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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. ^^This.^^




    We have a freakin' WINNER here, funsters!


    Yes, I'm serious.


    I don't see SW: tOR even being around after another year or at most two, and ^^that,^^ right there is the reason why. If they have any brains at all, then they will at least try for a little subtlety when --not if, when: We all know this will come, whether we want to admit or not-- they introduce Pay-to-Win to try and prolong the patient's agony life, but...


    I think we can say in advance: RIP, Bioware. You're not the first, nor the last, we all know who/what the real crux of the problem here is, and always was.


    This truly makes me sad:


    I'm an old-school gamer, I love Star Wars and sci-fi, and I genuinely want this game to succeed for the "right" reasons, however flawed it may be (SW: G was...errrm...far from fully-realised in any of its incarnations, if you'll recall).


    But given who's actually calling the shots here, I just can't see anything better over the long term.


    Oh well: I'll always have EVE-Online (now entering its second decade with the next major expansion in-bound for summer --how many MMOs can say that?), Gods be thanked!


    SWTOR will be around for a long time.

  2. I say bring back champion and centurion gear and the old rng system that way every one can enjoy what hell really was like way back when.


    Centurion/Champion vs BM gear gap wasn't near as bad as Recruit/BM vs WH/EWH

  3. LMAO


    I call bulls***. You arrest people on the street and in correctional facilities? Right.... Are you a corrections officer or a cop? Most likely an overweight rent-a-cop working at the last blockbuster video in town. It's ok!



    You're a big man! You go yell at whoever you want snookems.


    I am on the road 2/5 days and in our county correctional facility 3/5 days. I should have worded it better. I arrest people on the outside but still detain people inside the facility for fighting, threats, disobeying officers orders, caught with drugs. But go ahead and think what you want.


    Oh and some agencies allow their Corrections Officers/Jailers to make arrests on the outside too. I know our agency allows Jailers to arrest people with active warrants. Consider this a free law enforcement lesson.

  4. I just wanted to let all of you know that I have been reading over the thread and am continually passing the feedback and questions on to the combat team. Some of the confusion I am seeing is around the removal of Expertise from WH/EWH and its relation to PvE gear. I am working with those guys on getting some math around it all to hopefully clear some things up.


    I won't have any new information today, I just wanted you folks to be aware that I am actively watching the thread and working with the Combat/PvP folks on getting answers to some of your questions.






    PS - If you haven't read some of our prior PvP posts in this thread and others it is possible your questions were answered there. You can view them here, here, and here.


    I have a 58 armoring mod that has 25 expertise in my WH gear. I know I can just switch the mod out but I'm currently not 55 and no longer have access to WH/EWH purchases. But because of that 25 expertise I lost nearly 400-500 expertise when I go into Warzones.

  5. Full Infiltration. Force Potency, CV Strike x 2, Force Project, Breach, Backstab, Spinning Strike = Dead = Right to the next target because Force Potency is off CD and can just keep doing this over and over again.



    Balance is cool if you just want to DoT people and not actually kill people. It's not near as good as it used to be. Which is sad this was the most fun spec I've ever played in SWTOR but just watching what Infiltration can do is stupid for me to stay Balance.


    Can't say much about Tank spec besides go tank for a healer?

  6. Wut? They are awesome.


    Might just be something wrong with the way my Guardian is bolstered. I barely get 20% crit even with the Smuggler buff so I have no idea why it's so low. I'm focusing on getting my Shadow to 55 first. Infiltration is LOLOLOL.


    I'm sad that Balance is kinda bad though.

  7. As of right now, something needs to be done. Infiltration/Deception is highly too strong at the moment and Balance/Madness has been made pretty much useless in PvP.


    As of right now the only thing I'm getting to hit over 4K is Force in Balance and Project when I get the 2nd proc. Spinning Strike is also hitting for 4k. But I'm getting 5-8k Projects, Breaches, Backstabs and Spinning Strikes on my Infiltration.

  8. I'm sitting here looking at this high-end talent and can't see how it can be worth getting, at all.


    I mean maybe if we had a Force reduction on Whirling Blow to like nothing it might be useful but I seriously can't see how this is an ability that benefits us in any way.


    If Rippling Force ticked more than once maybe 3-4 times over 10 seconds it could be useful if you hit multiple targets with Whirling Blow with Lambaste talented or if Lambaste applied Force Technique's Force Breach it could be useful but I seriously cannot see a point to this skill.


    Can anyone help me out if I am over-looking something? It really just seems like Balance Shadow got a bit of a nerf PvP wise.



    I am suggesting a change to said talent/ability. One of these 3 are what I had in mind and discussed with a couple other Shadows.

    Reduce the Force cost of Whirling Blow by 50% when talented.

    Apply Force Technique's Force Breach to 2-3 targets.

    Once every 20-30 seconds Whirling Blow can be used without any Force cost.

  9. So because you hide behind a badge, you think you are suddenly a tough guy....riiiight. Some people hide behind computers so they can be an A-Hole...you hide behind your badge to be an A-hole...and as you have just admitted, you hide behind your computer to be an A-hole in game.


    I don't care how tough you think you are...you hide. You are no different to me than the "tough guy" who wants to rage at you behind a steering wheel of a car, but doesn't have the guts to stop his car and face you after he rages...instead he just keeps on driving while putting the petal to the metal.


    You don't impress me, guy.


    I do however respect the fact that you at very least are fighting for the good guys. I just don't much care for how you come across on the web.


    Does my badge magically make people not able to assault me or something?

  10. As a long-time player of SWG I resent this comment. SWG, pre and post, was an awesome game. The best part was that the devs didn't care about the players lol! We would take off from work on a patch day only to be told it was moved back to 1pm, then 3pm, then 5pm, etc. Could have just gone to work...My point is that SWG was a much HARDER (difficult) game than Swtor. Swtor by comparison is cake. Pvp is np for a soloist while SWG you needed a group, and more likely a Guild to be effective. Just my 2 cents, man. No disrespect, but SWG was great, actually open ended, and felt more of a real world than the cartoony Swtor by comparison.


    SWG was easy...no idea why people say it was a complicated game. You could progress through 90% of that game and be afk.


    And I remember running around SF able to take on multiple people and survive getting ganked all throughout SWGs life span and doing all of that solo. Maybe I am doing something wrong in SWTOR but I am not able to 1v8 in any of the Warzones.

  11. Don't know the OP or Blamo,do know the guild though and with that many saying it's ok and making a joke of it they just went down a ton of respect that many on the server had for them.


    Good job Blamo and Hey im MVP,good show.


    Oh noes!!!! My e-respect!

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