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Everything posted by Luckeyduckey

  1. Pretty much this. Posted almost the exact same comment on the PvP forums.
  2. Seriously, did anyone actually look at the changes and see how OP Hybrid is going to be? Spam lightning + lightning strike.
  3. Sorc and PT > Sniper. The buffs to sniper are decent, but I don't think it's enough. We'll see though. Carnage is also arguably the hardest spec in the game by a long shot, so expect a lot of bad marauders in 2.7.
  4. That's the problem with SWTOR. There's no "competition" outside of ranked WZs, which are passed dead, on every server. There's no REAL war between the Republic and the Empire. Worked better when Huttball was the only same faction WZ.
  5. Please. I have 13 characters, all of which are soon to be sold to some unlucky fellow for a couple of bucks.
  6. It'll last until PvP dies. IE, not too long from now.
  7. That was *********** hilarious. MOAR
  8. It's as high as Tracer/Grav lol, and has crit damage.
  9. Pics of 2k + DPS before calling it Overpowered. Even then...
  10. I made a character on POT5 I think, named Quinlann. The most hated player on the server was named Quinlynn. Yeah, fml.
  11. Dis. I support teh raging and teh "1v1 meh breh irl naow" but not the best place. Also, healing is so *********** easy, not really much to brag about.
  12. All the competitive players went back to WoW. You see, this game was supposed to target PvPers. That's what Star Wars is, PvP. It was spot on with story content, but holy **** they missed the bucket for PvP. Don't worry, I'll take my points and I off to another game, just like majority of this game's population did.
  13. Maul > Maul > Maul > Strike > Blackout > Maul > Maul > Maul. If you run out of force, /stuck.
  14. Ranked is dead, you mean. Just like PvP in general >.> Show me the competitive PvP. Show me the open world PvP. Show me the PvP events (ACTUAL PVP EVENTS) Show me rewards for PvP. Seriously, besides warzones, the only PvP is General Chat and these Forums.
  15. Marauder all specs, Powertech Pyro, Veng Jugg.
  16. As an almost strictly solo queuer, I win 75% + of my matches, easy. But I do agree with more bad players on Imp side. Won an arena having 3x the second place damage, in a match with 4 other DPS, and 6 killing blows at the end.
  17. Willing to run if anyone needs another DPS. Either faction.
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