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Posts posted by AdrianDmitruk

  1. Nala, I would like to note that the first question was pretty much addressed by moving Fadeout down to Tier 2. I doubt the Combat Team is willing to move it down further; they'll just say "We already made it available to 36 point DPS specs, and we feel the 7-point sacrifice is a fair tradeoff for the ability."


    I would definitely like to see the lack of reward for positioning in PVP (no heals usable on a teammate while hiding with LoS) addressed for corruption healers; I'm pretty sure you've seen my posts on that. That can probably be wedged into the "survivability" question as the Combat Team seems to balance our survivability around positioning.


    Bonus question: After making fadeout accessible to DPS, what's the point in even trying to heal in PVP anymore? Now both of the other healing classes are directly better at it lol

  2. What ability do smash monkeys use that costs no resources? Aside from Force Leap/Force Charge, which are rage/focus builders?


    Sure, Smash is good right now, pre 2.7, but I've never had problems with it. Granted, I play Carnage/Combat mostly, so maybe saying the best thing to kill Smashers is Marauders. But if I'm not playing Carnage/Combat, I'm playing a deception sin, and still, no problems with Smash monkeys.


    Seems like in this particular instance, Smash is the rock to your scissors. The Scissors to your paper. The paper to your--well, you get the idea.


    To answer the actual question here, smash spec absolutely swims in resource, or at least it does for guardians/juggs (I never did get around to making a marauder so can't speak to that). Yes attacks cost focus but when your enrage (which you need to use for the stacks anyway) gives not only the 6 instant rage but also another 6 over time on a short cooldown...I don't see how it's even possible for a smash jugg to be resource starved unless he's RPing out of combat lol. Our armor debuff which we have to use for some filler generates a lot of resource too, and IIRC blade storm is free. Resource management is nonexistent in smash, you simply have/generate more resource than your attacks cost.


    The problem with smash wasn't the damage per se, it was the damage combined with the ease of delivering such damage combined with lolezmode nonexistent resource management. A faceroll spec if there ever was one.


    Again, can't speak for marauders as I never made one.

  3. Another reason why Treek is better than Khem (and all storyline-granted companions) is that Treek's AOEs do not break CC, unlike regular companions.


    See an elite on patrol that you need to whirlwind? With Treek, you just do it. With the other companions, you have to deactivate a huge chunk of their abilities so they don't break the CC (or uber micromanage them). That's a pretty big nerf for everyone else.


    I wish Bioware would go back and give all companions Treek's non-CC-breaking AI. But then they might not sell as many Treek unlocks in the CM, so they won't do that. :(

  4. Y'all need to stop complaining.


    Bioware has said repeatedly that PVPers can just heal to full. So play your sub defensively and Make Bioware Pay for trying to kill your interest in Star Wars. We PVPers just have perception problems.


    Yes they made noises about not wanting another h2f type meme, and how they learned their lesson from that, but the fact of the matter is they are handling this almost in the same exact way they handled h2f. Eric did make a half-hearted attempt at putting out the flames but as he was not permitted to acknowledge mistakes in PVP development let alone bring news of any planned corrections, he gave up and now this thread is left to fester over a weekend that everyone at the Bioware office has off.


    The only real difference is that Bioware started this thread earlier in the week, but of course no one from Bioware has dared to poke his head in here for the last business day or two and now we are left alone on a Friday night to see how many google bombs and youtube memes we can generate.


    I wonder how long it will be before Bioware's metrics finally catch up to indicating there's a major problem and we start seeing the yellow "Let's brainstorm fixes for PVP" threads.

  5. There's apparently only one way this stuff is going to happen. People are going to have to start getting loud on the forums. The "there's nothing to do at end-game" and the PVP crowd have their forum rants down to a science and so there's always going to have to be end-game stuff and PVP added. The player housing crowd whined long enough on the forums and finally got their wish. I guess the people who want more species and more character customization options are going to have to start flooding the forums with very loud calls for this stuff and it's never going to happen.


    The community called for a fifth body type in between 2 and the extremes of 3 very loudly during the beta, back when such calls might have mattered. But if the devs couldn't put in the work then when the game was still in development, they're certainly not going to go back and redo all the body type animations, with all the different armor types etc., in the cutscenes now.


    Too difficult and technically challenging. Sad, really.

  6. They added three Cartel Market extensions when they added the re-customization kiosk. I think they were human hair styles, human hair colors, and human eye colors.


    I expect that if those would have sold well, they'd offer more. I see a lot of one of the custom hair styles on characters, so maybe there's hope?


    None of the cartel hair styles appealed to me.


    I've considered unlocking one of the hair colors for a new alt that I might want to RP as a rebellious teen in the Jedi Order, but I haven't gotten around to such an alt yet.


    As for eye color, pure whites are ugly as hell and IIRC the other options aren't as noticeable. I would go for Color Customization: Dark Side Yellow so we could get that Darth Vader (before the immolation) look without displaying full dark side corruption though. I don't think that's one of the unlockable options, need to check.


    Body type with height of 3, build of 2? (or something similar) Yeah I'd spend 2-3k CC to unlock that in a heart beat, and not just the CCs I get from my sub, as I'd have to change a bunch of my existing characters as well.

  7. In a prolonged fight where you have a tank companion, you will need to throw offheals to your companion. Lightning has a lot more Force to do this; Madness is more of a PVP spec than a heroic-soloing spec.


    You could try full corruption but you run a moderately high risk of running out of Force before your companion finishes the boss, as you will have little DPS to contribute to the fight yourself.

  8. There have really been only two places where this has been an issue:


    1. Lack of legacy offhands (which is being rectified with 2.7)

    2. Lack of legacy relics for sub-level cap. Sub-level cap relics ALL had a LS II+/DS II+ alignment requirement until alignment-neutral relics were finally released for the second incarnation of the Rakghoul Event. This penalized players who wanted to play neutral characters as they could not equip a full slate of relics until obtaining neutral relics at level cap. A matrix cube could only be used for one of the two relic slots, forcing neutral lowbies to run with an empty relic slot no matter what they did. Again, this has been addressed as they can obtain bind-on-legacy lowbie alignment neutral-relics by running the Rakghoul Event when it comes back (assuming they don't already have the rep from last time).


    Implants and ear are readily obtainable. Since the purpose of legacy gear is to transfer mods to put into customizable shells on a new/different toon, I fail to see the relevance of legacy implants/ear. The neutral lowbie relics issue was something of an oddity that has since been addressed.

  9. Or just let us do a proper Boolean search in GTN so that searching "Major Experience Boost" only returns the all-purpose major experience boosts because the activity-specific ones will all have something else in between the first two words.
  10. Pre-55 pvp gear has no expertise, meaning its not really pvp gear. However the level 20 vendors sell decent quality armor, as well as implants and ear pieces which can be annoying to find in the lower levels. think of it as a way to get modifiable gear pieces without doing heroic quests/GTN.


    Actually some of it DOES have just enough expertise to screw up the bolster mechanic that is supposed to set everyone's gear to 55 in lowbie warzones.


    If you buy lowbie "PVP gear" and wear it inside a warzone, the bolster engine will see a token amount of expertise (like 7 expertise on an enhancement) and conclude that that entire piece does NOT require bolster. You'll be left with the lowbie stats on the gear.


    If you want the look of the gear, you can re-mod it to take ALL expertise out and then (and only then) will it bolster.


    That lowbie PVP gear vendor is a relic from the time from before Bioware introduced bolster to 55 warzones in 2.0. Before 2.0 the expertise on the lowbie PVP gear was actually useful because lowbie bolster did not "pass over" gear with expertise on it at the time. Now it will ignore such gear and leave you with lowbie stats for that piece of gear. So check it for expertise and mod that expertise out if you intend to buy it for the looks.

  11. Part of the reason why the hybrid is so popular is simply because Fadeout is so ridiculously necessary for sorcs to LOS and kite, yet no pure DPS spec can get it until 2.7. Full sorc healers also have little in the way of self-peeling capacity, the least of all healing classes, which let's face it, is necessary for solo ranked, which makes the CC offered by hybrid even more tempting. It's not just about innervate (which is only 4 points higher than fadeout on live, so if you're going for fadeout as a DPS, you might as well also get innervate...)


    2.7 leaves sorc healing almost unchanged while allowing 36-point DPSers access to Fadeout, if they're willing to sacrifice a couple damage talents for it. I suspect that after 2.7 we'll see at least some of the hybrid sorcs (like yours truly) go full DPS.

  12. I may be being ignorant here, so correct me if these ideas would not work and tell me WHY, obviously recruit gear didn't pan out in the end, I don't know why I thought it worked well


    To answer your question, recruit gear didn't pan out because its non-expertise stats were so bad that geared PVPers could 2-shot recruit players, regardless of skill. When literally the only stat worth mentioning on recruit gear WAS the expertise, the difference in time to death between wearing recruit and 49 blues became less than easily discernible. Oh, and the first implementation of recruit had non-expertise stats that were right around level 49 blues, IIRC--yeah imagine how that fared against purple 58s and 61s that were the "real" PVP gear at the time. Mainstat/endurance/secondary stat on recruit was so bad that lots of people just wore the best PVE gear they had because the non-expertise stats on their PVE gear were about 50% (if not more) higher when expertise at the time only had around 30% effects.


    Basically in order for a recruit player to defeat a geared player 1v1, the recruit player would have to have skill equivalent to >2000 rating and the geared player would have to be in the Special Olympics of bads.


    Bioware did finally release an updated version of recruit gear but at the same time they released a new gear tier so the "updated" recruit did little to address the problems new 50s had in being competitive. The gear gap remained as wide as it ever was. Legacy gear did far more to address the problem than recruit ever did, but only for established players leveling a new alt. People PVPing on their first character were screwed, and as much as everyone hates bolster because of bugs making PVP gear non-BiS it's still better than recruit gear because PVP is far more skill based than it was back then.


    Recruit gear wasn't moddable either, no upgrading it. So since people wanted to get rid of it ASAP, there was no incentive to pay the costs of augmenting it. That made it even worse.

  13. i dont think they should change resolve back to the way it was... its already almost impossible to kill an OP healer + guardbot or any other healer for that matter , without cc it would just be lulz.


    there are lots of other things that need adressing.


    You do realize they are nerfing the operative surgical spam, right? Post 2.7 they will have to cast at some point (or run around shivving poeple for TAs, but then they're not healing).

  14. that's what we're basing this discussion on. Solo queue is and always will be a crap shoot of who gets the better pugs, but a good seer spec is still perfectly viable in group ranked. Bastett or Caedri would be more than happy to prove you wrong if you care to disagree.


    Still they need to fix the Force Barrier bug, as taking 50% of 0 damage should result in...well, 0 damage.


    Yet it does not.

  15. Sage DPS is already the top ranged DPS in an arena, closely followed by Commando/Slinger.


    And you're good Matari, but sages aren't that bad. Healing I mean, of course. They're viable, but your team has to play with you, as opposed to an op who can peel for themselves sometimes, as to where a sage cannot.


    Even with a team that plays with us, our tanks still take guard damage through Force Barrier.




    36-point seer spec viable? In 4s maybe, with a world-class tank, but we'll be bottom of the barrel in soloyoloqueue post 2.7. Mercs and ops will compete to see which is the alpha heal class but we're getting left behind. Our scheduled tree buffs do little to make points 22-35 invested in the tree actually appealing. The non-spec specific buffs (mental alacrity providing pushback immunity) are actually more useful than our tree-specific buff IMO.


    Also I haven't been on Matari since...

  16. I keep telling Bioware to fix the top third of the corruption tree as there is almost NOTHING between points 22-35 in that tree that is desirable for PVP. It's mostly filler.


    So of course the survivability tools from hybrid become compelling. Our pure heal spec is so gimped that we feel we have to hybrid to compete. I put enough points into corruption that I don't break the matchmaking and still show up as a healer...but I understand why people would run 21/26/2 (or something like it) instead of 26/21/2 (what I run). I take Force management (1 point in Force Surge), they go for camouflage.


    I'd gladly run full heals if full heals had the CC (including particularly a reasonably functional overload) necessary to escape melee and/or the ability to actually USE positioning to their team's advantage (i.e. a heal that doesn't require LOS). As it is we're balanced around relying on LOS and escape for our survivability but we can't help our team in any way while LOSing. That sets our spec up to fail in an environment where allowing even a single death of anyone on the team is almost unrecoverable. Arenas aren't as forgiving at needing to LOS to survive as warzones are.

  17. Sage... healer?


    Doesn't ring a bell.


    Yeah if anything mercs will be able to keep up with ops post 2.7.


    Sage heals are as arena-crappy as ever. A healer whose survivability is balanced entirely around LOS and positioning with no ability whatsoever to heal outside of LOS and exploit positioning, that must expose itself to leaps and harpoons to heal teammates=arena derp derp.


    The other two healers can get away with a lot more: mercs are sturdier and better able to stand in the thick of things (even though they share our interrupt susceptibility); operatives can still AOE flash an entire zerg, hots keep ticking while stunned/LOSing, and they still have instant heals even after the 2.7 nerfs to them.


    Sage DPS will probably be in a good spot with egress access to all, however.

  18. I like them all but especially your thoughts on force barrier. Force barrier has really become a pet peeve of mine becuase it's such a useless and sporadically used ability. A DCD with a 3 minute CD will IMO never be useful. Do I use it this time, do i save it? You never know what's going to happen 5 or ten seconds from when you use it. If something on the other hand has a 1 minute CD, which IMO is fairly long too, you're atleast not feeling like you just screwed yourself. (i think i average something like 0,5 deaths/game, with the majority of games having 0 deaths, so it's not like I have issues with staying alive)


    I'm not even sure what situations they had in mind when they created Force Barrier? Is it supposed to be a strictly defensive ability, a last resort and "oh crap" DCD? That's the last thing I use it for. I currently use it to block one big hit to reduce the risk of me ending up in a "oh crap"-situation or to play it safe when I'm outnumbered and trying to prevent a node cap, not because I'm about to die but because I don't want to risk it. I don't need a 3 minute DCD with a 10 sec duration for those things, one of the many other DCD'es in the game, DCD'es with fairly short CD'es, would have done the trick. Dodge/Evasion would have suited sages/sorcs much better.


    The only reason to why i even have force barrier bound to one of my "good keys" on the keyboard is because they added a cast time to WW. WW used to be on barrier's key but is now bumped down to the "meh, someone will just interrupt it and in the event that I do get it off it's going to be broken by a team mate anyway"-keys. With WW still being a healthy ability I wouldnt have bothered with force barrier, that's how crappy it is.


    I use Force Barrier as a way of throwing a grenade semi-off-the-GCD. Yes the grenade is on the GCD but if I see three leaps to me the barrier stops around 20k damage just in the timespan I'm waiting for my next global to become available at all. The sentinels all leap into a faceplant and I run away. :D


    Vengeance will become even more prevalent in 2.7 so this won't work as often as it did pre 2.6 but strangely the buffs to Force Barrier kind-of-sort-of offset that by making it worth waiting a bit longer to throw the grenade in some circumstances.

  19. Small correction: The bug you describe is tanks taking guard damage from us even when we have Force Barrier up, not Static Barrier, and yes it needs to be fixed pronto.


    One of our greatest issues in PVP that no one ever thinks about but that kills our viability nonetheless is that we must (and are expected to by devs) constantly LOS to evade enemies but constant LOS means we cannot affect others. When we pop out of LOS we must cast (and do it before a leap or pull interrupts us), thus adding further delay to our ability to help the team and amplifying the problem. Corruption lacks any ability that can heal others through LOS; lightning can't Make Them Pay through LOS. This is a major contributing factor to both specs' utter lack of viability in arenas as we have to sacrifice any ability to help our team just so we can hope to survive. Madness is our most viable spec probably because its dots keep ticking while out of LOS, and its dots pack a punch, so it's substantially less affected by the problem. I made a quite detailed post about the problem and possible solutions (moreso for corruption as it remains to be seen if Fadeout will be enough for lightning, personally I think it has potential) here.


    Also on another note, there is way too much filler in the top third of corruption tree for it to be considered relevant to PVP. If you look at the talent trees of the other healers, the top talents tend to provide significant boosts to some very important heals. We only have 1 talent that does that (Twisted Force), 2 if you count Force Surge's ability to speed up reviv, and the rest of the tree is pretty much 1% here and there. It's just not enough to make the full tree desirable in arena compared to the defense available from bubblestun IMO.

  20. 1. Use polarity shift when whitebarred for maximum effect (and that CC immunity), problem solved

    2. They're buffing Force Barrier in 2.7 in some weird attempt to make it more useful. For now, realize that you can ground-target abilities--INCLUDING CYBERTECH GRENADES--from within the Force Barrier. Barrier up, throw a seismic grenade before it ends, the enemies around you are now CCed and you have a couple precious seconds to get the hell out of dodge.

    3. Merc ranged stun was nerfed too bro; they're in the same boat as us. You can thank the utterly resolve-breaking 1.4 patch for this, and yes Bioware was clearly braindead at the time.

    4. L2bubble, unnatural preservation, they're both instant. You can use recklessness on the UP to make it around 85% chance to crit, which helps a lot

    5. See number 4

    6. We're not getting another defensive cooldown, Bioware told us to heal to full and make them pay instead, so focus any feedback on new ways to H2F/MTP

    7. I'm sadomasochistic; I enjoy the challenge


    8. TL;DR: L2P

    9: Oooowwwww, my eyes, you made me pay :mad:


    (Damn I know sorcs have issues, but no one from Bioware will ever take a post like yours seriously because it's so painful to read)

  21. You must decide whether you wish to Heal to Full or Make Them Pay. Once you decide upon a role, you should concentrate on filling that role. Healers heal; DPSers DPS. Healers should only really DPS at opportune times, such as an enemy near death, or when healing is not needed (though they should use knockbacks/stuns/slows on an as-needed basis to escape enemies). DPSers should focus on DPS, generally reserving healing to full for those moments where they have fled around line of sight obstacles to escape death and have a few seconds to cast some heals to full. (Exception for static barriers and unnatural preservation, as both of those are instant.)


    As of right now, it seems the best spec for you (since you wish to DPS in PVP) might be madness. Full corruption is widely regarded as having poor defenses in PVP, and if you are new to the class you will find full corruption very unforgiving in healing, let alone trying to DPS.


    After Game Update 2.7, DPS sorcs (of both specs) will be able to obtain the Fadeout talent from the corruption tree, making their defenses that much better. Full corruption is currently slated to remain relatively unchanged and will remain a weak spec for PVP (especially arenas).

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