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Everything posted by Luckeyduckey

  1. Best way to get them? (2 piece PvE set) Does the Campaign gear have them? What drops the coms for that?
  2. It's off the GCD. So, you could still use that GCD for Rifle Shot, and still apply Weakening Blast. More DPS.
  3. Arsenal Merc doesn't. Carnage Marauder doesn't. But you're correct, all classes (including those two) can/need to use DoTs. Conc/Scrapper still requires DoTs to work, but doesn't really use them for damage, more their mechanics.
  4. Let us be viable until Wildstar/ESO comes out.
  5. Enjoy the stealth ganks until then.
  6. Maybe, but it's unlikely. The changes to Veng require 36 points, because you need Shatter for Rampage, otherwise you're stuck with one stack of Rampage. 36 Pt Veng has solid damage, but it doesn't have the passive survivability. What made Ion AP work was the 30% in Stabilized Armor. Soresu Jugg will be weak. Sin hybrids will be pretty decent, on the other hand. As for ranked, I won't be participating. Most people I feel comfortable playing with have quit the game/moved off server, and I hardy play anymore either. The ranked on all servers is dying, tbh. If you're really expecting solid, competitive PvP, you should move off servers. With the "mass exodus" of other games, and even the graphics update on WoW (which is a big plus for some), SWTOR is going to take a hit, especially in the PvP aspect. Best of luck to you all.
  7. The point of saving spike is because maul often procs from the discharge + shock rotation. Since the procs don't stack, it's a DPS loss if you spike first and it procs. Since you want that crit bonus for maul, you'll want to save spike for incombat stealth. However, since spike's CD is much shorter than IC stealth, the optimized opener is just to use maul at the start. I wouldn't get it if you started with spike and used maul first how that would be a DPS loss...
  8. At first, I thought it was a nice parse, then I saw your gear 2.6 will help, but I think you need less acc. if you're over 100% melee. You're not missing, which is good, but your hits are pretty low damage. Also, your second relic is garbage. Conq FR relic (mainstat) is only 120 (I think) increase for 6 seconds, compared to the Oboran one, which is about 430 for 6 seconds. Either grab some ranked coms, or swap it out. Also, work on the 78 MH. It's a massive DPS increase.
  9. Competent enemies? Nono. This is Kun Gaming. That word is never used near Kun Gaming. Please see yourself the door.
  10. Heh, thanks! Can't let mercs free cast
  11. Arenas are the best. Easy wins, because you only have to 4v1 their team, instead of the usual 8v1. Good players love arenas.
  12. http://www.torparse.com/a/552350/1 No, we don't need it.
  13. Figures. It's a huge difference. I felt comfortable 3v1ing in 30-54, no problem. 55 though, it's different than any class. Having a few 55s, the operative feels the most different at 55. And not for a good reason.
  14. For 1v1s, I use a pretty decent combo. Of course, won't work as well in 2.6, but still nice. Open as usual, with HS - Shiv - Debil - Lacerate - Lacerate - Shiv - Backstab - Lacer. - Lacer. - Lacer. ect. Once their resolve is almost empty, sever tendon, wait for resolve, and don't apply any dots prior. Flashbang - Orbital - Corrosive dart -Explosive Probe - Stealth out - Hidden Strike as the Orbital hits. Pretty common, but works nicely. If you're fighting someone with high damage, and don't think you can survive them long enough, open with the opener until Backstab, then ST them and roll away. Once their resolve is down, you can use the second part.
  15. Pretty sure the 61s are OK with expertise, but haven't tested. Don't really want to grind all those coms though...
  16. Grats on 4k. How is your crit percent so high though? Luck? Or did the 6% really help that much? Wondering if others will be able to replicate these parses. I can't, because I'm only in 69s/72s, but want to play Conc at a competitive level.
  17. Sap? Nooo, don't do that. You use it with leg slash. Never sap...
  18. It's a PvP nerf, to prevent the most OP/broken spec since Conc 1.1. As for PvE, I'm sure they'll announce some more class changes.
  19. 2.6 it isn't. Assassin DPS though... Of the three, Jugg will probably have the highest DPS come 2.6. It also sounds like that's the only thing you're afraid of. Looks like an easy choice
  20. Dat burst. I would say Scream - Ravage. That way, the scream DoT will help get the proc for VT, and get it on CD. Might need to use Sundering at the start as well, to get extra rage and put it on CD, or you could use enrage if you want more burst. We'll need to test it to see which is the best for sustainability. We're not looking for a 6-7k burst spike at the start, then be stuck spamming assault.
  21. No comment that two guilds actually posted on here...
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