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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. the above adivce is good stuff OP. 2 other things to keep in mind :


    1) Juggs/Guards mature a bit later then other classes. post mid 30's is where most the talent specs start to shine. if you look at the Immortal tree as an example (currently), most the real nice defensive talents, effective CC options, and heavier damage skills rest in the top 2-3 tiers. It's later on that Jugg's start to show their colors. same with vengance and rage...early 30's fore vengance, 40+ for rage. the class isn't BROKE before then, but don't expect stellar performance until those critical talents come rolling in.


    2) Jugg/Guard has a higher requirement then the other classes in watching your skill use. Most the good end game tanks will tell you that successful threat generation and mitigation is boiled down to how you rotate your skills, and CD's. and i'm not just talking about a simple rotation, I'm talking about a dozen or more skills that can all help you, and need to be hit at the right time. learning curve is higher, and repercussions for making the wrong choices affect you much faster then the other tanks.


    all that said and done, it's still the best class in the game IMO. I have a hard time playing anything else.

  2. Yo hello.


    I was just wondering what specc you guys likes the most. On my server most Dps juggs are rage specc, dont know really why :p I play as vengance and i like it better i dont know if i do more damage or not but i think i have better survivability and mobility. My damage is about 250-300k each warzone .


    I tried rage specc also but meh i dont like that you have to depend on 1 attack so much, and its pretty easy to miss imo.


    So what do you guys think about the rage and vengance specc and what do you play as/prefer ?


    you should probably define PvP in your title. was about to reply then noticed that you mention warzones :D I'm solely a PvE player.


    Net result you'll get from most though is: Both are good specs, both work in PvP. Rage is the more common go to simply because it excels at burst damage. Vengeance's advantages are defensive talents.


    there are plenty of people who play vengeance in PvP, but rage will be the default. immortal is pretty popular as well actually...with a immortal/vengeance hybrid being used as well.

  3. whats even funnier then the sheer amount of whining, and the small group of people who like to think they're the majority (or are seriously trying to convince themselves they are)....


    ...is the people who continually come back to the forums and say (for the Nth time), that they're unsubbing, quitting, games sucks, etc. continually coming back to the forums to tell all the people who are enjoying the game how wrong they are, because it simply sucks....yeah....


    Ya know...the last MMO that had me fed up...do you know what I did? I unsubbed and stopped playing. i watched a Movie, went outside, took a break from playing, and came back to a different MMO. I didn't cry on the forums...especially for weeks at a time. I unsubbed. politely told the company why I didn't like their game...and went on to the next one.


    Y'all must have serious attachment issues...or just really need attention. I'm very sorry that you feel that you have to get on the forums and troll other people and spread your personal grief...but It really is your own issue. deal with it.


    If there are real issues, go test them, prove them, and post those results. if you don't like the game, unsub. spare us the emo plz.


    Edit: @OrigionalBold - the above isn't about you. you bring up some interesting stuff that I just never bothered to find out about. my comments are directed at the general populace of griefers who rarely post informative information and instead just griped about the game in general.

  4. Read this. Rage Juggs have been nerfed, and the play style somewhat changed.


    FOR PVP. It seems you guys tend to miss that allot when your discussing the changes. It impacts a single aspect of the game to a certain degree.


    to the OP: PvE for the most part actually got a mild buff. the changes impact PvP depending upon your playstyle.


    to me most the dissapointment in general (a.k.a. not just PvP focused) comes from the idea that most were hoping for more then what we got. time will tell if its enough, but compared to how much many of the other classes were brought down, were in a pretty good place atm.

  5. this is a pretty loaded question. It's tough to compare things directly, beucase most people will always have their favorite aspects of "MMO A", and compere this game too those aspects only. it also opens the door for people to also gripe about what they don't like 9as you've noticed by now).


    However, ill do my best :) here's what I love:

    1) It's an MMO for KotOR players. Seriously, its pretty much a KotOR on steroids. And I LUUUVED KotOR.

    2) VO

    3) quest with NPC interactions you actually want to hear (at least the first few times through...but there are still parts that Ill slow down and listed to...even the 10th time through)

    4) Lightsabers!

    5) Crafting. Not the best, not the worst. but definitely on the upper scale IMO. this and LotRO have the best crafting systems I've played to date (caveat: played to date).

    6) Lightsabers!

    7) I can romance a cute little button of a girl, a hot twi'lek with a snazzy attitude, a goth chick with totally vamp tattoos, and an evil sex crazed psycho all at the same time. And I can tell that whiny little Quinn to piss off, and he still heals me.

    8) Attack animations rule. This is a big deal to me, so much so that i still play some MMO's solely cause the toons look amazing when they fight (Aion Gladiators FTW!)

    9) did I mention Lightsabers? Lightsabers and Romance!

    10) While were on the subject, the companion system. has it's quirks, but still a great idea. you actually have up to 6 classes to gear up and tinker with at the same time (including you). 7 once 1.2 hit and that irritating ship droid actually has a purpose.

  6. I did it on second try with my Vengance Jugg. first try I attacked both. Second time I focus fired the apprentice down first


    First try on Jugg#2 who was immortal specced. same tactic as above...focus fire on apprentice and down before Jedi enters fray. Wasn't easy, but it is doable. it really pushes your knowledge of the class.


    BTW, in the last Q&A they stated that the hard class bosses are by design. Jugg's aren't the only ones with a few tough fights. I've helped multiple guild Operatives on the dude in the ship (not sure who he is, the one that bugs allot), and multiple times I've helped random Inquisitors on their class legendary boss.


    we all have at least one of those, and It's apparently by design. By the way...not going to ruin the legendary class quest for the Jugg for ya, but a quick tip: if you have a chance to rest, heal up, and let your defensive CD's refresh in the fight....DO IT.


    Edit: And a note on the specs. Both Immortal and Vengeance play a bit differently. Vengeance can rock, but it feels much smoother with Quinn as your perma-companion. I leveled faster as Vengeance with quinn then I am as immortal with whoever (usually vette). Vengeance with a non healing companion can definitely feel squishier, but for both specs it takes digging into your toolbox and really fleshing the class out to make it work. Immortal just has a bit more flexibility in it.

  7. It's pretty nice to see all the different thoughts on why people like what they liked.


    i started Repub, then went Empire. Coruscant was cool, but DK Wow'ed me. I think it's the impression that was left (to me that is).


    Coruscant feels much like any tourist place you go to. snazzy at the senate, but head out a bit and you are pretty much in the slums. Which, interestingly enough, fits the idea of a huge capitol. capitol is fancy, but outside of the areas that the "elite" live and work, no one cares. Interesting dichotomy.


    DK was almost intimidating in its stance. the towers are right in your face, and they are VERY slick. You walk around the main city, and you can feel how tight of a fist the emperor has on "his" city. the jungles around it are packed full of dangerous creatures and feel very dark and foreboding (which is fantasic!), It really makes it feel like the sith chose that location to show their power. and the sith ruins are amazing. you don't want to compare the sith temple (korriban) to the jedi temple. compared the jedi temple to the ancient sith burial grounds.


    the day my first empire toon set foot on the burial grounds was the first time I even felt a bit of "spooky" from the game. very awe inspiring. My favorite line to this day is Mako when you first enter the Sith tomb "I turned off my implant and I can still hear their voices! if I lose it don't leave me down here..."


    My biggest let down was the fleet. the republic fleet is very dull looking compared to Empire. I thought empire would be dark and "evil" looking, but it's actually more polished with more brighter things then repub was!


    Overall, Dromund Kaas still ranks top on my list of planets. I love the jungle thing, and the city is fantastic looking. But i also want to find out who design the Loc's for the mailboxes in DK and have "that" conversation

  8. Not completely sure what you meant about "damage you wore" but i'm assuming you mean that you noticed a significant increase in damage you took when you got the new armor?


    9 def wouldn't account for a noticeable damage increase. But here are a few other things to consider:


    1) there are certain points in the game that mob difficulty takes a leap. In other words, you got from section A to section B where the mob level is only 1 or 2 higher then A, but they are suddenly doing more damage. When I first started Voss, I noticed a big damage increase from Belsavis, even though the mobs level was only 1 higher then the ones i left on Belsavis.


    2) some mob groups simply have stronger mobs. Silvers (also known as strong mobs...they have the little interesting silver graphic around their picture when you have them targeted) can very immensely in their skills that they use. I can deal with a group of silver mobs that are easy, then run into a silver combat droid that decimates me a few yards down the road. his ranged attacks just tear into my juggs armor that shrugged off the melee attacks of the other silver just a bit ago.


    if there's one gripe I have about the mob design, its the skill makeup. it feels weird to breeze through silver mob A then get chewed up by silver mob B. the variability makes for interesting gameplay (some have stuns, some have knockbacks, etc). but it plays havoc on you when your trying to get a feel for how your class is doing.


    Also...as a last note. Make sure your isolating other variables from the environment. did you upgrade your weapons recently? if the mobs are dying slower, they have more time to slap you around. did you switch companions? having a different companions affects your playstyle. there's a ton of different things you'll want to look at.


    ...But 9 defense isn't it. there's GOT to be something else. I cant tell when i've dropped 10def in the short run. I can tell when i go from my tank form (50% extra armor, 6% damage reduction) to my DPS form...but that's a pretty bug jump. 9 def is a scratch. A flea fart.

  9. multiple characters leveled myself, on both sides.


    Have yet to have issues with quests being too high.


    I do no PvP, and i think I've done perhaps 2-4 space battles total amongst all my toons.


    And I usually leave quests behind. Here's what I do tho:


    1) Caveat: I level mutliple toons at one time. so often on 2 or more I will have rested exp. this helps allot. But for those who are solely leveling a single toon this won't impact you as much as it did me.


    2) Collect Heroics as you go along. Spam chat about once every 5 minutes while your on the planet. If you get someone for a single heroic, as them if they have others they want to do (and if they can share the ones you don't have). Laugh and joke allot...people are more inclined to do more heroics with you when they're having fun (pro tip!)


    Also, when you see people advert in chat for a heroic, SNATCH IT UP. even if you've done it. My most recent toon (repub sage), I volunteered to help out on 2 different heroics that I had already done on that planet. doign both heroics twice shot me 2 levels over the quests i was currently doing . She's now high enough to leave the planet, but I still have 2 full zones there to finish, plus my class chain.


    3) pay attention to "bonus" quests. i've noticed myself at times missing them...your quest log gets filled up and you don't realize it's a bonus quest for something else until you turn in the main quest, and its gone forever! finish those bonus quests! I'm usually 80% with most of them just by doing the main quests themselves...a few extra kills nets you a whole quest worth of experience...and often more, because those bonus series can end with an elite fight and massive exp. it's far easier to finish a bonus quest sometimes then run across the map for that one extra quest (yuk)


    4) if you liked a planet, and the bonus series is available for your level, do em!


    5) Flashpoints: same thing as #2 above. when your on the planet that the flashpoint is on, spam about every 3-5m a few times. I've had about 75% success with FP's by doing this. DONT wait until your at the end and spam for everything. do it as you play the planet.


    I did all of the above, and never had any leveling issues...even at the tough spots that most people describe. a single FP will often shoot you ahead of the leveling curve on the planet that they're on enough that you can easily skip many of the quests.

  10. You can go DS and be this amazing bad man who throws people about, viciously kills without hesitation, or you can go LS and be an *** kiss and a boot licker.


    The choice is yours, but I prefer to be a ****** so DS win.


    Chuck Norris = bad man

    DS = Psycho in a cool dress.


    I'd take bad man, but DS is just "I'll keel yu nao!"

  11. My suggestion, decide how you want to RP your warrior and turn off the alignment indicator. Base your decisions on how you want your warrior to respond and you'll end up with whatever story you want.


    I found it better than just farming dark or light points, and honestly some of the light options made no sense to me as to how they could possibly be better than the dark ones; the most obvious one being the kill or spare the General in the Black Talon flashpoint.


    That being said, I've played both a neutral-lightish warrior and a dark side warrior and the options for conversation during class cutscenes are very different, but they were both enjoyable. It was very amusing to see Jedi be confused about your light-leaning sith and diabolical in manipulating Jedi to kill the warrior's enemies for you.


    I agree with you whole-heartedly :) I don't want to ruin the story, so I'll just say that the confused Jedi part was awesome! One of the few times I really felt a click with an opposing NPC to that degree. And I added a bit of manipulation into that one at the end....I love getting other people to do my dirty work! (one of the few times I did a dark choice).


    On the grey thing...I'd prefer that myself with the exception that some end game items are locked out for you if your too dark or too light. or not enough. I got to 50 and grabbed a real nice relic I had found when leveling that i wanted to use...only to find out that it required light V, and because i did do some dark choices along the way. End result? I had to go back and do a "speed" run of BT to get some extra points. Yeah, it's easy. but sorta ruins the feel of the "moral" slider when you run a light/dark point slot machine to top off your "moral" tank.


    Doh...i just got 100 dark points by assassinating a village. lets run BT in 5m and get 200 light points to make up for it. and the ships captain will be happy AGAIN for the 37th time that I spared his crew.


    I think that they should either eliminate the end game items that have high requirements like that, or simply keep the requirements low. Like level I or II max. (i.e. cannot be used by dark II or higher, or cannot be used by Light II or higher). i could see a grey player being at least a level 2 in one direction or another.

  12. Not at all. I have more than enough money. I'm just saying that 250 more hitpoints is kinda... Meh.

    I mean, it just seems like a lot of the other classes class buffs actually do something. 250 hitpoints after leveling and ranking up the skill is such a paltry amount. It's barely noticeable.


    And....It's something other classes don't have (in the same context). My qeustion is...why are you arguing about an extra 250 health? Don't forget that it's per RANK. 3 ranks = 15%. 4 ranks = 20%.


    Who WOULDN'T want to be able to buy more endurance. It's not like they dropped the uber cool one button win skill and replaced it with this.


    it's health that you don't have to itemize for, you don't have to spend talent points on, and the credits are made back in one days worth of dailies.


    ...if you don't want it, ill take it on my juggernaut any day of the week friend.


    to the OP: the tooltip for the skill is worded correctly. it is not ambiguous. the damage readout on project is whats incorrect, and they are currently working on it. They are probably not being secret as much as they are correcting it and adding it to the huge list of "bugs" that they are fixing.


    at the PAX panel it was mentioned that the list of bugs is over 1200 fixed in 1.2 alone (iirc). i doubt that they're going to go out of their way to point out your "special" bug when there's probably hundreds of corrected bugs that other people are interested in as well. I doubt they have the dev time to address them all in the forums.

  13. IIRC it's AOE is the toughest thing to deal with. Just interrupt that and you should be able to handle it using your CDs.


    This. Watch for the AoE cast/animation, and either get out of the way or interrupt. I hadn't thought about the interrupt idea, but i avoided the AoE's and did it with careful use of my CD's, a medpack, and quinn.


    the first time i wasn't aware of the AoE's, and died. second time through, made it.

  14. I'm a light side fan all the way. personal pref, i have friends who like the DS.


    I prefer the light side mostly. It gives you more options IMO to character decisions. I've even had multiple choices with light points on how to help NPC's. DS usually defaults to:


    "I think ill kill you now"

    "I think I'll shock you now"

    "your going to die by my hand"


    "oh...if i take this your family will die? good"


    get's a bit boring after awhile. But, on the flip side, The Grey option really fits me best, but right now there are no real rewards for floating inbetween. sounds like this is changing a bit in 1.2, and will change moreso later on. But for now, LS is what I prefer. If DS had more depth to it, I may be interested.


    but right not it's pretty much "kill em all" mentality, when I always saw DS as a much more devious approach to manipulation and control, with an odd need for companionship. what's this whole drive that sith lords have with having an apprentice? they that lonely? But it's there, and adds a unique twist to the "dark" sith in the legend. but when I go to the choices for DS, it's pretty much that persons gonna die. and my dark choices with companions is "I'm gonna shock you again" and "I don't care what you feel"...when a real DS would care a GREAT DEAL how their companions felt, because they want to manipulate it.


    But DS is pretty much relegated to a psychotic murderer mentality. Just as much as the Jedi LS is a church school boy who never got out in the world. But For sith at least, LS gives you more flexibility then DS IMO.

  15. I love that this was moved from the PTS forum. What a spit in the face. Talk about treating your customers poorly...


    I've already unsubscribed because of the issue the OP describes here. There's just no respect from this company for paying customers. My advice: if you want BioWare to start listening, stop using their product and paying them to ignore you. It's action that will get their attention, not forum posts.


    It was moved because it violated the PTR forum policies. You should go back and read them. they are VERY detailed about adhering to those policies on the PTR forum.


    specifically, the policy that this thread violated was that posts in the forum need to SPECIFICALLY discuss features on the PTR. the OP even stated themselves that it WASN'T ABOUT THE PTR.


    Which is why it was moved. and be thankfull...they usually just close threads like this outright. they did it to me once, and I was frustrated...until i read the forum policies.

  16. I found a look that I simply love. On republic side, this:


    Savant Vestments


    Im not really a fan of most the other Republic skins (actually dislike many), but i love that one. While I know that they're coming out with a social model of it in 1.2, I'm not sure what level I'd be able to gain it, and I want one to wear as I level my new sage.


    Does anyone know if there's an orange model with the same skin? unfortunately, the tor link only shows the sith version. but it will still be what im looking for.

  17. Actually, to put a different twist on this convo...


    what would you give up for Push? If we had a trade, what?


    Force push is officially on the table boys! Bidding starts at a force camo! WITH the apppriate talent to give us the DR on top of it...


    jugs have passive ~45%+ damage mitigation ( maras - carnage/anni ) have like ~24 rage might be like 30

    rage spec a jug has basically 3 force jumps

    Force push

    endure ( would love that )

    your AOE snare - that would be awesome to have

    Oh and lets not forget your other utlities

    Taunt and AoE Taunt even when dps spec'd Thats pretty awesome .



    Woa its almost like you keep all the cool tanking ablilities while still doing crazy dps.




    I'll definitely give you the point on CD's :) possibly it's better to say that mara's one of the only classes more dependant then the Jugg? we still both have to manage them quite a bit. a comparative would be the PT, who really only has 1 CD, the rest is passive mitigation. But point well made.


    But you did miss one important part of my post, which makes your last statement incorrect. We do not get to keep all our passive mitigation while getting great DPS. We lose a HUGE ton of DPS when we drop into Soresu stance. All you have to do is look at the talent tree. Many of the talents that increase our defenses require soresu. also, many of the critical rage saving talents require soresu as well. and by the time you've specced deep enough into the immortal tree to get the msot beneficial talents, you've pretty much lost the dps gain from both the rage and vengeance trees.


    you can't get both on a jugg. the big difference with a Mara (pending some spec defining abilities) is that you get most of your CD's (the ones that gove you an edge in PvP) without losing your DPS. the Immortal jugg has to lose considerable DPS to gain the survival talents that you just "include" in your overall assessment.


    Plus your taking into account damage mitigation types that are very different. Armor reduction cannot compare to overall damage mitigation. our tanking form buffs primarily armor. it does get a passive across the board DR, but again, I'm currently losing over 6% damage across the board by just switching to that stance (12% if I have invested in Shien). not to mention 2 very big attacks, bleeds....


    On a different note, I was being partially figurative with my list. I really don't want all of those. but even with half of them the jugg would fare far better then they currently do. And Maras are in a pretty sweet spot as it is, given the sheer amount of tools you have.


    But all thats rhetoric really. you wont get push. muahahahaha! mine mine mine!


    but you have a jugg, so your already experiencing the best of both worlds! I would kill just to have a cloak ability on my jugg....

  19. Rethos' build is a pretty good one. It will be even better post 1.2 as ravage is getting a pretty serious buff (both in that talent, and in base damage).


    the reason most go with talented accuracy is it allows for other stats in your gear. think about it...you could get acurracy with your gear, but there's not other talent that gives you the secondary stats your looking for (surge/crit). so may as well invest in accuracy and use the gear itemization for surge/crit/whatever.


    Crit is important as a major part of our damage rotation is our crit increase on ravage. the talent only boosts it by 60%, so your desire is to get crit high enough to get the total figure as clsoe to 100% as possible


    Plus, if you look at your other viable options, nothing much will increase your DPS. The other talents may certainly look appealing pending your group participation (like the acuracy reduction from Quake...if no one else in your party can provide it, it's a nice debuff). But most classes can do that in one form or another. the rest are situational at best, or purely defensive talents. so accuracy is probably the best way to go.

  20. Hello Siths!

    Few weeks ago I started to play Sith Warrior and I really enjoy his storyline, gamestyle and stuff but...! Wouldn't it be better for Warriors to use Hate :mad: instead of Rage when fighting ? It's just a name change but I presume that it would fit Siths better. What do you think about that ?


    Interesting thought. Not sure I agree with it though. hate and rage are two very different things. hate involved focus on someone, whereas Rage can be a generic "feeling". Given that the game allows you to choose a light sith vs. a darksith, hate may not be an apt enough description for those who are simply "using that emotion" to fight, rather then hating on their enemies.


    I think the empire embodies a political idealism, not necessarily a personal live-view. So within that system, there's plenty of room for those who have different approaches to satisfying the political system. So IMO, the 'Rage' monocle is generic enough to meet the standards of whatever choices your empire toon makes, be it a light choice or a dark choice.

  21. If you compare a marauder to an immortal tank spec juggernaut then ya the marauder's cc/defensive capability will look like crap.


    If you compare a marauder to a dps spec juggernaut then you have ZERO to complain about.


    Why's this you say?


    Let's compare marauder to dps juggernaut.


    A dps spec juggernaut has saber ward which marauder has.


    A juggernaut has access to endure pain, a +30% hp for 10 seconds boost once every 3 minutes.


    Juggernaut has force push which can be used offensively given the right situation or defensively.


    And that's it for cc's/defensive cd's for dps spec juggernauts folks.


    Now let's compare that to any maruader spec.




    Marauders have saber ward too.


    Marauders have access to force choke as well.


    Marauders have undying rage which sacrifices 50% hp for 5 seconds of 99% damage invulnerability on a 90 second cd.


    Marauders have force camouflage which vanishes you from combat, drops aggro and grants invisibility and 30% movement speed for 4 seconds on a 45 second cd. With a certain talent spec you can either make this grant 100% damage reduction for it's duration or break all movement impairing effects. Boy that must be nice.


    Marauders get Obfuscate which reduces enemy melee and ranged accuracy by 90% for 6 seconds on a 1 minute cd. For those of you not in the know, 90% accuracy reduction is damn near equivalent to +90% defense.


    And we're not even done!


    Marauders get deadly throw. A 10m ranged saber throw that does damage and reduces healing by 20%. And with a certain talent spec you can grant deadly throw a 3 second immobilize from 10 meters!


    Marauders get cloak of pain which in a 1v1 fight can have near 50% up time and reduces damage by 20%. With this active you have similar damage reduction to a dps juggernaut in heavy armor. But, it gets better because with 2 talent points you can get the up time on this ability even higher!


    Marauders get Fury! Hey you get to be a unique and beautiful snowflake! With this you gain fury killing enemies and using rage costing abilities. Once you reach 30 fury you get to activate 1 of 2 awesome group/self buffs and 1 individual buff. And hey, you also get frenzy when you just have to have 30 stacks fury right now!



    I'm not gonna even go into the whole juggernauts do more dps bologna.


    Try getting to 50 and getting geared.


    If you want to dps as a sith warrior marauder has all the best goodies. The best pvp ability that dps juggernauts have access to is Unstoppable which grants 20% damage reduction and 4 seconds immunity to cc every time you force charge. That's it.


    Roll juggernaut if you want to tank AND have the option to dps, but don't go making up BS about how dps juggernauts are superior when I just listed myriad reasons they are not just from a cc/defensive cd standpoint.


    QFT...and for all those peeps who continued to rant about Mauraders needing boosts compared to Jugg's.


    If you pay attention to high end raiders that are doing tests in PvE, Juggs are only a small bit behind Mauraders overall in damage. to me it's a wash. mauraders defensive capabilities far outshine the Juggs UNLESS the Jugg goes full immortal, in which we loose a TON OF DAMAGE. You poor little mauraders don't like having to play with CD's? Sorry to break your bubble, but Juggs are as CD dependant as you are. Especially if they roll Rage for PvP.


    To the OP: The reason they dropped force push from Mara/Sent's in beta was because they were overbalanced with it. I'll tell you what: I'll give you force push if you give me:


    Undying rage

    Force Camo


    Deadly Throw

    and Cloak of Pain. and I want the Fury mechanic for my Vengance tree while were at it.


    I figure since were on the "they get something i don't get" train, ill throw my wish list in. or you can just tough it up and roll a jugg...because we pay a heavy price to get our nifty force push. Don't want to pay the price? don't whine. willing to reroll? welcome to the club. You'll quickly realize that the grass is greener on my lawn...only in your mind.

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