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Everything posted by Hakkology

  1. Ye i know it's silly but it's becoming more visible as i get more gear. It might also be connected to the tanks gear ofc. I use cloud mind early. It's just that turbulence pulls LOTS of aggro and occasionally i find myself out of panic buttons. We'll see, i need to implement a better timing for cloud mind as well .
  2. Dps numbers have not come up yet but i think it's very difficult this time to make an ideal raid group. Every class excels at a certain point and it will shine at a certain time. Every class has it's awesome usefulness. Things are looking up .
  3. I've only tried commando and sage. Sage on TK. Glass cannon is the right word for it. Commando also has amazing burst on short time period with tech override. But i can never race with slingers, when it comes to burst .
  4. Hello Nibbon, another comment about TK . Aggro is off the charts. Back in vanilla, if i'm guarded i never had to use my cloud mind (perhaps once at start if i have to get in a fast burn phase) but now it is getting worse. Even if i'm guarded, i actively need to use cloud mind or i take aggro. As i get more gear and surge, i'm taking A LOT of aggro. I now see exactly why they gave us force barrier. The funny part is, dps is still not that high but tanks are hating me already. They hate me coming as dps coz i pull A LOT of aggro. Turbulence aggro is off the charts ! Most of the time 40 seconds on Cloud Mind gets me in trouble and i have to pop a barrier. After the third cloud mind things calm down a bit but that's it. I also need to solve this aggro management thingy, any advice is welcome. Thank you.
  5. Thank you very much for all the answers Nibbon, they really helped me to figure out some stuff with Telekinetics. My previous parse was very low and it was extremely demotivating. but iI was able to see 2487 with the armor debuff+stim on a boss in a FP yesterday (new stim), a decent number if you ask me for BM gear and no set bonus with 3% miss chance (and a bit lucky shots). Still, my dummy dps is not going any higher than 2250 (2212 is my best) "with" stim right now, which is very low and i'm starting to think i'm doing something wrong. I really need to focus more on power but EVERY BM gear that dropped gives crit at the moment. I use exo stim and no adrenals on my parses. I'm poor . Also missing Weaken Mind makes me want to quit parsing . I'm going to do more parses but i doubt any of these parses mean anything until the lag fades. We'll see... Thanks again.
  6. Nibbon, for balance, does alacrity affect your dots ? Like in the same interval, more ticks perhaps ?
  7. http://www.torparse.com/a/178263/time/1365721185/1365721475/0/Overview Willpower : 2795 Power : 530 Force Power : 1672 Accuracy : %107,89 Crit : %29,31 Surge : %67,61 Alacrity : %4,06 The number is 2123 dps, test has been done with no stim and the parse has been edited slightly due to 12 seconds combat time with weaken mind. I'm also lacking half of my augments, no set bonuses were present during this parse. I'm mastering the rotation slowly, i should use MC more often instead of DT. Despite the 2 sec cast time it does good dps and i should have been able to cast Mental Alacrity 4 times, relic and potency 3 times in 5 minutes. MC reduces it's cooldown but it also has too long cast time . I also have %2,41 miss chance, TK wave has %8.7 miss chance... I decided to fully get accuracy items, this won't work otherwise. Exo stim gives amazing boost, which makes me believe that the power and willpower are still truly important for us. I'm going to do more tests, better perfected rotations. Willpower>Accuracy>Power>Alacrity>Surge>Crit This is what i have in mind but Willpower>Accuracy>Crit>Surge>Power>Alacrity Is more like my current gear. This setup clearly lacks numbers and the momentum i'm looking for. The dps result actually proves that stacking crit is wrong. I need more power but every gear that drops seems to be giving crit . I'm open for any advice and any feedback to improve the dps i'm doing, i'm almost 70% Black Market and the dps seems to low for this. Note: I'm also getting stupid lagspikes like every ten seconds or so, this would have been a lot more different if i didn't have so much lag.
  8. I wanna stack power but i keep getting crits from my BM drops . Is high crit actually useful for us ?
  9. It's a close number for Arkanians, 66% (432/288) it is. It's more like 60% if i'm correct. Thanks for responding mate. Didn't know that spreadsheet was for Arkanian, we'll see how it goes. Also i'm starting to think maybe having some more secondary stats and having like 1% accuracy miss chance might give better dps values. Optimization is going to be so much fun ! AoE is terrible, yes. I so understand why we have the barrier now. But i'm getting used to it. I just go slow when Cloud Mind is in cooldown. Dps value are getting much better as i keep picking gear, just saw 2350 today on Gil with still %107 accuracy. Overall things are getting better but i'm still not liking the squishiness and the intense need for accuracy. I only wish we had small amount of hit chance coming from our talents. I'm also getting used to using all three cooldowns but MC still doesn'T feel right. I always had very high alacrity back in vanilla and now it's getting worse. We'll see, it's not thta hopeless .
  10. 1) But even for end game gearing, its %66 ! How is it going to be with early gearing like ours ? That's what Nibbon's theorycrafting says also, that's where i got the number. 432 accuracy is a must. 3) In HM flashpoints, you get to kill mobs so fast, Cloud Mind will ALWAYS be in cooldown. I'm not even going to talk about the barrier cooldown. 40 seconds is a curse. You really think i don't use it ? I'm smashing the button after every second TK wave proc aoe ! And have you tested how FAST you can die ? It's like approximately 16k (6k + 4k + 6k)damage within five seconds as in aoe, no time is going to be ample enough for that . The funny part that i noticed is, i even get threat when my target resists my attack. Is this true ? This is just an observation, not a proven fact. 2) Okay i know this part, and this is what saddens me. I was a pretty good sage back then but i'm not seeing the numbers i used to see on parses and i miss a lot. I always preferred alacrity coz i hated the long MC casts. Now i am doomed to stack accuracy instead of alacrity. Long MC casts are the ones that are discouraging. I think i should give this some time, you are right about this. 4) The right thing would be to activate anything when it comes on, right ? Not wait for them to synergy with each other. I gotta work on this, i hated cd timers on wow but i never had this many seperate cooldowns . My issue is more with the sustained dps but yes, we have amazing burst now. Thanks for the response anyway. My final solution is, i'm going to try 432 accuracy first, then about 50 or so alacrity, that's how much i can get with black markets.
  11. Both, single target is mostly managable with cloud minds but sometimes 40 sec is just too much to keep it. Trash is just a disaster anyway...
  12. Hello there guys. I'm just checking TK sage and trying to get its gameplay. It looks a lot of fun, too many stuff going on but i have reasons to believe it's currently broken. 1)I'm a bit disappointed about accuracy. It seems we need 432 with the math to not to miss, and very few stats left even at endgame to alacrity or surge. At this early point, we are all doomed with accuracy. I'm not loving this at all, casting MC for 2 seconds is just wrong and dissatisfactory. What was Bioware thinking ? Don't you want us to make use of other secondary stats ? No alacrity ? No surge ? How are we going to optimize this ? Give us a talent that increases our hit chance please ! 2)I'm seeing very large numbers, i'm taking A LOT of aggro, not even able to manage cloud mind most of the time but the dps in combat is horrible, seeing 1900-2000 at most. Makes me feel sage dps is ALL eye-candy, it can be pushed but not too high. 3)I'm the most insane aoe damage dealer around but i'm also the most squishy rdps ever to come. Every time i decide to aoe, i find myself checking the cd of barrier or forcespeeding away after using aoes. It's not the tanks fault, considering the aoe damage i deal it is what it should be. 4)It was extremely dependent on procs already, now it is worse. We need to use MC to lower the cd of Mental Alacrity and you can never tell it's exacty cd timer since it keeps decreasing. It is like three different cooldowns on a different pace now, Relic, Mental Alacrity, Force Potency. So, anyone else enjoying TK right now ? How are you optimizing ? Should we go full accuracy ? Am i just looking at the empty side of the glass ? Any comment is welcome. Thanks for reading. All the best.
  13. Thanks for the response. You are correct, i now see the fail of my logic. I'm about to go cap accuracy and test some dps on dummy soon.
  14. Hello there, and thanks again for the theorycrafting. I find myself asking a big question at this point for TK sage dps. Alacrity vs Surge. People seem to be focusing on surge, trying to raise it to 75%. However, alacrity has also gotten a huge buff. Also it would be ridiculous if BW wanted us to cast MC for 2 seconds and keep a stable dps. Accuracy is a must anyway, we must keep stacking it. I'm losing too much dps as it is with major misses and resists. I can fix this but i'm not sure which stat i should focus on after this. I think there is a golden number for alacrity to make your "third mental alacrity" come up at the same time with your power relic. Time will show. I really would like to hear a comment from someone about this. Thank you. All the best.
  15. Are you guys serious ? I only manage to hit 2100 or so right now with 104% accuracy, it's impossible to do that amount of damage on TK. Show me some parses please. Note: Try it on ops dummy please...
  16. RNG procs and RNG mechanics makes the class more unstable as you said, there is probably going to be a huge difference between numbers. I'm mostly interested in PvE content and you don't want that in a HM. I think i'm going to go balance as well, i tried lots of parses with TK sage back in PTS and all ended in disappointment to keep a stable dps ( 2150-2350, changing ). There is too many RNG's going on with procs. I probably could do more if i used my old 22 augments but i just tried parsing with the Arkanians raw. I also wonder if project should be used on a stationary dps rotation now ?
  17. I've done lots parses, 5 parses with 880 power, 850 power, 820 power, 790 power, 760 power. Here are the dps averages: 760 : 1753 (had a terrible 1683 parse there, due to lag but i was tired so i didn't retry.) 790 : 1788 820 : 1813 (had a nice 1877 parse there, quite amazed .) 850 : 1802 880 : 1783 However, the number is very dependant on procs and the lag i've been having near the dummy in Gav Daragon. I took the average of my numbers but the numbers varied so much, it was difficult to get certain results. These results gave me one conclusion, sage dps is not stable. Switching between 27A and 27 mods might change it slightly but the RNG procs give huge differences between parses and such minor differences should be insignificant in your overall dps. I also think that i'm losing too much dps when i reach 880 because of the crit getting lower, it was %34,82 at that point. 850 should have been much better, higher than %35 crit, more power but for some reason parses don't look that good, probably procs. Note: The parse i first posted is 1891 with some editing, which is my record. Feels good to get close to 1900, but a commando friend is running for 2k so . Are there other TK sages doing better than this ? I know 2.0 is close but i really would like to learn if i'm doing something wrong. http://www.torparse.com/a/179331/time/1364254299/1364254599/0/Overview
  18. Thank you very much for the TK sage. With the set bonus and the cd decrease, we'll be able to use Mental Alacrity like every 40 seconds . The parses i tried after getting Arkanian stuff (no augments at all, no relics) couldn't go above 2300 so i'm deadly scared about the TK sage. I really hope that it'll be competitive enough with other classes this time, and i can master it in time.
  19. Thank you for studying the parses carefully. And you are right with the difference between 750-780 power. I will try even more parses when i have the time. And okay, i will also use TorParse on my next parses. 5 parses with all the changes, got it. All the parses will be done with prototype stim and all the four buffs. I'm also going to post my stats here after the parses in detail with all the changes so that you can get an idea about what's going on. Thank you very much guys, optimization has always been rather fun for me and i really want to find the golden numbers for my sage.
  20. Thanks for the detailed technical information. I also know that our class largely depends on RNG procs, so dps difference is acceptable. I know the difference between total damage is small and i keep losing the bonus damage done on attacks. However for some reason, surge and the critical bonus must be closing the gap, maybe enlarging it. http://www.fryingtime.com/?filename=combat_2013-03-26_01_01_40_272932.txt#01_31_39_321000 These are the last three parses i pulled, first parses with 810 power, second with 780 power, last with 750 power. Gaining 17 willpower each (+1 due to talent), due to 27A aptitude mods. Also remove about 9-10 seconds from each, taking weaken mind out of the equation. I will do more and more parses about this to come up with a stable number, or just see that it is more related on RNG procs. You will see i even missed a turbulence on the last two parses . I need to clarify this, i'm seeing this difference in almost all of my parses. I might be missing something else here, i feel i'm very close to optimizing and i'm doing something wrong.
  21. I played both the jedi knight story and the consular story and i personally loved the consular story. Might include spoilers, so i'm going to tag these for my dear story loving friends.
  22. After my last parse hitting a 1878 (1848 for 5 minutes, 13 seconds stuck in combat lost due to weaken mind, 1878 being the result.) dps, i'm %95 certain that power has diminishing returns, and is not "optimal" for "sages" to have more power than 750. While i fully agree that the tradeoff sounds extremely stupid, main stat (27A) becomes much better compared to power (27) in anyway if you have more than 750 power, despite the lower addition. I'm sorry man, you might have to recheck your facts. All the best.
  23. I believe this was the direction they should have started with. Game would be a lot cheaper. I'd make 4 stories, 1 for knight+consular, 1 for trooper+smuggler, 1 for warrior+inquisitor, 1 for bounty hunter and agent. Same story, different motivation with different lines. I would be fine doing the same story with all the other class quests as long as i get my own lines playing my own class, saying what i want. As long as i got to participate in the story with my own character, i considered that a win. Perfect decision, and i hope to see more of it.
  24. But it clearly is giving me better results . I know the trade-off sounds a bit stupid but power might have bad dmr after a certain number. I've got to try a bit more parses with both mods.
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