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Posts posted by AdrianDmitruk

  1. You should be able to reclaim it from your Collections.


    Open your inventory window, click on the Collections button underneath the inventory tab. You will see a REALLY long scroll list of categories. Scroll down until you see this:



    X% Toys

    X% Cartel Market

    X% Special

    X% Events


    X is the percentage of items you have unlocked as a percentage of items that are possible to unlock in that category. As of this writing, you will find toys between the Shipment 6 Shadow Packs listing and the Shipment 1 Cartel Packs listing--you will need to scroll down quite a bit.


    Click on the X% Special line under the Toys category.


    It should bring up a window with 8 items displayed, some of which are probably greyed out. Bright items are those you've unlocked or can unlock from another character with CC; grey items are not yet unlocked to your collections. One of the 8 items should be "Hutt Trainer." Assuming you do have it unlocked, there will be a button on the lower left of the Hutt Trainer icon that you can click on to transfer a copy of that item to your inventory.


    Do so, and you should get a replacement Hutt trainer statute, and you've taken your first lesson in how to use the Collections system in the process. :)

  2. Aside from the odd Sage who actually knows how to kite, I'm eating them alive on my Assassin.


    Literally the only reason I find on my sorc healer to ever stop in a warzone now is to channel Force Storm or somesuch for objective denial.


    And I don't even have Roaming Mend or the Dark Heal instaproc yet.


    Bubblestun+mobile innervate=that op (at least in the hands of a healy sorc with a clue, that suffered through h2f and made Bioware's metrics pay) :D

  3. MOST HATED BUG EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    some times mobs stay in combat with your companion, literally for AGES, soooo many times I have run away from combat, only to have the mobs chasing me and my companion across half a map or so, only fix I have found is to run away really far, then allow your companion to go back to fight, they will run back across the map and then fall out of combat...sometimes though this does not work and it's just insanely frustrating.....


    I remember it was introduced in patch 1.2.... yup lol... I have just become so used to it now its pretty much a game play feature....that still makes me so mad at times lol.


    Even worse when you combat stealth and it doesn't break combat with your companion, the mob chases your companion through stealth so you can't pop back out 50m away from said mob and out of combat heal...


    Not bugs but some convenient tricks:


    PvP Comms

    Buy orange gear from the vendor when you are about to hit the cap, play a bit less than 2h, port back to vendor buy items with the comms you earned, sell old ones, buy new ones with the comms.


    Caveat: All orange PVP purchases will bind to you when 3.0 Early Access is deployed on 2 December, regardless of the timer remaining. So this won't work to stack PVP comms pre-3.0 to use after level 60.


    If you wait until after 3.0 and then use this to store comms earned betwen 55 and 60, however, you should be good :)

  5. I'm still wondering how PvE set bonus acquisition will work. There are three models that have been in place so far:


    • Basic set bonus armor can be acquired with comms, from running HM FPs, or from running Ops. BiS set bonus armor can only be acquired from running Ops.

      Example: 1.0, where Tionese gear was bought with comms but also dropped directly from HM FPs and from Ops, Columi gear could be bought with comms or with tokens that dropped from HM FPs or SM Ops, and Rakata gear could only be acquired from running HM Ops.

    • Set bonus armor can only be acquired from Ops, but individual armorings bearing a set bonus can be purchased with comms.

      Example: 1.5, sort of. The 1.0 gear (remember, those set bonuses were bound to the shells, not the armorings) had the same rules, but the new gear (set bonus bound to armorings) had different specifications. Campaign and Dread Guard gear originally only came from tokens dropped in Tier 2 HM/NiM Ops (Explosive Conflict and Terror From Beyond), but in 1.5 they allowed players to use Black Hole commendations to purchase Campaign armorings. The best set bonuses, Dread Guard, still required top-notch raiding, but players could get the lower stuff with comms.

    • Set bonuses only come from tokens in Ops.

      Example: 2.0, where HM FPs and dailies only give you non-set bonus gear and comms, and you need to win a loot roll in an Op to get a set bonus of any sort.


    My personal preference is for the second option. While the best set bonus at level cap should only come from tokens dropped in Ops, it would be nice if casuals (or groupfinder heroes like me, who don't have an Ops group and mostly run HM FPs with randoms) could get the less-fancy set bonus armorings (just the armorings) with comms. We'd still need to grind gear to get our barrels/hilts, mods, and enhancements up to speed, and we'd still need to buckle down and get an Ops group if we wanted anything better than the bare minimum for set bonus (the equivalent of Arkanian armorings in the current live build), but it would give us a way to at least get the bonus at all.


    It's my understanding (admittedly from data mining results posted on the internet) that set bonuses in 3.0 will be identical from PVE gear and PVP gear. So if you don't run operations on a regular basis, you theoretically could grind PVP for your set bonuses and remod your PVE gear set with the PVP armorings--though the stats on the armorings will be weaker than 186s, at least until a couple seasons go by and gear inflation takes hold.


    Personally I'd prefer the second option because I do NOT want to force casual PVErs into my PVP warzones just so they can grind a set bonus without running 8 man content. I always disagreed with leaving set bonuses entirely to RNG--it throws up another barrier to entry for endgame PVE--and would prefer to be able to buy at least non-optimized set bonuses with ults (or their 3.0 equivalent) at least.

  6. What I don't understand is why we cannot have spaces in names. The ability to use a space within a name opens up exponentially more possibilities as players have the choice between differentiating first name, surname, or both. EVE Online has this, and it's never ever taken me more than one attempt to name a character there, across many alts.


    Here? I got a couple of my "common" names during the first moments of the first day of early access before launch. The next few toons I got a bit more creative. Now naming a new toon consists of "get out the 700 page baby names dictionary, look for names with meanings you like (they'll probably be foreign), attempt all possible permutations starting with the most palatable until one is allowed. I've played SWTOR, I've played EVE, I've played LOTRO, and I've played several browser-based MMOs and this game has got to have the worst, most restrictive naming system I've ever seen (though Runescape might come close, at least it didn't take me more than 3 tries there, which I can't say here for all my alts).


    I guess that's what happens when the whole idea of surnames gets stitched on later, post-launch--we didn't even get surnames until the Legacy patch of 1.2. They really should have allowed spaces within names then, if not at launch. I've never had problems mailing or communicating with characters with spaces in their names in other games; the fear of "which John?" is nonsensical. If you don't know which John, you don't know the John you want to mail very well.


    As for "Name Lastname Legacyname?" We have the ability to hide legacy names or display legacy as a title under the nameplate. I don't really see a problem with that either. Then again this whole issue should have been fixed outright rather than band-aided in 1.2 when Bioware started the Legacy system...


    I've never whined that I didn't get a name I wanted, but the restriction against using spaces in a name is a pointlessly artificial restriction (and I'm sure it's contributed mightily to angering players who were forced to server transfer in the past).


    Oh, yeah, and allowing spaces within names would probably nearly eliminate any reasonable demand for periodic name purges. It's much easier for most reasonable people to vary a surname than to find some weird off-permutation of a first name that they're particularly attached to.

  7. If you choose to spend comms to get under the 1000 cap so you can earn more comms, then when you reach the level needed to buy the level 60 gear, you will only have half the comms you would have otherwise had.


    No, assuming it is handled like RotHC, I intend to run no content that awards basic comms between levels 55 and 60. I'll grind PVP instead.* There are more useful things to spend comms on there, at least for those of us who do PVP, even below max level.


    Now I might save some missions in the log for XP (so I can PVP almost immediately with the level 57 ability, I hope, as I did in RotHC to PVP with the level 51 ability). But I won't be running the storyline at level if I can't enjoy the rewards from it due to overflow restriction.


    Better to find another way to get to 60, spend the overflow basic comms on useful items at level cap, then go back and do the story (while enjoying its full rewards).


    I doubt this is an intended effect of present overflow mechanics but it is nevertheless a present disincentive to run expansion content if our present comms would convert into the 1000-2000 range. A short grace period where we could earn basics up to the planned overflow limit of 2000 would eliminate this disincentive to run expansion content at level. The ability to earn overflow comms would stop a week or two later, followed by another reasonable period of time to spend comms to get under the cap. Even though it's probably not currently planned, I would still encourage it as a suggestion ;)


    *Yes, I do both PVP and PVE. If you're in a warzone with me, you don't have to worry about me being a PVE scrub that's just there for PVE reasons.

  8. Will we be able to buy (and stuff in the bank until we can use) the new 186 gear at leel 55, or will we be stuck unable to spend our converted comms on anything worthwhile and unable to earn comms from the new expansion content until after we can spend comms at 60?


    For an example, will the expansion look more like:


    A level 27 toon buying level 45 mods and banking them for later on live? or


    A level 50 who has the comms but is locked out of buying level 55 gear on live?


    One option will allow us to spend overflow immediately without wasting it on stuff we don't want, the other will severely nerf the rewards for a lot of the 55-60 expansion content for many of us...choose wisely Bioware ;)

  9. As for a new body type, it's really really unlikely. The community *****ed, moaned, and hollered for a body type between 2 and 3 for males before the game launched, but it was sadly to no avail. Now the answer would probably be "too technically challenging," if you got an answer at all.


    I would happily fork over CC to change about half my characters from body type 2 to body type 2.5. But I don't want my toons to look like they just broke into the drug store and robbed/consumed all the steroids from its pharmacy.

  10. I've actually been leveling a crafter for the sole purpose of avoiding the inflated prices on augments when SoR hits. :D


    I leveled a synthweaver for the sole purpose of price gouging when SoR hits.


    Why give up the multimillions by blowing the augments myself, when I could put them on GTN instead and aug myself a few weeks later when the prices come back down?

  11. ...Essentially, I agree that Bioware trying to make high level group content by making them easier / simpler is not a good solution, but the ideal solution for making such content more inclusive is more tolerance and effort from both sides of the player base, which doesn't seem to be forthcoming anytime soon.


    Eh. Speaking as someone who straddles the line between casual and hardcore, it's not so much watching others make mistakes that turns me into an elitist ******e, it's watching others making the same mistakes over and over and obviously not caring enough to learn that turns me into an elitist ******e.


    I come home to play this game and relax after work and such--in that respect I'm a casual. I actually found myself effectively locked out of group PVE content because my guild lost too many members post 1.2 to regularly sustain PVE activities like raiding--so I fell behind on learning mechanics for the new fights, with no one to run the ops with. The remainder of my guild took up PVP as it could be done with fewer guildies online at a time, and then it became a matter of "don't PVE because you only have PVP gear and you will have to be carried" and whatnot for me. I only learned the ops (in storymode, though I probably would be perfectly capable of hardmode and possibly NiM if I found a stable raid group) in about the last six months by making a new toon and starting over on the opposite faction from what I normally play--and I found myself making a DPS to learn that even though I main healer toons, simply because healer=more blame for wipes (and I still won't tank an operation for exactly that same reason).


    Unlike hardcore players, I also HATE making spreadsheets for theorycrafting games. I, too, learn my rotation through trial and error, though I might take the time to read a guide if I'm bored. When I made a spreadsheet to track my crafting mats on hand for conquest, it was a Big *********** Deal because it was literally the first spreadsheet I've ever made to track anything in a game. Ever.


    That said, when I do get home and want to chill, and queue up for something to have a little fun after work, and then get one of those 17k hp "tanks" to try to heal in my groupfinder daily courtesy of 12x XP, or DPS that is so undergeared they cannot meet the enrage timer because of same, do you think I find that fun? No, it's frustrating. I don't leave the first wipe, but if I see errors I'll point it out (a common and not-obvious-to-newbies example would be too much AOE during the last boss fight in Mandalorian Raiders means the boss pulls more turrets than can be tanked/healed through as boss takes too much AOE damage). I feel I do have a reasonable expectation for people to get mechanics down by the third pull in a flashpoint, though I might be willing to go up to five attempts for an op before giving up and leaving group.


    I'm willing to teach to some extent, as I've been on the outside looking in at least as far as PVE is concerned, but the "casuals" also need to be willing to learn if they want to run group content. I feel it's perfectly reasonable to expect at least a minimal level of competence that is sufficient to clear the content, even if it is not done flawlessly.


    And I certainly don't want the content dumbed down so much that it encourages stupidity and the further unwillingness to learn (KDY, I'm looking at you...)

  12. My Sith Inquisitor would absolutely love to get his face painted with some of the Sith Warrior tattoos. It's not as if a Dark Council member would somehow be unable to find such a tattoo artist.


    Likewise my Grey Jedi has his eyes on some of the tattoos that Bounty Hunters have as options in Character Creation.


    My Jedi Sage, who RP-wise was rescued from deep inside the Empire, should probably have one of the Sith Inquisitor slave brandings.


    We can Legacy Unlock species to use on any class, but we still can't unlock the class facial customizations through Legacy. I would totally spend Cartel Coins on the ability to do this at the Appearance Kiosk, for at least three of my thirteen characters. The hair customization options (of which there are few) that have long been thrown up on the cartel market don't appeal to me. This does, and it simply unlocks options already in the game but on a wider scale than simply adding a new bundle of 5 options.


    I doubt I'm the only one who feels this way.

  13. From 2012

    "I’ve seen some discussions on the test server wondering why we even have the binding rules in place. To be blunt, it’s to limit fraud. " - Nathan Emmott, BioWare




    You might not like it or truly understand why it might be effective, but it's there for a reason. It 's probably based on EA's experience with games that have a similar marketplace.


    So being unable to stack Major/Minor XP boosts like we can stack [insert XP type] XP boosts, let alone decorations (which have identical stacking rules) during the bind timer is an anti-fraud thing?


    LOL what's the point?


    I can see why the items bind in the first place but the no stacking of identical items just creates a wholly unnecessary logistical PITA. Especially with each new hypercrate containing non-stackable decorations, the logistics are far more of a burden than they were when it was only the XP boosts.

  14. I've personally asked for this at Community Cantina events, and Bioware's response has always been that it is too technically challenging for EA's legal team. Snark aside, EA's lawyers view account-wide friends/ignore lists as a potential violation of privacy rights (bear in mind the EU is quite strict on this, and SWTOR does business in the EU). If Bioware implemented legacy friend lists, and I wanted to know who all your alts were, all I'd have to do is friend your main and maybe check off an option. Then I'd know who all your alts are, including the alts you might not want me to know about. Yes, there is a bit of a problem there.


    I then suggested at least a blind legacy ignore, mostly for the gold spammers (keep in mind this was in person, during the part of the Community Cantina after QnA where devs mingle with the crowd and you can actually have a conversation with them). I suggested that we should be able to ignore a legacy by ignoring one toon therefrom, checking a "legacy ignore" option, and then the game would automatically ignore their entire legacy without disclosing to you whom you're ignoring. Theoretically, that gets around the privacy issue, but again the response was "Umm...lemme ask the lawyers about that."


    I did however bring up the incredible inefficiency and wasted clicks this game forces you to go through to report credit spammers. Right click, report spam (if you're lucky--it might be buried in a menu). Annoying popup that dims your UI and you must click or hit enter to make go away. Oh, wait, it's spamming again and the report didn't auto ignore. More right clicking to ignore. Also, this whole time you've been trying to put together a 16m group for GF or what have you...and the spammer has scrolled off the replies in chat.


    Contrast to EVE Online, where that first right click, "Report ISK spammer," sends the report, AND auto-ignores spammer, AND purges everything said by that spammer in your chat window so that you don't have to scroll way up to see legit chat, all with ONE click. Yes, I did make that comparison directly to BW, in person...


    Sadly the dev in question did not realize just how comparatively inefficient the SWTOR UI is in dealing with such things :eek: and I at least got a "We'll look into it" for streamlining the UI for anti-spam purposes. I'd be surprised if it makes it into 3.0 though.

  15. The bind timer has a point, as described above.


    The inability to merge the generic XP boosts--those that boost all XP, from whatever source derived--is far more pointless. Now since 2.10 decorations have the same issue. We need to be able to merge identical items that can stack as long as they remain in the inventory of the toon to which they are bound.


    People can only buy so many cartel packs when they can't merge the contents until after the timer.

  16. Should this thread be made a sticky?




    I finally got around to watching the (recording of the) previous stream last night and was wondering where to post "When are you going to post the schedule?" I found it this morning just by happenstance, so this should probably be stickied and/or edited into the existing Developer Intro to Disciplines sticky.

  17. Bug: Accepting your Personal Conquest Reward may leave an empty "Personal Conquest Reward" entry in your mission log, that will then fail to update the next week you achieve your personal conquest target, leaving you unable to claim that future week's reward. The empty mission entry will not be updated or overwritten when you achieve the conquest goal again, because it basically leaves you without the objective to complete.


    Workaround: Be vigilant and check your mission log for empty Personal Conquest Reward quest entries after accepting a personal conquest reward. If you abandon the mission, it will "clear the cache," so to speak, so completing the conquest goal in a subsequent week will pop up the reward normally.


    You can delete the empty shell mission at any time before attaining the subsequent week's conquest goal, so if you don't notice it until you're at 25,000/35,000 the next week, you'll be fine if you abandon; if you're already at 38,000/35,000 and wondering where the hell your reward is, you will have to ticket.


    (I had to not only ticket this when it happened to me--I also had to pull aside one of the devs at the Seattle Community Cantina and bring this to his attention so he could flag my ticket for some extra investigation attention after the ticket had gone unanswered for a few days.)

  18. I think the problem is that empty orange shells are considered above artifact. If I'm searching for artifact gear specifically, I don't want an empty shell (or an orange shell with only prototype mods in it).


    There needs to be a way to filter out oranges with no/inferior gear in them out of an ARTIFACT search, without having to filer by price and then wade through several pages of trash. If I wanted the orange shell, I'd search for custom, not artifact.

  19. I'm sorry to all enemies who break my first cc only to find themselves caught in a whirlwind. I am not sorry for dancing for 8 seconds while you spin me right round, baby. Right round like a record, baby.


    What you actually cast? I just use a grenade, it's faster :p

  20. Theyr'e working on a new Stronghold, but my guess is it won't be that efficient to fight the saturation. Most people won't invest that much in a second one even less a third one but maybe as a bonus filler for conquest.


    Now to prevent this instead or only adding new strongholds, they should add new rooms to existing ones.

    • Who would not like to have a rancor filled cave or a Sith altar in the basement?
    • How about a crystal dome room on top of the building?


    Adding more rooms would certainly make players want to open and furnish them


    They're working on a new stronghold? Where'd they say that? Last I heard they had said "no new strongholds with 3.0," which is when I unlocked Tatooine.


    Ironically, the 5-rooms-free Nar Shaddaa stronghold was my third, not my first, because I wanted to go against the flood of everyone rushing for that one. I decorated Coruscant and DK first--but over time my third one has probably seen the most investment.


    I'd love an actual docking bay/starship hook on the capital worlds though. Yes please expand existing strongholds too, maybe that would be a good way to fight decoration market saturation. :D

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