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Posts posted by AdrianDmitruk

  1. I agree. Thank you, everyone, this was one of the best and most serious discussions I've ever had in these forums.


    As a side-note,. I'd like to point out to this discussion (just in case if you don't know it already :

    "Is the DPS buff race getting out of hand ?" http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=739502


    Yeah it certainly feels like that discussion covers the erosion of Force Armor's effectiveness among other things.

  2. Neutral gear really only comes into play for the relic slots--the other slots are alignment neutral gearwise unless you're going for a specific look that requires LS/DS pieces.


    THORN should have been a great source of neutral relics for leveling alts (seeing as how almost all neutral relics in the game are for 50+), but after the initial introduction of the faction the event hasn't come back. It should be semi-frequent like Bounty Hunters' Week but the event hasn't recurred as promised.


    As a result, I only have the rep for THORN relics on Ebon Hawk, while most of my toons are on BC. :(

  3. I've got a question for you concerning playing a healer.


    We were doing Kuat Drive with me as a healer, two dps and a tank. One of the dps kept going around falling from heights and loosing lots of life and nagging me to heal him. I understand I am there for healing you and really I try, but then I needed to go after him neglecting others though somehow they were managing. When he had about more than 3/4 of his life he kept whispering 'heal me, you are a healer' (not even fighting bosses or stronger enemies, mind you). I told him not to tell me how to do my job, you are not dying I keep your health fine, call me when you're dying. It was annoying really. But as I am new to this, was he right to nag me so? I shielded them all the time and honestly, when we are fighting weak enemies I don't heal so much, they can manage without having me watching over every lost life point. Am I doing something wrong? I'm used to guys not waiting for me to replenish my Force in between fights, so sometimes I let them lose a bit of their health only so we could stop. Any tips how to deal with it are welcome.


    You are there to heal through damage put out by mobs/bosses. You are not there to heal through stupid. No need to heal fall damage, DPS can use their out-of-combat heal for that. Healing through standing in red circles is somewhat situational--you can choose to let the DPS die to teach them not to stand in it, or you can try to heal them in hopes of saving yourself a repair bill later if you know there's an enrage timer. Just know that healing stupid burns through your Force that much faster.

  4. LOL Midichlorian, let me see if I have this straight:


    1. Bioware takes away sorc instant WW because sins have too much CC and we have the misfortune of sharing a tree with them.

    2. Bioware then gives sins their instant WW back, but not the squishier sorcs who have less in the way of other CC/defensives to fall back on.


    LOLOLOLOLOL, the incompetence of EAware that gave us H2F knows no bounds.

  5. If I wanted to use R to reply to chat, I would click in the chat box and "r [insert content here]"


    But no, I want to use R to use Saber Reflect on my guardians and Recklessness/Force Potency on my squishies.


    Now I have to go through every character and unbind reply as Bioware's idea of dual-binding "new features" directly interferes with the usefulness of custom, player-defined binds, especially for abilities off the global cooldown. Worse, it's not as obvious as the GSF "H for hangar" conflicting with pass huttball binds; instead we're left to wonder why we're suddenly not doing anything for a few seconds before we figure out the new dual bind messed up our rotations (we don't have time to do much more than click off chatbox if in the middle of a fight, and it doesn't necessarily send us to respawn to immediately rebind like failing to get a huttball pass off usually does).


    If there is any conflict whatsoever between a default bind for a new feature and a previous, player-defined keybind, the player-defined preference must always take exclusive precedence. A notice of a new feature with a "you currently have the default bind for this new feature assigned to a different ability" upon character login should be sufficient to prompt interested players with potential keybind conflicts to assign another bind.

  6. I'm surprised that no one has mentioned yet that push is single target, unlike every other knockdown the OP contrasted it to, all of which are AoE. The increased pushback distance is certainly a fair tradeoff for not being AoE like the others.


    I used to agree that having knockdown was also part of the tradeoff for single-target restriction but now with Bioware removing knockdowns all over the place I'm not so sure, and I'm starting to sympathize with the consistency arguments made by other posters.

  7. That is true, that force armour is 2nd tier and seer specs have always taken it... is it a tax though? IMO not really cause a) you are already spending 5 points to take must have as seer skills on tier-1 so you are already in tier-2, b) personally, my full seer specs and in particular the pve one leaves me with one point extra to put as I please, while my pvp also just comes just right taking everything I want. Should force armour be a tier 1 skill? Yes probably? Where? Replacing the 3-point skill upheaval, well from a seer build point of view it makes no difference, while such a move at the same time creates an actual tax for full tk and hybrid tk/balance dps point of view as in order to reach tier-2 and beyond your are going to waste 1 skill point (for pvp: 0 in reserves and 2/3 in inner strength is the best). Now you might see move it to the seer tree, but where? And in case is that the best approach, the skills have to exist in one of the three trees, your definition of skill tax is points that are spent outside your primary tree. Well, firstly they have to be allocated somewhere as there is no common low core with branch specialisations, and b) according to your definition then there will always be two trees that pay taxes.


    To me "skill tax" comes in two flavours:

    1) You are forced to waste points on a lower level skill in order to reach a highly desirable skill on higher level, like the example I have given you above,

    2) There are two highly desired skills but can't have both, e.g. in a full TK spec egress and critical kinesis.


    Bottom line is that with the exception of the new fadeout dilemma the trees of the sages are quite nicely designed.


    Delete reserves. There is no reason why we cannot just have 600 points Force baseline. It's a pointless talent whose only function is to act as a skill tax.


    Move the Force Armor talent down to where reserves used to be.


    Replace the void in the 2nd tier middle tree with something specific to said tree. Maybe it'd be a good place to add pushback protection on Crushing Darkness or something--healers don't need it and madness can get it insta procced.


    Also you act like skill taxes out of primary tree aren't an issue for seer because at most, you will have only 37 points in seer anyway. That is not necessarily the case--to me having only 37 desirable points in seer tree is indicative of a different problem, the useless bloat in the upper third of seer that I have previously written about. Full seer doesn't have enough actually desirable talents between HT/Innervate and the AOE; instead it has too many filler talent points that do very little if anything and/or are too situational to be of significant use.

  8. - Skill tax. The way it is presented I can't see any point of asking it... all classes have such skill taxes... and in fact tier 1 abilities are abilities that can benefit all specs... tier 2 and above start things to get more specific... and other than egress for pvp I can't really see any other real skill taxes.


    - Set bonuses. This comes last and IMO this is an important thing that could be a question of itself. At least the 4-piece force master pvp set bonus is pretty useless and none is using it. This should ring a bell. The 4-piece force mystic pvp bonus is in the right direction, but there are question whether it is enough as self-losing health is pretty bad for arenas.


    As far as the skill tax goes seer has always paid up to 2nd tier TK for the Force Armor talent, ever since launch. You can argue that the willpower bonus in madness isn't a tax because it's 1st tier, but seer has been taxed since launch, and now DPS gets taxed for Fadeout in PVP (again, contrast with changing HtL to baseline). Balance got taxed up to second tier TK for Force Management and now has to decide which of the two skill taxes to pay in PVP, as it cannot pay both and remain a pure spec.


    That is broken. The problem isn't the existence of skill taxes per se, it's that our class simply has too many of them. We're the most heavily taxed class in the game, to the point where it now breaks one of our pure specs for PVP. And Bioware wonders why we hybrid LOL.


    As far as set bonuses go, I agree and tried to get some discussion of that in question 2 as honestly lacking set bonuses do gimp seers even more in PVP. Imbalance between PVP and PVE set bonuses for seer is a large problem; with bolster it is literally impossible to argue for taking 4 piece PVP over 2 piece PVE...for PVP. I'm not as familiar with the DPS set bonuses but it should say something that I seriously considered getting sin 4 piece PVE. As a PVP sorc healer. That was before 2.7 came along and I pretty much stopped PVPing because seer/corruption was utterly neglected as DPS got all the love.

  9. Meh, Hammer Station's second boss is just Vorgan the Volcano (+Riflor's Champions), doubt you caused them more inconvenience than they did you.

    That said, I don't see why people have the tendency to be rude to people in certain roles. "Bullying" the healer would *never* cross my mind, mostly because I prefer my characters alive, but also because I'm generally a nice guy.


    Meh I suppose they could have tried it by getting a healer companion out, but companions' heals have significantly longer cooldowns than pure healers so it would have been a bit of a gamble.


    Meanwhile the instapop I got when I immediately requeued tells me the GF needed a healer at the time I left--so the first group's loss was directly the second group's gain. Even if the troll group did go the healer companion route, I still relished the feeling of being able to troll them back without consequence or having to wait in queue on account of a tank abusing his role to cover for a troll friend.

  10. Back to entertaining GF stories. :D


    I queue on my healer and get a HM Hammer Station pop. Unknown to me, the other 3 are on ts together but they tell me nothing of this. Tank is a bit slow (though not obnoxiously so) to pull so sentinel starts making pulls. On the way to the first boss, sentinel runs way ahead and pulls, the tank is still behind me, so facing the healer's dilemma of wipe or heal, I heal, only to have the sentinel camo out and dump his aggro on me. We end up wiping due to the stupidity but the second time the sentinel actually lets the tank pull (for once) and fight goes as planned.


    Then more facepulls from sent. complete with said sent running 50+m ahead of group, on way to second boss. I ask him to please let tank pull. Of course, he doesn't listen. So I utterly stop healing him, but unfortunately for me NOW the tank comes in and grabs the aggro AFTER the force camo, so my healing boycott doesn't have the intended effect. This happens repeatedly, with the sent mocking me because my attempts at letting him die aren't working thanks to cooldown abuse and the tank.


    Eventually I whisper the tank to stop covering for the sentinel's recklessness before I leave the group. The second (non-dick) dps then breaks down and tells me, "don't worry, we're in ts together."


    At this point I can only conclude that the sent and tank are friends on a healer troll run (healers are more common than tanks on my server so tanks think they can even piss off healers now, not just dps), so I put the sent on ignore and click leave group. Only by now the sent has pulled the last mob before the second boss (LOL) and the tank is taunting off sent, so I get the "you will be removed from the instance in 30 seconds" timer. I do nothing but hang back and wait for the timer to finish so I can ****, thereby following through on my threat and sentencing the whole lot of them to at least one wipe; because I didn't heal and have 0 aggro, the timer expires and I'm out of instance/group before I get any aggro.


    I go to requeue, and am pleasantly surprised by no GF lockout (probably because I "left" by inadvertently getting myself kicked out of instance). So I requeue and am even more pleasantly surprised by an instapop HM Athiss with a different group. I calmly ask the new group to not do anything rash (and tell them I just got out of a facepulling sentinel with tank letting sentinel camo out of his **** group), and have a nice, stress-free run, all the while grinning about how the trolls would have to find a replacement healer right before their boss fight. :D

  11. https://twitter.com/jenheddle/status/459804317357076480


    KOTOR is out, for example. TOR may be a different thing, though. She says upcoming content would be canon, SWTOR is an ongoing story. Wonder how that works out.


    Can someone who actually has a Twitter account (I don't agree to social media TOS and etc.) ask if SWTOR will be kept canon under the "moving forward" from this tweet? After all the game is ongoing, therefore "going forward" unless they literally yank the license.


    Jennifer Heddle ‏@jenheddle Apr 25


    @joeyintucson Movies, Rebels, Clone Wars, and all content (books, games, etc) moving forward. But EU still exists as a resource.

  12. While I don't disagree with #1 and #3 being issues and/or in need of tweaks I don't see those questions representing the community.


    If we gave every sage in the game a poll, how many of those do you think would be concerned about NiM or even put that on their top 10? 1%? How many are even running NiM's when those NiMs are at their level? It's probably not even 1 % and out of those there's probably not more than a maximum of one sage per 8 players. So, 0.125%? We have three questions, no more no less, and you want to cater to the 0.125 %? Groups like that have to, IMO, lobby for themselves.


    #3 is another question I don't see representing the community, in this context I'm expressing what the change would do to players post lvl 15

    Look, sage melee will never, NEVER, be buffed to the point that it can replace a force ability. This is why we have sents and shadows in the game. Even if sage melee was buffed to a decent level it still shouldnt be in a sage's interest to be up close and personal, use the GCD to run the hell away instead. So who is this for? Even if it should turn out to be nothing but a RP thing, which I don't have a problem with, I don't see that many RP'ers putting aside their force abilities for an option that is worse. And should we even, through a question, promote that people play the class in a way that isnt optimal or intended?


    Regarding question #1, I feel it does represent the community, as survivability is a widely held issue amongst us, but the question has to be narrowly tailored because Bioware previously answered a broader version of the question with "l2p, h2f."


    Therefore the question must be structured in such a manner that we do not have the time it takes to "l2p, h2f," and NiM enrage timers are the clearest example of this even if most of the community does not partake in NiM.


    Question 3, I do kinda agree with you on.

  13. Well there is also effusion which with a couple of dots does miracles.... can't remember saying the word hiding but even if i did it was meaning hiding a healer in a dps role.... but anyway the most important bit is the following:


    The exploitation of the matchmaking system and the fixing of it has nothing to do with the deficiency of the full seer tree. These two are separate things. In other words, the strength of the hybrid does not come from being better than full heal, it is actually worse, but it comes from exploiting the matchmaking system having one team with a healer and one without. IMO this is unfair, game-breaking and affects everybody. It is basically a bubble stun fiasco once again and like I was against the bubble stun back then I am against the hybrid today. If the matchmaking is not fixed, even if the seer tree is fixed for ranked there will still be many people that play as hybrids because it offers a bigger unjustified advantage.


    I've also "off" healed arenas in full, 36-point lightning. In a 4 DPS match vs. a 4 DPS match, is this somehow exploiting matchmaking too? After all, I'm effectively a healer even though I'm not running the hybrid spec. Or is it simply adapting the capabilities of my class to the situation I'm in?


    (Granted, that was not in ranked as ranked does not have a history of very frequent pops on my server. But it is entirely possible as full lightning can sustain some very good "off" heals with its self-peeling talents--which full corruption almost entirely lacks--if you know what you're doing.)


    If you get the matchmaking fix you desire, how is that going to prevent me from running arenas in full lightning (or possibly something like 16/30 but not having channeled heal) and troll healing my team?


    Sure these issues might technically be separate, but they are very closely related. I've never heard of operatives feeling like they have to hybrid spec to heal arenas because their full heal tree is up to the job. Post 2.6 the same can probably be said for mercs. We have a lot of pressure to hybrid if we desire to heal, and whether you admit it or not a lot of that pressure does come from the inadequacy of seer compared to the other two full heal trees, in spite of the fact that full seer can put out more raw HPS than our hybrids. The hybrids essentially trade that raw HPS for survivability/control, which I actually think is a fair trade given the full seer spec's rather glaring deficiencies.


    Now you can say it's not fair for one team to have a healer and the other not, and even raise a valid point in doing so, but as I said above removing the hybrid from matchmaking won't necessarily fix the problem. Bioware would need to literally tie our heals to stances to do that, which would be a very large change with unforseen consequences (bear in mind that Bioware has explicitly stated that our survivability, even as DPS, is balanced around h2f).

  14. This seldom is a problem cause at least for skank-healer scoundrels that I have played quite a lot their hybrid has severe energy problems from start; if you have played one you will understand why (pulv. poultices). Can't speak why mandos hybrids are not as successful without looking at their tree but I imagine there will be some similar reason.


    If you're playing full skank hybrid, you don't have a point in Force Surge so you don't have Force management to speak of, either. The only reason why it can somewhat work is our deeper resource pool.


    I don't understand anymore what you mean by skill taxes... all classes have such kind of skill taxes so it's not a sage only characteristic. I don't see how this can be a question. And personally speaking these"skill taxes" don't prevent me from taking what I want both on my pvp and my pve seer builds. In fact in the pve seer build I have a redundancy of 1 point that you can allocate wherever your want.


    Yes, other classes have skill taxes. We have more of them, as I have stated recently, and Bioware seems intent on saddling us with even more. I point to the disparity between their changes to mercs/mandos (giving all HtL) and their changes to us (making Fadeout accessible to DPS, but also making us spec into it). Yes, Fadeout is now intended to be a PVP skill tax, even if some of us have suffered without it for so long that we're unwilling to pay the tax.


    Can you please point me to the skill point that makes your heals instants and hence more mobile?


    Skank build's mobility is in damage, not healing--but unlike healers, it can at least contribute something while moving.


    I am glad you agree that the strength of this hybrid is the unfair advantage of exploiting the matchmaking system.


    Not really, it's pretty much the only advantage that sage healers can have in arena. Full seer is so gimped in arena that I fail to see the advantage as "unfair."


    Actually if you are known to play hybrid you are target #1 and yolo-tunneled guaranteed.


    I thought you were yolo-tunneled guaranteed because of the class you play. :p And if you're yolo-tunneled guaranteed for playing hybrid, that kinda negates what you said above about being able to hide as a DPS being an advantage.


    Bottom line is that IMO the skunk-heal hybrid spec is inferior to full heal and it is only powerful due to the matchmaking system.... your arguments here presenting it as superior to the full seer tree is concerning as it means that changes to the tree are needed to kill the hybrid rather than to the matchmaking system.


    I make these arguments precisely because our full heal tree sucks for arena, but because there are more DPS around than healers, the DPS QQ about the state of our class was louder than the healer QQ and therefore Bioware listened to the DPS while practically ignoring the heals. I want Bioware to revamp the full heal spec so it's viable rather than see bubblestun nerf 2.0 all over again with them just killing the hybrid without offering us any options other than changing our role and/or class.


    If you think the problem is fixed by tying matchmaking to whether or not you have the channeled heal: I've got news for you, it won't. Our class will still be by far the worst healer for arenas, only instead of having a viable option, we'll be forced to DPS and/or reroll.

  15. Regarding the healing/dps hybrid IMO it is a poor healing spec in comparison to the other healing specs (including full seer) and the only reason that it is popular is because it is queued as dps. Even if seer was perfectly viable people would still play the healing hybrid as long as it queued as dps simply because it offers a very big advantage to your team. In other words, the rise of the heal/dps spot hybrid is popular not because of the poor performance of the full seer tree but because of how the matchmaking system works.


    Then we should also be seeing a proliferation of skank operative and mercenary heal specs masquerading as DPS. But aside from a couple hybrid medicine/lethality curiosities, this seldom is a problem. Full heal operatives never had a problem and mercs, while still having some issues, were recently buffed far beyond what seers can do in arena.


    So what's the difference between our healers and the other two healing ACs' healers? Our heal spec doesn't cut it and we've got way too many skill taxes in other trees. Since we take so much damage we have no hope of healing through 2 dps--or even 1 dps--interrupting us, anything that creates a diversion for us (including playing dps matchmaking games) is very welcome.


    The advantage that hybrid offers to your team is directly tied to offsetting the glaring weaknesses of full seer (mobility issues, inability to Make Them Pay, hoping to hide as "just another DPS" so you're not constantly yolotunneled).

  16. I use a Razer Naga personally, which really makes my gaming considerably easier than moving al over the keyboard. I do, however, still use the keyboard to turn left and right (though I avoid backpedaling as much as possible; unbinding it hadn't occurred to me) and up until I came across this thread by chance I didn't even know it was considered bad gameplay.


    Although I do sometimes use the mouse to turn, I avoid it during heated moments like PvP matches. Mainly because, for some reason, my eyes can't catch the movement of the pointer when I move the mouse around, particularly when it becomes invisible when right-click turning; and when I need to use the mouse for something important like, say, attack the guy right in front of me or cap a node, I spend 2 - 4 seconds figuring out where the pointer is so I can actually click. It was especially bad when playing stuff like LoL, being unable to last-hit properly or clicking wrong targets.


    I have mostly gotten around it by overly depending on Tab for target selecting, and keybinding to R and F to target the nearest enemy. But then I wanted to try out some of the things suggested here and by unbinding keyboard turning I'm fearing the possibility of doing poorly in PvP for not being able to spot the pointer on the screen fast enough and help the team properly. I don't suppose MMO veterans or PvP champs have any tips or suggestions on how to overcome this? Or am I just an isolated case?


    "Losing the cursor" by mouse turning and the delay caused by trying to find it again is a problem primarily (quite possibly only) because you're still trying to click on abilities.


    Another suggestion I could make for learning keybinds: Start a new toon of the class you wish to keybind. Even if it's the same as your main. No, seriously. And then before you so much as take a step forward following the opening cinematic, go into preferences, change movement binds to W-forward, A/D-strafe left/right, remove S. Bind your attacks however you wish but get them off of clicking. Bind keystrokes to abilities on your quickbars and then shove those quickbars to a forgotten corner of your UI if you must.


    Whenever your alt trains new abilities, keybind that new ability immediately. That way you can learn keybinding in bite size chunks without ever having to click. The location of the cursor then becomes not relevant and you don't have to waste time in the middle of PVP matches looking for a "dropped cursor."



    Does anyone think the variety of Sage Hybrids are an intended benefit of the class? Just today, I tried a build that dropped Sever Force and the stun protection in Balance for Rejuvenate and Preservation. I liked it more than I thought I would.


    There are a variety of solid hybrids in this class and the devs haven't moved much since 1.2 in squashing them.


    I've been arguing for a substantial length of time that the proliferation of sorc hybrids is a side effect of our top tier abilities being quite lackluster and the placement of our better abilities in the middle of our respective skill trees.


    Contributing further to such hybrid proliferation is the (expanding) multitude of skill taxes we are expected to pay; for PVP we now literally have skill taxes in all three trees, and they arguably add up to more than 10 points even after you subtract your "intended" tree.


    Bioware just gave DPS sorcs large buffs with 2.7, but it should be noted that the buffs were not towards/at the top of the trees. They were in the middle. Bioware may state over and over again that they don't like hybrids, do not intend for them to be more powerful than pure 36 point builds, etc., but they are either unable or unwilling to put the work into revamping the top tiers of our talent trees to make the full builds more desirable.


    The only real counterexample I can think of is their "fix" for bubblestun in 2.0, where not only did they nerf the bubblestun, but they also placed electric bindings HIGH up in lightning tree in an effort to further discourage healer hybrids. (It worked, until arenas forced an environment where we again needed CC and/or to Make Them Pay, which full corruption utterly lacks.) But with DF/Wrath accessible at 16 points madness, even 30 points lightning for the Electric Bindings wasn't enough to break the DPS hybrids as well. That's probably why they wanted to make Fadeout a purely PVP skill tax for all sorcs instead of treating us equally compared to mercs and giving us our mobility cooldown immunity baseline like they did with Hydraulic Overrides.


    So it seems that unless a hybrid becomes so gamebreaking that the community cries for nerfs for a year, they don't care. When they are forced to care, they'd rather thoughtlessly nerfbat than actually fix.

  18. I am also against the hybrid question. Not because I think it is a good idea but pretty much for the reasons Ycoga pointed out.


    This. I didn't object to they hybrid question then simply because at the time I would have simply been repeating another's objection without adding anything new, but since Nala seems to be gauging support/opposition I figure I should add my two credits.

  19. Checking in, haven't seen many comments on recent drafts. So these are looking close to what we will submit.


    Give me feedback.


    In the past Laforet made a really good post comparing seer spec to disco priests in wow, specifically exposing tools that seers lack that seem vital for squishy casty healy classes in arena. Namely, the contradiction between being expected to kite and hide and requiring us to have LOS on teammates to contribute and therefore allow instant leaps/pulls to ourselves kills seer viability in arena, where the team supporting you is simply not sufficiently large to create a safe back line for you and there are no objectives to serve as distractions. (Compare to disc priests having an out-of-LoS heal). "L2Position" puts seer in a nearly inescapable paradox, especially with scoreboard clicky targeting revealing our location even through LOS once the round starts. LOS that we can't even use to heal anyone except ourselves. Other than pull (which is far more useful in huttball than arenas), we seers really lack abilities that take advantage of the positioning around which our class is supposedly balanced.


    While a revamp of seer spec to make it more arena-friendly might well be full expansion, 3.0 material (as there is much vacuous filler in the upper third of the tree to be overhauled as well), I do wonder if the second question kind of nibbles around the edges a bit. Especially if reverting the 1.2 nerf to (a properly bugfixed version of) Conveyance+Deliverance proc remains out of the question.


    I can expound on this a bit more Wednesday/Thursday (days off) if required, but I'm hoping you remember that post to which I refer as it was one of the best posts made in the dev-initiated sorc feedback threads. :)


    For now I'm kinda burnt out on PVP, having expended all my energy on feedback trying to get corruption/seer fixed therefor, and find myself logging into the game less and PVEing more when I do. (And even on the rare occasion when I do PVP now, it certainly is no longer in seer spec.)

  20. I taught myself keybinding gradually.


    My first binds were abilities that are off the global cooldown (like medpacs/defensive cooldowns/escapes) as they benefit the most from the faster reaction time that keybinding allows.


    Next was binding ground-targeted stuff (grenades, revivification, etc) as the binds also greatly speed up anything ground-targeted. This was even more true before 2.7 offered us the ability to directly target ground-target abilities at the feet of the intended target.


    Then when I was able to work some overtime I got myself a Razer Naga and keybound the rest. I can use overload with much more precision now. :D

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