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Everything posted by ActionAce

  1. This video brought the haters out. All of the venom you are spewing about this Build translates to "I chose my class because it was supposed to be OP and Gaurdians aren't supposed to do this they must be easy mode". Grow up. Rethink your own build and quit overeacting. You are wetting yours pants because it turns out Guards are not broken.
  2. I would like them to nerf force lighting so that it doesn't go around corners anymore.
  3. Empire is just too mainstream. Being the underdog is a nice role. Imps are sell out followers
  4. I get so tired of people QQ they needed to be nerfed because they had an I win button. That is such ignorance. They had to press three buttons to win
  5. Sure Republic players are full of bravado. That is the kind of person that rolls on the underdog side rather then play it safe with the mainstream American idol faction
  6. They don't need a nerf, they just need animation changes
  7. Ajunta is is one zone right after the other
  8. What''s funny is gear whores think they are elite players, when in fact is gear that prevnets anyone from being an outstanding player
  9. Imps got rolled on Ajunta Pall tonight too,. HARD
  10. ActionAce

    LOL Republic

    Repuplic players are owning you guys right now without even doing anything. Nice try at cloaking it as a troll attempt but what this thread is really saying is "This isnt working out like we thought, please come back!!!"
  11. Why didnt you just title this thread: Bioware Y U No let me farm Lowbies?!?!? becasue that is really what this is about
  12. You cant be serious. Reread the thread and say no one was trying to kill their fun My point is for what reason, besides your own ego, does this even need to be argued in a thread that is clearly new pvp players? I would guess you are trying to control this thread because you dont like the thought of people enjoying PVP in way that does not have being 50 and gear obsessed at the center.
  13. I find it pathetic and sad how many of you swooped in so fast to kill the buzz of the non 50s who are finally getting to see how fun PVP is by finally having some sucess, however they got it. The next time you are in a 3 hour PVP que you can ponder if the two might be related. Freaking clueless
  14. Dear sir Your ability to offer practical solutions rather than hysterical and unbalanced rants probably make you very sucessful in your professional and personal life. But this is the internet, and they do not and will never belong here. Good day
  15. If it never comes down to the 10% why is it there?
  16. Imps are priceless. Abosolutely priceless. Shine on little diamonds, shine on.
  17. The simple truth of this is that people that truly love PVP now love 49 and under. PVP pretenders who like their gear to do the work are furious
  18. Keep telling yourself that. But every Republic player knows the truth. We have all seen the level 50 SW that so bad he just spams strike and force sweep and it works becasue of his level. They are on every server.
  19. Fail thread PVP is the most fun since EA Saw all kinds of new faces in warzones last night. Without all the 50s facerolling, people are coming in to... wait for it.... L2P
  20. I guess now that all of the Sith are overgeard thanks to the sanctioned exploit, the Devs can now focus on gimping the Republic further. Seriously it way to cheap. Everyone that was heavy into pvp had all their companions in fuels sets of Pvp gear. That is kinda wild. I can't believe it wasn't higher actually
  21. If you are a good tank and have an even half way decent healer and you stick with him the only thing that you will hear in Civil War and Voidstar is "you are unbeatable"
  22. Exactly, the brackets are better overall for the game. In the 1 to 49 last night for the first time since EA people seemed to be having fun. thats one of the reasons I dont mind releveling
  23. If you don't gank I really see no diffrence in a pvp and a non pvp server.
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