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Posts posted by Glorthox

  1. Hell I just want to see some actual changes that make this game balanced between the casual and the hardcore player. Im sick and tired of spending money only to be disappointed and those who tell me to just quit because im not a hardcore player. I do not want to spend hours and hours pvp 'in for one upgrade. And flashpoint grouping is really hard and keeping the group together if you fail once is hard as well. So if just feels like im playing wow again because their is nothing to do becuase this game is designed for the hardcore is seems and i just find myself asking the question do I quit playing the game and all other mmo's???
  2. Well I can understand working for gear in pvp or flashpoints but like i said some find it easier than others. I do not want to spend 7-8 hours trying to get enough marks for a single upgrade. And flashpoints still are hard for some and or never get completed. But I guess its about time for me to just quit playing mmo's seeing how they are more designed for the ones who like challenges, working hard, and spending all their time on the game....
  3. I know bioware reads most of these so i'll say whats on my mind. I have noticed many things in the game so far that I have noticed. Warrior tank aoe threat generation needs some improvement, its really hard to keep threat off of people in a mob situation. Also I have noticed that tanks seem to be suffering the same dmg as everyone else. In a pvp situation I have seen guilds and some others who come to the huttball warzone and just farm kills instead of playing the game. And as pvp gear goes it seems extremely hard to get upgrades. It's very time consuming and for others it seems a bit easier ( Bag drops ). Ive opened about 8-9 of them and nothing. And it takes about 37 marks for a single upgrade, that seems a bit extreme. Next is flashpoints, i have seen how hard it is to form a group and succeed. So many people I have noticed that think they are better than others, if it doesnt fly their way the group dissolves and nothing gets done. So hence again upgrades are a bit hard to get for some. I like so many other got into the story and I'm kinda bummed that the story ended so abruptly. I love the game don't get me wrong, but certain classes do have an unfair advantage in pvp, but in Pve tanks i think need to be more tank like instead of what they are currently. This is my opinion and i know there will be some to mess with me because they like a challenge, but there are some of us that feel different. I find myself doing the same thing i did in WOW and im telling you doing dailies does get old once you do have everything. But PVP and Flashpoints seem to be at the top of the list.
  4. Im a lvl 50, pretty geared with lvl 50 purple mods, armor, etc. And it just feels like my health should be higher if im suppose to be a tank and yet ive seen sorc's with more. In story modes sorc's have been my downfall because of interrupts. But what happens when you face an enemny that lowers the effective heal rate? Just saying, love my warrior dont get me wrong, just feel like there is something lacking with them still...
  5. Is there ever going to be a revamp on warriors? I think they atill lacking somewhat. I keep going against bosses of the same level on story and still getting smoked. My gear and weapons are on par and yet im still getting my butt handed to me. Or does it mean that being a tank you ALWAYS have to group up to finish something?! Other classes seem to have it fine when encountering elites and bosses, and the warriors seem to get the shaft. Im saying this as what im seeing, ive given up almost on my 50 sith warrior and started an inquistitor and seeing the difference. So seriously this needs to be addressed. Ugh seems like every game the warrior is the red headed step child...
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