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Everything posted by GengisKahn

  1. I would like Emperor's Wrath in my juggernaut too. I mean, i'm not just a Darth... Also, i'm tired of Warriors and Inquisitors sharing so many things (ships, titles) we are two different classes.
  2. The problem is not the 8 mb, the problem is the 1.000.000 fields you just added with those 10.000 chars and those 100 schematics. Problem in database is not much of space. Anyway, something must change, the rate of today's RE is stupid.
  3. They need to raise it. Many times while i leveled my profesion while i leveled my toon, i couldnt reach to make MY epic item (let alone the companion one) before i reach the level of the next one, so i had to start REing the next one. That's just plain stupid. The RE chance MUST AT LEAST be doubled. Crafting is not only for lvl 50 to do money, toons leveling should be able to keet their last epics in their toons while they level.
  4. The point is, that if you want to have the best buff, you will still have to use the blue versions (not reusable) like non biochem, so you would actually save only the uses you do when you are soloing or farming content, which is very few.
  5. No, a move in a good direction would be to make the other crafting skills usefull. Why is so many people eager to see all crafting skills in a crap state? If you dont like crafting fine, dont do it, but dont destroy it for those that do like it. Biochem was unfairly better. yes. The solution is to make the other professions better, not make Biochem worse. That is the easy solution lazy developers take.
  6. Why is Biochem receiving still more nerfs? This is stupid, if the is an imbalance then the other crew skils should be brougt up on par, and not make all crafting useless. If you are going to make crafting useless then remove it from the game and dont make us waste time and money on it.
  7. but if people are dying you dont need to use a filled, you need to use heals. KI+SP combo is your friend, keep probes on the tank and in the next target receiving more damage. Use Kolto Injection on tank and the SP on a dps, then kolto injection on tank again and SP on another dps, etc, etc. Anyway, the main problem is the dps aggroing to many mobs, either by not focus fireing or by the tank not doing enough aggro.
  8. Dont use Scan. Use probes before pull, then kolto injection + surgical probe. You will get the energy you used in injection back from the global cd of the probe asuming you keep the stim boost up all the time. Renew probes so they dont fall because if they fall you will have to use 2 on that target instead of just 1 to renew both. Scan is for long fights with burst phases and "cool" phases. In burst phases you overuse your energy and in the "cool" phases you can get it back with scan (scan heals for crap, its used to get energy back only). Also, tell the dps to focus fire on the tanks target. One of them might pull aggro but if everyone does, either all of them are attacking different targets or the tank have serious threat problems. I would take the points in Inclement Conditioning out and put them into lethality. You dont need that extra endurance, you should not be hitted by anything that is not an aoe skill and no aoe skill should kill you. If you have problems because you need to receive less damage, then after that change take the 2 points you set into Concealed Attacks and put them into Chem-resistant Inlays.
  9. Well, we will see. Operatives have been expressing some very well thought thread in these past days (better thought thread than the one that asked for the nerfs) so maybe there is still some hope. PVE concealment do need a buff, i think Acid blade need to be aplit into a PVP and a PVE effect and return to the 50% reduction in PVE.
  10. Or tell your healers to stop touching themselves and heal you. If your healers cant react and heal you in a 5.5 sec window, then your problem is not the enemy operative.
  11. Its not a buff. The target has more time to react and cc break debilitate. The target buddies had more time to heal him/cc you. You are using a 45 second cd you werent using before. You are doing the same damage you did in a 3 sec stun in a 5.5 sec stunlock, that's not a buff. It's not as big as a nerf than it would have been if it filled resolve, but its not a buff.
  12. CC breaker will be used on debilitate, not JS, which means you will have full resolve. Taht measn the second HS wont stun you. The damage you did in 3 seconds before, you will be doing it in 5.5 seconds now, that more reaction time for the target and his buddies, for the same result, thats a nerf, not a buff. And you are using a 45 cd skill that you werent using before
  13. It isnt a buff. Bad players have more time to react with their cc breaker, nearby healers will have more time to heal their buddies. Nearby allies will have more time to get you off their budie Its is not a nerf as big as it would be with JS filling the resolve bar but its not a buff. You will be doing about the same damage you did in 3 seconds in 5.5. Both cases with the enemy inmovilized. Remember this is not balanced around 1 vs 1 . I will be able to throw 3 casted heals on my ally in those 5.5 second as a healer. I only could land one before (using a reaction time of 0.5 - 1 second).
  14. And there is your mistake. Concealment operatives need to be able to kill people too. If the 1.5 second stun fills the resolve and the burst damage sucks, then they would be in a very bad shape, because after the enemy gets control back all classes can kill the op easily, so the operative NEED to do high damage before that happens. Untill today, they were doing this in 3 seconds. Now it will take 5.5 seconds, which means the target has more time to react, either with cc breaker (which now should be timed and not used in the first stun but in the second) or a healer near the target will have more time to react. But the damage needs to be done at the start of the fight, because after the operative just cant compete in damage with the other classes. Other classes should not be reworked, the 1.5 second SHOULDN't fill the resolve bar, it would be stupid if it does. Either leave it with 3 seconds and filling the resolve bar, or 1.5 second filling half of it. 1.5 seconds filling the resolve bar is stupid with a 1.5 second GCD system. That's the point.
  15. T/his is just the worse part of the nerfs. I came from a game that constantly meesed up with PVE thanks to PVP qq and ended up in another that does the same thing, instead of just splitting how much armor the skill reduces based on if the target is a mob/boss or a player, in case its necesary to nerf it which i dont think it is because acid blade was fine.
  16. 1.5 seconds stun cant fill the resolve bar. If it does, then many skills in many classes need to be reworked.
  17. Yes i edited my post before reading your post. Still a nerf. And yes, HS is the main ability for pvpers because its was the one that hitted the hardest. You dont think HS is the main ability of concealment operatives? Also, my operative is medic, so i dont have to learn anything, i just think the nerf is stupid. 20% to HS alone, maybe, all this? stupid.
  18. They are nerfing the last two talents of the class, and the main non talent skill of the class, if you dont understand why that is too much then i feel sorry for you. The qq wont stop here though, because now operatives can really stunlock people, soemthing they couldnt do before
  19. Well, then you are just bad or havent faced a high dot based team, or they are part of your lose ratio.
  20. You wont have dots in my entire team, my entire team wont be stacked in a 5 m range and you will dot 3 at a time. If TS hits the inmovilize, its still a good tradeoff, it could be a bad tradeoff if just happens to take out two vengeance dots for example, which are pathethic, but that's a low posibility. I am goind to frop your damage at less than half what you would do if you have to constantly renew your dots and wont be able to hit hard. You just dont get it... maybe you should roll a healer and the you will see. Althoug you seem to be bad enough to dont even reralize it after rolling the healer.
  21. Good that from what you have experienced they are fine now, because these nerfs arent in live yet. So from what you have experienced they are fine now, yet they are going to receive this nerfs over how they are now. What they have done is prevent them from stacking buffs, which is why they are not killing you in 3 seconds anymore. These are nerfs on top of that.
  22. The 20% to HS would have been enough. Bioware doesnt care about balance, they just wanted to please the sorcerors masses qqing about how Ops were killing them. This game's pvp will end up worse than warhammer online one, they do have some of the developers that did that.
  23. I will dispell more damage than what i would have healed, thats what you dont understand. I will heal in the TS cd intervals, but you will do ****** damage and i will have erased you from the fight, my team wont even have to bother hitting you and my team will destroy yours because of that. You know what? You want to be lethality in PVP? Fine, do it, more wins for me since you wont be in my team ever. If you cant understand that dispelling 2 effects while destroying one enemy's dfamage is not worth 4k damage healed then you are a lost case. Also, 4k if it crits, trauma doesnt affect dispells, you know..
  24. You wont have all that energy back because i will be dispelling it. Thats the whole point. You said you will be pamming corrosive grenades and your dots while i dispell them. You will end up without energy and i wont, with my team having more than enough health. Try to keep up with the conversation, be coherent.
  25. For your sake, dont try to earn your life as a comediant. Also, we get it, you cant see the little icons. Good players can. Those icons are awfull, unconfortable, very little user friendly, but good players still see them.
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