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Posts posted by Glorthox

  1. It's making me wonder if there isn't two companies trying to benefit here. I can see bioware getting the active subscriptions a month, whereas a second company could be the one bringing out new cartel market stuff and getting all the money from that. Hence the reason why cartel stuff is coming out quicker, they want to get paid.
  2. The juggernaut was my first class I ran when swtor first came out and leveled him to 50 in about 3 or 4 days. The only class that I level a bit and leave for awhile is the assault cannon trooper because no matter what I do they just don't have enough damage and it gets boring. Assassins at time can get to where they are also boring whereas sorc's are easy to kill stuff, throw a shield on khem, make em charge and focus fire elites. Felt like I was leveling another hunter lol. I thought a sentinal or marauder would be harder, but they are proving to be fun. Smuggler by far was the fastest and most fun.
  3. IMO this is just a content patch and not considered an expansion. A true expansion would be way longer and worth paying the extra money to obtain. But spending 10 bucks before jan 7th for subscribers and 20 bucks after is just a big BAD move on biowares part. I have never heard of any company charging people for a mere content patch. If it was 3 more chapters to the classes story and evolving companion story then i'd be one of the first people in line to buy the expansion. But regrettably it isn't.
  4. Armor of different colors, give them set bonus's. Make them worth getting instead of how just they look. I would love to see the cannon from the alderaan cinematic. The cannon that sounds awesome at full auto. But of course I would like to see things that are useful instead of nothing but junk from cartel packs. Maybe create an armor set that comes with a unique weapon for that set, with its very own unique color crystal and look.
  5. IMO the armor sets and weapons should have bonus's that make them truly unique above just the way they look. Armor sets should have their own unique set bonus's depending on the armoring mod. Weapons should come with their own unique color crystal where the user doesn't have to worry about a crystal enhancement when leveling or make it to where the weapon levels with them. I still don't get why these CM weapons seem to sell for so much on GTN when all they are is looks and nothing more.
  6. To give you all a better idea of Makeb's scope, it's a planet of equal size to our larger planets and it contains a variety of areas – sprawling mesas, underground caverns, garden estates, and more. It introduces faction-specific storylines, new Heroic missions and bosses, repeatable mission series, and new Datacrons! The 5 new levels will occupy players for a fair amount of time, and there's plenty of content to get you there (including a lot of stuff tucked away for the explorers out there). Keep in mind that this announcement is just the start – as we approach Makeb's launch, you'll see more details about the content coming with Rise of the Hutt Cartel!



    So no extra chapters in a classes story? Just a lame amount of 5 levels, seriously! Guess bioware is taking page our of WOW's experience by stalling for more time by only increasing the levels by 5 instead of 10. But this would mean they would have to get off their butts and actually try to make a good expansion instead of a stalling tactic...

  7. Guardian and Juggernaut- More abilites that have more threat generation. Taunt and aoe taunt on too long of a CD.


    Sentinal and Marauder- An increase of survivability and maybe a damage increase. Makes no sense that a class with a gun is doing more damage than someone using a lightsaber. That saber should be cutting through almost anything


    Trooper- Fine, haven't seen a problem. Maybe an increase in threat gen.


    Assassin or Consular equivalant- Allow them to use medium armor, makes no sense that they can wear light armor and be more effective tanking than one with heavy armor.


    Lightsabers- They need to look more deadly instead of glowing beating sticks. I'd like to see an execute animation that has a % chance of severing limbs, stabbing the target all the way through, or slicing in pieces. Right now they lack their movie luster.

  8. I just love how people always say, go buy the items on the GTN. Well guess what, all the prices for CM stuff is so crap anymore. So many greedy people, hence the reason why some aren't happy with CM drops. Things being more than 100k credits yielded from CM is such a joke. I'm a subscriber, but i don't feel like one. Spending 15 a month and only seeing 500 cartel coins a month seems a bit low. There should be more offered to subscribers over the common F2P people. If anything they should add all of the harder to get crystals to the cartel packs, so people have a bigger hope to get the one crystal they want. Or be able to use cartel coins to purchase credits, this way it would probably halt inflation by those greedy tards....
  9. For some of us, we don't see millions and millions of credits. We have too many alt characters that we want to experience all of the stories. The GTN is bad on price anymore, so many rely on cartel packs to maybe see something worth getting, instead of farming their lives away to get about 3 million credits for that one crystal or 1 million for that one weapon or armor. So if anything, cartel coins should also have the option of buying credits with them as well...
  10. I'm not into the clothing at all myself, but i would love to see some of the weapons and color crystals. But everytime i buy cartel coins and get packs, i get nothing but useless junk. And i think the throne comes from the blockade packs. Everyone sells the weapons and crystals for ridiculous amounts, so the only way to see what you want is to buy random packs in hope of getting the one thing you crave, and that is where bioware failed. If they wanted to make it more fair, the 5500 coins should have been 20 bucks instead of 40.
  11. Honestly what i cannot believe is that they never once thought about have a different storyline for replays. Think about this, when you marry one of your companions, you talk about kids. So they should have made it to where your child arrives at the training grounds and is treated different and starts with different gear. It would have made the game story much more unique.
  12. Maybe if the rarity drops weren't so bad more people would buy points. I have bought enough points and only seen 1 rare item worth a crap. So tired of seeing these rare items being sold for millions on GTN. Maybe instead of dropping crafting materials so heavy, why not a guarenteed crystal. Most crafting materials arent being used much at 50, unless your lucky enough to get schematic drops from higher level operations...
  13. As far as expansions go, they should have incorporated more into the expansion. Maybe more story for classes or an extra chapter. Made lightsabers look more devastating instead of beating clubs, i would like to see lightsabers doing the same things they did in the movies. Giving ships a custom feature allowing playing to change the colors of their ships. Fixing all pre-existing bugs. More things added to the social vendors and or pvp vendors. For active subscribers we should see atleast 1000 cartel coins if you think about it because paying 14.99 a month and only getting 500 feels like were getting the short end of the stick. Add a GTN, pvp terminal / vendor, pve mission terminal and vendor, and respec vendor on all worlds, so people don't have to flood the fleet or their home worlds. Maybe allow people to purchase credits from the cartel market, might get rid of some of the cred farmers. I love the game, just wish they had more story. Every class had 3 chapters of their own story and yet in this expansion there isn't anymore story, seriously!!!
  14. I'd like to see lightsabers look more deadly instead of them being light up clubs for beating. Even in the movies there was limbs being severed, decapitations, being sliced in half and stabbings. A saber was strong enough to cut through doors and such but in the game they aren't as powerful LOOKING as the other weapons in the game. There wouldn't be any blood if you think about, because of the sabers cauterizing the wound. Maybe give an animation / executing move to saber uses or a % chance to sever a limb, slice in half, decapitate or stab your enemy upon deathblow. Now that would be awesome to see.
  15. Lightsabers in swtor are nothing more than glowing beat sticks. Shooting and blowing up things are pretty straight foward and have their distinct animations. But lightsabers really need an upgrade. Slicing droids in half or body parts on npc's would actually give them the deadly weapon status they really need. Having a finishing animation would be nice and in essence there wouldn't be any blood because sabers cauterize the wound instantly.
  16. Eh 10 bucks isn't too terrible and i will be paying for it at the end of december. The thing that makes me smile is that F2P people must spend 20 bucks to be able to experience the new planet and the 5 more levels. The one thing I wish they would do is remove the wait on cartel market stuff. If your a subscriber it shouldn't have one while a F2P person should have to wait. But another thing I would like to see another benefit that comes from the weapons, armor and vehicles you can get through the market. A different look is good and all, but having an extra benefit would add some more value as well. Maybe a wider bladed lightsaber or giving blasters and cannons a unique color crystal that comes only with that weapon.
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