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Posts posted by Glorthox

  1. Hmm one change thats hard when many things need to be change and or fixed.


    Lightsabers being more than glowing beating sticks


    All bugs in game fixed!


    Jedi run animations being less fruity


    More story and companion story


    Less cartel market stuff and more actual worthwhile content

  2. I'm starting to wonder if the F2P engine isn't compatible with the rest of the game. I didn't used to get player lag until the F2P engine was released. Doesn't matter where I'm at in the game, as soon as another player comes by I either lag and do a 180 or lag into a group of mobs. So maybe re-assess the situation and figure out where the major and minor bugs are in the game and FIX them! Stop worrying about the cartel market for once and fix real problems...
  3. Guardians have it rougher than the rest with zero aoe taunts to keep mobs focused on the tank. Assassins and troopers have it easier because of all the aoe moves they have. And for the healer not to be able to heal you and just dps tells me that the healer was in dps spec claiming that they were heals. I would tank more on my guardian if they were upgraded as far as abilities that caused more threat. Threat is all most tanks think about and if the dps can pull threat off of a tank with ease, something is wrong...
  4. Please make lightsabers look deadly. No more glowing beat sticks. It is suppose to be a slashing weapon and yet every single thing we have attacked is just beat into the ground instead of sliced into pieces. All the star wars movies had lightsabers look beastly and in swtor they are dumbed down badly. Lightsabers don't feel like superior weapons, they feel like wooden clubs.
  5. Here is an idea that I have been thinking about for a while now. Make Ilum a straight pvp world. Make it a world pvp planet. Have a section of the planet have something similar to what WOW had where you have to battle the opposing faction for control, unlocking some more pvp missions or new flashpoint with exclusive pvp gear and weapons. Have a gladatorial colliseum, where 3 vs 3 can battle for warzone commendations or a different kind of pvp commendation. Have a unique pvp queue for space pvp missions. This idea would actually yield more things for people into pvp for them to do on a daily basis. Give the planet some daily pvp missions since its open world pvp, and I'm talking about the whole planet. You know, set ambushes and such.



    Instead of people always having to go to either their ship or fleet, have the option of being able to have your own unique property on a select world to be able to relax, use GTN, re-spec, etc. Even on your ship you can lag something fierce if many people are there. I think if there was an option similar to this idea, fleet wouldn't be so packed all the time.



    Add more crafting patterns so there is something more to craft upon reaching max level.


    Add credits to cartel market packs or have the option of buying credits using money or cartel coins. This would eliminate all the credit sellers that email people all the time.


    Add a chapter to every classes storyline and add some more companion story as well. Atleast a quest of two. This could actually be done every six months if done right. ( Would be nice )


    Basically bioware really needs to take a step back and ask themselves, "what can we do, to keep our players playing?" It's simple, add certain content that players will be able to keep doing until the next content patch that keeps the story going. If you don't keep the story going, then what's the point in bringing out something new that doesn't involve a players character? Daily missions really do get old in time, FP's, opts, and HM's also get boring too. So I'm hoping that this new planet is better than what most are expecting....

  6. Where is the incentive to actually subscribe? We get just 500 cartel coins a month and still have to pay 9.99 for the content patch. The bugs that are still in the game don't get fixed. So where is the incentive to keep paying 14.99 a month for game that doesn't get fixed ever. The only thing that F2P has brought is very rude people without honor, credit sellers, and people running 4 accounts at a time. I love the game, I just wish bioware still had a love for the game too. I wish they cared more about their subscribers instead of just worrying about the next cartel market item.
  7. So tired of trying to tank mobs on my guardian and the dps easily pulls it from me. I'm in the right form, I have all the right abilities to tank, but yet there isn't very many that generate large amounts of threat. All the taunts have such an unusually long cooldown. And it is because of this, I have seen more and more groups looking for trooper and assassin tanks instead of guardians. When it comes to single target I don't have a problem, but when it is more than one, I tend to struggle...
  8. You don't know how big Makeb is. Stop with the damn hyperbole.


    Well guess what, no matter what people speculate people usually go through a planet in about an hour and they bigger planets maybe 4-5 hours. A 5 level increase just shows me that the planet is going to be small enough to just add more daily crap, more of same looking gear and weapons, and 1 Fp, 1 opt and 1 more pvp thing. So YES it is nothing more than a content patch and not an expansion. So if anything subscribers shouldn't have to pay whereas the F2P should have to. Most who are defending this so called "expansion" are being nothing but optimists. Just face facts, this new content seems like a rush job considering they have all of these outstanding bugs already they have yet to fix and yet focus more on the cartel market than anything else....

  9. Fix all the bugs you promised that you were originally going to fix! Stop worrying about lame cartel market items and fix what's already broken! This ooh "expansion" your bringing out in spring is nothing more than a patch that most will destroy in about 3-4 days at most. Also fix lightsaber damage animations for gameplaying, just so tired of them just beating things into the ground instead of slicing them to pieces.
  10. 1: More sexy female tops and bottoms with more of a darker flair. Would like to see darker colors on some.


    2: See some medium armor that isn't a robe or doesn't have any kind of robe look.


    3: Maybe some heavy jedi armor that had different colors.


    4: Maybe having the option of equipping an item and automatically giving you the level appropriate mods.


    5: Make the weapons more appealing and stand out more than the rest. Give them a damage boost, a unique color crystal, or a chance on hit proc. Something more than looks.


    6: Give some cartel market armors a glow effect that shows either dark side or light side. You know a red of blue aura.

  11. I would rather them fix guardians and juggernauts as tanks. They really can't maintain much threat in groups and their taunts are on too long of a cooldown, same with other classes taunts. They need to fix existing classes first before even thinking about new ones..
  12. They should make all your gear bound to legacy even after equip. You may not be able to sell them on the GTN but they would be useful for lower level character. There are days I would love to take a bound color crystal and be able to mail it to another character so it could benefit from it. The GTN is getting so out of control with all the greed, whereas this option might even lower the price a bit...
  13. Subscribers pay 9.99 and F2P pay 19.99. If this is the case, then why don't the subscriber add their 14.99 onto that 9.99 and see that the active subscriber is definitely paying more than the F2P person. Sorry this just came to me. If anything the subscriber shouldn't have to pay a dime for the new content patch. But if your F2P you would have to. It would generate more incentive for F2P people to actively subscribe..
  14. I would like to see a planet designed for nothing but world pvp. It would give the pvp player more of a way to have fun with their friends. And having a whole planet for pvp would be awesome imo. Fixing ilum and making it this way would attract more people to the planet. Give pvp mission dailies that reward warzone commendations.



    Fixing the lightsaber bug would be nice. But I would like to see a lightsaber being more than a beating stick. You start with a glowing beating stick and when you get your first lightsaber, it is still a beating stick. Why not make a slashing weapon that has a % chance on killing blow to sever, decapitate, stab through, or just have slashing marks on the body? Give lightsabers the look they already deserve. I'm asking for nothing more than an animation making lightsabers more destructive LOOKING.



    Back to Ilum, imo they should have their own independent mission terminal for pvp and have all the pvp vendors. Or bring a gladatorial match to the game. Maybe a 3 on 3 similar to the genosian collesium from episode 2. Bioware could do so much with Ilum instead of sitting on their butts.

  15. Speculation or not, 1 planet with zero new class story and no new companion story doesn't constitute as an "expansion". Adding a new flashpoing, new operation, some new datacrons ( big deal ), leveling 5 more levels, and more daily missions isn't a true expansion, it is merely a content patch. I'm still going to pay my 10 bucks, because I like the game, and there isn't any other game I want to play ( The rest suck ). It really isn't hard to create something, you just have to have the drive and imagination to make something. And that is what's lacking in the gaming and movie community.
  16. Granted I see what this person is saying. Like so many, he is asking himself why they are wanting people to pay for nothing more than a content patch. Whereas they could have taken this time and hired more voice actors ( There are plenty that will do it for free ) and actually created an expansion. If they would have made a TRUE expansion, they would have made more money on it. A true expansion is what the game needs! Not some lame content patch that your are forcing people to pay in order to continue leveling.
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