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Everything posted by Hakkology

  1. Hated Tera with the footage i've seen but i'm so going for GW2.
  2. Well i'm happy with the consular changes anything is better than the old one but true, some classes have a right to be angry.
  3. Of course making customization kits for the ships is too difficult... It is somethink they'll think about, just not at the moment.
  4. Yea people made fun of me when i mentioned the overpopulation of inquisitors. Also even when you're 50, RP'ing with alts keeps the game running, for the moment. Anyway, you look very angry with the game, perhaps you should take a break ? About the company thing, as long as current Bioware stays away from Baldurs Gate+Neverwinter Nights+Jade Empire we're cool. Don't want another Dragon Age 2 with those games and i really HATE this dialogue wheel. We just got a Star Wars game that tries to be like WoW i'd say its good enough. Yea the lore, i know that. It's beyond repair now. Welcome to the world of whiners.
  5. Well even they admit this is a difficult job since the legacy experience is not stored individually but total experience you have earned is shown with all your characters. All they have to do is to legacy experience / number of characters. problem solved. Or simply ignore the legacy experience and force people to grind. We like it, we really do.
  6. Great news, it'll be easier to convince my friends since its free . Lets hope the game is good enough to hook them up . And well done, you made me keep my sub for one more month.
  7. +1 OP, not hearing good things about GW2 but , lets wait bro ! Now that is innovation !
  8. Yes i truly agree with the op and all the class stories seem pretty much finished to me.
  9. A character is only as good as its creators care about them. Revan was great in his prime but Bioware simply wasted all their great past deeds in this game by making Revan weaker. (Sarc On)Of course this is our story, who the **** is Revan ? ( Sarc Off)
  10. Well said, and great suggestions, i hope they will be taken into account.
  11. You are probably right with Bioware but you know, thats how MMO's work. People get bored, stop playing and wait for the next patch/content to be released. I'm just saying what is obvious, we can not know for sure about the subs but we know that the players are bored and not logging in very often.
  12. My sub will end in 3 days. Too many apparent reasons to count.
  13. Just something to consider, server population is dropping but sub numbers aren't. People are just waiting till the next patch arrives. They still like the game.
  14. The leveling process is real fun and challenging, hiding the grinding of the game. After becoming level 50 , all the things you do tend to get repetitive and its the same case with all the MMO's. It's just a bit easier here. Still , haters always hate. However, the real reason i post in this forum and whine about the game is that game gave us high quality content before the release, and i feel like i am ripped off. I truly thought they would bring some change with the gameplay, make teamwork real important, make all flashpoints as cool as Esseles / Black Talon, give us epic raid battles which doesn't include dpsing a single boss, give us epic battlegrounds which feels as if we are in a war ( imagine a dota like map where you also have to battle a small amount of weak enemies. ). More reasons can be counted but i hope you get the point. It's a great game but it is very similar to other MMO's we played before with a new pillar, story. It's a great addition to MMO's however the rest of the game still remains the same with others. It's good that you are enjoying it, i am too but that doesn't change the fact that SWTOR is a big disappointment in my book.
  15. This is what i expected of this game. Blasting the door with explosives ? Now thats what i was hoping for in SWTOR flashpoints. That moment when i first watched this video, my imagination called mind tricks for weak opponents, lightsabers opening doors, comboing moves just like the bounty hunter flamethrower+telekinetic throws becoming flaming rocks that damage my enemies even far worse, smuggler throwing oil bombs that burn with a spark, creating fire pits. Jedi moving in to counter vibrobladed opponents or other opponents with a lightsaber... Character classes should have benefited in their own ways to complete flashpoints. I'm not a game maker so my imagination is probably not important. Still, one can only dream. However, its tragic that two million people actually enjoy this simplicity and give up on their dreams trampled by a formula that we all are familiar with...
  16. Bioware, please at least consider making official chat channels that would merge a group of planets like, Hutt Space, Coreward Worlds, Seat of the Empire etc... At least the game would feel a bit more crowded.
  17. I'll admit, it sure looked a lot better to me. Or after doing BT 12 times the old one feels new to me. Can't really tell the difference. Blasting the door with explosives ? Now thats what i was hoping for in SWTOR flashpoints. That moment when i first watched this video, my imagination called mind tricks for weak opponents, lightsabers opening doors, comboing moves just like the bounty hunter flamethrower+telekinetic throws becoming flaming rocks that damage my enemies even far worse, smuggler throwing oil bombs that burn with a spark, creating fire pits. Jedi moving in to counter vibrobladed opponents or other opponents with a lightsaber... Character classes should have benefited in their own ways to complete flashpoints. I'm not a game maker so my imagination is probably not important. Still, one can only dream. After watching this video before the game was out, It never felt the same as wow and it is exactly the reason my sub will end after this weekend. However, its tragic that two million people actually enjoy this simplicity and give up on their dreams trampled by a formula that we all are familiar with...
  18. My laptop is N53SN model. I5-2410M 2.30 Ghz 4 Gb Ram Geforce GT 550. My PC isn't really suited for SWTOR. I bought it to play this game and this was what my money could buy. I can't do wz's. I can't even think of trying Ilum i know what i'll see. I can't even do 8 ops at some bosses, can't even think of doing 16 ops. As i just made a thread about it my loading times can get up to 15 minutes ( Not sure if this has anything to do with the engine, still a reason. ) It's all good while doing singleplayer campaigns but impossible to do anything when a lot of people cluster. I can play many other games great, without having issues like Skyrim ( Medium graphics ), Arkham city ( Again medium ). I'm sorry guys, i'm gonna put the blame on this engine and cancel my subscription. Cancelled it way before for other various reasons but this is also a bonus. Only 4 days left.
  19. I got this computer for SWTOR.....................
  20. Thank you, thank you very much. Hoth, 11 minutes. Actually i have been waiting 12 minutes now and it got me back to the server list coz my connection failed. Now i have to wait another 10 minutes. Alderaan is like 13 minutes. Ship is like 45 seconds. My laptop is N53SN model. I5-2410M 2.30 Ghz 4 Gb Ram Geforce GT 550. Can play Skyrim at medium. I'm open to any suggestions.
  21. Bioware please, i beg you. Do something about 10-15 minute loading times ! I get dc like every hour ( the issue is with my school ( dorm ) isp so can't do much ) and wait 20 minutes to log back in !!!
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