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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Glorthox

  1. Just shows me and others that people who aren't good at pvp just find ways to exploit it for their benefit. This doesn't make PVP fun, it makes it very boring and unfair. People work hard for their gear only to have exploiters make a joke of it.
  2. Honestly I'd research gear drops in hardmodes now and assertain if that generator was for dps or healing. Otherwise some people anymore are whiny babies when it comes to gear. Almost got booted on my tank when 1 person wanted to do the mission in a hardmode for experience. He was the only one that wanted it, but when I refuse to oblige him, he wanted to kick me. Everyone else sided with me because they didn't want to wait an hour for another tank. So you see, there are tons of people out there with a chip on their shoulder and they think everyone should bow down and kiss their feet.
  3. And people wonder why there aren't very many tanks. Too many little babies. If it was a healing thing, did the healer complain? But the one thing I always do when I'm tanking, when something drops, I always ask if I can have it if there is another class. For someone to have a total meltdown on something as trivial as a gear drop that just shows how childish some people are.
  4. Honestly early access shouldn't even happen. If anything for those who pre ordered the game should be allowed to try the expansion on a public test realm. The whole early access singles out those who didn't pre order the game in the time allowed. And most of those who pre ordered it on time get a "BIG HEAD" about it and think they are entitled to force others to get what they want. Seen some of those people already who want to do the missions in flashpoints for experience when the other 3 don't have the early access. I refuse to submit to someone who thinks I have to oblige them because they just bought the pre order on time.
  5. MMO.








    If the first two words confused you, we apologize for the confusion.


    Now both of you, go play KoTOR I & II. They are single player games, and more your playstyle.


    Have a good day.


    MMORPG we get this, but upon the game becoming F2P has really bogged down the servers and no new subscribers have come. So having a couple subscriber only servers isn't that big of a deal. I am a subscriber and I for one am sick of lagging in certain high populated areas.

  6. Dear EAware,


    Wouldn't it make more sense to actually create a real expansion to bring the luster back to the game? Make a true expansion to where people can level 10 levels, have new class stories, new companion stories, have classes pick up a rookie companion and that companion is influenced by the choices you make? New ship customization, guild cruisers ( So guilded people aren't stuck on fleet ), guild fighter missions ( daily or weekly ) more crew skills and perhaps some new ones, new abilities, new bosses and leaders, escape missions ( where you have to fight your way out of places ), new armor and weapons ( we need new models ), let F2P be able to level to 50 and 55, but these 10 more levels would be subscriber only and cost 40 bucks for the expansion, have new speeders and flying speeders, more pets ( maybe let people tame their own non combat pet ), more warzones and ways to pvp ( Like having infiltration missions or seek and destroy dailies ) have a casino on nar shaddah where players can spend their credits and cartel coins in a casino type atmosphere ( you can win or lose big ). Give planets another reason to return to them. More datacrons, achievements, etc. More flashpoints and operations. More daily missions. Crew skill weapons and armor should be on par with the flashpoint ones, so Hardmode would be the logical choice to upgrade. Crew skill materials should be farmed more instead of just sending companions out.



    Dual spec should also be brought out. Giving players the ability to switch their class spec in a couple of seconds would relieve such headaches. Lower the cost of ability training. Have PVP gear look more awesome and appealing than PVE ( Because there is more PVE gear than PVP ). Give each PVE tier set a different model instead of just changing the exterior color. Have more flashy or more darker looking armor sets. Let crafters create their own looking armor and weapons ( this would actually allow players to create their own unique looking armor and weapons to use or sell ). Have Nightmare difficulty flashpoints that yield higher commendations and gear ( For those looking for a challenge. ( Also have it to where 5 queue for it ) Add a couple more races. ( I know people wouldn't mind playing a yoda type race ) Have daily and weekly mission terminals at every base, GTN, pvp and pve vendors and skill trainers on every planet. ( This would lower the population on some of the core worlds ) Make 5 new planets to explore ( I wouldn't mind seeing geonosis and mustafar ). More cosmetic customization for classes, ships, and speeders. More cinematics. Companion betrayals, them leaving because they don't like you, and having you attempt to either bring them back or just kill them ( should be an option ). Legacy tree should involve your character and companion. You and your companion should be able to have a baby, and make it to where which ever is the female, they cannot be played for so many days. And after that time you will be able to start another character with a different story line based on your characters alignment and class. Giving players a whole new unique storyline.



    Give Birthright gear a starting level of 1 and allow it to level with your new character and stop when reaching a certain level. Also give it an additional XP bonus. Make heroics on planets have a unique queuing system, so people aren't searching all over the planet looking for help. Have a neutral planet ( This might make tensions high or just be a way for sides to pick on one another ) Maybe give this neutral planet an arena for players to fight one on one for weekly and daily commendations. If I think of more, I'll submit it.





  7. I love this idea for sure. Ever since the game went F2P I have experienced so much game lag or server lag. So my guess is that they weren't prepared for server populations being driven that high. If a subscribers had a couple of servers, this might allieviate some of the tensions. I know some subscribers still experience tons of lag in fleet or some high populated planets. And IMO F2P people are to blame. So why not have subscriber only planets?
  8. If they were going to do this to begin with, people should have had their current gear replaced with the lowest gear that was released in the 2.0 patch. People should start out with black hole and some kind of pvp gear. And then grind for the upgrade of their gear. Everyone needs a start, now those who already started it have the gear and weapons, and singling out those who are new to the game and are basically screwed.
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