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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. SOE, per their own statement, decided not to renew the license, probably because it was not possible to pay for the license with less than 25k accounts. Unless given some reason to believe that re-opening a now even more outdated MMO will suddenly bring in hundred of thousands of players, SOE is not likely to be willing to pay for the Star Wars license.


    SOE knew years before SWTOR's announcement they weren't going to renew the license. Hence why they made the cash cow TCG and milked players of their money because they knew the remaining players were the hard core collector veterans still playing.

  2. Lucas Arts and all its intellectual properties, including Star Wars, was sold to Disney.

    Disney now owns the rights and collects the royalties from the licenses, including the one for SWTOR.


    Bioware obtained a license for Star Wars from Lucas Arts.

    EA owns Bioware and thereby owns SWTOR.

    Now EA pays royalties for the Star Wars trademark to Disney.


    Because of its huge popularity and marketing value, Star Wars is the most lucrative license to hold. Hence, it's royalties are the most exorbitant. The cost of the license for SWG was approximately 35% of their total revenue. While I do not know the numbers, I'm certain that EA's license for SWTOR is in the same ballpark.


    To be successful with that kind of license price tag, a game needs to attract a huge number of paying customers. And this is exactly the reason why the financial world considers SWTOR a failure - the game was unable to attract and keep the large numbers of subscribers needed to return a profit. Even with the F2P Cartel Market, SWTOR is barely profitable now and only a very small part of EA's portfolio.


    Most licenses have non-competition clauses in them. In other words, Disney is excluded from issuing the same license to another MMO (or making one themselves) while the license with EA is still active. SWG is similar enough to SWTOR to be covered by such a clause.


    Most licenses have expiration dates. While I have no way to confirm this, EA's license is said to run for 3 years. After that time, EA has to decide if it makes economic sense to renew it or if it is better to close SWTOR down.

    Time will tell.


    Overall, the gaming industry is trying to move away from licensing agreements in general because they are simply too expensive to maintain.


    So, to answer the OP's question - no, not any time soon and probably not ever will we see a revival of SWG.


    I am sorry but EA has easily already made the money they put into SWTOR.

  3. Can't believe the OP is this offended haha.


    If people are completely stupid and bad on my team then I will call them out at being bad and stupid.


    And LOL @ the people who hide behind their computers comment too.


    I've dealt/arrested multiple murderers, rapists, drug dealers and high profile inmates and detainees on the streets and correctional facilites. Some kid behind a computer who is too stupid to comprehend a basic video game isn't much of a threat.

  4. They aren't bad but they aren't even close to being on par with Operative or Sorcerer. I dont know how many times I've tried to kill other healers and I am just like "***, I can't pull that off on mine".
  5. It's not that they don't want to, it's just the code for it isn't setup and it would be alot of work to do. Meanwhile there are many easy fixes they can do to make PvP work.


    So as they said, x-server won't happen anytime in the near future, but there will be other PvP improvements in the meantime.


    If x-server play is the only thing that will make you happy (it really won't, it's just a convenient "fix all" hope) just leave now. Your QQing is taking up space of threads for actual issues that can be fixed.


    Cross-Server PvPing being one of the main issues.

  6. Said this in another thread.


    "Yes, this game does need them. But Bioware has already proven they don't care about the PvP aspect of the game compared to others. The game should have launched with Ranked Warzones and Cross-Server queues but Bioware failed to deliver on that. Now with the way things are going It's going to be a long time before anything is done about PvP. I wouldn't expect any competitive PvP or cross-server queues for years"

  7. Yes, this game does need them. But Bioware has already proven they don't care about the PvP aspect of the game compared to others. The game should have launched with Ranked Warzones and Cross-Server queues but Bioware failed to deliver on that. Now with the way things are going It's going to be a long time before anything is done about PvP. I wouldn't expect any competitive PvP or cross-server queues for years.
  8. I have a gtx 580, i5 2500k unlocked and oc'd to 4.4ghz (on water) with 8 gigs of ram. On EC, i get such bad frame stutter or skips, and of course on your regular places (fleet and some planets). Definitely should not be like this, considering i can run every single other game and ultra without a hitch



    I can play any other MMO at max settings and get frame rates in them compared to SWTOR. Biowares coding is crap any other coders who have used the Hero Engine have called Bioware out in it too. Something needs changed but we most likely won't ever see it.

  9. Operatives heals are better but Sorcerers utility is better. Having one of each is ideal in an 8v8. Or if you want to have a challenge, play a Mercenary healer. Eventually they'll get buffed on par with Sorc and Op.
  10. It does have a cap. 5.


    Stop standing together like scared kittens and the sweep bombs won't be as effective. Having said that, focus does need to be nerfed so we can't just ignore crit.





    They're definitely in top 3 overall, and first or second for 1v1s.


    Why do you still make an attempt to come to the PvP forums and defend/state about things that aren't even true or valid because you and your entire guild isn't even good at PvP?

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