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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by ebado

  1. LOL agree all you want but it is never 8 pugs vs. 2 premades.


    I'm always on a team with seven other recruit or worse geared pugs against two fully min-maxed EWH premades using voice chat (and realistically, channeling Bastila's battle meditation). I'm a victim.

  2. I didn't insult anyone except in self defence your honour. In fact i don't think i insulted anyone at all. Glad you're done, i have little time for people who can't have an intelligent discussion without feeling insulted that someone says something they don't understand/disagree with. You're welcome :-)


    Oh, now you got me to chime back in. Tricky.


    We were having an intelligent discussion. There are discussions about Elo ratings in here, the validity of valor of a matchmaking mechanics (hint: it's not valid) and many other things. And then you brought up a hypothetical about calling incomings that is exactly the same for a competent player in voice chat or ops chat, and many of us were dumb enough to respond to it.


    But hey, I'm delusional (not a personal attack by the way) because I don't think calling out incomings in ops chat negatively affects my gameplay more than calling it out in voice chat (hint, competent people in voice chat are typing it out, too). Or maybe I'm afraid to admit it that typing out a few keys is such arduous task that my gameplay is negatively affected because the internet is serious business. Poor me.


    nope, i solo guard fine most of the time, but anyone who can't admit that being able to communicate fully AND still go about the rest of your business is an advantage over having to type using the same hands and keyboard you use to play is delusional. or just afraid to admit the truth :)


    If you want to have an intelligent discussion, don't bring up hypotheticals that don't illustrate your point and then get defensive when they are struck down. You mentioned earlier you are probably a terrible communicator. Maybe the problem is closer to home than you think.


    Cheers, and have a good day :).

  3. There's no crusade, the point is that people playing with certain advantages that come with setting up your own group should ideally be facing other groups who have those same advantages. Currently as a solo queuer there's no way to prevent yourself being in a group with no healers facing a group with 4 sorcerers/sages who can all communicate much more easily than your team. What is so difficult to understand?


    It's not hard to understand. Again, nobody denies that coordination is an advantage. I'm just not sure why you brought up and insulted us over a scenario you created that didn't even illustrate your point. I'm done responding to you in any case. Cheers.

  4. no i haven't. i said it's more awkward communicating solely through ops chat. it's far from impossible, if it was THAT big a hassle i'd form my own group and use voice chat. but it IS an advantage to have voice comms (one of several that premade groups have, probably not even the biggest).


    maybe i did't communicate my meaning very well (another eason why i maybe think voice chat would be better, i'm possibly not a very good communicator) .


    Yeah, you did a bad job of getting your point across. You created a hypothetical situation about calling incomings that is functionally similar whether you are in voice chat or not (since any competent player in voice is calling out in both ops chat and voice chat when they need to).


    Then you got defensive when it was pointed out that such a situation isn't as dramatic or trying as you painted it. Multiple times.


    Nobody denies that coordination is an advantage. If that is your crusade, then I don't know what to tell you.

  5. is it easier for me to type a message or to simply speak it?


    Ah, moving the goalposts now. Nobody is denying coordiantion is helpful. However, you have presented that calling out for helping accurately and quickly without voice chat is somehow this massive hurdle that can't be climbed, and that we are delusional for thinking that we can (and do). If you want to address that, feel free. Given your posting history in this thread, I'm sure it will be fun.

  6. 3 keys to type a message that the node is under attack and 2 guys are stealthed waiting for the reinforcements? you're good, certainly much better than i am


    Are they out of stealth yet? If so, you already have grass typed up. You hit three keys: enter, 2, enter. "Grass 2."


    Are they still in stealth? Then you shouldn't be under any pressure to type to "grass 2 stealthers."

  7. nope, i solo guard fine most of the time, but anyone who can't admit that being able to communicate fully AND still go about the rest of your business is an advantage over having to type using the same hands and keyboard you use to play is delusional. or just afraid to admit the truth :)


    Being able to hit three or less keys = delusional. Got it :)

  8. i'm sorry but i can't agree with this at all.


    voice communications alone is a massive advantage. those few seconds when 2 stealthers pop out while you're defending a node, where your choice is warn people and die and maybe lose the node before help arrives, or try to hold them off and hope that someone sees.


    also, when facing premades, it seems that no matter where you go, within a few seconds you end up facing 3 of them. that is down to them being good players, but good players aren't mind readers, they still need to communicate, and the 5 seconds saved by talking while moving instead of stopping to type is absolutely vital.


    If that's the thought process you go through when guarding a node, your problems in warzones are probably closer to home than you think.

  9. so you are saying we should be forced to group to play? g.t.f.o. i didn't have to group to level why should i be forced to group for pvp? the only people who pvp need the "extra" help because they can't cut it without a healer on ther bvtt 100% of the time. aka oh please save me im getting beat down oh please save me.


    I suppose they could offer a 1v8 option so you don't have to group for warzones.

  10. The only reason i would advocate using a time based mechanic is, by the very definition, those who have played the most have better gear, better awareness of WZ etc etc ad infinitum.


    That would almost be a plausible idea except that you already have a way in the game to measure success in warzones without using a time-based mechanic that has absolutely nothing to do with success in warzones. It's called rating, and all you have to is adapt it to normal warzones and match based off that instead of guessing at valor, a level that means absolutely nothing beyond "I've farted around this much."

  11. you misunderstand, i wasnt meaning use Valor to balance class, it was meant as a snide comment on Smash and Snipers getting buffs when they 2 of the most powerful and prevalent examples of PvP


    I understood it perfectly. I was using your remark as another way to show how applying a time-based mechanic as a means to solve another issue (like class balance) doesn't make sense, just like it doesn't make sense for matchmaking.

  12. Because that works so well for class balancing :p


    OK. Then let's use the valor example: balance classes according to valor. Sounds really dumb right? Barely makes sense? I guess you can see where I'm coming from.


    Valor is the easiest, not the best or most intelligent/imaginative.


    It scales the current problem back a decent amount, maybe enough to keep it under control, sure the plateaus might need tweaking, but still it has more going for it than against imo


    I'm not even sure it's the easiest. There's already a mechanic tracking ranked warzones and providing a rating in the game. Pretty simple to adapt that to normals. And it actually brings results into account, which, I know, is absolutely crazy.

  13. Valor is really the easiest way to bring this problem under enough of control to stop threads like this.


    It might be easy but it's a pretty dumb way to do it. Using valor to bracket matches is using a time-based mechanic to solve performance or results-based concerns. It would seem more logical to use performance or results based mechanics to solve such concerns.

  14. You could hide names until vote is cast.


    All that does is make it more difficult to vote for the person that peeled for me the entire game, or the one I saw with an excellent CC to allow us to cap or whatever. That makes it worse.


    I'll never understand why people care so much about MVPs. They aren't a big deal and aren't meant to be a big deal.

  15. Agreed on gear, they could make it so you cannot switch gear in the warzone but doing it based off of you recent W/L ration could work just as well if not better. Mini brackets.


    Just make normal level 50 warzones track like ranked does and match accordingly. I know some will want to scream about how terrible elitist evildoers would ostracize them if there was a rating for normal warzones, but that doesn't really matter.

  16. I'm curious as well.


    Some of the L20 and L40 modable shells were some of my favorite armor in the game. It'd be nice to have a vendor which would still be willing to sell them to us for WZ comms. What else would we spend WZ comms on?


    Any way they can keep them in would be fine for me. I'm getting to the point that I think I should just go ahead and create that Powertech I was saving for Cathar and get the armor now. Would really like an update.

  17. Well they wouldn't be pure blood any longer. But once a species intermingles and produces offspring with another species, they are no longer pure in any sense of the word. They would be mixed, interracial/species or what have you. So if two humans who had Sith ancestry at one point produced offspring with any Sith traits it would still be just a human with sith traits.


    It's largely semantics, but most if not all of the Sith "Purebloods" in this game aren't purebloods, either, due to millennia of interbreeding, mostly with humans. Simply put, the Sith that we see in the game have diluted Sith features compared to the actual pureblood sith. The term Pureblood in this game is a bit of a misnomer and mostly applied to emphasize lineage more than genetic makeup.


    As for the OP, it can be reasonably assumed that most of the Sith traits are recessive. Even if you reject that assumption, two humans of SIth ancestry certainly carry diluted Sith genes at best. For those reasons, the likelihood of them producing a child that meets aesthetic guidelines to be considered pureblood is very low and likely impossible. On top of that, if the child's lineage is known, it will likely not be considered pureblood from a cultural standpoint anyway, since lineage is what matters most.

  18. I find it interesting that, according to this thread, Premades are ubiquitous on the opposition team but apparently never on your teams, they are so skilled as to single-handedly win each and every War Zone they enter but are staffed with unskilled players incapable of competing had they Queued alone and are also so ubiquitous in the Queue that they ruin nearly every PVP session and yet represent such a minority of the population that their concerns should be subsumed under that of the casual solo-pugger..


    This is a great summation.

  19. And guy could have just pointed me in right direction


    He did. He told you exactly what to do and you assumed he was talking about something else.


    Chat commands: http://www.swtor.com/de/community/showthread.php?t=46779

    (Excerpted from the excellent larger game guide that everybody should read: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=612)



    /s - Say - Talks on local, this is to talk to players who are near your proximity

    /p - Party/Group - This is to talk to players in your group, no one outside your group can read.

    /g - Guild - Only members of your guild can see this text

    /y - Yell - Send a message to players in the area

    /e - Send an emote to nearby players (see a list of available emotes below)

    /t - Tell - /t Goshee Hello would send a private message to me saying "Hello"

    /1 - General - General chat means anyone in the same region can hear you

    /2 - PvP - Send a Message to the PvP chat channel

    /3 - Trade - Trade chat is for discussing buying/selling and auctions.

    /t - Tell - /t Goshee Hello would send a private message to me saying "Hello"

    /afk - AFK - Set yourself as away from keyboard with an additional message too

    /dnd - DND - Do not Disturb, people trying to contact you will get a message that you don't wish to be disturbed

    /invite - Group Invitation - /invite Goshee would invite me to your group

    /kick - Kick Member - /kick Goshee would kick me from your group

    /who - Who - Shows a list of all players in the region and gives you search options



    /create [channelname] [password]- Create an Channel and an optional password

    /cjoin [channelname] [password] - Join an already made channel also including a password if needed

    /cleave [channelname] [password] - Leave a custom channel also including a password if needed

    /lock [channelname] - Allow only invited players to join the channel

    /unlock [channelname] - Allow all players to join the custom channel

    /cinvite [channelname] [player] - Invite someone to the custom channel

    /password [channelname] [password] - Set a password for the channel

    /password [channelname] - Clear a password from a channel

    /ckick [channelname] [player] - Kick a player from the channel

    /ban [channelname] [player] - Ban a player from the channel

    /unban [channelname] [player] - Unban a player from a channel

    /mod [channelname] [player] - Give a player the moderator status in the channel

    /unmod [channelname] [player] - Remove mod status from a player

    /mute [channelname] [player] - Remove the ability to send messages on the channel

    /unmute [channelname] [player] - Grant the ability to send messages on the channel

    /moderate [channelname] - Set the custom channel to only let moderators speak

    /unmoderate [channelname]- Set the custom channel to let anyone speak

    /channellist - List all custom channels you are on

    /list [channelname] - List the players on the custom channel


    I'd recommend reading the guide I linked above. Could probably answer some more questions you might have in the future.

  20. I'm talking no voice for the formation part. Quick and easy and wouldnt take very much to implement.

    Please don't tell me that I have to use voice for this part of pugging. I just want a little tool.


    He's not talking about voice chat. He's talking about creating a custom chat channel in-game, which you can do right now.

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