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Everything posted by ActionAce

  1. I am just proactive by nature . I would rather solve my own problems and get to play than act helpless and sit in a que because Bioware cant focus all of their attention in the first month on 1% of the players
  2. I knew I was screwed when brackets were announced. On Kath Hound the server pop was so low I knew my pvp was done So last week i bit the bullet and rerolled on Ajunta and I am so glad I did. There are still more Sith than Repbublic (which I prefer) but luckily since the Sith have become the American idol faction so half of the 50s are really bad players who have been facerolling lowbies (the other half are great players and have some awesome RP stuff going on) I am already back up to 40 and having way more fun. If you know your server is hopless and you still love the game go ahead a reroll. Its not so bad
  3. Exactly. Everyone class has roles to play if you are really wanting to play to win. The only time class abilities become a major problem is when you have half the team be one class. Like if half of one team is BH its hard to move without getting pulled
  4. The fact that you think Force Leap is effected by resolves tells me what an expert you are on huttball
  5. They get that warm feeling all sociopaths get when the cause suffering in another person
  6. With the new patch, Just wait till Guardians get the ball and go force leap>Forcepush>force leap> guardian leap and score in three seconds
  7. A third faction does solve all the problems. Now let's all meet back here in 2016
  8. I suspected trouble a few years ago when all the Devs showed up at comic-con wearing empire shirts and talking about how much they love working on the Darkside characters. I became even more worried when they said this every chance they had, then 90% of the media released featured empire.
  9. I have no clue what is wrong with them but there is something not right about Marauders. I get jumped by them when questing all the time and they are the only class my Guardian actually crushes into the ground even if they are as much as three levels higher.
  10. What on earth are you going on about? Bask in your glory of rolling Sith if you want, go nuts. I am sure you went through an extensive application process to roll on a Sith character. They don't just let anyone do that.
  11. It's best to just let them go. They enjoy a bliss people cursed with awareness can never understand. Trying to explain things to them just makes them angry
  12. From virtually every MMO you have ever played inviting you back? I find this strange because everything is great here in swtor land. Factions are close to being balanced. Every single bug in this game does not favor one faction, and we all know that no matter how many YouTube videos you watch of turrents that were camped for hours hours, they did not give valor, players were just doing it in mass because turrent blasting is why people race to endgame, it's so fun. So all these emails have to related to something else of course.
  13. No it is not ironic. You might want to look the word up next time, Alanis
  14. Great idea. That should take only two or three years to get up and running
  15. This for the love of god. As if everyone on every server that rolled Sorc is some kind of PVP savante operating on a level the great unwashed couldn't hope to understand. It is both sad and amusing at the same time that Imps choose to believe the lie
  16. How melodramatic. The fact is this is easily fixed. It's not like it would exhaust Biowares resources to revise this.
  17. The other problem with this is that healers have stopped healing in wz. I am a tank, and if a healer tags up with me we can run roughshod all over civil war and voidstar. But now they won't heal because the get low medals and I don't blame them
  18. It is much more fun. You have to actually play well. Even when they were farming low levels you could tell which 50s where getting by on gear. expertise is a crutch for players who want to be good at pvp without having to be good at pvp
  19. You are echoing my feelings as well. There are so many problems with the republic side it is hard not to at least entertain the idea of the conspiracy theory . It would be easier to take all this if just one of the bugs, glitches, exploits, animation handicaps went the Republics way.
  20. Wow the worm has turned on this. Imps are crying huge crocodile tears because no Repiblic are going to war zones now. Imagine that
  21. This HAS to be a drunk post from one of the Devs.
  22. I bet none of the GW2 Devs need Viagra tonight
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