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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Glorthox

  1. The flame is a byproduct of the burning gunpowder and gases, seeing as we are shooting beams of energy the flames wouldn't make much sense.


    I understand that, I just like flashy. If the gatling assault cannon shot faster than all the others at full auto, then it would make up for the flash IMO. I thought a gatling assault cannon should look and operate just like a mini gun in some aspects. You know, a true automatic. I watch the alderaan cinematic a bunch and when I see the trooper with the assault cannon shoot, and it almost seems like it is almost a straight beam because it is shooting so fast.

  2. This has been the biggest problem with their so called expansion. If they had class story missions with this expansion, then more people would still subscribe. But by them only bringing out 5 new levels and other tid bits that most will clear in about 3 or 4 days. The fun or replay factor doesn't exist. The only thing I want fixed is the server lag caused by overpopulation in certain areas, planets, and fleets. I just know that when the expansion is released, the server lag will be 10 times as worse.
  3. So what part of the team fixes server instability problems?? Myself and so many others experience so much lag in certain areas that are overpopulated. Major cities, fleet, and daily areas seem to be the worst areas. The more people on that planet or section, the more people lag. Myself and others just want this problem fixed before they release an expansion that will have 10 times the lag.
  4. Folks, I wanted to take some time to let you know that we are listening to your concerns and that they're important to us. Oceanic servers WILL be getting 12 slots, just like the other servers and we're going to implement this change the next opportunity that we have.


    Additionally, we've seen your concerns about Oceanic server populations and we're going to be evaluating this in the next few days.


    We're listening, and I know you've all been patient with us, and for that, I thank you. As soon as I get any update to this, I will let you know here.


    Thanks again.



    Good to know your paying attention to this. But other servers in the US might need an overhaul sometime in the future. So much lag still exists in major cities, fleet, and daily areas because of overpopulation. You guys at EAware might want to address this before releasing an expansion that is going to have 10 times the lag we are having now.

  5. I keep experiencing tons of lag in certain areas that are overpopulated. Major cities, fleet, and daily areas seem to be the problem spots. Most get fed up, quit, or unsubscribe. I wish BIOWARE would address this problem and try and fix it. Dropped the APAC servers or merging them with the US servers is the biggest bad move in the history of bad moves. I don't understand why they seem to have lost common sense. if they had more servers where people would be split up more, there wouldn't be so much instability when there is a lot of people in one localized area.
  6. FIX SERVER STABILITY! I don't even want to play because of all the constant lag because certain areas are overpopulated. People lag something fierce is the major cities, fleets, and daily areas. So instead of addressing the cartel market, expansions, and APAC. Why not address this issue that apparently is being refused to be fixed!
  7. The OP has a point whether you F2P people refuse to see it. Server instabilities seem to be the BIGGEST problem. Constant lag spike, glitches, and bugs aren't helping the game. So many ( like myself ) are tired of trying to play the game only to lag something fierce, and it isn't our computers or internet. For them to worry about the cartel market, expansions, and shutting down APAC, this doesn't make any sense! The game needs more servers and they need to lock servers so people cannot overpopulate. Server stability still has yet to be fixed and IMO this is the biggest problem. I am a subscriber and I find myself not wanting to play because of all the constant lag because of the amount of people in one general area. Other mmo's I play, I never suffer this kinda lag.
  8. You guys should really address this problem before getting rid of APAC and bringing out the expansion. Like myself and many others, we seem to suffer tremendous lag spikes when around a large number of people in a specific area. If anything the game needs more servers. You guys at EAware must be run by monkeys or something to lose that much common sense! So tired of trying to run things, only to run into so many lag spikes. There is nothing wrong with my computer or connections. I can run other MMO's without no problems, but yet this one has so many latency problems with it due to server instabilities.
  9. Wow people needing on loot for their companions. How hard is it to ask someone if they need it first? If they don't need it then ask if you can have it. If you just need on it without asking, then you are just showing people how rude and disrespectful you are.
  10. I personally believe that the loss of all of the other servers and merging most of them together for the F2P thing has totally hindered the games stability. If they want it fixed, they need to add more servers and give people the option of free character transfer.
  11. I would love to see a gatling style assault weapon for troopers. A barrel that starts spinning when its off your shoulder and spins when it is fired. Also would like to have the sound effect that was used in the alderaan cinematic. This would be sick!
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