therefore watching to see if and/or how drastically effectively halving the supporting team part of the equation affects the class and makes sorcs easier to shut down than intended" would have been better than the silence that effectively left h2f to stand as the official yellow response to sorc/sage balance concerns for so long.


    TBF the response I received at the Community Cantina event I attended DID sound a lot like the second part of what I suggested above, DPS sorcs were carefully buffed, and healing sorcs are reportedly high on the 2.9 Priority Buff list per last week's class balance questions stream (even if I believe that the nature of PVP seer's problems better lend themselves to a 3.0/expansion-level fix). Nevertheless the failure to retract h2f, as I begged the community team to do, followed by delaying the mirror class rep Q&A for so long along with the relevant lack of communication with us (seers especially, there was some good communication re tuning DPS sorcs on PTS), left a bitter poison pill from which the sorc/sage community may well never be able to recover.


    P.S. I do hope Eric and/or other yellow posters read this post and the last couple posts I've made in here, as those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it...

  4. For PVP, I recommend having the 2-piece PVE and 2-piece PVP set bonuses. Based on brief use of the "Bolsterizer" on Fleet, 162/150/146 continues to receive full Expertise, and an Arkanian piece (162/162/162) receives nearly full Expertise. I suspect that 162/162/162 is ideal, though I encourage you to experiment with the "Bolsterizer" and share with me any questions or findings.


    My sorc Andreus uses the 162/162/162 setup.* I can confirm that the expertise penalty for 162 PVE gear is 1 expertise per mod slot.


    So an Arkanian 162/162/162 will have a penalty of 3 expertise. 2 full Arkanian pieces (for the set bonus)=2012 expertise, and the disparity between PVE/PVP set bonuses is well worth it. As 162 is also where PVP gear tops out at right now, any non-expertise stats on the Arkanian gear should not change. This information will help you min-max your required PVE pieces, as you do NOT need to rely on bolster to upgrade your non-expertise stats in this situation--you can limit its effects to expertise only, which makes it easier to control.


    As always never mix PVP/PVE armorings/mods in the same piece of gear as that WILL mess up your bolster far beyond the token penalty described above.


    *Technically I run 162/162/162 and 162/162/156 pieces to get my 2 piece PVE set bonus, as I lack a separate PVE min-maxed 162 mod, but the bolster penalty seems to be the same per enhancement between 156 and 162 mods. If it is not, then the small dose of PVE gear required for set bonus gives the same -1 expertise/mod due to rounding error in the small sample size.

  5. And lay off Nala, the community had plenty of time...weeks, to comment and make suggestions to these questions. ************ about em now is inappropriate.


    This---Nala was effectively the only person who was willing to ask any questions at all after EAware gave the sorcs their h2f answer. Who the hell would want to risk getting treated like that by the development team a second time? Nibbon had darn good reasons to quit and I would have at least seriously considered asking the community to boycott the dev class Q&A after h2f too.


    I did participate in the class questions discussions once Nala restarted it but I (probably along with the vast majority of sorcs/sages) was far too cynical and distrustful to actually throw my hat into the ring as replacement sage rep. While I disagreed with using the third question for cosmetic purposes and expressed such, I do understand that a substantial portion of the sage community felt that asking anything of class balance substance was pointless and would result in another h2f repeat.


    Like I said I don't agree with every question Nala asked (or even necessarily the wording of the questions I did agree with asking) but I at least participated in the discussions and treated Nala with respect for taking the above risks to express our concerns as a class when no one else would.

  6. You don't need an expensive mouse to use it to turn. A standard mouse with three buttons (or even two, but I don't think there are any left without a mousewheel...) will do just fine.


    Strictly for turning, no, you don't need a fancy mouse. But the 12-key on my naga is certainly nice for offloading binds from my cramped laptop keyboard--which is a big reason why I was a clicker before I got one. Mouseturning and clicking are almost entirely mutually exclusive in combat, so if you have a crappy, cramped keyboard that interferes with bind modifiers (shift, alt, etc), a gaming mouse might still be a good idea. In my case, I don't need to use alt at all and I can shift with my left hand and 12-key naga with my right hand, which is MUCH better than trying to use shift-modified binds entirely with the crappy keyboard I have.

  7. Personally, I found I needed to get a gaming mouse and a gaming pad in order to fully utilize the ability to bind and mouse turn.


    I run with a Taurus game pad and a Naga mouse, and I felt the analog stick was needed for the actual movement portion of the mouse turning, in order to effectively utilize binds.


    As for the actual act of keyboard turning, it's an unnoticeable disadvantage at best in regular 8v8 WZs if you have very good reflexes. In ranked PvP and dueling, you will find it more strenuous to exist as a keyboard turning player because those types of PvP fights are always very fast paced, and every disadvantage in reaction speed will be noticeable at that pace.


    Also, there are some specs that are tuned more for bindings and mouse turning, such as Carnage Marauder and Deception Assassin. But not every spec is going to see a massive increase in potential when you make the swap, even though every spec will see at least a small mark in capability.


    Speaking as someone who also invested in a Naga, and then proceeded to level a new "mirror toon" on another server from the ground up to relearn everything as a mouse turner/binder rather than my old keyboard turning ways, I do find the difference quite noticeable even in regs. Mouse turning makes using overload defensively to Make Them Pay much easier (ofc I speak as a sorc; as a sin you probably don't need to use overload as much and have the element of surprise more often when you do).

  8. A discussion on the way the Sage / vSorc class is meant to be played according to the devs has been ignited by the recent Sage Class Respresentative Answers - I'd really really really like to see how the devs are playing the Sage and the Sorc classes in OPs !

    And I mean rather as DDs than as Healers (as Healers as well ...)


    i want to see the devs h2f in ranked arenas...

  9. Sage/Sorcerer healers, we hear you and we see that our data validates what you are saying – as it shows you are currently performing behind both Scoundrel/Operative healers and Commando/Mercenary healers in PvP. We do not currently have any plans to share with you on how we intend to improve Sage/Sorcerer healing in PvP, but it is a priority for us, and we would love to hear your own ideas on how you would like Sage/Sorcerer healing to be improved in PvP without also making Sage/Sorcerer healing too good in PvE.


    I know I already posted some feedback in here, but I just thought of something:


    2.4 goes on PTS

    testers tell Bioware that sorc heals will be broken useless in arena

    Bioware ignores tester feedback, goes live

    We ask about survivability/shutdown in sorc questions

    Bioware replies h2f

    We initially give lots of feedback but get burnt out trying to correct above dev stupidity, give up, reroll ops and/or go dps

    Bioware spends the last 3 or so patches buffing sorc dps while completely ignoring heals, even though by then the metrics should prove sorc heals need the help


    Tell me, Eric, in light of the above, why should we bother giving you feedback? You have several months' worth of it. Including on this thread where you actively solicited such feedback. It's been 9 months since h2f and six months since that feedback gathering session on corruption (and the evidence available to us players indicates that you have completely ignored such feedback for the past six months).


    Why should we bother? The vast majority of us have long given up. We've all rerolled ops and/or respecced DPS by now.


    P.S. To those who are butthurt about the sages "wasting" the third question on cosmetic concerns, the above is a large part of why--Bioware doesn't seem to take anything else seriously. :rolleyes:

  10. Hi Monk,


    Some of us took Heal to Full and Make Them Pay as a challenge! Though our 4pc PVP bonus has been broken so long that when brutalizer gear came out, I checked to see how bolster would handle the 2pc Arkanian PVE bonus. With 2 Arkanian pieces for the set bonus (including mods/enhancements) it's only a loss of about 6 expertise. And considering how Force-efficient Innervate is relative to our other heals, I'm afraid the boat on fixing our PVP set bonuses has already sailed. Thanks bolster. :rolleyes:


    I definitely feel like I've been forced to up my game to somewhere near server best just to be competitive with "not bad" players from other healing classes. Sorcs have a lot of pressure to be in the top 1% because unless they are that skilled, the class mechanics we have to work with are simply not up to the task of handling positioning in arena. All our heals require LOS on the target to be healed, and for us to be within instant leap or harpoon range, which means LOSing (like the devs told us to in the H2F answer) often means letting a teammate die. That is acceptable in warzones as long as you can keep enough people up long enough for the respawn to come back, but is absolutely unforgivable in arena. There is simply no way to both position and fill our role at the same time in arena, when we must be able to do both. Operatives and to a lesser extent Mercenaries with Tech Overrides have long been better at PVP for that reason.


    That contradiction between playing the position game to survive and doing your job as a healer (with the tools we have) isn't something I see getting addressed at any point before 3.0, as addressing the issue (without reverting anything, but then again the devs will never admit they ****ed up with 1.2) will outright require the addition of new healing abilities that we can use while moving and/or positioned out of reach of instant gap closers with interrupts attached. I've made numerous suggestions since H2F, fully expecting the implementation of maybe only one or two at a time (and I've calibrated those suggestions accordingly). Now that the devs are actually listening for the first time in 9 months, I might have to go back and do a compilation.


    Granted some of the pressure I feel is self-inflicted because I don't run the full heal spec. So my HPS isn't what the parses say it could be. But then again, why don't I? As you mention, our survivability has severe issues, and I can't effectively move and heal anyone other than myself (with Unnatural Preservation) at the same time. Ergo, I take the CC offered by lightning to buy that much more time and/or space to cast. Comes in handy when I get put on a healer heavy team, too, as then I have the flexibility to help with DPS.



  11. Hey folks!


    Below you will find the answers to the top 3 Sage questions which were submitted earlier in this forum. Thank you all for your patience as we worked on getting them answered!




    PvE - Survivability



    Now with that said, we will definitely consider taking the global cooldown off of Force Mend/Unnatural Preservation, but the global cooldown on Force Armor/Static Barrier is there to stay, since it can be placed on others and we do not expect you to use the ability in Operations if you are a damage dealer.[/color]


    I look forward to Force Mend being taken off GCD. It was intended as a defensive cooldown when it was added in an attempt to ameliorate the 1.2 cast time nerfs, so I will be pleased when it actually functions like one.


    Someone expressed fears that an off-GCD Force Mend would not work properly with a cast-based class, and suggested that it be reworked to allow use while casting something else. I cannot agree with this and feel that suggestion goes too far. Already, I manage to use Recklessness/Polarity Shift (often together), off GCD, between two casts without losing more than a tenth of a second. It does, however, require quick reflexes and keybinds to make the most out of off-GCD abilities, which I feel is fair.


    PvP - Seer Spec Issues



    Currently, Sage healers have a number of issues that affect their play. First, Sages are nearly 100% reliant on casted healing abilities. Our only instant healing abilities are Force Armor and Rejuvenate. Force Armor has a long lockout and Rejuvenate is a small heal mostly used to proc Conveyance. Salvation can be cast instantly, but it requires using Healing Trance (and usually Rejuvenate) as a set-up.


    In PvP, this causes great issues, because while Sage healers are capable of putting up great numbers because of Salvation spamming, under heavy pressure a static AoE heal is not ideal in the frenetic PvP environment.


    The Noble Sacrifice/Consumption mechanic is really unique, and the community agrees that in PvE at least it provides Seer/Corruption with a sensible mechanic for restoring Force. In PvP, this mechanic presents very serious problems. Sage healers are one of the priority targets for being focused and in that situation purposefully sacrificing your health to maintain force is not possible. This is exacerbated by the issue of Sage healers being reliant on casts. This puts the Sage in the unenviable situation of having to stay still to restore health and Force.


    Also, while Benevolence has its uses in emergency situations and off healing as a DPS, for Seer Sages this ability is very underwhelming and rarely used. In your 2.0 blog you mentioned that the ability is to be used when Force efficiency is not a concern. Unfortunately, in most emergencies efficiency is a concern as wasteful rotations will only lead to a prolonged emergency.



    Are the developers considering any changes to Seer spec to reduce the heavy reliance on casted abilities or to improve force management in a way that is not detrimental to survival? For example, improving Rejuvenate, reducing the lockout duration of Force Armor, or removing the health cost of Noble Sacrifice via set bonuses?


    Sage/Sorcerer healers, we hear you and we see that our data validates what you are saying – as it shows you are currently performing behind both Scoundrel/Operative healers and Commando/Mercenary healers in PvP. We do not currently have any plans to share with you on how we intend to improve Sage/Sorcerer healing in PvP, but it is a priority for us, and we would love to hear your own ideas on how you would like Sage/Sorcerer healing to be improved in PvP without also making Sage/Sorcerer healing too good in PvE. We will say in advance that, “make such-and-such ability activate instantly,” is not a solution we are likely to consider (unless it is a temporary buff triggered by something else, and not a permanent reduction of activation time). Our goal is to keep Sage/Sorcerer healing as close as possible to the way it is in PvE, while improving how it performs in PvP.


    Now here are some questions for the Sage/Sorcerer community, regarding Noble Sacrifice/Consumption. Do you believe removing the health cost of Noble Sacrifice/Consumption as a PvP set bonus would be something that PvE Sage/Sorcerer healers also feel like they need, or are PvE Sage/Sorcerers happier with their current set bonuses? If it is something that PvE Sages/Sorcerers would rather have as well, then which current PvE set bonus would you want to give up for it? Do you think that having a health-cost-free Noble Sacrifice/Consumption would be too good for PvE? Do you believe it might take away too much of the challenge for healing in PvE situations?


    Please let us know your thoughts about these issues in your replies to this post. We will be listening, and we appreciate your feedback.



    Well, it is reassuring to know that the devs are finally looking into fixes to help us Heal to Full in PVP. :)


    I understand developer reluctance to give us more instant heals as that would homogenize our class with Operative (and to an extent, Mercenaries using Tech Overrides and/or their instant heals). In PVE, outside of certain mechanics, we can usually turret heal. In PVP, however, we are supposed to rely heavily on positioning and LOS to survive. This is fair for warzones when we can keep enough of the team up for long enough to defend objectives, but I am sure that the Bioware metrics have by now indicated that arenas are much less forgiving of our need to LOS for survival because death is permanent and we can't make up the time lost LOSing our teammates in an attempt to evade enemy focus fire like we can in 8v8 warzones.


    PVP healing, and especially in arenas, requires both a toolset of heals and mobility. The problem is that mobility locks us out of the vast majority of our heal throughput in PVP. Force Mend helps (to a point) when the target of our healing is ourselves, but we struggle to keep teammates up with even one good DPS on us because we simply can't do more than bubble/rejuvenate a teammate when we're forced to move. Some suggestions:


    1. When the Conveyance buff is active, Benevolence may be cast while moving (this keeps us interruptable by not making Benevolence instant, but it at least allows us to move)

    2. A casted or channeled heal that can be used outside of LOS and/or from greater than 30m range. I would suggest a strength akin to Emergency Medpack, maybe slightly weaker, but it should have a cooldown to make it not spammable. It should definitely be weaker than our 30m, LOS-requiring casts/channels. However, we need more positioning options in PVP, and especially arenas, as presently with arena target markers being used before we ever actually enter the enemy team's LOS and flagging our location for instant charges and pulls even before true "first contact," we need more options to keep our distance.

    3. Salvation now leaves a HoT on a maximum of 8 recipients who enter the circle. If fewer than 8 players are in the circle when it is placed, the effect remains on the ground and may be claimed by the next teammates to enter, up to 8. Any late entrants will receive a prorated HoT based upon how late they were. (Would make Salvation substantially more useful for arenas, and buff the full heal spec for PVP, while being only a minor buff for PVE HPS in most situations).

    4. As an alternative to 3, a 4-man group heal that shares a cooldown with Salvation. Heals you and 3 other teammates within 30m range, does not require LOS. If more than 4 are present, it heals the people who are closest to you (or maybe just the 4 people in your party frame? assuming they're in range) first up to its limit of 4 players total. Delivers half of the heal instantly and the other half as a HoT over 10 seconds (basically an alternative to Salvation available to full healers only, and a heal designed for the Arena environment)

    5. I've made numerous other suggestions in the past, chiefly centered around fixing our knockback to bring it to parity with the mercenary knockback and/or allowing sage/sorc healers better CC to allow them to buy more time to cast. However given that Bioware is presently trying to remove CC from the game (even though they're giving assassins insta WW when sages are squishier, more reliant on CC to survive, and one of our specs had that taken away from them:rolleyes: ) such CC should probably be in the form of roots if it is added at all.

    6. I recognize Bioware doesn't want to mess with cast times, but seriously: We used to be able to cast Deliverance in 1.5 seconds before alacrity, and when 1.2 took that away, the base cast time without conveyance buff was never adjusted accordingly. We have a heal that takes 2.5 seconds to cast, yet only heals for the strength of comparable 2.0 second cast heals from the other healing classes, and this disparity must be addressed immediately as it has been here plenty long enough.


    Regarding the set bonuses:


    4 piece PVP bonus should eliminate health cost of Consumption entirely. If PVErs want it, they should have to give up their 2 piece PVE reduced cooldown Healing Trance (which is a fairly substantial sacrifice) for it. That would go a long way towards fixing the Seer set bonuses IMO. I'm not really fussed about the PVE 4pc because the PVE 2pc is so useful, but then again I don't PVE all that much.


    If Bioware is truly afraid of PVErs picking up an improved 4pc PVP Force management set bonus, Bioware could change the 4pc PVP set bonus to reduce cast time of Deliverance by .5 seconds instead (brings our main heal to cast time parity with the other healing classes for PVP, yet keeps it relatively sequestered from buffing PVE).


    Regrettably, Bioware took so long to address the set bonus disparity suffered by sage healers that I gave in and utilized bolster to get the 2pc PVE HT bonus for PVP, as with the latest iteration of bolster, using 162 PVE set gear on two pieces only sacrifices 6 expertise for an incredibly better set bonus. So I'm afraid that the "fix the PVP set bonus to avoid abusing bolster to get the 2pc PVE bonus instead" ship has already sailed, at least until the 3.0 expansion.

  12. Well we sorc healers did ask for buffs right around when 2.4 was on PTS and it became clear sorc healers were worse than useless in arenas, but that was about the time that EAware replied with heal to full, make them pay. :rolleyes:


    We've pretty much burned ourselves out banging our heads against EAware's stupidity and have long since rerolled ops.

  13. You want to know how to fix the gear gap? Read the sticky thread L-RANDLE made for players in your situation. PvE gear superior to purple 66 bolsters down. Use something like level 40something blues or greens, or use the gear from the Makeb Comms vendor until you can get a fully augmented set of Obroan.


    Like I said, this guy made the thread specifically for players such as yourself


    That's a little out of date. Now, with bolster adjusted for Brutalizer, you can get away with up to purple 69s as long as you're only using them for set bonuses. Which means if you play a class with useless PVP set bonuses (like sorc healer), you can farm SM pug ops for the Arkanian set bonus for only a token penalty to Expertise.


    After getting my sorc the 2 piece PVE bonus in Arkanian gear (2 PVP/2 PVE because 4 PVP bonus is useless for sorc heals), I found he still bolsters to 2012 expertise. That's only 1 point expertise loss for each armoring/mod/enhancement replaced with 69 (excuse me, 162s, thank you for mucking that up EAware) PVE. If your class has a large disparity between PVP and PVE set bonuses, it's worth it to "use" bolster in this manner.


    Sad day when PVE gear>PVP gear for PVP, but that is what bolster has given us so I suppose certain broken specs simply get to make the best of it.

  14. Yes to all of the above.


    If the game isn't working as intended, then someone needs to fix it.


    If people are leaving cause their team just flat out sucks, they need to be punished.


    Yes, I just wanted to point out the things that need to be addressed/fixed with the warzone queue system before deserter debuffs are implemented. If matches actually started out with the same number of players on each team and if we had the option to turn off backfill, deserter penalties would be much fairer for all involved. :)

  15. If you don't quit early, u won't get locked out.


    What's the problem? I don't see the issue here.


    I had a game once where we demolished the other team on a huttball map, killing all of them, scored once, and they ALL QUIT!


    Instant victory!


    You're OK with this? I'm not.


    So you're arguing that I should have to suffer through 2 rounds of a 3v4 arena (hell I even fought through a 2v4 arena once, never again), or lock myself out of warzones for the day.


    Or I should have to suffer defending Round 1 voidstar short three players, against a full team, or lock myself out because Bioware can't get its **** together about coding matches that actually wait to start until the teams are numerically fair.


    And by "numerically fair," I simply mean 4v4, 8v8, hell even 7v7 if there's only 14 players in the queue. I'm not even taking into account the usual QQ about skill/bads.


    If I am in the starting roster of a numerically fair game, I will play it through barring exceptional circumstances that make eating even your proposed lockout worth it.


    However, it is wholly unreasonable to apply your standard to matches that the matchmaker should not even be starting/allowing to start in the first place (cf. 3v4 arenas, 5v8 warzones, etc). Furthermore, while it is usually considered bad form to leave a match you already started for reasons you've already stated, the expectation that you as a backfiller should be forced to clean up someone else's mess (that you weren't there to create) is much thinner at best.


    Nice strawman you tried to throw back out me, btw.

  16. May you be cursed to be the eternal backfller into matches where you are always outnumbered. Never again shall you join a match from the start, and never again shall you join a match where your team actually has a full roster of players.


    I reserve the right to leave matches that I backfill into, and/or matches that the game allows to start at a deficit of 2 or more players in a warzone (i.e. 5 or 6 v. 8) or any 3v4 in an arena. The former, I claim no responsibility for cleaning up the mess made by others before I arrived; the latter, the game should never have allowed such a match to start in the first place until the teams were numerically even. It's usually better for all involved to force such a shorthanded mach to end early, before the backfill cascade even has a chance to start.


    I might have agreed with you to a point, but I have no sympathy for those who wish to force me to decide between spending my limited time suffering the above two situations or being locked out of my (usually) favorite recreational activity for up to a week at a time.

  17. Using it improperly? So on top of it being more restrictive for some classes than bound, where other classes can just send it over and re-use it without problems (same armor type on advanced class), I also should find it normal to have to pay 300-400K for the extraction? u nuts? :p uhuh :)


    Besides that, you're overshooting the target. If you haven't bought any of that gear yet, you'd be totally correct and I could not agree more with you. However, this is about those of us who did buy that gear before the CM arrived, and to make that legacy gear we bought back then, less restrictive so we (with different armor types for the advanced class) can actually benefit from it in legacy style, just like those classes where advanced class has same armor type.


    Eh, the OP kinda implied (but I admit that it did not state outright) that you mailed the class legacy gear, loaded up with armorings and such, to an alt not of that class, and then wondered why it wasn't usable. (Even though the armorings can be mailed to any alt via such gear and modripped by the recipient regardless of class, which I have done many times before.) I apologize for the confusion


    I see your point, and this could certainly be a less confusing topic if Bioware would relax some of the restrictions on its first attempt at legacy gear to match more recent standards. :p

  18. Eh, I'd just be happy if:


    1) They combined the ignore/report spam actions into a single action (like EVE's "Report ISK spammer" option,) and


    2) They implement legacy ignore for those whom we report for spam, as few things are more annoying than reporting a spammer from your crafting toons, only to see the same spam from the same spammers over again when you log into your main.

  19. You're using it improperly. You don't send gear bought from legacy vendor over to another toon to actually wear. You put in the armorings/mods you want to send, mail the legacy vendor armor (with its loaded armorings/mods) to different toon, rip mods out, reinsert into whatever your alt is wearing. Viola, class restrictions on use circumvented. There was a time when this was how legacy gear simply worked.


    The Legacy vendor is obsolete simply because the sets it sells are something like 10 times as expensive as comparable sets that can be purchased from reputation vendors that were introduced later (and the reputation sets don't have the limitations described in the OP).

  20. The only records that combine all 3 healing classes are for arenas. 8v8 is split by advanced class and are in the ADV. Class Leader Board post... I'm failing to see what you are referring to...


    There used to be an aggregated 8v8 healing category before you did records by AC--was this removed when I was on my PVP sabbatical?

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