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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by ebado

  1. I think not, just like when Imps could enter the Rep part of Tatooine.


    Republic players could always enter Mos Ila, too. Actually, when they fixed the method route to get into Anchorhead for Imp players, they still left a way for Pubs to get Mos Ila.

  2. They would never let us recolor our armor.


    How would they put *new* content on the cartel market if we could just recolor existing armor sets ourselves?


    Sell the dyes on the cartel market.


    FWIW, they mentioned a dye system in passing at one of the recent community cantinas.

  3. Have you played deception at all? After that it's all Voltaic Slash and your normal hit to build up for everything else. Deception will keep bursting and


    This really shouldn't be derailed into a discussion on Assassin / Shadow changes, but my intent wasn't "OMG what do I possibly do after the opening burst I am so dumb I don't know what buttons to hit?" It was whether your sustained damage is effective in a PvP setting. The Voltaic / Clairvoyant (mainly no longer buffing Shock damage and make the spec over reliant on 3-stack discharge) make consistent sustained damage a question mark. There are much better threads to discuss mechanics in, however.


    In relation to this thread, I think saying Deception is a question mark is more than fair.

  4. That was a misconception by this guy, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=602856, then he post a goodbye forever post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=610198.


    I know Deception will hit like a truck, and in my honest opinion its the only counter to snipers.


    Having a Deception in a party come 2.0 will be a good idea, maybe not all team comps but I honestly think it could work well.


    The burst is still good. Great, even. The concern is what happens after your burst. Sustained damage has a lot of questions in a competent PvP setting in comparison to pre-2.0.

  5. i thought deception sin was getting nerfed? there was massive amounts of QQ on the PTS forum. i dont play one tho, so i have no idea personally.


    They made late changes to recklessness and the deception tree:



    Whirling Edge has been replaced with Electric Ambush. Recklessness has a 50% chance per point to build 3 Static Charges. Additionally, exiting combat reduces the active cooldown of Recklessness by 30 seconds per point.

  6. all of the things which you list as "similar" actually have *massive* impacts on the game. a elevated platform that can only be reached by 1 class that provides more of a tactical disadvantage is hardly something the devs should concern themselves with.


    I already said the effectiveness is not really a concern for me. I think they should fix all bad design if they can. I believe one way, you believe another. It's not that big of a deal. No harm done. Just a discussion forum.

  7. so you are saying you want it fixed b/c you say so, and anyone that disagrees can fk off. thats solid.


    No, I said earlier it's bad design. If you want to believe otherwise, feel free. There's plenty in warzones right now that is bad design but not necessarily bugs or giving an advantage to one team or the other. There's plenty in warzones that needs to be fixed. See: resolve, stagnant meta, lack of root and snare DR etc. Something doesn't have to be a bug to be improved. I think Voidstar could be improved in part by fixing this because it is bad design.


    people will complain about anything, the devs should not waste a second trying to fix this.

    Apparently so :).

  8. Ah now you are just going into defensive mode and saying random things to avoid talking about the subject.

    What particularly did you want me to address? Don't want to waste any more time. Precious time. :)

    No I understand

    OK :)

    but it's sad you don't understand the peoples you have replied to concerns

    I understand what they think will happen, and the supposed gravity such a change has.

    because as it stands 2.0 brackets the 30-54 will be a cluster f of people quitting matches

    This is what you think will happen. Won't be any different than normal long term.

    because to the 50's with full expertise gear will see them as a handicap which will just end up being frustration as those people randomly quit

    Maybe initially. Won't be any different than normal long term.

    while I know you don't care

    Very low level of caring.

    but you are the minority on this.

    Low level of caring on this, too.


    Anything else?

  9. its not a bug, and gives no real advantage. no need for a fix.


    I disagree that it shouldn't be fixed, I don't particularly care about how effective it is in relation to whether it should be fixed, and I don't want to get into a semantics argument over the first part :) Cheers.

  10. No I understand but it's sad you don't understand the peoples you have replied to concerns because as it stands 2.0 brackets the 30-54 will be a cluster f of people quitting matches because to the 50's with full expertise gear will see them as a handicap which will just end up being frustration as those people randomly quit while I know you don't care but you are the minority on this.


    You are great. We don't get this level of fun on the forums much anymore. Favorite poster of the night. :)

  11. ok, great. you cannot see the doors from that overhang. so you can pewpew all day at people near the middle barrier, and thats it. not a very helpful thing for your team.


    It's effectiveness really shouldn't have anything to do with whether it should be fixed, honestly. It's pretty silly and bad design.

  12. a gunslinger wouldnt be able to get there. a sage has to use force speed and time the jump pretty well to get from the spawn room onto that platform. working as intended; other ranged classes can shoot them, and melee classes can use gap closers to get to them.


    The sage can pull the slinger.



    It's pretty cheesy. Easy to avoid but lame nonetheless. Hope it's part of the various post-2.0 fixes. Similar to skipping the bridges previous with a well timed force speed to me: clever use, clearly should be fixed.

  13. Lol would only be a waste of time if I had anything to do at this time and in the end I was still correct in the end since the post I had replied to "I don't care about it from a 50s perspective. I care about it from a 55 perspective. Max levels being randomly grouped with those lower to them is dumb. We tried this. It was dumb.


    Further, educate yourself using the handy dev blogs they post." which you were incorrect since you were concerned about max levels being grouped with low levels which isn't the case since in 2.0 they are not.


    Haha, you are a character. I like that you still can't understand that post. Have fun, Kai. :cool:

  14. Wasn't a clever ruse but more a waste of time since the facts are out there about how it will work and in the end that is the only thing that matters because last I checked BW rarely listens to advice at all.


    OK :). I'm sorry your assumptions were wrong. I mentioned in my first reply to you to read the thread to correct yourself. Would have saved you a bit of time if you did. Now all you've done is waste some time. Sad, all that time going to waste. Have a good night.

  15. I know you just don't want it to seem that way but why would you be running these "Hypothetical" situations when you know they would never happen anyone who bothers to research the changes or has actually tested them on the pts can tell you that no matter how you cut it players that don't have full war hero gear before the update will be crushed by those who do in the 30-54 bracket it honestly is unfair to everyone.


    Seriously, I recommend reading the thread. Here is the comment stream you replied to (spoiler tags for length):



    If you thought Recruit Geared players were BAD, wait till you see level 30's in 30-54


    Oh man will this be amazing.


    On the bright side....bolster will give stats.

    On the downside....half their abilitys are not yet available.


    Meh. Lowbies don't matter, and it's better than the alternatives long-term. Better than 10-54 queue, better than lumping 50 to 54 in with 55s, better than a separate 50 to 54 bracket. Not a big deal.


    I disagree. 50s havd gear. They can withstand being lumped with 55s a lot better tha a 30 will do against someone with 1000-2000 expertise. Looks to me like the 30s will just get two shotted by everybody. New PVP-centered players are just going to quit the game at 30. Not all of them will, but the dropout rate will definitely go up. I think Bioware is guessing that they will go out and level through PVE instead. Some will, but for players with a true PVP focus, they will just get pissed at the glaring oversight in design and quit the game for good.


    People who can get over 1000 expertise should have their own bracket. SMH.


    I don't care about it from a 50s perspective. I care about it from a 55 perspective. Max levels being randomly grouped with those lower to them is dumb. We tried this. It was dumb.


    Further, educate yourself using the handy dev blogs they post.




    But yeah, I clearly don't know how it works. My first post in this thread being an obvious response to how I think the way it will work is superior to the alternatives was all just a clever ruse designed to lead you astray.

  16. I disagree. 50s havd gear. They can withstand being lumped with 55s a lot better tha a 30 will do against someone with 1000-2000 expertise. Looks to me like the 30s will just get two shotted by everybody. New PVP-centered players are just going to quit the game at 30. Not all of them will, but the dropout rate will definitely go up. I think Bioware is guessing that they will go out and level through PVE instead. Some will, but for players with a true PVP focus, they will just get pissed at the glaring oversight in design and quit the game for good.


    People who can get over 1000 expertise should have their own bracket. SMH.


    I don't care about it from a 50s perspective. I care about it from a 55 perspective. Max levels being randomly grouped with those lower to them is dumb. We tried this. It was dumb.


    Further, educate yourself using the handy dev blogs they post.

  17. Mez should be removed from game. Stuns should all be made 2 or 4 seconds and fill resolve (or allow a small amount for a root). Stun breaks should be removed. Right now, PvP is run by stuns/roots/mez and it's just not fun. Every other MMO I've played there's like 1 stun, it has chance to miss, and it's on a 2 minute + cooldown and lasts like 2 seconds. Stuns should only be there to give you a small advantage if your in a pinch, now the ability to take someone out of the game completely without them being able to do anything.


    Have fun ever killing a sober healer.

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