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10 Good
  1. Assassins are OP!! All of you guys are blind or just bad! He just mentioned all the abilities and overwhelming pvp talents this class has... even the scrubs assassins with recruit gear do well cuz of their opness.
  2. Thats what Im wondering too.. so far Ive tried on about 10 different orange items.. with no luck so far.. anyone else can clarify this?
  3. Where could I find these orange vibroswords for comms.. that you speak of? For imperial side.
  4. Do you blame the people who go afk waiting for ques that last for hours? I say some warzones should function with atleast 4 people, 4v4,5v5,6v6, etc..... We need an updated pvp system here, and quick....
  5. Talking bout ruining end game pvp, barely any lvl 50s in my server, long ques... noone in illum... and if their was, its unbalanced teams and people rage before anything really gets going. So... I find myself just standing in republic fleet staring at the walls all day, that is of course someone asks me for a flashpoint to do. But even then that has its limits... All MMO'S should have good end-game play options... And no I don't feel like focusing on an alt, if I put a lot of time and effort on one character, I want to be able to enjoy it as often as I can. But this is just retarded now. I think this is the first time I've ever flamed in a forums before btw, so I guess I'm raging more than I thought. Atleast make it lvl 40-50 or something jeez, or cross-server pvp. If nothing changes, you can see my monthly payment goodbye.
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