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Posts posted by Glorthox

  1. With all the console games out there that kids are playing, why in the world is this game T for teen seriously? All the war games out with a M for mature, why in the world can we not have some kind of blood shed, in the star wars movies there has been decaps, run throughs, hand slices, and droid destruction. I don't understand why we dont have a visual with this kind of thing, it isnt that big of a deal to impliment. I just went a lightsaber to feel like a lightsaber instead of a futurama bashing club I agree with the LFG tool, this game needs one, so tedious searching a group that usually never happens and the ones that do happen after the course of usually about an hour.



    As far as lame WOW goes, it will fail eventually because panda bears and pokemon just really does suck!!

  2. I have multiple 50's and as I level other character I have seen this a lot. Strongs that act like elites and elites that sometimes act like champions. Having a challenge is one thing but some of these strongs especially when they are in two's are a bit extreme. Ive gone against elite's that weren't a problem overcoming, but the strong's were a different story, I kept dying all the time because they sometimes hit as hard as elite's. I find myself popping cooldowns in order to survive some mob encounters.
  3. I really think the warrior has always been the red headed step child of all mmo's. For some reason game designers add them for an extra character slot or something and no more. I have yet to see a warrior that actually lives up to it's name. Dps warriors seem to do fairly well as far as dmg goes, however the juggernaut has always seem to be lacking. When I hit 50 the first time and got all the best upgrades that didnt require pvp or FP's, I still didnt feel like a tank, I die too easily because a tank hinges way too much on having a healer. Ive seen assassins with the same gear and have higher health, so im guessing that having a warrior tank is just like all the rest of the games out there.
  4. Hell I still wish that you had solo story content at lvl 50. So sick of always having to rely on others to obtain upgrades, when i'd rather make my own upgrades and just continue with the story. And I say this because on the server I am on we do not have a ton of people like other servers so we do not have enough people to run flaspoints or operations.
  5. This is game is suppose to be about choosing your path, but from what ive seen you need to have a ton of either light side or dark side points in order to have access to relics Is there ever going to be a change of this because the way it stands now, my trooper is unable to procure higher relics because of this fact. Relic seem to have the same restrictions as the lightsaber crystals at one point.
  6. Unfortunately decaps and limb loss wouldnt have any blood to them because sabres cauterize wounds, so you wouldnt see any blood. Granted i would love to see a finishing move at like 10-15% health that does like a cool visual, like a run through for humans and aliens, and slicing in half for droids....
  7. Well WOW was designed more for a child and its getting worse with the upcoming release of kung fu panda and pokemon companion battles. But yea i get what your saying. The one thing i dont get is that most kids play war games and such with all sorts of blood and explosions, so why can't we have some of this aspext?
  8. Seriously I'm getting a bit sick of doing a mission and get to the end of cave or bunker, do the story, fight the elite, only to have to fight my way all the way back out because the respawn rate is a bit extreme. And in some cases strong enemies can be as strong as elites, so it does kinda suck that the respawn rate is a bit too intense. I can understand this with a high population server for quest fulfillment, but on a low population server its just a pain....
  9. Eh im just wishing that lightsaber users would actually get an awesome visual graphic for a killing blow. Id be happy with a run through that shows a hole in someones chest or a driod being sliced in half. It isnt too much to ask, just want to feel like lightsabers should do more than what they are doing.
  10. Also as far as it is rated T for teen, ive done quests where killiks are hit with something and they explode. So a simple anumation for saber decaps or run throughs wouldnt be that bad. Thanks for those who understood what i posted. I just want to feel like lightsabers are more than a club for beating. Human and alien decaps and run throughs wouldnt be terrible, granted a decap is a decap, but a run through really wouldnt have any blood.
  11. Really amazing how a simple thought turns into a pvp war. I was seeing things like rockets and blasters doing visual dmg and lightsabers arent doing nothing but being glow clubs. A finishing move for low health like a be-heading or a run through visual would make me smile. I was not simply saying a one shot killer lightsaber, but more on the terms of a visual standpoint. Im a PVE gamer, always have always will, not into a pvp. So what im saying is that something visually would keep me smiling with using a lightsaber as a real weapon isntead of a glowing bash stick....
  12. I'm right there with you guys, ive fought the emperor several times now and still can't beat him. I get him about halfway in life then he one shots me no matter what my health is. After 2 hours I told myself i would never try it again until i can get some help, and having only 1 friend on a server sucks because im on a extremely low population server so getting help is very hard. I have 2 other 50's and i must say that the jedi warrior is by far the most hard. The sith warrior wasnt even this bad, the sorc too.
  13. Is it just me of does lightsabers feel like beating clubs more than a weapon that can actual cut through most of anything? Kinda feel like a futurerama cop. I know this is rated T for teen, but if anything, couldnt there be an animation atleast for when you kill driods they atleast fall to pieces or get cut in half? Blasters seem to get all the attention and just wondering if im not the only who sees this...
  14. The way they have it set up is a bit insane, 200 Wz / 200 Merc for one bag that has 3 centurion and 5k credits. And the gear costs between 25-37 centurion marks. I can udnerstand earning your gfear, but this is a bit extreme for some. Im no hardcore player, im more of a casual. I just wish there was something to strive for for beginning, where as it isnt so unfair going against those who are hardcore....
  15. Content would be nice, however, i have 2 50's and are finding myself with nothing to do. Can never get into a flashpoint because there is never enough groups or no groups forming in general. I dont understand the appeal of pvp, if gear wasnt so insane to aquire i might do it. BUt grinding endless hours for a chance of 1 upgrade just doesnt sound right. Love the game, just nothing really to strive for at lvl 50...
  16. Really wish that pvp marks were the first currency to get gear with instead of grinding for endless hours and nothing to show for it. Warzaone marks and mercenary marks should be used to buy your first set of pvp gear. ( you know something to strive for ) Instead of it being a non stop grind. For example 400 warzone / 400 mercenary grants you a piece of gear. You know make it more even against those who are hardvore. The casual player seems to always be screwed over in the end. Honestly you guys should have put more thought into endgame, many people are being left out because they cannot get into flashpoints. A LFG or Group finder similar to what world of warcraft has should have been thought of. I have 2 50's and im finding myself with nothing to do. Dont see the point in heavy pvp grinding for a single piece of gear in a week. And can never get into a flashpoint. I know bioware reads alot of posts by people, so im hoping they read this and atleast understand. I love the game dont get me wrong, but im feeling like i did in WOW, get to max level and have nothing to do.......
  17. Wow, all i have to say is wow, coming in here commenting on something you havent even read is just ***. Must be the ones of the game that are the elitiisits. Guess kids wont be happy until everything is challenging so others will just quit...
  18. I just wish it is more casual and less hardciore for gear upgrades in pvp, i can understand working to get gear, im used to point grinds in wow, but this kind of grind seems to take forever and less funw ehn people are already camping in warzones. Bags dont really prduce any upgrades and it literally does take forever to see that first upgrade, Where as others seem to have all the luck, I talked to someone whose opened 4 out of 5 champion bags and got 4 upgrades where as ive opened 9 and never seen one. So im finding myself asking the burning question, why am i playing again? Its like wow , im max level and im logging in with nothing to do and leveling another character just seems like im back to where i started in wow. I enjoy the warzones, they are fun, but when you spend 6-7 hours tryin to get that one upgrade and it never happens it becomes frustrating.
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