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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Glorthox

  1. In episode 117 of The Republic, Gary Gannon says that SWTOR is "out of control." Referring to the pay-to-win space gear and the reskinned $18 Christmas speeder.


    The Republic 117: Out of Control


    Interestingly enough, according to this article on Massively, SWTOR is the only AAA western MMO that isn't having a Christmas event.


    So what do you think? Are the GamebreakerTV guys off the mark? Do you feel the same way they do?



    Please note: I am not in anyway affiliated with either GamebreakerTV or Massively. I just wanted to bring this info to the community's attention.



    And this thread is going to make all the people who hate christmas flock to the forums. If anything they should have brought a unique form of christmas or any of the other holidays. Can't believe people have a problem with "Christmas" now than in the past. Really sad actually.

  2. Cartel packs are designed to have very low drop rates on certain high credit selling items, hence the reason why people spend so much money on them. And this is how Bioware / EA make their extra money, because it teases their gamers into buying so many cartel coins.
  3. Well lets see, fleet is packed all the time with about 240+ people, same thing goes for all the starter worlds as well. The game lags something fierce now, unless you have a 3000 dollar computer or something like that. Some F2P people actually play the game while others just sit on fleet all the time bogging it down. Credit farmers are everywhere now and mail you. And not to mention as well that some are runnign 4 accounts at one time bogging it down even more. So it's up to you if you want to try it. F2P people might populate the game, but at max level they really aren't helping the server population....
  4. I think the content patch will be my last hope. If it really does suck, then I'll unsubscribe. Well let's face it, they don't really care about us, just the almighty dollar. If they really cared they would give more incentive to be an active subscriber. This game would be a gold mine with the proper leadership and proper team. EA isn't a team, it is a corporation that is no better than the politicians on capital hill.
  5. I would like to see all crafters get new looking schematics and gear upgrades that are relevant to use at 50. All of them have something like this, but they are bind on pickup. If anything they should be bound to legacy, then they would be more useful for players. Otherwise crafting really loses its luster upon reaching 50
  6. If they kept their amount of servers they had on release, then servers wouldn't get so bogged down by the F2P people and or the F2P person running 4 accounts at one time. My problem is that when F2P was released I get tremendous lag now, I never lagged or crashed before that. Once the new content is released think about all the new bugs that will be in the game that never get fixed. Honestly they should have kept things the same and just allowed people to try the game for 30 levels and give them the option of paying for a subscription to experience the rest. As a subscriber I feel like Bioware / EA value the F2P person over the active subscriber.
  7. Do you want me to list everything that goes into making at least 8 NEW Class Chapters (1 per Class)? Cause I can if you want me to.


    It would called an expansion then lmfao. And not a content patch lmfao. Like we need more dailies. FP's, WZ's, and opt's I'm all for. But no class story is the let down, how can something be called an expansion when there isn't no continuation with class story? That's what made this game above any other and they are ignoring it. So to me and many others its a content patch and nothing more.

  8. People play at different speed, so it might take you less then a day to go through each world, while others it might take them longer as they want to make sure they've gotten everything, done everything, seen everything on the World before moving onto the next one, while also taking time to level up Alts and whatnot. Also, other MMO's Expansions have included the equivalent of 1 World, whether it be a new Continent, expansion of the world, etc.



    But no class story expansions and no extra companion story. So in essence it is just a content patch, whereas other mmo expansions continue their story regardless of if they bring out a new area or not. If this one planet would have brought with it more class story and companion story then it would be considered a expansion and not a content patch.

  9. One planet, think about it? Think how many hours or days it took you to get through belsavis? Then think about spending 10 bucks on something that is only going to take at most 3 days to see it all. Thats what people are seeing. Doesn't matter about what they have or haven't said, its the scope. 1 planet really doesn't make an expansion and that is what people are questioning
  10. Dude I haven't even pre-ordered the gorram Expansion yet, mostly because I'm waiting to see what else they add. So shove your "i'm being loyal" thing out the airlock. I'm sorry if I'm not getting all hot and bothered over what little they've released on the Expansion and joined the crazy cult of this isn't an expansion because it only has 1 New World and 5 New Levels and nothing else. I'm sorry that I'm not an insane cultist that has to shove the same bloody gripes across over two dozen threads all spouting the same exact stuff.


    From the sounds of it dude it sounded like you were defending them is all. I haven't bought the patch / expansion yet either. I'm questioning why subscribers have to pay for something as small as a content patch. I'm just tired of people defending bioware when they should be questioning this lame move. With all the bugs in the game still they haven't fixed yet to actually force their remaining subscribers to keep paying and pay more that one month is crock. So thats what angered me about your post, it seemed like you were one of the ones defending them and saying they can do no wrong...

  11. A) No one outside of BioWare and maybe LA & EA have even visited Makeb yet, so no one outside of them really knows just how big or small it will actually be. So please hold judgment for after Reports have come in from Non-BW/EA/LA Employees.


    B) No one outside of BW/LA/EA knows what all will or won't be in the RotHC Expansion, therefore no one knows the ACTUAL size of the Expansion. So please stop calling it a Mini-Expansion or "Not an Expansion" or whatever until we get MORE Details &/or all of the Details have been released, because for all anyone knows it could be the equivalent of what all goes into an Expansion for the other MMO's.


    Another blind leading the blind. I'll never understand why people don't actually question things when they need to. Stop being friggin loyal and actually look at what we are seeing, instead of defending them all the time....

  12. Hell my one concern is the fact that they still haven't fixed all the bugs in the game. Seriously they want to think about putting all their resources into this patch ( expansion ) without first fixing all the known bugs. This seems lazy IMO. IMO what they should have done with the whole F2P thing was, allow them to level to 40 with one character and one character only, if they wanted the next 10 levels and unlimited WZ, FP, and opts, they needed to purchase the actual game for half off the original price. Then it would unlock everything, making the F2P person actually have to need an account and pay the 14.99 a month for a subscription or maybe a reduced cost for being a new subscriber for a couple months. When the game first released I never once experienced any game lag or crashes ever, but once F2P went active it has happened more and more. And it's player lag more than anything else. For an example, someone running 4 accounts at one time really bogs down my system. And for makeb, it should have been free for subscribers. So the idea I have posted above would have probably enticed the F2P player to actually do a subscription. Subscribers are bioware / EA's backbone when it comes to incoming money because we are spending 14.99 a month every month. Whereas the cartel market, people might buy coins, whereas the subscriber is constant. They just need to have more incentive to keep people subscribing and adding only 1 planet is very dumb IMO. They could have said, by christmas of next year there will be a new expansion with more class story, companion story, new armor and weapons, profession upgrades, new color crystals, etc. And this would have made people either wait or stay playing the game. By saying only 1 planet and no new story just tells me that they just want more money and don't care about the gamer anymore. If they really cared, all they outstanding bugs would have been fixed by now.......
  13. If they announced that a TRUE expansion will be released some time next year, I would be more patient waiting for a real expansion with story continuation. Story is what brought me to swtor and that is why I stay. Makeb doesn't have any of this and it feels like a stall tactic like so many of mmo companies have done. IMO makeb should be cheaper and they should FIX all the outstanding current bugs first....
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