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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Glorthox

  1. Stability wouldn't be such an issue if there were more servers instead of less. I used to be able to run this game without any problems. And since the initial merger it has been HELL! Now they want to make it even worse before the expansion is released!? Now this seems like they have lost their minds! My god EAware it isn't hard giving incentives to being a subscriber that far out weight's the F2P person.


    EAware for the love of god, you guys really need to back off and take another look at this before making it real. Otherwise you will lose what subscribers you do have left and the game will end.

  2. Well survivablity for tanks should be addressed as well as threat generation in the aoe department. Assassins have such a huge advantage when it comes to AOE threat. But tanks IMO seriously need an overhaul, they should naturally have more health and survive longer than the average dps or healer.
  3. It is just me or would any other assault cannon shooting trooper like to have a spacey looking gatling assault cannon? They could have done this with the aurek or grek. But I was thinking beefier and badder. Have the barrel actually spin when fired and have the sound effects that was used in the alderaan cinematic. If they had something like that in the game, now that would actually be worth getting.
  4. Maybe if EAware would actually start caring about their subscribers a bit more and give subscribers way more than the free to play person. This might actually bring more people into the subscriber base. 500 cartel market coins a month is such a joke. If it was 1000 that would be a start. But I too have been asking myself whats the point in paying a subscription. The servers are still laggy on all planets and freaking horrid on fleet. I love the game, just wish they actually cared about their subscribers who still actually pay to play.
  5. Most of the things that cartel market packs have are a bit lacking. Color crystals aren't bad, but the rest of gear and weapons are really lacking in terms of creativity. If the cartel market is going to remain a money maker for EAware, they might want to make the pack items more appealing.
  6. It is pretty horrible that they haven't fixed the server latency. All of the planets are still very laggy and fleet is horrid! I think they failed when F2P was released and they got rid of a lot of the servers. IMO I think they need to bring back some more servers to offset the population on some of them. It might actually help server stability.
  7. I'd like to see swtor actually play like star wars movies. Lightsabers, blasters and explosions actually doing dmg, not just see a body lying there with no dmg. If the dead bodies looked like they were sliced in half, blown up, or full of holes would be nice. Violence is everywhere in games anymore, so why is this game dumbed down? Make weapons actually look awesome. Mace windu sliced off jango fetts head and lightsabers in this game would only knock them senseless. This may be a minor thing, but I like to feel like I'm playing a star wars game.
  8. I want to see lightsabers be lightsabers. So tired of the lame glowing beat sticks. Lightsabers should be slicing off limbs and such and they aren't. You see slash marks and the occasional hole, but it fades and you knock them to the ground. ???? Thought this was star wars and not futurama? It's amazing that its the minor things getting looked past instead of being addressed.
  9. Well WOW has died for some because of their switch to a more kid game. Swtor has potiential but it really matters if they are going to fix all of the outstanding bugs or say screw it the cartel market is more important. Subscribers like myself don't feel appreciated.
  10. But no mention of class story, bug fixes, the crash fixes, and server lag fix. I am still hesitant to put my faith into a swtor expansion with no re-assurance that all the pre-existing bugs, crashes and server lag will be fixed. Story and companion stories were the reason I played the game and that fact it was star wars. But without new storylines there is no point in continuing. Fp's, opts and WZ's seem all good and dandy, but for some ( like myself ) without story continuation, there really isn't a point in spending money on a game that is going nowhere.



    Hickman, you want your old subscribers to come back? Simple, add more class story, add more companion story, fix all pre-existing bugs, crashes and server lag. If you can't fix the minor stuff, what's the point in asking for people to return?

  11. With all the tier sets I wish there was a different look between the tionese and columi sets. Same thing goes for the pvp sets as well. There really isn't much incentive except high stats, but most are in it for the look. And even taking out the mods and putting it into a set they like, they dont get the set bonus's unless they spend comm's on a specific mod.
  12. I remember someone posting about loosing their wife or GF about spending 800 bucks on their credit card. So the cartel coins are a bit out of control with some people apparently. Some have all the luck, while most don't have the luck and feel like they wasted their money. If anything, they need to remove some of that useless junk.
  13. By now people need to understand that Bioware / EA don't give a crap about their gamers. All of the outstanding bugs, catering to the cartel market, long wait times on the phone with customer service, etc. If they really cared all of the bugs and server stability would have been fixed by now and they wouldn't have to lie or mislead people about the expansion. They did say at first that the expansion was going to be free.
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